The Facilitated Session
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We often go to others to seek education, wisdom and knowledge we are not able to find on our own. Perspective, schema and worldviews are difficult to shift without the ability to see and interpurt the subjective and objective balance need for change to occur.
Developing intercultural competence, Cultural Competency: Department of Public Safety, amh Intro sessionStudy online at 1.3 Roots of human motivation:Safety, Significance and Belonging 2.4 Truths about human behavior:1. All behavior is goal oriented 2. People can learn, change and Grow 3. Attitude is a response to a goal 4. People what they believe work, even when it does not 3.1830 Indian Removal Act:The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy. 4.Acceptance:orientation that recognizes and appreciates patterns of cultural difference and commonality in one's own and other cultures 5.acceptance:recognition & appreciation of cultural differences in behaviour & values 6.adaptability:our ability to change our interaction behaviours & goals to meet the specific needs of the situation 7.Adaptation:orientation that is capable of shifting cultural perspective and changing behavior in culturally appropriate and authentic ways 8.adaptation:able to consciously shift perspective/ behaviour in different cultural context 9.Affirmative Action:A Legal employment process design to promote equal access to job opportunities and requires goals and reports on an organization's progress. 10.Affirmative action plan:A plan that focuses on the hiring, training, and promoting of individuals in protected classes that are underrepresented in the organization�s workforce. 11.Affirmative action program:A program required by the OFCCP (see below) in which employers identify conspicuous imbalances in their workforce and take positive steps to correct underrepresentation of protected classes, such as females, minorities, or employees over 40 years of age. 12.American Indian or Alaska Native:(Not Hispanic or Latino) - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. 13.appropriateness:a person exhibiting accepted & expected behaviour 14.Appropriation:the application of cultural artifacts with a regard for or relationship to the culture who developed that artifact 15.Artifacts:the physical representation of manifestation of deeply held values 16.Artifacts:the things that people have created to express, learnings, joy, sorrow, spiritual truths 17.Artifacts (Koen):The physical manifestation of or demonstration values 18.Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino):A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. 19.Assimilation:Assimilation: taking on the appearance and values of the dominant culture. It is important to recognize that assimilation occurs under varying conditions: sometimes it is forced, other times it is desired, and its success is usually mitigated by recognizable difference such as skin color.Native American people have experienced forced assimilation through the taking of their children to white run schools to unlearn their culture—this is considered cultural genocide. 20.Attitude:the emotional outlook or disposition based on gaol accomplishment 21.Attitude:the physical, emotion or temperamental response to goal achievement. 22.Authentic Hope:The building of intrinsic value coupled with quality personal effort while managing an oppressive system. 23.behavioural flexibility:adapting one's behaviour to the specific situation 24.Belief:a number of memes and thoughts that combine to form basis of a system, the investment one has in fulfillment a segment of knowledge or truth 25.benefits of intercultural competence:- enable communication both locally and globally - move towards a more inclusive society 'there is a broad background of shared beliefs & understandings common to us all by virtue of being a human' (Foley 1997:173) 26.Bicultural:Embracing more than one culture or set of values. Effort to effectively achieve can lead to stress. 27.Bigotry:A negative emotional response applies to racial or cultural groups that differ for the holders own group 28.Black or African American (Not Hispanic or Latino):A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. 29.Blind spot:the area of knowledge that you are not aware of based on human conditioning and learning. 30.Change:the constant shifting movement of time, resources and environment 31.Civil rights:the rights of full legal, social and political equality afforded to all citizens. 32.Civil Rights Act 1964:This act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal 33.Cognitive Dissonance:When new truths battle established beliefs for space in our consciousness, we tend to respond with all manner of defense mechanisms. 34.communication awareness:negotiating appropriate communication 35.confirmation checks:direct questions 36.Context:The geographic position, educational environment, governmental system, time period and use of space where human beings are birthed, develop, learn and mature 37.Context:the overall environment, time, space, government and geographic region. 