Concepts of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Concepts of Cultural Competence
"10 Diversity dimensions" 1. Race
2. Ethnicity
3. Culture
4. Language
5. Gender
6. Age
7. Sexual Orientation
8. Religion
9. Giftedness
10. Disabilities
"Awareness" (assumptions, values, beliefs) counselor know thyself, dealing with and working through your own biases, feelings, fears, and guilt associated with others inside and outside of your own culture.
"black power" A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community., idea phrased by Stokely Carmichael, the belief that blacks should fight back if attacked. it urged blacks to achieve economic independence by starting and supporting their own business.
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail," 1963 A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism. Advocated nonviolence protest methods
"Playing it cool" concealing one's true thoughts and feeling in an otherwise racist society.
"separate but equal" Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.
"the pill" gave women greater freedom to be sexually active without the risk of pregnancy; birth control method that weakened the link between sex and marriage
#1 (in poverty) USA rank of 17 top industrial nations
$10 million Average net worth of top 1%
$10,000 Median net worth of african american
$100,000 Median household income (Prof. Degree)
$17,000 Median household income (>9th grade)
$1900 Average net worth of bottom 40%
$21,000 Median household income (9-12th grade; no diploma)
$35,000 Median household income (HS Grad)
$40,000 per year US median household income
$48-30 Thousand def. of middle class income
$6 per hour Average median wage of former welfare recipient
$64,000 Median household income (College B.A.)
$650,000 Bill Gates hourly wage
$74,000 Median household income (College M.A.)
$81,000 Median net worth of white american
% ranks the % of people in the norming sample who had scores less than or equal to the students score
**How an the counselor intervene with parents who discipline of their children is ineffective?negotiate carefully based on your judgment of parents' ability to accept information. You can offer more information on what might be effective working with a kiddo ... particularly if it is working at a school. Remember that some parents are doing all that they know / the best they can. Be careful not to exercise judgment.
**What are microaggressions?** brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, that potentially have a harmfull or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group
can be delivered environmentally through physical surrounding of target groups
feel unwelcome, isolated, unsafe, and alienated.
...children of color value... Children of color value the socail aspects of an environment to a greater extent than do "mainstream" children, and tend to put an emphasis on feelings, acceptance, and emotional closeness.
1% how much of the population belongs to the capitolist class
1. antigay harassment
2. transphobia -verbal or physical behavior that injures, interferes with, or intimidates lesbian, gay, or bisexual individuals.
-an emotional disgust toward individuals who do not conform to society's gender expectations
1. Universal-diversity orientation:
2. Positive regard:
3. Respect
4. Warmth
5. Genuineness 1. interest in diversity, contact with diverse groups, comfort with similarities and differences
2. see strength and positives in client and appreciate differences and values
3. be attentive and demonstrate that you view client as important
4. emotional feeling received by client from therapists verbals and non verbals
5. being open and "real"
1. When you are conducting therapy with Hispanic Americans remember... They may assimilate at different rates within a family
1.5 million Typical Income of the capitolist class
10 percent of the people in a Confederate state would have to take an oath of allegiance. What was the first step for problem 1.
10% Percent of former welfare recient with access to a car
10,000-down Typical Income of the under class
10. What contributes to Japanese children's view of education? Extreme pressure to exceed
11. Black family interactions tend to be... Gender role egalitarian and flexible
12% (percent) US Adults in poverty
12% how much of the population belongs to the under class
12. Children of LGBT couples tend to show healthy cognitive functioning
13% how much of the population belongs to the working poor
13. Full-time work is becoming less attainable for those in mid-life, why? outsourcing of jobs to other countries and employers hiring part-time workers
14% how much of the population belongs to the upper-middle class
14. LGBTQ therapists should? address discrimination at the beginning of therapy to open space and decrease power dynamics
15. Wilderson argues.. Blacks, because they have been stripped of their own epistemological assumptions are in such a state today that they have no choice but to burn burn burn with no plan for the future.
16. Judith Butler does not argue... ultimately represents human beings erotic desires to overcome feelings of alienation due to the repressed sexual path
17. Which of the following comments is not congruent with Freire's views of humanization?patronizing kindness propels workers toward independence
18. People who practice Islam may have a fear of counseling for all of these reasons except? It is against their beliefs
1830 Indian Removal Act The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy.
1924 national origins act Only allowed 150,000 people into the U.S per year. Specifically white, NorthWest European. (Practically ended immigration from Asia and Africa)
1990 ASCA moved to call the profession school counseling and the program a school counseling program
1997 ASCA published Sharing the vision: The national standard for school counseling Programs
2 additional hofstede dimensions indulgence vs. restraint: hedonism with self discipline
monumentalism vs. self-effacement:
stability with change
2 components of management of uncertainty behavior uncertainty and anxiety
2 Ways to Reduce Anxiety make our desires win over what has, is, or could happen
letting go of our desires by accepting what has happened, what is happening, or what could happen
2. Asian American couples - traditional what is the most effective approach? : (B) Structure and direction
2. Microinsults unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender identity, religion, ability, or sexual orientation identity.
outside the level of conscious awareness, but the subtlety is insulting.
2. The consistency set People who change an opinion, belief, or behavior in such a way as to make it consistent with other opinions, beliefs, and behaviors.
20% (percent) US children in poverty
20% Percent of men making poverty level hourly wage
20-25 Thousand Typical Income of the working poor
22 million Number of whites in poverty
3 common approaches of indigenous healing Reliance on communal, group and family networks to shelter the disturbed individual, to problem solve and to reconnect with family or significant others
Spiritual or religious beliefs and traditions of community are used for healing process
Use of shamans who are keepers of timeless wisdom
3 elements of critical hope 1) Material hope - sense of control young people have when they are given resources to succeed. Quality teaching is the most significant material hope that an educator can offer a student
2) Socratic Hope - requires both teachers and students to painfully examine our life actions within an unjust society and to share the sensibility that pain may have a path to justice
3) Audacious Hope - demands that we reconnect to the collective by struggling alongside one another, sharing in the victories and the pain
3 forms of "false hope" 1) Hokey Hope - if you work hard and pay attention you will succeed and achieve the "American dream." Ignores the laundry list of inequalities
2) Mythical Hope - false narrative of equal opportunity. It is a denial of suffering that is rooted in celebrating individual exceptions
3) Hope deferred - hides behind misinterpretations of research that connect the material conditions of poverty to the constraints placed on schools. Blaming the economy, common justification for poor teaching
* Many have used a framework of hope to generate social movement (ex. Obama campaign)
* Historically, hope has been a theme in the lives and movements of the poor and dispossessed in the US
3 instinct theorists: Freud, Lorenz, McDougall
3 major characteristic of counseling and psychotherapy is a. Culture-bound values- individual-centered, verbal/emotional/behavioral expressiveness, communication from client and counselor. openness, clear distinction between mental and physical well-being.
b. Class-bound values- strict adherence to time schedule, 50 min once of 2wice a week, ambiguous to problem, seeking long range solutions
c. Language variables- use of standard English and emphasis on verbal communication.
3 types of face needs control, approval, admiration
3 types of microaggressions
1. Microassault blatant verbal, nonberbal, or environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
3 types of sexism overt sexism-- blatant unequal and unfir treatment of women
covert sexism-- unequal and harmful treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner
gender inequality in hiring process
subtle sexism-- unequal and unfair treatment of women that is NOT recognized by many people because it is perceived by others to be normative, and therefore does not appear unusual
3. Following challenges to conducting multicultural research EXCEPT? Problems of random selection
3.Microinvalidations verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psych thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group.
3.The identity set An individual who strongly identifies with a particular group is likely to accept the group's beliefs and to conform to behaviors dictated by the group
30% how much of the population belongs to the middle class
30% how much of the population belongs to the working class
30% Percent of women making povert level hourly wage
30-35 Thousand Typical Income of the working class
37% (percent) Single mothers
4 million, 10 percent of the country's population How many freed slaves were in the country?
4. Native American person lost touch with culture and not accepted into main stream Marginal
4. the economic set The person is influenced because of the perceived rewards and punishments that the source is able to deliver. The major problem with the use of rewards and punishments to induce change is that although it may assure behavior compliance, it does not guarantee private acceptance
The authority set - some individuals are thought to have a particular position that gives them a legitimate right to prescribe attitudes or behaviors.
40-60 Thousand Typical Income of the middle class
427 (Low Income) Mean SAT verbal
43% Americans that thought lack of effort was main reason why people are poor
445 (Low Income) Mean SAT math
48% Percent of low-income 16-24 year olds in college
5 Aspects of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism Belief in Superiority
Belief in the Inferiority of Others
Power to Impose Standards
Manifestation in Institutions
The Invisible Veil
5 Aspects of The Culture of Power 1. Issuses of power are enacted in classrooms
2. There are coeds or rules for participating in power;that is, there is a "culture of power."
3. The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power.
4. If you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told explicitly the rulesof that culture makes acuiring power easier.
5. Those with power are frequently least aware of- or least willing to acknowledge- its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence.
5 components of language phonology, morphology, semantics, syntActics, pragmatics
5 Learning activities most likely to enhance change in developing a nonracist white identityPrinciple 1: learn about people of color from sources within the group
Principle 2: learn from healthy and strong people of the culture
Principle 3: learn from experiential reality
Principle 4: learn from constant vigilance of your biases and fears
Principle 5: learn from being committed to personal action against racism
5. When working with Hispanic family best to do... (A) interview father prerecognize his authority
504 of ADA federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabiites in programs and activites that recieve Federal finiancial assistance from the U.S. Department of Ed. - no exclusion from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity. Must recieve a free and appropriate education
504 with assesment any instrument used to measure appropriateness for a program or service must measure the individual's ability, not a reflection of their disability
53% Americans that thought strong effort was main reason why people are rich
560 (High Income) Mean SAT verbal
575 (High Income) Mean SAT math
6. African American parents who confront racism with kids, those kids c) lower rates of behavior problems
62% Percent of middle-income 16-24 year olds in college
7 Areas Noli article provided as solutions for culturally competent educators who are mindful of equity in education School Culture and Climate
School Policies
Equitable Incentives:Parents-of-color
Equitable Incentives: Students-of-color
7. Helm's white identity model - What follows the initial contact status/stage? Disintegration
78% Percent of high-income 16-24 year olds in college
8 million Number of blacks in poverty
8. The NTU model the therapist is A vessal
80-100 Thousand Typical Income of the upper-middle class
9. Structural echo systems therapy with Hispanic clients attempts to... look at family interactions to reduce the negative cultural and contextual
90% (percent) US stock owned by wealthiest 10%
____ are beliefs regarding right or wrong behavior of a given group and breaking them can result in punishment. ____ are correct, normal behavior and breaking them can result in embarrassment.mores, folkways
____ is when an individual has a high level of acculturation and becomes part of the dominate culture. assimilation
______ closely scrutinize asserted BFOQ and business necessity defenses in sex discrimination and harassment cases. They apply an even more heightened scrutiny standard in cases of alleged reverse gender discrimination. Courts
_______ standards and dress codes can constitute sexual discrimination only if they are applied in a sexually discriminatory manner. If sexual stereotyping does not motivate them, then they are legal. Grooming
_________ ________ can constitute a form of sex discrimination. There are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment involves a workplace benefit promised in exchange for sexual activity by the harassed worker. A hostile work environment involves unwanted activity based on the victim's gender that creates a hostile or abusive work environment and interferes with the person's ability to perform his or her work. Such harassment must also be so severe and/ or pervasive that it affects a term or condition of the victim's employment. Sexual harassment
A content group is ... Psychoeducational driven. A content group is driven by content material - didactic in nature.
A culture specific perspective viewpoint. Emphasizes differences among people. Emic (derived from the term phonemic meaning sounds in a particular language.)
A perspective perceiving that all people from a given group are identical. monolithic perspective
A process group is ... one that has a trained counselor or facilitator who can lead the group in accomplishing personal growth
A Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (Dr. Sue) 1. Conformity Stage
2. Dissonance Stage
3. Resistance and Immersion Stage
4. Introspection Stage
5. Integrative awareness stage
**Details in Chapter 11 notes!! DEFINITELY read!
A vagrant was a person who although fit to work, was without visible means of support or a permanent home and traveled from from place to place without working.
ableism is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities.
accents distinguishable marks of pronunciation (spanish, southern draw, caribbean)
Acceptance calm, peaceful, & accepting of death
Access discrimination when people are denied employment opportunities, or access to jobs, based on their race, sex, age, or other factors not related to productivity
Accountability Results Reports, School counselors performance standards , The Program Audit
accountability answers what questions how are students diffrent as a result of the program
Acculturation 4. One cultural group merges into another, evidenced by language adoption and ethnic identification
acculturation process of socialization and adaptation to the cultural values of the larger society
Acculturation the process by which individuals assume and adopt values, beliefs and norms of a more dominant, mainstream culture
Acculturation stress 8. Anxiety linked to trying to attempting to accommodate oneself to a different culture.
