National Public Radio did a program on the secret life of food stamps and that is really intrigue me in so I'm going to start doing some investigations on in other ways that we can talk about Hulu is being healthy as we pursue this war on poverty and who actually is benefiting from the war on poverty so if you have any ideas please let me know contribute and we will take this journey together
Gravity Old behavior New behavior
Using the above diagram, can you explain why companies spend millions of dollars for advertising?
Difficult to change Often individuals find change difficult because their past behavior has such a strong hold on their thought patterns. It’s difficult to break these habitual patterns. How can individuals use this physics concept to their advantage?
Exploring this concept further, we realize that our choices give or take power from our habits. As we create new routines, this allows us to redirect that mass of our thoughts, habits, and beliefs in ways that support our goals and desires.
We spill when we are...
We spill when we’re in a hurry, when we don’t have the right resources, and when we’re under stress. The most important thing to remember is the idea that what we spill tells the world who we are.
When someone cuts you off in traffic, what gets spilled?
When you see a small child crying, what gets spilled?
When a friend stands you up, what gets spilled?
Gravity is a force that pulls. One of the basic principles of gravity states that the larger the object, the stronger the pull - the smaller the object, the weaker the pull.
Which of these black holes has the strongest pull on the ship and why?
Learned patterns of behavior that have become automatic. Habits are learned over a period of time. There are proactive and reactive habits. Our habits determine our behavior.
Routines are the basis for creating effective and beneficial habits. Our routines are directly related to our ability to create sustainable and impactful change. Oftentimes we seek to change behaviors without realizing we need to replace them with new and better habits, ones that will help us accomplish our goals. When we don’t take into account the gap between the old behavior and the desired behavior, we fall into unhelpful behavior.
Why did the coffee spill?
Why we spill When I lived in St. Louis, Missouri, I lived about four blocks from work. It was the early 1990’s and coffee had becoe very hip.
I worked in a office where everything revolved around coffee, meetings, coffee, meetings to arrange more meetings, and coffee. I loved the java. I had to have my cup of joe before I could function. I also drove a manual transmission Honda Civic. Loved it.
You do recall that... Even though I only lived four blocks away, I drove to the office every day. Since I lived so close, I always left ten minutes before I had to be here.. And that meant that I didn’t have time to buy a leisurely cup of coffee. Now, my 1985 Honda was missing only one piece of technology: a cup holder.
As a result, I held my grandmother’s coffee cup in one hand and used my knees and free hand to drive. I’m late, I’m rushing, and I’m driving. What do you think happened to my coffee? Yep, it was spilling all over.
Why do you think the coffee was spilling? Please list your responses below.
When I discovered this, it really changed the way in which I perceived my intentions and actions. It was a “WHOA!!” moment for me - the reason that coffee spilled was because that’s what I put in the cup. If my cup had been filled with orange juice, what would’ve spilled out? Orange juice.
What is an attitude?
Stubborn as a mule Which set of mules have the best attitude? The ones getting what they want. As we help others reach their goals, we are also helping ourselves. As leaders, it’s clear that we have little control over other’s actions, thoughts, or emotions. It’s our job to aid people and guide them to specific goals by engaging them in ways that meet both organizational and personal needs. This balance is vital to maintain sustainable progress and success. Our lack of progress in organizations stems from a lack of balance. Additionally, progress can’t happen if the understanding of an individual’s discretionary effort to accomplish shared goals isn’t achieved. We have to create an environment that allows individuals to meet their needs while working toward our organizational goals.
System of thoughts Thoughts/statements that you see as truth Thoughts/statements with which you agree System of thoughts that you accept, protect, and promote People provide you feedback but it’s only ‘true’ or useful if you accept/agree with it Do as I say...
Our actions speak so loudly that what we say is often inconsequential. Communication is frequently nonverbal. Therefore, we learn to trust the people whose nonverbal actions match their words.
Earn my respect.
Respect can only be given. True respect is offered even in the face of disrespect.
Boys will be boys.
Respect isn’t always granted to others due to the status quo, which is still intact.
Not my child.
Many people don’t understand that they have the responsibility to give and teach respect.
Disrespect is violence.
Violence is designed to cause harm, create fear, and/or intimidate. The same can be said for disrespect.
Anybody can fight.
Anybody can fight... until they get punched. We have to offer respect, even when we’re disrespected. Offering respect says more about who you are than it says about the other person.
Charlie Bit Me
In this video, a young boy sits with his baby brother. He places his finger in the toddler’s mouth and the baby chomps on his finger. The older boy screeches in pain. He tells anyone who will listen that Charlie, the little brother, is biting his finger. Charlie eventually releases his brother’s finger and the older boy complains about his pain. The two boys then laugh together. Do you think this will happen again? Why or why not?
It’s clear to us that the older boy is in pain after the toddler bites his finger. The boy could have easily avoided this pain by not putting his finger in his brother’s mouth - that would’ve been his antecedent. However, he did put his finger in the toddler’s mouth. The older brother was seeking something, so he was willing to endure the pain in under to find it. In this case, that may have been attention, approval, or affirmation. Often people act in ways that outsiders don’t understand, as if they’re working against their best interest. Our job is to point out where these behaviors will lead, then demonstrate/provide alternative options that will show the way to their goals. Respect... You have to EARN IT!
This picture clearly depicts a power difference. All too often we approach situations, people, or institutions as if there is no balance of power. Those in power typically demand respect from individuals who don’t have access to power/have limited authority.
In other situations, those who have been in a position to deny power or respect also find themselves in circumstances which reinforce the paradigm, denying individuals access to power and respect.
Describe what’s going on in this picture.
How do you know that respect is not being given?
Four People You’ll Find in Your Change Process.
We can surround ourselves with people who will be supportive of our goals. They will be referred to as adders (+).
We may also find that there are people who don’t have our best interest in mind and they are subtractors (-).
Folks who can see helpful paths that we may not see ourselves are multipliers (x).
Finally, there are also folks who cannot stand the changes we are making in our lives. They’ll become upset because we are disrupting the status quo through our journey. These people are dividers (/).
Choice: the power of humanity.
We are granted the power of choice and this allows us to create our own path, aligning ourselves with the purpose of our existence. Choice allows us to use trials and mishaps as learning opportunities. We evaluate the choice and decide if it’s a waste of our energy.
Awaken to the power of choice.
A paradigm is a pattern or standard through which we view the world. If the way we currently see the world is hindering our progression toward our goals, then we have the choice to shift our thinking.
E+R=O: Event + Response = Outcome
Jack Canfield’s “E+R=O” idea may be found in his books and seminars. It teaches us thatEvents combined with our Response to the event equals its Outcome. This equation provides a way for us to make sense of our lives. It empowers us to make better choices.
We can’t control events.
Our reaction to various events is integrated into our patterns of thinking. However, we can guide the outcome with an appropriate antecedent or precursor. An antecedent is the foundation for our patterns of thoughts which allows us to have greater control of the outcome. It is a phenomena that allows us to avoid an entire situation. |
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June 2015