38.The Continuum of Cultural Proficiency:Cultural Destructiveness Cultural Incapacity Cultural Blindness Cultural Pre-Competence Cultural Competence Cultural Proficency 39.creativity:to produce something inventive through an imaginative lens & flexible skills 40.Cultural Blindness:Refusing to acknowledge the culture of others (dismiss differences) (ex. Lacks training to provide special services to minorities) 41.Cultural Competence:Understand the difference differences make (ex. Has balanced bilingual staff/customer ratio) 42.Cultural Competence (KOEN):Cultural Competence is understanding the development of, applied meaning to, the relationship to and the functions of Artifacts and Values 43.Cultural competency:The ability to communicate across cultures and to demonstrate cultural skill with members of a different culture than one's own. 44.Cultural Destructiveness:Eliminate differences (ex. provides paperwork in English only) 45.Cultural Disengagement:sense of disconnection or detatchment from a primary cultural group 46.Cultural embeddedness:The extent to which a dominant cultural heritage is incorporated into societal traditions and decision-making. Shared, collective cultural practices 47.Cultural Incapacity:Demean differences (ex. Puts down family values) 48.Cultural Pre-Competence:Acknowledge and start to respond to differences (ex. Recognizes oraganization's high dropout rate of minority participants and seeks change) 49.Cultural Proficiency:Learn from and grow because of differences (ex. Offers phone line services in multiple languages) 50.Culture:groups adaptation to context, learnings, wisdom, art, behaviors 51.Culture:The behaviors, attitudes, artifacts and belief system developed by a group to adapt to their context. 52.Culture:A set of learned behavioral patterns, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Groups methods of adaptation to context and environment 53.Culture shock:Physical, emotional, and psychological stress that results from extreme changes in cultural environment. 54.The Dawes Act of 1887:the General Allotment Act or the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887),adopted by Congress in 1887, authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians. Those who accepted allotments and lived separately from the tribe would be granted United States citizenship. 55.defense:other cultures viewed as threats 56.Denial:orientation that likely recognizes more obserable sultural differences but, may not notice deeper cultural differences 57.denial:inability to construe cultural differences 58.developmental model of intercultural sensitivity:denial defense reversal minimisation acceptance adaptation 59.Discrimination:Legal Process for answering in a court of law illegal violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 60.Diversity:Includes characteristics or factors such as personality, work style, religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, having a disability, socioeconomic level, educational attainment, and general work experience. Diversity refers to all of the characteristics that make individuals different from each other. 61.Dominant Group:Open or Easy access to power: Goods, Jobs, Services and Money 62.effectiveness:a person's ability to accomplish goals 63.empathy:relating culture-specific perspectives to each other 64.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):A commission of the federal government charged with enforcing the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other fair employment practices legislation. Purdue University is subject to these regulations and this commission. 65.Ethnicity:A group of people with shared distinctive traits and customs. Behavioral and societal classification. 66.Ethnocentric:Evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture. 67.Ethnocentrism:The belief that one's own ethnic culture or subculture is superior to others. 68.examples of pragmatic mismatch or paradigms:e.g. politeness, directness, degree of imposition, social distance 69.Genocide:The use of deliberate, systematic measures (as killing, bodily or mental injury, unlivable conditions, prevention of births, forcible transfer of children of the group to another group) calculated to bring about the destruction of a racial, political or cultural group or to destroy the language, religion or culture of a group. 70.Geralizations:A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases 71.Habit:cognitive behaviors that have become automatic reduce effort and resources to better efficiently accomplish a goal. 72.Hegemony:A system that is disgned to benefit the creators 73.High Context Cultures:Place most significant communication on non-verbal cues. Less significant communication focuses on direct verbal message. May not value written patient education - preference towards verbal - make aware of availability and allow the patient to decide whether or not to take it 74.Hispanic or Latino:A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. 75.human motive 1:we can learn change and grow 76.human motive 2:all human behavior is goal directed 77.human motive 3:people do what they think works 78.human motive 4:attitude is a response to goal accomplishment 79.IDI/Bennet Model order of monocultural mindset to intercultural mindset?:1. Denial 2. Polarization 3. Minimization 4. Acceptance 5. Adaptation 6. Integration 80.The Indian Removal Act:Passed by Congress on May 28, 1830, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Indian tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their ancestral homelands. 