Achievement Gap - Disparities in educational opportunities and standardized test scores between minority children and white children
- The "stereotype threat" contributes to the gap
Achievement test provide information about an individual had learned or acquired
acting white a label used by some people to describe persons of the same race who take on the behaviors, values, and attitudes of the dominant white culture
activation the ways people react to the world around them
active strategies efforts to obtain information about another person by asking others or structuring the envi to place the person in a situation that provides the needed info
adaptors personal body movements that occur as a reaction to an individuals physical or psychological state, ex. scratching, fidgeting
adequate yearly progress a minimum level of improvement-- measurable in terms of student performance-- that school districts and schools must achieve within specific time frames specified in the law No Child Left Behind
Adlerian theory -people have a specific concern and need for social interest
-Emphasizes the future, holism, collaboration, and choice
-Focuses on the importance of childhood, birth order, and behavioral goals
-Stresses definable stages and techniques/practice in school and institutional settings
adlerian theory (Adler) 1. The one dynamic force behind people's behavior is the striving for success or superiority.
2. People's subjective perceptions shape their behavior and personality
3. Personality is unified and self-consistent.
4. The value of all human activity must be seen from the viewpoint of social interest.
5. The self-consistent personality structure develops into a person's style of life.
6. Style of life is molded by people's creative power.
Advantages of using small groups in counseling setting students experience groups as a familiar and natural setting for interacting, groups also provide opportunities for students to hear from and learn about others with similar experiences, groups allow more students to be served at one time by the counselor, and allow less active students opportunities to benefit by watching and listening to others
affect the expression of positive and negative feelings and emotions
affect displays facial and body movements that show feeling or emotions, ex. happy, sad, anger
affective styles more emotional and require sensitivity to the underlying meanings in both verbal and nonverbal code systems, preferred by individualistic cultures
affiliation used by members of a culture to interpret the degree of friendliness, liking, social warmth, or immediacy that is being communicated
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination.
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination. Improving economic and educational opportunities for women, blacks, and other minority groups
affirmative action legislation - refers to policies that take factors including race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group in areas of employment, education, and business; justified as countering the effects of a history of discrimination
Affirmative action programs a plan designed to increase the number of minority employees at all levels within an organization
african american english A rule governed systematic linguistic system
African Americans and CBT for Depression Studied in a medical out patient setting (Organista, 1994), reduced depression, but to a lower degree than among whites, with high drop out
no control group
African Americans and Cultural Brokers Over 20 years ago, one study suggested that a cultural broker led to reduced drop out and better outcomes, but this has not been highly studied
African Americans and IPT Brown et. al., 1999
Compared IPT to anti depressants for whites and blacks
Blacks had better adherence for IPT and worse adherence for medication
8 month outcomes revealed improvement across all groups without racial differences in either treatment group
No control group
African Americans could not buy or lease farmland in cities, they had to work under contracts they could not break, and children could be forced into labor contracts if they were orphans or their parents were poor What were some of Mississippi's strongest black codes?
Afrocentric curriculum curriculum centered on or derived from African history, culture, and traditions
age discrimination in employment act 1967 ..., Act that prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Age discrimination in employment act of 2008 Act that prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Ageism discrimination based on age.
Agency In the social sciences, agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. By contrast, structure is those factors of influence (such as social class, religion, gender, ethnicity, customs, etc.) that determine or limit an agent and his or her decisions.[1] The relative difference in influences from structure and agency is debated - it is unclear to what extent a person's actions are constrained by social systems. -From WIKIPEDIA:
Agender A person who is internally ungendered or does not have a felt sense of gender identity.
Aggressive (Ag) A term used to describe a female-bodied and identified person who prefers presenting as masculine. This term is most commonly used in urban communities of color.
AIM American Indian Movement. demanded greater rights for Native Americans and preservation of their traditions (i.e. restoring of burial grounds, cultures, and Indian pride in ancestry), use violence to make its point. Called for a renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education,
American Indian Movement; occupied Wounded Knee to bring attention to the government's mistreatment of Native Americans including their living conditions and their "Trail of Broken Treaties", as demonstrators in Washington D.C. put it.
Alaska Lowest Senior Poverty Rate
Alfred Adler- Inferiorities sense of powerlessness & inferiority; form basis of personality
make us do many of the same things that our insecurities make us do; both make us feel conflicted inside & both contribute to our experience of anxiety
all but one state was ready for readmission What happened by summer of 1866?
allowing slaves to become citizens In the 13th Amendment, nothing had been said about _________ _________ __ _________ ________.
ally comfortable with own identity,
initiates learning about others,
acknowledges unearned privileges,
works to change privileges into rights
that target members can also enjoy,
willing to take risks,
committed to taking action
Ally Someone who advocates for and supports members of a community other than their own. Reaching across differences to achieve mutual goals.
Aloofness/Charisma making others interested in the self by holding out information
Ex: Although he rarely says anything, HENRIK always appears as if he has something on his mind.
Ambivalence (feeling) a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite)
b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow
ambivalent sexism a form of sexism characterized by attitudes about women that reflect both negative, resentful beliefs and feelings and affectionate and chivalrous but potentially patronizing beliefs and feelings
Americans w/Disabilities Amendments act of 2008 ..., -prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals based on physical or mental disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act laws that prohibit discrimination based on physical and mental handicaps. Accomidations for individuals taking tests from employment must be made.
americans with disabilities act public law 101-336 passed on jan 26, 1990, which was designed to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities in private sector employment, public services, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications it was intended to complete what section 504 was unable to do the greater accessibility in buildings, in public transportation, sidewalk curbs, etc. can to a great extent be credited to ada
Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.
americans with disabilities act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
americans with disabilities amendments act of 2008 Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by current social climate in the country (e.g. aftermath of 9-11)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by degree of "trust risk"
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by embarrassment about use of minority or low-status language
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by inside or outside family
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by perceived causes of an illness or disability
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by personal life experiences (poverty, war, imprisonment, violence)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by personal relationships (in some cultures, need these with service providers before trusting them)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by reactions and acceptance (families may conceal disability due to embarrassment and guilt)
An exception to the EPA allows differences in pay that are based on bona fide ________, merit, or incentive systems or on factors other than sex. seniority
An organized guidance curriculum matches instruction with... 1. students developmental status
2. uses varied learning strategies for different students
3. promotes interactive learning processes
analogical style establish an idea(conclusion) and persuade the listener by using an analogy, a story, or a parable which he has either an implicit or explicit lesson to be learned.
Analyzing Assessment Data Consider cultural-linguistic influences
Analyzing Assessment Data Consider language specific developmental norms
Analyzing Assessment Data Focus on language universals
Analyzing Assessment Data Focus on the production of the client's strongest language
Analyzing Assessment Data Identify language disorders versus differences
Androgynous A person appearing and/or identifying as neither man nor woman, presenting a gender either mixed or neutral.
androgynous refers to persons who are high in both feminine and masculine psychological and behavioral traits
Anger blaming others & envy for others
Anna Freud- Mechanisms of Defense we all use denial, repression, rationalization, reaction formation, projection in order to reduce our anxiety levels
Anne Fausto-Sterling advocates for intersexual people
Antiracism racism is most likely to diminish under these conditions:
having an intimate contact with people of color; experiences a cooperative rather than a competitive environment; working toward mutually shared goals; interacting on equal footing with others; viewing leadership or authority as supportive of intergroup harmony; feeling a sense of unity or interconnectedness with all humanity.
Anxious Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment possessive & suspicious of partner; steals energy
Anxious Avoidant Attachment avoid partner & problems when anxious; avoid others to protect energy
Apathy (feeling) lack of feeling or emotion
applications of Vygotsky promotes learning contexts in which students play an active role in learning. Teacher should collaborate with his or her students in order to help facilitant meaning construction in students. Learning is a reciprocal experience
Apprenticeships: Courts were authorized to apprentice the black children of vagrants, or orphans, even against their will, to an employer until the age of 21 for males and 18 for females
appropriate ethical response when there is a professional issue of dealing with one's own stresses 1) inform her colleagues and administrators about the situation, 2) seek ways to reduce her level of responsibility and tasks to a level that she can manage affectively, and 3) do all she can to alleviate the personal stresses
Appropriate types of questioning as a counselor at the beginning of an interview, asking for more information about a topic, asking for more-concrete specifics about a topic, and gathering information for assessment purposes
Aptitude tests predict future performance or ability to learn
Archetypes (Carl Jung) form the basis of many ideas, thoughts, motivations, & emotional experiences that all humans have in common; recurring images/symbols that represent aspects of our collective unconscious
argot specialized language that is used by a large group within a culture to define boundaries of their groups from others who are in a more powerful position in society, used to keep hostile outsiders at bay
Art & Religion religions gave birth to priests/rulers- social powers from gods
pottery, wove plant fibers into wool into cloth, domesticating animals for food/transportation
formed metal into tools/ornaments
artifactual code system creations that people make, use or wear, ex. clothing style, tools, buildings, jewelry
ASCA accountability responsibility for ones actions, particularly for ojectives, procedures and results for ones work and program; involves an explanation of what has been done. Responsibilites for counselor performance, program implementation and results.
ASCA ethical standards on the use of computer technology in working with students 1) ensuring the applications are appropriate to the needs of the students, 2) ensuring that students know how to use the applications, 3) ensuring that the applications are nondiscriminatory, and 4) ensuring that follow up counseling with the counselor to students are all required.
ASCA incorparates 4 themes leadership, advocacy, colaboration, and systemic change as part of the frame work of the national model
ASCA Model: Accountability -Analyze have students are diff. as a result of counseling program
-use data to show the impact of the sc program on student achievement, attendance, and behavior
-guide future action and improve future results
ASCA Model: Delivery - Direct Student Services - School Counseling core curriculum - lesson plans designed to help students reach competencies
- Individual student planning - help students establish personal goals & develop future plans
-Responsive services - meeting students immediate needs/concerns, individual/crisis/small group
ASCA Model: Foundation - Professional Competencies -ASCA sc competencies outline knowledge, attitudes, and skills
-follow ethical standards
-protect both student and counselor`
ASCA Model: Foundation - Program Focus -Counselors ID personal beliefs that address how all students benefit from program
-counselors create a vision statement defining student outcomes
-counselors create a misssion statement aligning with the school's mission
-develop program goals of how to measure vision/mission
ASCA Model: Foundation - Student Competencies -Using ASCA student standards to assess 3 domains
ASCA Model: Indirect student services -SC interacts w/ others on behalf of the student including referrals, consultation/collaboration w/ parent, teachers, other educators, and community orgs
ASCA Model: Management - Assessment & Tools - School counselor competency and school counseling program assessments
-Use of time assessment (80% on direct/indirect student services, 20% other)
-Annual agreements
-Advisory councils
-Use of data
-Curriculum, small group & closing the gap action plans
-Annual and weekly calendars
ASCA National Model 1. Accountability - Data Analysis, Program Results, Evaluation & Improvement
2. Management - Assessment & Tools
3. Delivery - Direct Student Services & Indirect Student Services
4. Foundation - Program Focus, Student Competencies, & Professional Competencies
ASCA National Model four pillars foundation, delivery, management and accountabilty
Asexual A person who is not sexually attracted to any gender.
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters After the session clinician and interpreter discuss client's responses and clarify any remaining issues
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Brief before, during the session, and after
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Translator must be proficient in both the languages of the assessment
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Understand the goals and procedures, maintain honesty, neutrality, and accuracy
asian american cultural differences Different perceptions of disability
Respect for elders
Respect for silence
asian american linguistic differences Double negatives
Omission of plurals and posessives
Misordering of words
Asian-American identity development models:
Marginal person:
Asian American Traditionalist: a person who internalizes conventional Chinese customs and values, resists acculturation forces
Marginal person: Person who rejects Chinese traditional ways and attempts to assimilate into American culture, resulting in internalizing society's negativity towards minority groups- develop self-hatred
Asian American: A person in the process of forming positive identity, who is ethnically and politically aware, and who becomes increasingly bicultural
ask interview child, teachers, family, community members to help determine test results
assertiveness dimension extent to which people value and prefer tough aggressiveness to tender non aggressiveness
Asserts that change comes from altering external factors. eg. If you don't like the system, change it. Alloplastic
Asserts that change comes from within. eg. So if you don't like the system, change yourself.Autoplastic view
Assessment Models Best Practice 1. RIOT 2. GRASP IT 3. ECOLOGICALLY VALID ASSESSMENT
Assimilated we identify with the majority culture without much identification with own minority subculture
Assimilation 1. Members of one cultural group adopts the beliefs and behaviors of another group
assimilation the giving up of original cultural identities
Assimilation the process in which an individual or group is absorbed into a new social context through a process of acculturation that results in the individual or group's original culture being replaced by the new culture
Assimilation The process of fitting into a new culture or becoming like others in that culture.
Assimilation- a process by which members of an ethnic minority group lose cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant cultural group or take on the cultural characteristics of another group. True
(Episode Two: The Difference Between Us)
asylees individuals who travel to the USA from another country and ask for asylum or protection from being persecuted in their native country
Attending involves.. 1. Focused listening
2. Perceiving verbal and non-verbal messages
3. Cognitive and affective pats of the client's experience
Attitudes towards the disability and disorder can influence willingness to self-disclose
Attribution Error When the therapist holds a different perspective of a problem than that of the client. Ex: seeing a problem as internal to the client rather than environmental.
Authoritarian Parenting overly controlling, demanding, dominating & restrictive; have little regard for child's thoughts/feelings
child becomes desperate to protect/replenish their energy; child steals energy from peers/siblings
Authoritarian style group leader expert leader promotes his/her own agenda (teacher role)
Authoritarinism Erich Fromm - technique that others use to ward off anxiety
Authoritative Parenting respect child's thoughts/feelings, but also express their own desires/needs in respectful manner
warm/nurturant, but provides guidance
child feels secure/emotionally stable
Automaton conformity Erich Fromm's term for escaping the demands of freedom by accepting the personality type preferred by our culture or social group
autonomy-connection dialectic extent to which they want a sense of separation from others and attach to others
aversive racism manifested in individuals who consciously assert egalitarian values, but unconsciously hold anti-minority feelings.
Avoid Others when anxious and people are more socially powerful than us, they steal energy from us, so we tend to avoid them; we prevent them from stealing our energy
Avoidance avoid others who are likely to steal our energy; not for stealing energy, but protecting energy
Ex: MARKUS stays away from Parker because he always just talks about himself & never listens
baby boomers ..., Born 1945-1964; Individualistic outlook, workaholic, repect at work, loyal and dedicated
Bandura's social cognitive theory theory focuses on the fact that people can learn without being directly reinforced (vicarious learning). They can learn by watching someone perform an action.
Bargaining negotiating a way out of death
Basketball Boy Example - He comes back because it is fun
- He comes back so that he can be a part of a culturally rewarded community activity
- He comes back because he believes he can get better
- He comes back because he believes he might get financially rewarded for getting better
behavior checklist A checklist that provides descriptions of specific skills (usually hierarchical order) and the conditions under which each skill should be observed. Some checklists are designed to assess one particular behavior or skill area. Others address multiple behaviors or skill areas. Most use a Likert scale to rate responses.
Behavior counseling - developed from Skinner's operant learning + conditioning
- can help to make incremental changes
- behavior needs to be focused upon and understood (not Frued; no hidden problem)
- focuses on what can be observed/measured objectively
- operant conditioning to shape behavior/influence feelings and attitudes
goals/objective clearly defined
Behavior therapy interventions desensitization, aversive conditioning, behavioral chaining, and classical conditioning.
behavioral consultation approach school counselor actively obtains and evaluates student data, which is used to advise other staff members (such as teachers) how to best help the student. With a behavioral consultation approach, it is a triadic consultation (among counselor, teacher and student), and is considered depended because the counselee (teacher) relies on the school counselor to collect and interpret the behavioral data.
Behavioral therapy -focus on how to reinforce, extinguish, or modify a broad range of behaviors
-all behavior is learned
-no human personality traits
-learn thru respondent learning, operant conditioning, social modeling
Benefits of professional organizations advocacy, professional development, lobbying efforts, liability insurance, and networking, accessibility to resources and current research, and leadership development.
Benefits of small-group counseling for students 1. Natural interpesonal context for students
2. Creates safe context w/n which students can practice interpersonal skills and get feedback
3. Allow students to hear form others with similar experiences
4. Allow many more student to be served by counselor then in one-on-one activities
Betty Friedan 1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".
BF Skinner Operant Conditioning founder; can change behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after a desired response
Bias Prejudice; an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes with impartial judgment.
biased assessment assessments that favor one group over another group one example is tests that in the past were typically developed and normed on white, middle class children. children of color particularly african american and latinos have been and often still are at a disadvantage in testing because test items are more familiar to white middle class children the bias may be in the instrument the administration of the assessment or the interpretation of test results
Biases A tendency to believe that some people, ideas are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.
Bicultural minority individuals identify with BOTH majority culture and their own minority culture
biculturalism maintaining cultural background and American values simultaneously.
big and small types of power distance
Bigender A person whose gender identity is a combination of man and woman
Bigotry Prejudice; intolerance
Bilingual and bicultural education - Provide training for students' native languages along w/ English training
-Teach students about history and culture of their native country along w/ American history and culture
- Rise in # of Arab-speaking immigrants in last two decades of 20th century
- poses challenge to educators and students, both of whom are trying to overcome language barriers
bilingual education the use of 2 languages as media of instruction it accepts and develops native language and culture in the instructional process to learn english and to learn academic subject matter bilingual education may use the native language as well as english as the medium of instruction
Bill of Rights said that people had the right to have guns to protect themselves from the gov. and they didnt want that for blacks Why was gun ownership by blacks prohibited?
Binary When two realms are set up as opposites. When something is Feminine it can't be masculine. When something is masculine it can not be feminine.
Bioligical Basically says that men and women think differently because they use different parts of thier brain.
biomedical or western approach people are thought to be controlled by bio-chemical forces,
Biphobia The irrational fear and intolerance of people who are bisexual.
Bisexuality Also bi. A person who is attracted to two sexes or two genders, but not necessarily simultaneously or equally. This used to be defined as a person who is attracted to both genders or both sexes, but since there are not only two sexes (see intersex and transsexual) and there are not only two genders (see transgender), this definition is inaccurate.
Black Codes after Reconstruction, local laws passed throughout the South that restricted African Americans' civil and political rights
Black codes enforced a series of requirements that included poll taxes, property qualifications, and literacy tests,
Black cultural capital - "non-dominant" cultural capital
- Critical Race Theory (CRT) - the cultural knowledge, skills, abilities and contacts possessed by socially marginalized groups
-Epistemology - studies of sources of knowledge. Whose knowledge counts and whose is discounted?
Black Identity Development Model 5 Stages Preencounter
immersion-emersion internalization
Description in notes**
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest., Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest; "advocating self-rule for American blacks"
Blacks and Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia More cognitively base CBT for anxiety is more successful
Chambless and Williams, 1995 found that both blacks and whites improve, but blacks start and end worse, and exhibit less change in panic attack frequencies
Friedman et. al., 1994 found similar responses between whites and blacks
Blockbusting The practice of persuading owners to sell property cheaply because of the fear of people of another race or class moving into the neighborhood, and thus profiting by reselling at a higher price.
Boarding school schools designed to house and teach children away from their home communities. Especially problematic for Native American children because boarding schools were used to replace native culture and language with European culture
Bobby Seale militant founder/leader of the Black Panthers
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) founder of the Tuskegee and a high-profile leader of African Americans at the end of the 19th century and the first 15 years of the 20th; the author of Up from Slavery
Bowlby's Theory of Mourning similar process when we lose someone important to us
breadth of self-discloser the range of topics that are revealed or disclosed to others
brief solution focused counseling focuses on helping clients create solutions in a straight-forward manner within a
limited amount of time. It is based on the assumptions that clients have the necessary
strengths and resources to change and that counseling is most effective when focusing on
constructing solutions unique to each client.t shifts the focus from problem
solving to creating present and future solutions
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
Brown Vs. the board of education Stated the the segregation of public schools is unconstitutional and ordered that all states must eventually desegregate the schools.
Bureau of Ethnology a bureau of social science active during the New Deal; used experts to create a greater awareness of tribal cultural and potential cultural obstacles to administration
Bureau of Indian Affairs an agency of the Department of the Interior charged with the administration of American Indian lands and goods
busing In the context of civil rights, the transportation of public school students from areas where they live to schools in other areas to eliminate school segregation based on residential patterns.
Buttering Up (the Boss) make people do things that we do not want to do by telling them that they are better at it
Ex: SANDRA asks her friend Lauren to return her dress to the store for a refund because she is not good at doing things like that.
By what year did every state have poll tax 1889
Capitalism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
Capitolist Class (Class) investment bankers, CEOs, executives
Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) was most recently reauthorized in August 2006. The purpose of Perkins is to provide individuals with the academic and technical skills needed to succeed in a knowlegde- and skills- based economy through career and technical education.
Carl Rogers self actualization; the motivating force of achieving their full potential
Carl Rogers defined "congruence" as an ability to be authentic and genuine when working with a client. When a counselor's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are NOT at odds with each other, the counselor is better to be with the client more fully.
Carl Rogers- Process of Defense denial, distortion are ways to reduce our anxiety levels
require energy/leave us with less energy that can be used for other purposes
temporary fixes; reduce our ability to handle stress in other aspects of life (leaves us with internal conflict at subconscious level)
Carl Rogers- Unconditional Positive Regard an environment where we feel that we are loved, accepted, & respected just for being ourselves regardless of who we are/how we feel
Case History Interview Best Strategy to address differences is being prepared
Case History Interview Research in advance possible communication and other cultural issues that may affect the interview and diagnostic process
Case History Interview Work closely with interpreters, translators,, and other professionals who can serve as cultural brokers
case law published opinions of judges, which interpret statutes, regulations, and constitutional provisions
Caster Semenya Following her victory at the 2009 World Championships, it was announced that she had been subjected to gender testing.[2] She was withdrawn from international competition until 6 July 2010 when the IAAF cleared her to return to competition
Catharine Beecher (1800-1878) an advocate of women's education who remained prominent through most of the 19th century and who argued that women's education should develop their intellectual capacities for better execution of responsibilities in the woman's sphere
Cesar Chavez Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions, Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers.
Chainchatting speaks incessantly without listening to others
Chapter 9 Vocabulary:
1. Connectedness
2. Countertransference
3. Collaboration
4. Egalitarian
5. Empathy 1.having feelings of closeness with therapist, working together in an enabling atmosphere receiving support for change and providing equality of status in the relationship.
2.reaction to client based on therapist's own personal issues
3. shared process in which clients views are respected and participation is encouraged.
4. reduce power differential between therapist and client
5. place oneself in clients world, feel or think from clients perspective, be attuned, help them feel understood
ie those with color blind attitudes showed lower levels of empathy.
chemical code system interpretations made from chemically based functions, body odor, tears, sweat, gas, household smells...
Cherokee Nation V. Georgia 19th-century Supreme Court case that, with leadership from Justice John Marshall, established the doctrine of Native peoples as "domestic dependent wards" of the federal government
Chicano Name given to Mexican-Americans, who in 1970, were the majority of migrant farm labor in the U.S.
Chinese Americans and Outcome Studies for Depression Dai et. al., 1999
8 weeks of CBT led to improvement in both depressive and somatic complaints, 8 weeks of waitlist did not
Chinese exclusion act of 1882 (1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.
Cisgender A person who by nature or by choice conforms to gender/sex based expectations of society (also referred to as "Gender-straight" or "Gender Normative")
Cisgenderism Assuming every person to be cisgender therefore marginalizing those who identify as trans* in some form. It is also believing cisgender people to be superior, and holding people to traditional expectations based on gender, or punishing or excluding those who don't conform to traditional gender expectations.
civil rights the rights of personal liberty guaranteed by the 13th and 14th admendments to the us constitution and by acts of congress
Civil Rights Act 1964 This act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal
Civil Rights Act of 1957 primarily a voting rights bill, was the first civil rights legislation passed by Congress in the United States since Reconstruction following the American Civil War.