81.interactive-repair:jointly dealing with misunderstandings in interactions & constructing meaning collaboratively 82.Internalized oppression:The devaluing of ones own identity and culture according to societal norms.Women often do not pursue full medical care because they feel they do not deserve good medical care. 83.Intrinsic Motivation:The belief that with or without additional support I am can be empowered to make changes 84.knowledge & discovery:seeking information to discover culture-related knowledge 85.letting it go:ignoring ambiguities or misunderstandings & focusing on content rather than forms 86.Low Context Cultures:Place most significant communication on verbal message. Less significant communication focuses on non-verbal cues. May value written patient education 87.Meme:the smallest unit of human thought, much like the cell of a living organism 88.Meritocracy Myth:Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability 89.Micro Aggression:"Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults towards people of color. 90.Minimization:orientation that hightlights cultural commonality and universal values that may also maks deeper recognition and appreciaption of cultural differences 91.minimsation:recognition of common humanity regardless of culture 92.Mis-appropriation:the application of cultural artifacts with no regard for or relationship to the culture who developed that artifact 93.Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Not Hispanic or Latino):A person having origins in any of the peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 94.Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP):The agency charged with enforcing affirmative action regulations for government contractors under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 95.other-repair:rephrasing or elaborating another person's speech 96.Paradigm:the way you see the world 97.Polarization:judgement orientation that views cultural differences in terms of "us" and "them" - defense: uncritical towards own culture, and overly critical towards other culture values - reversal: reverse of defense 98.Power:The ability to do work. Using resource tools like : Goods, Jobs, Services and Money 99.Prejudice:1. A Thought Process, Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. 100.Race:A a social and political construct of grouping people with shared distinctive physical characteristics. 101.Racism:The assumption of inherited inferiority or superiority with associated discrimination based on these beliefs. 102.Racism:A Hegemony, base the constructed hierarchy of race,belief that one race is superior to another. 103.respect for otherness:treating equally to your own any behaviours values & conventions experience in intercultural encounters 104.Reverse Discrimination:The False ideology that the Dominant Group is being adversely harmed by advances of minority groups 105.Routine:cognitive repetitive process of scheduling , monitoring and practicing a skill, thought or behavior 106.self-repair:rephrasing or elaborating one's own speech 107.Social Justice:providing opportunities for people to gain all that the Constitution of the United States and the UN Declaration of Human Right provides 108.Stereotype:1. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or which does not acknowledge the value individual differences. 2. Examining a group of people based on artifacts and not understanding the function or mean of those artifacts 109.Stereotyping:Defining people through beliefs about a group of which they are a part; usually a product of ignorance about the diversity among individuals within any given group.Stereotyping Jewish people as stingy. Both selfish and giving people can be found among every group. In many Jewish communities today, the obligation to "tikkun olam", to heal and transform the world, guides individual and community involvement. 110.Target Group:Limited access to power: Goods, Jobs, Services and Money 111.Things needed to achieve intercultural competence::willingness motivation ability cultural distance cultural knowledge & awareness acknowledging reluctance & -fear foregrounding & questioning stereotypes 112.Tolerance:Tolerance the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. "the tolerance of corruption" 113.tolerance for ambiguity:managing ambiguous situations 114.Two or More Races in the United States:Two or More Races (Not Hispanic or Latino) - All persons who identify with more than one of the above five races. 115.Values:the deeply held beliefs, worldview, moral and meaning as learned from the groups adaptation to the context 116.Values:the deeply held system of understanding the workings of life, relationships, causality, life and death that inform world views and behaviors 117.Values (Koen):The deeply held belief system that have provides helpful meaning to events, geography and context 118.What is Intercultural Competence?:the capability to understand accurately and adapt behavior appropriately to cultural difference and commonality
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