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was also Congress's show of support for the Supreme Court's Brown decisions.
civil rights act of 1964 (1964) law under Johnson that made segregation illegal in all public facilities, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. The law was passed during a period of great strength for the civil rights movement, and President Lyndon Johnson persuaded many reluctant members of Congress to support the law.
Civil Rights Act of 1968 provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone ... by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."
civil rights act of 1991 law that banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places and most workplaces.
classroom guidance guidance has its own curriculum and is not a way to substitute for the regular classroom teacher. Classroom guidance is a form of developmental preventive mental health and will help reduce the need for individual and other remedial interventions and is no less valuable then other forms of counseling intervention. Content for classroom guidance is intended for delivery by school counselors, although they may team teach with the classroom teacher. Within comprehensive models, classroom guidance is considered to be an integral part of the overall school curriculum, with identified competencies and learning outcomes for all students.
Classroom guidance: information dissemination about.. 1. educational planning
2. drugs and alcohol
3. sexuality
4. careers
5. personal safety
6. interpersonal relationships
Classroom guidance: prevention programming... 1. enhancing academic performance
2. countering cultural oppression
3. Teaching problem-solving conflict resolution
4. Coping skills
Classroom guidance: skill acquisition... 1. listening skills
2. self assessment skills
3. study skills
4. interpersonal skills
Client has improved too rapidly and real unconscious benefit hasn't been resolved. flight to health
clients of color prefer a therapeutic relationship in which the helper is more active, self-disclosing, and not adverse to giving advice and suggestions when appropriate
Cloture A procedure used in the Senate to limit debate on a bill
code switching Being able to switch linguistic styles for different situations
Present across different dialects & different languages
Cognitive Counseling Patients learn to control where their attention is directed or change the content of their thoughts.
ex. they learn to replace maladaptive thoughts w/ constructive thoughts and learn to direct their attention away from
Cognitive development assumes that children play active roles in developing their gender identities. Children pick models to teach themselves competency in masculine and feminine behavior.
Cognitive Dissonance When new truths battle established beliefs for space in our consciousness, we tend to respond with all manner of defense mechanisms.
Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with cognition and attitude formulation
Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy -focus on mental processes and their influence on mental health
-how ppl think largely determines how they feel and behave
-if individuals change their ways of thinking, feelings & behaviors will modify as a result
-CBT approach emerge later, using behavioral task to modify faulty perceptions and interpretations of important life events
Collaboration with outside providers While it is recommended that school counselors collaborate with other service providers for the benefit of the student, ethical behavior requires that consent first be obtained (need to get written informed consent from parent or student over 18)
Collaborative models are mutual, shared, and reciprocal
Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung) part of the mind deep in the unconscious that stores ideas and memories common to all humans throughout history
Collectivistic 9. Describes a way of thinking and feeling in which one defines oneself as a participant of a whole group over and above one's individual separateness
College education of women historically restricted to males, college-level education of women began to be more common in the 19th century as women's colleges were founded, of which several exist today, though some have merged with historically male colleges; most women throughout the 20th century were educated in coeducational institutions, though for most of the century women's professional options were concentrated in teaching, nursing, social work, and other female-dominated occupations
Colonial education of women generally available only to middle-class White girls and women, usually provided at home by parents and tutors, and often justified by the need for women to be able to read the Bible and teach their sons
color blindness claim that one does not see a person's race and treats everyone equally regardless of race
color blindness If color is the problem, lets pretend not to see it. To overlook one's racial group membership is to deny an intimate and important aspect of one's identity.
Colorblindness statements that indicate a white person does not want to acknowledge race.
Coming out To recognize one's sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex identity, and to be open about it with oneself and with others.
Communal Relationships form groups & share energy with others
communication accommodation theory(howard giles) explains why people in intercultural conversations may converge or diverge their communication behaviors to that of others
Communication perspective ..., Means to understand messages are exchanged and meaning negotiated between two or more people; Communications happens constantly in everyday life
Community control emphasis on community democratic decision making in contrast to state or federal government control of social and educational programs
Complete Transcendence & Boundaries in our Mind no internal conflict; no desires
completely focused; not worried about anything
identify with everyone & everything!
don't need energy from world around us because there is ALWAYS energy around us!
Completely Complete Transcendence realize there is no "me"
there is nothing to identify with; nothing to be in harmony with; nothing to interact with
accepting whatever is being experience & letting everything/everyone be the way they are
nothing matters! Everything just "is"
components for creating a comprehensive guidance program in the school Organizing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
comprehensive programs provide placement, follow-up, and follow-through activities to assist students with their next steps. Direct delivery of counseling and other guidance activities on a demand basis is included because there may be a need for direct immediate services to students while they are still in the school building
conceptual equivalence making sense of the variety of concepts each culture that defines as real and good
Conceptualizations of gender Biologically born a boy/girl
The way we think
Assignment of meaning to bodies
Concurrent validity correlating test scores with scores on a criteriation measure obtained at the same time, important for personality tests
Concurrent Validity is ... The comparison of two measures done at the same time - the degree to which two tests are in agreement
Confederate soldiers and politicians Who else could be a US citizen again?
Confirmation Strategy The search for evidence supporting one's own hypotheses and ignoring data that is inconsistent with this perspective
Conflict when an individual has a positive and a negative factor at the same time. eg. Attracted to a great looking guy who is an addict. Approach - Avoidance Conflict (most difficult)
Kurt Lewin
Confronting involves.. Verbally holding apparently discrepant or incongruent aspects of clients' messages and behaviors "in front of" clients for them to see. Helping clients clarify, resolve, or accept the discrepancy
Confronting involves... 1. Verballying holding apparently discrepant or incongruent aspects of the clients' messages and behaviors "in front of" clients for them to see
2. Helping clients clarify, resolve, or accept the discrepancy
congress of racial equality Congress of Racial Equality; Helped organize integration of the military and later the "freedom rides".
Congruence when our desires and experiences match each other
connotative meanings personal, emotionally charged, private, and specific to a particular person
Construct validity systematic study of the adequacy of the test in appraising a specified psychological construct, personality tests
Content validity looking at the tests content, mostly acheivement tests
Content Validity is .. The degree to which an achievement test contains a representative and appropriate sample of the subject matter (content) contained in the instructional objective whose attainment the test is intended to measure.
contextual style social roles that people have in relationships with others
control involves status or social dominance, have the power or prestige to influence the events around us
CORE Congress of racial equality: an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality, a U.S. civil rights organization that played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement from its foundation in 1942 to the mid-1960s. Membership is stated to be open to anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world; connected with the Freedom Riders
Correlation coefficients range from -1.00 to 0.00 to +1.00
Correspondence between Internal/External Conflict Internal- our desires clash with the conflicts of others
External- others represent what has, is, or could happen
Counseling becomes a sociopolitical act when.. abnormality and normality are judged by Euro-American standards and imposed upon our clients.
Courts Racially segregated courts were established for black only cases
Courts apply a "________ ______" standard when considering the effect of the alleged harassment or discrimination in the workplace. reasonable victim
Courts examine the plaintiff's own behavior to determine if the behavior provoked the _______ work environment. hostile
credibility constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable and trustworthiness.
and Expertness Credibility may be defined as the constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable, and trustworthy
Expertness is an ability variable, whereas trustworthiness is a motivation variable
Crimes and Punishments: Different levels and types of punishment between freedmen and whites. Punishments included chain gangs and convict leasing
Criterion (predictive) Validity is The degree to which the score on a test predicts the individuals score on a test or performance in some other area. (i.e. if correlated, a test of scholastic achievement can be used to predict job success)
Crossdresser Someone who wears clothes associated with another gender part of the time. This term has replaced "transvestite," which is now considered outdated and offensive.
Cult of domesticity emphasized in the 18th and 19th centuries; the general view that a woman's place is in the home, with the corollary view that women should be educated to execute the responsibilities of home and hearth
Cultural adaptations to therapies can include a) language used -ie saying not helpful instead of irrational
b) inclusion of values- ie religion, respect
c) inclusion of metaphors, sayings-ie "god helps those who help themselves"
d)consider environment such as SES and conflicts experienced
Cultural Blindness Refusing to acknowledge the culture of others (dismiss differences)
(ex. Lacks training to provide special services to minorities)
Cultural capital - Embodied state- external wealth converted into integral part of a person by purchase or exchange.
- Objectified state - cultural goods
- Institutionalized state - forms of objectification of academic qualifications
cultural capitol endowments such as academic competence, language competence, and wealth that provide an advantage to an individual, family, or group
cultural competence a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, & policies
that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals,
& enables that effectively working in cross cultural situations
cultural competence ability of the provider to recognize, honor and respect the beliefs, interaction style and behaviors of the individuals and families they serve
Cultural Competence Examination of our embedded emotions associated with race, culture, gender, and other socio-demographic differences openly, experience them and discuss them.
Cultural Competence Understand the difference differences make
(ex. Has balanced bilingual staff/customer ratio)
Cultural deprivation to lack cultural background, or indicates that many groups perform poorly on tests or exhibit deviant characteristics because they lack many of the advantages of middle class culture.
Cultural Destructiveness Eliminate differences
(ex. provides paperwork in English only)
Cultural differences fundamental differences among people arise from nationality, ethnicity, and culture; as well as from family background and individual experiences.
Cultural encapsulation the substitution of model stereotypes for the real world and the disregarding of cultural variations in a dogmatic adherence to some universal notion of truth.
Cultural Generalizations Broad characterizations can be useful as a general guide to anticipating and discussing cultural reactions, attitudes, and behaviors in a neutral way
Cultural identity groups therapeutic for children experiencing prejudges, strengthening their resilience and coping in response to prejudicial attitudes and behaviors, as well as promoting their positive self-identity within their culture
Cultural Incapacity Demean differences
(ex. Puts down family values)
Cultural paranoia a healthy and adaptive response by AA to their historical and contemporary experiences of oppression.
cultural patterns shared judgements about what the world is, what it should be, and the widely held expectations about how people should behave
Cultural pluralism a condition in which social and educational values encourage a variety of ethnic and cultural perspectives, languages, and values that enrich one another through their harmonious coexistence
Cultural Pre-Competence Acknowledge and start to respond to differences
(ex. Recognizes oraganization's high dropout rate of minority participants and seeks change)
Cultural Proficiency Learn from and grow because of differences
(ex. Offers phone line services in multiple languages)
Cultural profiling Cultural background as the primary reason to suspect that the individual.
Cultural relativism proponents focus on culture and how disorder is treated within it.
cultural relativism The view that actions of other cultures are both different and equally valid
Cultural Stereotype A fixed impression which may have little basis in fact, but is nevertheless perpetuates by persons unwilling to look more deeply into the matter
cultural tendencies Patterns of behavior and values commonly observed among a culture
Cultural universality proponents focus on disorders and treatments and minimize cultural factors
Cultural values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just.
Culturally Adapted CT for Chinese Clients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Zhang et. al., 2002
Created Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy
GAD clients either received therapy, benzodiazepines, or combination treatment
One and six month checks, meds faster but less effective compared to therapy, but combination was good at both points
Culturally deficient model suggests that the lifestyles and values of people of color put them in a culturally disadvantage or made them deficient, or deprived when compared to Whites.
Culturally Diverse model recognizes the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and promotes the differences in people of colors ability to be bicultural.
Culture A group of people that share the same common beliefs
Culture consists of all things that ppl have leaned to do, believe, values, and enjoy. it is ideals beliefs, skills, tolls, customs, and institution into which each members of society is born.
Culture Social pattern of human thoughts and behavior.
culture the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group,place or time
Culture The intergenerational transmission of traditions, ways of living, coping behaviors, values, norms, and beliefs (Whaley & Davis 2007)
culture ubiquitous and pervasive - belief systems, behaviors, traditions - unstated assumptions and shared values go unrecognized
Culture bound being bound by the culture conditioning one is born into and in which one grew up; includes beliefs, values, life circumstances and world views.
Culture of poverty is deficit thinking and a part of white supremacy ideology Most if not all of the historically Black segregated schools that AA children attended were intentionally organized in opposition to the ideology of Black inferiority. In other words, in addition to being sited of learning, they also instituted practices and expected behaviors and outcomes that not only promoted education - an act of insurgency in its own right - but also were designed to counter the ideology of African American's intellectual inferiority and ideologies that saw African Americans as not quite equal and as less than human. Everything about these institutions was supposed to affirm Black humanity, Black intelligence, and Black achievement.
Cultured Relativism focus on the culture and on how the disorder is manifested and treated within it.
Dawes Allotment Act a statute of 1887 that enabled American Indian tribal members to claim private ownership of tribal land
DC Highest Child Poverty Rate
de facto segregation Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice.
de facto segregation the separation of groups that occurs as people choose to live in different neighborhoods or participate in different clubs and social groups
de jure segregation Racial segregation that is required by law
de jure segregation the separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal govt policies
Deconstruction 7. A process of meaning implosion. Words, phrases and sentences are complicated by considering how what is absent in their meaning reveal themselves
Defacto segregation by unwritten customs or traditions
Define deviation the difference between an observed value and the expected value of a variable or function
Define mean. the average value in a data set it is determined by adding all the values & dividing the sum by the # of values in the set.
Define median. the measure in central tendency that occupies the middle position in a rank order of values. Generally has the same # of items above it as below it.
Define mode. the single class/value that occurs most frequently in a series of numbers
Define variance a measure o the spread of the values in a distribution. The larger the variance, the larger the distance of the individual cases from the group mean.
Definition of Cultural Competence Cultural competence is the ability to engage in actions or create conditions that maximize the optimal development of client and client systems (institutions, policies, and practices). Multicultural counseling competence is defined as the counselor's acquisition of awareness, knowledge and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society, and on an organizational/societal level, advocating effectively to develop new theories, practices, policies, and organizational structures that are more responsive to all groups.
Definition of Multicultural Counseling/Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognizes client identities to include individual, group, and universal dimensions; advocates the use of universal and culture-specific strategies and roles in the healing process; and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in the assessment, diagnoses and treatment of client and client systems
Dejure Segregation based on laws.
Delegates in the confederate states would have to go to a convention to to write a new Constitution for the state What was the second step for problem1.
Delivery System School Guidance curriculum indivual student planning responsive service system support
delivery system is how the program will be implemented
DELV Test designed for mainstream American English and non-MAE speakers; contains subtests of fast mapping tasks
Democrat but was chosen to be VP by Republican Lincoln Was Andrew Johnson a republican or democrat?
Democratic style group leader the leader collaborates w/ members
Denial unable to accept situation (dying)
Denial of whiteness is related to two underlying factors Whiteness is transparent because of its everyday occurrence—institutionalized normative features in our cultures (ideal, average, neutral) but to people of color whiteness is not invisible because it is not normative to them
Euro Americans deny they are white and seem angered by the label and become defensive, "I'm not white, I'm Irish"—statements have validity but still wouldn't be able to explain their lets say Irish heritage, only in most superficial manner
denotative meanings public, objective, and legal meanings
Depression prior to acceptance (often crying)
depth of self-disclosure refers to the degree of "personalness" about oneself that is revealed
dermal code system short-term changes in skin texture or sensitivity that result from physical or psychological reactions to the environment, ex. blushing, blanching or goose bumps
Describe the Los Angeles Riots in 1992 Black Americans looted Asian American businesses.
The riot occurred when African Americans were outraged at the acquittal of four White officers from the Los Angeles Police Department in the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist.
Of the 4,500 stores that were looted and burned, 2,300 were Korean-owned .
This led to overt racist behaviors between the groups. For example, some Asian American store owners would blatantly refuse business from Black American patrons or follow them around and Black Americans might blatantly use racial slurs such as "Chinaman" or "chink" when speaking to Korean workers.
Descriptive Stereotype ..., describe beliefs about what the typical man and woman are like
Destructiveness Erich Fromm - technique which refers to an attempt to destry those we percieve as having power
Development of Low Self-Esteem when basic needs are not met & others steal lots of energy/feel depleted
develop insecurities
developmental disability mental or physical impairments during birth or by the adolescent years. typically, functional limitations in at least three areas of major life activities such as self care, language, learning, mobility, independent living etc.
Diagnostic Overshadowing can occur when the presence of a problem is minimized because attention is diverted to a more salient characteristic.
dialects versions of a language with distinctive vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation spoken by a particular group or within a particular region (ebonics)
Diana Baumrind- Parenting Styles/Effects on Children level of acceptance (caretaker gives - space) AND level of control/demand (caretaker takes - contact)
Diaspora That migration and desperation of people from their homeland.
Didactic in terms of group process is defined as _____ consisting of reading assignments, lectures, and group discussions.
different cultural background will yield what? different communication disorders
dimensions of identity--Arredondo a-characteristics into which people are born, b-acquired characteristics, c-historical events, a+b+c-all converge to form an individual identity
direct style explicit verbal meanings, European american speech
Discounting (feeling) to minimize the importance of
Discriminant Validity is ... A type of validity that is determined by hypothesizing and examining differential relations between a test and measures of similar or different constructs. It is the opposite of convergent validity. Evidence that a measure of a construct is indeed measuring that construct.
Discrimination A biased attitude or act of prejudice against a group.
discrimination an individuals *external* behavior,
action based on prejudice: excluding, ignoring, avoiding, threatening, ridiculing, jokes, slurs, violence, unfair treatment
Discrimination stripping liberties from someone or not allowing them the same privileges/rights as you have because of race, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
Discrimination The act of showing partiality or prejudice; a prejudicial act.
discrimination in employment act of 1967 It is unlawful for an employer, employment agency, or labor organization to discriminate against an individual because of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, or ancestry unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification
Disorganization/Despair reaching our limit; end up in a state of psychological chaos/disorder
experienced anguish forces us to recognize/adjust to new situation
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment extreme internal conflict paralyzes us; difficulty forming close & meaningful relationships with others because of their unpredictable behavior patterns
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment infant is unresponsive/unpredictable; abusive caretaker; MOST insecure form of attachment
disparate impact A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities.
disparate treatment ..., Discrimination that occurs when individuals are treated differently because of their membership in a protected class.
display rules govern when and under what circumstances various non-verbal expressions are required
Distinction between mental and physical functioning: 1. many American Indians, Asian, African and Hispanic hold diff concepts of what constitutes mental health, mental illness, and adjustment.
2. they may enter treatment the same manner that doctors or priests do. immediate conclusion and concrete tangible forms of treatment are expected.
diversity may create the illusion of participation
when in fact there is no shared power,
presence means very little w/o the power of decision making, shared resources, & development of agendas/plans/policies
Diversity real or perceived differences that affect their interactions and relationships.
Diversity Variety; differences
Diversity Climate individual-, intergroup-, and organizational-level factors that compromise the atmosphere for different groups and of support or resistance to diversity in an organization
Does your school have high expectations for all students? Are texts, lessons, and discussion topics chosen with though about how to provide a safe environment for discussion of controversial ideas?
Domestic Partner One who lives with their beloved and/or is at least emotionally and financially connected in a supportive manner with another. Another word for spouse, lover, significant other, etc.
Dominant culture that culture which is most strongly represented in a society's power structure and institutions such as government and schooling; may be a numerical minority in the culture as a whole but exerts disproportionate power
Dominant Culture The cultural values, beliefs, and practices that are assumed to be the most common and influential within a given society.
dominant/oppressor access to power,
economic control,
provide standards/norms,
dont own but forcing to work What is involuntary servitude?
Downward Counterfactuals help us feel excited, positive, and grateful
*Optimistic people are good at using both counterfactuals!
Ex: If they want to change for the better, then they'll think "how can things be better" U.C. and imagine how things will be after making progress D.C.
*think medalists example too
Dr. Sue's Asian-American identity development models: Type Models
a. Positive-positive
b. Negative-positive
c. Positive-negative
d. negative-negative a) Positive-positive: identifies with both Japanese and American cultures
b) Negative-positive: rejection of American (White) culture and acceptance of Japanese-American culture-Role conflict
c) Positive-negative: Accepts White culture and rejects Japanese culture-Role conflict
d) Negative-negative: rejection of both cultures
Drag The act of dressing in gendered clothing and adopting gendered behaviors as part of a performance, most often clothing and behaviors typically not associated with your gender identity. Drag Queens perform femininity theatrically. Drag Kings perform masculinity theatrically. Drag may be performed as a political comment on gender, as parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sex identity.
dual relationship with teacher Avoid entering into a personal counseling relationship with staff. From a consulting perspective it is appropriate and recommended, that the school counselor be a resource for other staff. Offering referral to potential care providers that the teacher might see out for counseling is the best approach.
Duplicity 16. Acting one way in one's own culture but another among persons in dominant culture in order to avoid conflicts
Dynamic assessment measures performance over time using a test-teach-retest paradigm to evaluate learning potential'ers New emerging global identities based on internet ties/groups
Early Arab American Immigrants adopted English language easily, majority were Christian, came from rural areas in Syria and Lebanon, worked long and hard hours, attempted to maintain cultural identity by teaching at home, in churches and mosques and in community clubs
Ebonics term coined to refer to the language of African American dialect
ebonics was created where? oakland california in 1996
EC (external control) & ER (external responsibility) A person high in system blame and external control feels that there is very little one can do in the face of such severe external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC (external control) & IR (internal responsibility) individuals who accept the dominant culture's definition for self-responsibility but to have very little real control over how they are defined by others. The marginal man.
EC-ER individuals feel that there is very little that one can do in the face of such server external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC-IR accept dominant cultures definition for self-responsibility but have very little real control over how thjey are defined by others.
ecological family theory Argues that you cannot understand or predict behavior by looking at the individual in isolation.
-->the social up-brining of the child is very important but you can't just focus on the immediate environment you must focus on the whole environment -->The relationship between family members is what is important.
There is a basic family structure and when this is disrupted then behavior problems occur.
Ecologically Valid Assessment Dynamic assessments
Ecologically Valid Assessment Formal assessment in L1 and L2 using standardized tests as appropriate
Ecologically Valid Assessment Informal assessments in L1 and L2 using checklists, criterion referenced tests, language sampling, authentic performance based assessments
Ecologically Valid Assessment Observation in naturalistic environments (e.g., classroom, recess, lunch, library, home)
Ecologically Valid Assessment Proficiency testing in L1 and L2 to determine language ability in both (e.g., BICS and CALP)
Ecologically Valid Assessment Thorough case history interview
Economic Debt - Funding disparities between schools serving White children and those serving children of color (urban and suburban)
- Amount of school funding often rises with increase in White students
- Disparities in earning ratios related to years of schooling. People of Color earning less
Eddie Izzard started to freely talk about his transvestism in venues like Edinburgh Festival as early as 1992
Edic 12. Viewing a culture through a perspective that is external to it. Without
Educational Debt - Has accumulated over time
- comprises historical, economic, sociopolitical and moral components
- Argument that we do not have an achievement gap, but that the problem is educational debt. Debt is placed on children in low-income areas and leads to a variety of social problems
Educational group (description) prescribed course for lessons and process as a goal
Edward hall who created high and low context cultural taxonomy
eeoc guidelines on sexual harassment in 1980 (a) Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
elaborate style frequent metaphors, proverbs, and other figurative languages, Arab and Latino preferred style
Elements of Non-Verbal Communication Elements of Non-Verbal Communication
elements of therapeutic alliance needed: A)emotional bond
B)Mutual agreement of goals
C)Interventions that both client and therapist believe to be important
Elijah Muhammad Leader of the nation of Islam from 1945 to his death in 1975. He helped many people and was a strong advocate of civil rights, but was involved in some shady activities and lost the favor of Malcolm X, who went on to form his own civil rights group.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first women's rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women's rights and women's suffrage movements in the United States
ELL English language learning
Emancipation Proclamation (1862) an order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union; took effect January 1, 1863
emblems nonverbal behaviors that have a direct verbal counterpart, ex. peace sign or waving hi or bye
Emic 11. Viewing a culture through a perspective this is indigenous to it. Within
emic lifestyles, cultural values, and world views affect expression of behavior.
Emic (culturally specific) cultural values and worldviews affect the expression and determination of deviant behavior. All theories of human development arise from a cultural content.
emic perspective respectful of native culture
Emics how & why culture makes us different
emigrated to leave one's country to relocate in another country
Emigration The act of leaving the country to settle elsewhere.
Emma Hart Willard (1787-1870) the founder of the Troy Female Seminary in Troy, NY, and a prominent advocate of women's education
Emotional roadblocks strong emotions that relate to race, gender, sexual orientation that have been kept out of our awareness.
Empathic (feeling) v. Sympathetic empathetic - id affective part of client's message not stated, shows awareness of the client from part of counselor/listening
Empathy Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
Empathy means... Using active listening to sense what a client feels without saying so, or reading clients' emotions even when they are unspoken (not interpreting - which is putting what the counselor feels/thinks onto the client)
Empathy responses always reflect something the client is experiencing and would recognize
Emphasizes the sameness among people. eg. "People are people" regardless of background and culture. etic (derived from term phonetic referring to sounds that stay the same in a language.)
empirically supported relationships APA division 29 task force concluded:
therapeutic relationship contributes to outcome
acts in concert with interventions, clients, and "clinical qualities"
adapting relationship increases effectiveness of treatment
treatment should describe what behaviors are helping the relationship
empirically supported treatment Validated by APA
Therapy must:
a) be better than a placebo
b) be equal to well established treatments
c) effective in single case studies
enculturalation immersion into our own culture to the point where we assume that our own way of life is the norm
endogamy marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group
english as a second language educational strategy that relies exclusively on english for teaching and learning the english language esl programs are used extensively in this country as a primary medium to assimilate english language learners into the linguistic mainstream as quickly as possible
English Language Policies ELL - English Language Learners
Epistemology 2. The nature of knowing
equal pay act of 1963 An amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act, this act requires equal pay for men and women doing equal work.
Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) - requires that male and female employees performing the same work for the same employer receive the same pay. The law, an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act, regulates wage and hour laws for employees in response to Congress's finding that pay disparity depressed wages and living standards, promoted labor disputes, disrupted commerce, and constituted an unfair method of competition.
ERA Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a non-profit women's rights organization that was founded in 1974. ERA is a legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.
The organization specializes in advocating for the rights of women in minimum wage jobs, women of color, and immigrant women. ERA is based in San Francisco and led by executive director Noreen Farrell.
Erik Erikson Erikson believed that social factors also played a vital role.His model of psychosocial development consists of eight developmental stages, occuring in a fixed order: 1. Trust vs. Mistrust (between birth and 1 yr); 2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (ages 2 to 3); 3. Initiative vs Guilt (ages 4 to 5); 4. Industry vs. Inferiority (ages 6 to puberty); 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence); 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (young adulthood) 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood) 8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood) When the outcome of a crisis is favorable, the person achieves a certain virtue or strength; when it is unsuccessful, the person develops a maladaptive character and continues to struggle with this conflict later in life.
Erikson's 8 Personality Stages of Man *Individual faces different "crisis" or development task
1. Trust v. Mistrust
2. Autonomy v. Shame/Doub
3. Initiative v. Guilt
4. Industry v. Inferiority
5. Identity v. Role Confusion
6. Intimacy v. Isolation
7. Generativity v. Stagnation
8. Ego Integrity v. Despair
Essentializing When we presume that all members of a sex are alike.
Ex All women are bad drivers. All men like to go hunting.
Estelle Freedman co-founder of the Program in Feminist Studies
ethnic group membership based on one's national origin or the national origin of one's ancestors when they immigrated to the United States
Ethnic Identity ..., Developing a feeling of belonging, and learning the customs and culture of one's ethnic group
Ethnic Identity part of one's overarching self-concept. development of ethnic identity is described as a process of the construction of identity over time through experience and actions of the individual .
Ethnic Make-up of the US US Census Bureau, 2008
15.4% Hispanic or Latino
12.4% African American
4.4% Asian
Ethnic Matching Inconsistent results regarding outcome, but it may lead to a greater number of attended sessions and lower dropout rates
May be more important for some minorities, such as those that are less acculturated and those with limited language proficiency (Sue et. al., 1991)
Regardless, effect sizes are always small
Erdur et al., 2003: no difference between ethnically matched and unmatched client/therapist dyads for outcome symptoms; unmatched had higher pre-treatment distress
Ethnicity Common group characteristics based on race, nationality, religion, language, costumes, and or shared history.
ethnicity refers to connectedness based on commonality-common country of origin and history
acceptance of the group mores and practices of one's culture of origin and having a sense of belonging
Ethnocentric ..., Believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups
Ethnocentric Evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.
ethnocentric monoculturalism it is power or the unequal status relationship between groups.
Ethnocentric Monoculturalism The theories of counseling and psychotherapy, the standards used to judge normality-abnormality, and the actual process of mental health practice are culture bound and reflect a monocultural perspective of the helping professions.
Ethnocentricity evaluating other people's cultures with your own values.
ethnocentrism belief that one's own culture and belief systems are superior to all others
ethnocentrism The perspective that members of one's own culture do things the "right way
Ethnocentrism is defined as ... the tendency of most people to use their own way of life as a standard for judging; now also indicates the belief, on the part of most individuals that their race, culture, society, etc. are superior to all others.
etic good counseling is good counseling. Western concepts of normality can be considered applicable across cultures.
Etic (culturally universal) all are equal; issues are the same in all cultures and societies are the same. Therefore minimal modification in diagnosis and treatment is required.
etic perspective dominant cultural view is the standard
Etics what all humans have in common
Evaluation in a school counseling program serves the purposes of generating valid measures of how a program meets goals and objectives, helping others understand the role of the counselor, and gathering data for research purposes. It is not used to plan and develop procedures when the program is unable to change
evidence based practice research support and clinical expertise
the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of the patients characteristics , culture, and preferences.
Evoked Culture how the physical environment limits biological capacities
Ex: we may have the biological capacity to have children, but the environment we live in limits us from having many children
Excellence Level Goals • To teach understanding rather than merely to teach mathematical operations
• To teach mathematical language for the purpose of communicating with mathematics and not merely as a way to solve textbook problems
• To teach his students that math is not at all a fixed body of knowledge but that it is an experimental enterprise in the truest sense of that word and that their approach is the solution of mathematical problems then and in the future should be to try a variety of strategies
• To have students believe, as he does, that mathematics "is a nothing more than a reflection of life and that life itself is mathematical" and he wants them to know that the symbols used in mathematics approximate the reality of human experience and cosmic operations
• To give his students a sense of hope that they can become superior performances
Exchange Relationships giving & receiving energy equally
Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957) The president issued Executive Order 10730, sending in federal troops to maintain order and enforce the integration of the school.(Little Rock Nine's school) - later extended to other American schools
executive order 11478 ..., prohibits discrimination in employment based on all the previous factors, plus political affiliation, marital status, or physical disability
Executive Order 13087 - Protection in Federal Employment While no federal law prohibits this type of discrimination, Executive Order 13087, issued in 1998, specifically prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation in federal government employment. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which prohibits sexual orientation discrimination, also protects federal government employees from such discrimination.
executive order 8802 Also known as the Fair Labor Standards Act, this banned discrimination in the war industries.
executive order 9066 2/19/42; 112,000 Japanese-Americans forced into camps causing loss of homes & businesses, 600K more renounced citizenship; demonstrated fear of Japanese invasion
Existential Therapy -focus on the pursuit of becoming an indivdual
-the importance of anxiety, values, freedom, and responsibility in human life
-an emphasis on finding meaning in one's actions
-ppl form their lives by the choices they make
exoticization occurs when a LGBT, women of color, or a religious minority is treated as a foreign object for the pleasure/entertainment of others.
experiential equivalence words represented must have some meaning within the experiential framework of the person whom the message is directed at, if they have never seen a tv before they would not understand what you were speaking about
Experiential group (description) centered perhaps on a topic, such as grief, does not have an objective or lesson, but is solely process orientated.
Experiential in terms of group process is ... related to personal experience and an individual's reality within the group process.
expertness demonstration of ability to help ...ability variable that depends on how well informed, capable, or intelligent others perceive the counselor..
External locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that the future is determined more by chance than luck.
externalized oppression exercise of power
Eyes dilation of pupils is more commonly perceived as a positive response to others
closing our eyes- universal sign of disgust & rejection
Facilitator's role in groups encourage group development of expression, exploration, and self-disclosure, to discourage dynamics that hinder expression and openness and to model healthy, appropriate interpersonal communication
Failures in present / traditional counseling and psychotherapy practices regarding culturally appropriate services can be seen in three primary areas: 1) The education and training of mental health professionals
2) Biased and inaccurate therapeutic and mental health literature
3) The need to treat social problems (social justice training)
False Cultural customs does not include the way we bury our dead.
False Culture does not change it remains the same from the beginning of his birth.
False Culture is biologically inherited.
familialism or familismo high valuation is placed on family loyalty and unity
Family (in terms of LGBTIQ ) Colloquial term used to identify other LGBTIQ community members. For example, an LGBTIQ person saying, "that person is family" often means that the person they are referring to is LGBTIQ as well.
family medical leave act 1993 1993; Requires employers with 50 or more workers to grant up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year to allow workers to take time off to help care for a new baby or an ill family member without fear of losing their jobs.
Family of Choice Persons or group of people an individual sees as significant in their life. It may include none, all, or some members of their family of origin. In addition, it may include individuals such as significant others, domestic partners, friends, and coworkers.
Family Systems Theory encourages people to think of issues, like marital conflict, addiction, acting out teenagers, difficult relationships, loneliness in terms of a multigenerational family or a system. The approach enchoranges people to move away from blaming others and towards individual responsibility
Faragher/ Ellerth defense - The Ellerth and Faragher decisions state that the plaintiff's own behavior is relevant in determining whether unlawful harassment has occurred. Some courts have held that they must consider the plaintiff's provocative speech or attire in a sexual harassment case.
Fast mapping quick incidental learning tasks; refers to language learn ability tasks
Feminism Belief that women and men are...Inherently equal in worth, Social movements are necessary to achieve equality between men and women, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies
FERPA law stipulates that parents and students over 18 have the right to view all of the official records at any time. It also stipulates that access by others be limited to those in an official capacity requiring access to this information for the benefit of the student.
Fifteenth Amendment adopted on March 30, 1870; reads in part, " The right of citizens of the US to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
Filibuster A lengthy speech designed to delay or kill the vote on a bill; used only in the Senate
Final stage of group description Further identify what was learned and decide how this new learning can become part of daily life - summarizing, pulling togheter, integrating, and terminating
Five Stages of Death & Dying (Kubler-Ross) applies to any painful experience that requires letting go of our desires
for effective therapy the therapist and client must be able to... send and receive both verbal and nonverbal messages appropriately and accurately.
Forgiveness letting go of what we wanted someone to do OR not do (our desires)
letting go of our desires allows us to forgive
Form/Join Groups form groups with people who have similar insecurities/desires; in return it makes us feel more secure
Forms of capital 1. Intellectual - "knowledge" asset
2. Experiential/Human - personal experiences
3. Spiritual
4. Social
5. Material
6. Financial
7. Living
8. Cultural
Foundation Beliefs and Philosophy, Mission Statement: ASCA content standards for student academic, career and personal/ social develpoment
foundation is the what of the program
Four levels within the Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence (MDCC) Individual: counselor must understand own biases (figure 2.4)
Professional: psychology and counseling is culture bound, need to reflect multicultural worldview
Organizational: institutional practices may be oppressive to certain groups. If policies deny equal access these policies should be targets for change
Societal: social policies (racial profiling, inequalities in healthcare) that are detrimental to groups, we should advocate for change.
Fourteenth Amendment adopted on July 28, 1868; reads in part, " All persons born or naturalized in the US, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of such laws"
Frames guideline connecting the range of things one should pay attention to in a specific situation
Ex: number coding exercise Toru did in class
Frederick Douglass On Women's Rights was one of the few men present at the pioneer woman's rights convention held at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848.
Freedmen's Bureau formed by Congress in 1867 under the first Reconstruction act; a U.S. government agency designed to help ex-slaves exercise new economic, civil, and political rights and freedoms in the post-Civil War United States
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
Freedom Summer In 1964, when blacks and whites together challenged segregation and led a massive drive to register blacks to vote.
Fritz Heider- Balance Theory two people like (or desire) the same thing = highly probable they will like each other OR people who like each other, but have no common desires = change their minds so they both end up liking the same things
people who initially do not like each other end up finding something in common (i.e. common enemy)
FTM/F2M Abbreviation for a female-to-male transgender or transsexual person.
full inclusion all children with disabilities receive all instruction in regular education classes with their non disabled peers; all support services take place in the regular classroom.
future orientation extent to which a culture plans for forthcoming event
Gardner's Multiple Intellegences Visual-Spatial
gather necessary information
Gay Men attracted to men. Colloquially used as an umbrella term to include all LGBTIQ people.
Gender A socially constructed system of classification that ascribes qualities of masculinity and femininity to people. Gender characteristics can change over time and are different between cultures. See "Gender Identity" and "Gender Expression" for more on gender.
Gender ambiguity It applies to a person that looks both male and female, in other words u cant tell which they are.
Gender Conformity When your gender identity, gender expression and sex "match" according to social norms. See "Gender Identity," "Sex" and "Gender Expression" for more on gender.
Gender Diverse A person who either by nature or by choice does not conform to gender-based expectations of society (e.g. transgender, transsexual, intersex, genderqueer, cross-dresser, etc) preferable to "gender variant" because it does not imply a standard normativity.
Gender dysphoria In the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), released on May 22, the now-defunct diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) receives a new name, gender dysphoria, which reflects a new emphasis.
Both GID and gender dysphoria describe a condition in which someone is intensely uncomfortable with their biological gender and strongly identifies with, and wants to be, the opposite gender. Some of these people may live as their desired gender, and may even seek gender reassignment surgery
gender egalitarianism extent to which a culture minimizes differences in gender expectation for men vs women
Gender Expression The way in which a person expresses their gender identity through clothing, behavior, posture, mannerisms, speech patterns, activities and more.
Gender Fluid A person whose gender identification and presentation shifts, whether within or outside of societal, gender-based expectations.
Gender Identity an individual's internal sense of gender, which may or may not be the same as one's gender assigned at birth. Some gender identities are "woman," "transman" and "agender" but there are many more. Since gender identity is internal it isn't necessarily visible to others. Additionally, gender identity is often conflated with sex, but they are separate concepts - please see GenEq's Gender/Sex Infosheet for more on the difference between the two.
gender identity disorder (GID) -
OUTDATED as of 2013 The medical diagnosis in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostics and Statistics Manual IV (DSM4) used to describe a person who experiences significant gender dysphoria (lack of identification with one's sex and/or gender assigned at birth). Released in 2013, the DSM5 replaces this diagnosis with "gender dysphoria."
Gender Identity models Womanist Model (see book)
White male identity model (see book)
Gender identity/ expression discrimination - Protection under State Laws and Local Ordinances In addition, 20 states and the District of Columbia have laws that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination and/ or gender identity/ expression discrimination in employment. These states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Gender Neutral
Hirself Gender Neutral Pronunciation
Gender Non-Conforming A person who don't conform to society's expectations of gender expression based on the gender binary, expectations of masculinity and femininity, or how they should identify their gender.
Gender Role How "masculine" or "feminine" an individual acts. Societies commonly have norms regarding how males and females should behave, expecting people to have personality characteristics and/or act a certain way based on their biological sex.
Gender Schema An internal framework that organizes perseptions and directs behavior related to gender. By age 2 children organize thier understandings using gender as the overarching scheme.
Gender schema theory claims that cognitive processes are central to our learning what gender means in our culture and to learning learning how to perform our gender competently.An internal mental framework that organizes perceptions and directs behavior related to gender.
Gender stereotyping - Requiring or expecting a person to act, behave, or dress a certain way based on his or her gender.
Gender Variant A synonym for "gender diverse" and "gender non-conforming"; "gender diverse" and "gender non-conforming" are preferred to "gender variant" because variance implies a standard normativity of gender
Gender-Neutral/Gender-Inclusive Inclusive language to describe relationships ("spouse" and "partner" instead of "husband/boyfriend" and "wife/girlfriend"), spaces (gender-neutral/inclusive restrooms are for use by all genders), pronouns ("they" and "ze" are gender neutral/inclusive pronouns) among other things.
Genderism The system of belief that there are only two genders (men and women) and that gender is inherently tied to one's sex assigned at birth. It holds cisgender people as superior to transgender people, and punishes or excludes those who don't conform to society's expectations of gender.
genderqueer A person whose gender identity is neither man nor woman, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders. This identity is usually related to or in reaction to the social construction of gender, gender stereotypes and the gender binary system. Some genderqueer people identify under the transgender umbrella while others do not.
General Research on Cultural Variables Lacking for minor variables (e.g., sexual orientation) and not entirely satisfactory for major cultural variables either
General Review of Psychosocial Interventions for Ethnic/Racial Minority Groups Miranda et. al., 2005
-ESTs are effective for minorities, but a lot of methodological issues and Asians and Native Americans are especially understudied
-No one compares standard to culturally adapted ESTs
-One can argue that all treatments are culturally adapted in the clinician is minimally culturally competent
Horrell, 2008: review of 12 studies; generally suggest CBT effective for minorities
-Culturally adapted CBT effective, but effect sizes are no better than non-adapted versions
generation x 32-47 years, 40+ million, unhappiest generation, skeptics, attention deprived, self-reliant, seek sense of family, casual approach to authority, work to live
generation y/ millennials ..., born 1977-2000; exceed # of baby boomers, good with digital technology
genetic information non discrimination act Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health care.
Genetically Deficient model this model suggests that people of color are deficient or inferior to Whites and have certain undesirable attributes due to biological conditions.
George Wallace 1919-1998. Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
Geralizations A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases
Gerrt hofstede created this cultural taxonomy:
approach is based on assertation that people carry mental programs or soft ware of the mind
power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculine vs. feminine, long term vs. short term orientation to time
Gestalt therapy -stresses the perception of completeness and wholeness
-self actualization - being who one is (not becoming)
-antideterministic: ppl able to change and become responsible thru action
-need to take care of whole self and feel emotions (if don't create problems)
gifted and talented students with very high intelligence or such unusual gifts and talents in the arts that they require special educational programming to reach their full potential
Giving Energy attending to the desires/needs of other people
Glass ceiling and Glass Ceiling Commission - A perceived barrier preventing certain classes of individuals from climbing the highest rungs of corporate leadership.
globe power distance degree to which cultures believe that social and political power should be distributed disproportionately, shared unequally and concentrated among a few top decision makers
GLOBE(kluckhohn and strodbeck) global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness
Good teachers... 1. Good teachers care whether students learn. They challenge all students.
2. Good teachers are not time-bound to a curriculum and do not move on to new subject matter until all students grasp the current concept.
3. Good teachers are not bound to books and instructional materials, but connect all learning to "real life"
4. Good teachers push students to think, to make their own decisions.
5. Good teachers communicate with, observe, and get to know their students and the students' cultural background.
grammatical-syntactical equivalence some languages make grammatical distinctions that others do not
Grandfather clause A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.
Grape workers' strike begins, 1965 Farm workers went on strike and made a consumer boycott (supermarkets ban grapes). They began to be concerned abour poinson again; Chavez goes on 36 day hunger strike; failed to get them to work togther; he died in 1993 on a 1-2 day hunger strike.
GRASP IT Gather, Review, Ask, See, Proceed, Integrate, Test
Greensboro sit-ins, 1960 Civil Rights tactic of blacks sitting in segregated restaurants until being served or removed. Kicks off in Greensboro, NC at Woolworth's lunch counter (white restaurant). Each day they came back with more and more protesters until they were finally served.
Group characteristics that promote success Cohesiveness, caring, level of trust among members, freedom to experiment, commitment to change, Yalom's curative factors of group (1995)
Group Level Identity Each person is born into a cultural matrix of beliefs, values, rules and social practices.
Guidance Advisory Committee (GAC) is commonly charged with the task of reviewing program data and making recommendations based on their evaluations. GACs typically do not evaluate counselors' professional activities, report directly to administrators, or disclose counseling work to the media.
Hardiman White Racial Identity Development Model 5 developmental stages Naiveté stage
**Notes in Chapter 12 Notes
Hate Crime Hate crime legislation often defines a hate crime as a crime motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.
Hazan & Shaver- Attachment Styles & Romantic Relationships our attachment styles formed early in life influence our behavioral patterns in adulthood (especially with romantic partners)
He followed Lincoln's 10 percent plan What did Johnson do in office?
He gave amnesty to all but the highest ranking Confederates What did Johnson give as part of the 10 percent plan?
he made it easier to mistreat freed slaves What did Andrew Johnson make it easy to do?
he strongly believed thatshates should determine how to treat their own residents and he didnt want African Americans to be citizens or to vote What did Andrew Johnson believe?
Helms White Racial Identity Development Model 6 statuses Contact (obliviousness or denial)
Disintegration (suppression and ambivalence)
Reintegration (selective perception and negative out group distortion)
Pseudoindependence (reshaping reality and selective perception)
Immersion/emersion (hypervigilance and reshaping
Autonomy (flexibility and complexity)
**Extended notes in chapter 12
Henri Tajfel- Minimal Group Paradigm group identification (matching desires) is a natural human tendency; occurs even with the most insignificant factors
more important the group = in-group bias
Heritability is a function of the population-not a trait! all individuals have a full range of intelligence.
Heterosexism Assuming every person to be heterosexual therefore marginalizing persons who do not identify as heterosexual. It is also believing heterosexuality to be superior to homosexuality and all other sexual orientations.
heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.
Heterosexual Privilege Benefits derived automatically by being (or being perceived as) heterosexual that are denied to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, queers and all other non-heterosexual sexual orientations.
Heterosexuality Sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to a sex other than your own. Commonly thought of as "attraction to the opposite sex" but since there are not only two sexes (see "Intersex" and "Transsexual"), this definition is inaccurate.
Hidden Curriculum - unwritten, unofficial and often un-intended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school
- Outside the formal curriculum
- Ex. How to interact with peers, teachers and other adults
- How one should perceive different races, groups or classes of people; or what ideas and behaviors are considered acceptable or unacceptable. Often in connection with dominant group
high context messages are covert, nonverbal codes, messages internalized, reactions reserved, time is flexible, distinct in/out groups, strong interpersonal bonds, ex. African American, Latino, Japanese
high context communication is one that is internalized in the person or anchored in the physical situation
Relies heavily on nonverbal and the group identification and understanding shared by those communicating
high context cultures Asian, Latino, AA
high context cultures emphasis put on non-verbal communication
High Maintenance/High Expectations being overly demanding of others
Ex: TEAGAN keeps telling her boyfriend what she wants him to do and not to do
hispanic cultural diferences enhanced value of children
high regard for education
hispanic language differences double negative
misused "no"
misplaced adjectives
Historic trauma 3. The collective emotional and psychological injury both over the life span and across generations, resulting from a cataclysmic history of genocide
Historical Debt - The inequalities initially formed around race, gender and class
- In the case of African Americans education was initially forbidden during the period of enslavement
- For American Indians education began w/ mission school to convert and use Indian labor to further the cause of the church
- The historical debt was not merely imposed by the ignorant masses, but major leaders of the nation endorsed ideas that People of Color were inferior
Historical Stereotypes outlines the history between people of color and whites.
Historically Black colleges colleges (some of which have become universities) that were founded for the higher education of African Americans after the Civil War
History of Arab American Education - Education highly valued
- Earliest world writings and scripts were found in Mesopotamia and Egypt
- 20th century - after independence from European powers, Arab countries promoted mandatory primary and secondary education for all children and free public universities
- Immigrated to US in turn of 20th century
holistic or naturalistic approach human desire to maintain a sense of harmony with the forces of nature, when the body is out of line with nature
Holland's theory of career development: maintains that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them. They search for environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and express their attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles. Behaviour is determined by an interaction between personality and environment. There are six basic types of work environments: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. For example, Investigative types search for Investigative environments; Artistic types look for Artistic environments, and so forth. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied.
homonegativity encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Homophobia The irrational fear and intolerance of people who are homosexual or of homosexual feelings within one's self. This assumes that heterosexuality is superior.
Homosexual - A homosexual is attracted sexually to persons of the same sex.
Homosexuality Sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to the same sex.
Horace Mann's views on education of women (1796-1859) He was a prominent Massachusetts legislator and advocate of humanitarian reforms who became executive secretary of the Mass. Board of Education and took a leadership role in establishing a system of public common schools and normal schools that would become models for the nation
Hostile working environment - A hostile work environment is one in which unwanted sexual activity takes place, thus creating a hostile or abusive work environment that interferes with the victim's ability to perform the work.
How are standard scores expressed? They are expressed in units of standard deviations from the mean set at 0.
how can ELL children qualify for services? demonstrate communication difficulty in their first language as well
How did Congress Respond to the Black Codes? 1. Congress refused to seat the Southern representatives
2. Congress overrode President Johnson and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866
3. A Joint Committee on Reconstruction was established to investigate the situation in the South and reported that the Southern states were in a state of civil disorder, and had therefore not held valid elections.
4. The Fourteenth Amendment was passed by Congress
5. A follow-up Freedmen's Bureau Bill was passed by Congress giving additional rights to ex-slaves
6. Reconstruction Acts were passed over President Johnson's veto " provide for the more efficient government of the Rebel States"
How did the Black Codes deny rights? Labor Contracts
Vagrancy Laws
Crimes and Punishments
Civil Rights
How do we as counselors practice social justice counseling? 1) takes a social change perspective that focuses on ending discrimination on our society 2) believes that inequities are also due to monopolies of power 3) assumes that conflict is inevitable and not necessarily unhealthy - thus social justice counseling includes social and political action.
How does NCLB legislation address the needs of students with disabilities? -ensured educational accountability
-emphasized maximized learning for all children
How has the concept of race been given social meaning? When white families and businesses fled: the tax base eroded, schools and services declined.
How long should a counselor keep records of counseling with students? There are 3 classes of data. Records of counseling falls under "class C" data - this type of data should be removed or destroyed as soon as usefulness has expired - maximum of 5 years is standard.
how to assess ELL children find a non biased test
How to deal with freed slaves. What was probblem 2 for Reconstruction?
how to develop cultural competency Learn about the cultural backgrounds of our clients and their families
Be aware of and work to eliminate your own biases and preconceptions
Build on the unique strengths, values, and experiences of our clients, their families, and their culture.
How to get the Confederates back into the country. What was problem 1 for Reconstruction?
How to Study Cultural Adaptations of ESTs One idea is just including more minority groups in efficacy studies (Chambless et. al., 2005)
Another idea is making adaptions to the delivery, therapeutic process, inclusion of cultural knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (Miranda et. al., 2003)
Understanding of culture helps to focus treatment on client goals, as with any other client
-e.g., framing self-care as being a service to the family for Latina women who value family focus over self focus
humane orientation extent to which cultures encourage and reward their members for being benevolent and compassionate toward others or focused on self interest and self gratification
I have found... I have found that if I want to learn how best to teach children who may be different from me, then I must seek the advice of adults - teachers and parents- who are from the same culture as my students
IC (internal control) & ER (external responsibility) Believe that they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance, but are realistic about barriers and discrimination
IC-ER individuals believe they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance.
IC-IR individuals believe their are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect outcomes.
IDEA academic institutions are financially responsible only for testing that they request. Parent requests are evaluated on case-by-case basis, and typically the financing is the parents' responsibility
IDEA Federal legislation related to the education of students with disabilities This law includes the requirement of school counselors to participate in IEP planning process and meetings.
Identification of an individual, not physical characteristics race
Identity Group the collectivities people use to caegorize themselves and others
ideology 6. Ideas associated with false consciousness. Narrow, contrived and rigid views that do not take into account that the assumptions are linked to specific classes and cultures.
idiomatic equivalence(idioms) expressions that has a meaning contrary to the usual meaning, ex. break a leg, I could have died, eat your heart out
IL (internal locus) + IR (internal responsibility) they are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect the outcomes.
illustrators nonverbal behaviors that are directly tied to the verbal message, they are used to emphasize, explain or support a word, ex. huge mountain and you wave your hands in a half circle to give a visual
Immediacy responses focused on the present, right at the time and place and context of the counseling session. They may be statements or questions, but must be about the present moment, not the past or future.
Immutable characteristics - An immutable characteristic includes skin color, hair texture, or certain facial features, even if not all members of the same race, color, sex, or national origin share the characteristic.
in group collectivism degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and solidarity with their family or similar group
In group favoritism more positive evaluations of members of one's own gender becomes another factor that sustains the separate social worlds of boys and girls
In Oncale, the _______ _____ gave three examples of ways a victim can prove same-sex gender discrimination: (1) by establishing that the harasser was motivated by sexual desire, which generally requires "credible evidence" that the harasser was a homosexual; (2) by establishing that the harassment demonstrates that "the harasser [was] motivated by general hostility to the presence of [men] in the workplace"; or (3) by establishing that the harasser treated men differently in a mixed-sex workplace. Supreme Court
In the Closet Keeping one's sexual orientation and/or gender or sex identity a secret.
inactive strategies actually conversing with the other person in an attempt to gather the needed info.
Incidental word learning how quickly, easily, and well children are able to figure out the meaning of a novel, nonsense, or unfamiliar word simply through exposures without any formal teaching
Inclusion the degree to which the different voices of a diverse workforce are respected and heard
inclusion the placement of special education students in general education settings
Incongruence (Carl Rogers) states that anxiety, discomfort, or unhappiness occurs when our self-concept does not match our experiences
Inconsistent thoughts dissonance
Incremental validity extent to which a test increases information above existing forms of assessment
indigenous population that is native to a country or region. In the United States, American Indians, Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives are the indigenous populations.
Indigenous Healing
Universal Shamanic Tradition spiritual plane of existence in seeking a cure
Shamans are referred to as witches, witch doctors, wizards, medicine men or women, sorcerers and magic men or women
Believed to possess power to enter altered state of consciousness and journey to other planes of existence during healing rituals
Indignation (feeling) anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
indirect style ambiguous statements, Koreans preferred style
Individual Level of Identity first level of the Tripartite framework....individual uniqueness, genetically we are all unique and all of us will have our own individual, unique encounters and life experiences through life.
Individual planning best described as the broad collection of counseling and guidance activities that are designed to help all learners develop their own educational plans and career objectives.
Individualism is important to which cultural background?
Collectivism is important to which cultural backgrounds? 1. Whites
2. Asian, Native American, Black, and Latino/a Americans - collectivism (needs of the group/family/community are paramount)
individualism vs. collectivism involves people's relationships to the larger social groups of which they are a part of
Individualized education program a written program required for all children with disabilities under idea it includes statements of the student's present performance, annual goals, short term objectives, special educational services needed, relevant dates, participation in regular education, and evaluation procedures parents should participate in the development of the iep and sign the doc
individuals with disabilities education act public law 101-476 that emphasized the individual first and the disability second and forever changed how individuals with disabilities are referred to in the literature
Informational Level of Human Interaction exchange of information through direct meaning of the actual words spoken
Initial stage of group description Orientation & exploration - group members present socially acceptable selves, characterized with anxiety/insecurity, determine if the group is a safe place
Insecure Anxious Ambivalent/Anxious Resistant Attachment infant is very emotionally unstable & demands excessive attention (steals energy); caretaker responds mostly to negative behaviors & inconsistent in responses to infant
Insecure Anxious Avoidant Attachment infant is unresponsive/avoidant (even towards caretaker); unresponsive OR over controlling caretaker
institutional collectivism represents the degree to which cultures support, value and prefer to distribute rewards based on groups vs. individual interests
Institutional Oppression Arrangement of a society used to benefit one group at the expense of another through the use of language, media education, religion, economics, etc.
Institutional racism set of polices, priorities and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate, oppress, and force dependence of individuals and groups on a larger society by sanctioning unequal goals, unequal status, and unequal access to goods and services.
instrumental styles communication is goal-oriented and depends on explicit verbal meanings
integration (bicultural) maintaining original culture while adding ways of dominant culture
interaction contexts the settings or situations within social episodes occur
interaction scenes made up of recurring, repetitive topics that people talk about in social conversations
Interactive style group leader uses experiential learning
Intercultural competence ..., the ability to communicate appropriately, effectively, and ethically with people from diverse backgrounds
Internal Conflict Model anxiety = result of differentiation
My desires vs. what is, has, or could happen
taking control to make desires come true OR letting go of my desires & accepting whatever happens
internal consistency (reliability coefficients) is important for concurrent measurements
Internal locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate. Euro-American way.
internal/external locus of responsibility dimension measures degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system.
internalized oppression felt oppression due to society's dominant discourses
Internalized Oppression The process by which an oppressed person comes to believe, accept, or live out the inaccurate stereotypes and misinformation about their group.
Internalized Racism ..., The taking in of the negative messages of overt and covert racism, superiority and inferiority, and white privilege into oneself; you begin to believe the stereotypes of your race/start to feel inferior
Interpersonal & Group Unity think "us" instead of "you vs. me"
do things consistent with both our desires = both feel energized (shared energy)
take or receive energy from others
Interpersonal Behavior Patterns Interpersonal Behavior Patterns
interpretation oral process of moving one code to another
Interpretations generated within the counselor so they are new to the client
interracial/interethnic bias racial/ethnic groups experience mistrust, envy, and misunderstandings towards each other and people of color continue to hold beliefs and attitudes towards Whites that are very negative and filled with anger and mistrust.
interracial/interethnic conflict each ethnic/racial group holds different values, beliefs, and behavior unique to their culture which may conflict with other groups.
interracial/interethnic discrimination different values and beliefs between ethnic/racial groups have caused discrimination within the groups.
Interrogation/Criticism making others seem inadequate by being critical
Ex: Even though she knows that her sister failed her Biology exam, KELSEY keeps asking her sister, "and how did you do on your Biology exam?"
interscore reliability (reliability coefficients) crucial when there may be some variability between different scores
Intersectionality ..., Challenges the notions that race, class, gender, and sexuality should be studied as separate and distinct from each other
Intersectionality An intersection of issues in your life.
(race gender, etc...)
Intersex Intersex is a set of medical conditions that feature congenital anomaly of the reproductive and sexual system. That is, intersex people are born with "sex chromosomes," external genitalia, or internal reproductive systems that are not considered "standard" for either male or female. The existence of intersexuals shows that there are not just two sexes and that our ways of thinking about sex (trying to force everyone to fit into either the male box or the female box) is socially constructed.
Intersexed People who have biological qualities of each sex
intervention for ELL children Be in both english and home language
Build in the goal of increasing vocabulary skills
Be treating an actual communication disorder
Interview the client, caregiver, or teachers about the client's communication skills
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Development of all languages spoken
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Identify areas of difficulty in all languages spoken
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Language Exposure
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Languages Spoken at Home
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Ratings of Language Proficiency
Inteval scale of measurement Possess all the characteristics of the ordinal scale, with one additional feature: The distances between the points on the scale are equal
Ex. the distance between 80 and 90 is the same as the distance between 90 and 100 on an depression evaluation or aptitude test; temperature; in reality there are not very many interval scales
Intimidation/Anger making others fear the self with intimidation and/or expressing anger
Ex: DAVID has a habit of losing his temper whenever others do not do what he wants them to.
Intrepreting involves... 1. Offering clients new and facilitative ways to understand their experiences
2. Basing interpretation on counselor's perceptions of the client's experiences
Introjection 15. Defense mechanism in which one swallows or internalize the values of dominant person or group to avoid abuse
invisible characteristics ..., socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, spirituality, etc.
Invisible Minority A group whose minority status is not always immediately visible, such as some disabled people and LGBTIQ people. This lack of visibility may make organizing for rights difficult.
Invisible veil what people's values and beliefs or worldviews represent that operates outside the level of conscious awareness.
islamaphobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be muslim.
Issues with Ambiguity in Counseling: 1. Ambiguous and unstructured aspect of therapy situation may create discomfort in clients of color.
2. culturally diverse clients may not be familiar with therapy and may perceive it as unknown.
3. so anxiety and confusion may be the outcome in an unstructured counseling setting.
Patterns of Communication
1. Counseling think that major responsibility or initiating conversation in the session like communication mover from client to counselor. client is major responsibility in initiating conversation while counselor play less active role.
2. this may be diff for diff culture group.
Issues with focusing on the individual in counseling In many non-western cultures, identity is not seen apart from the group orientation (collectivism).
counselors who fall to recognize the importance of defining this diff between individualism and collectivism with create difficulties in therapy.
Issues with Scientific Empiricism counseling in western are known as highly linear, analytic, and verbal in their attempt to mimic the physical sciences. so its objective, rational, linear thinking like neutral, rational, and logical
This does not sit well with all multicultural clients, and takes the focus away from the individual.
Issues with Self-Disclosure in therapy For other cultures, self-disclosure takes time and only happen after they get to know the other person for many years.
Many non-western individuals feel that if they disclose personal information they may bring shame to the family.
Issues with the Time Dimension in counseling: The language of clock time in counseling can conflict with minority perception of time.
For many Hispanics may mark time by events rather than by clock.
Issues with verbal "talk" therapy many other culture may not care bout value verbalization like American do. like Chinese don't speak unless spoken to. if u don't know that the counselor might this u as unintelligent.
emotional expressiveness- like Latino and Asian cultural will that the maturity and wisdom are associated with ones ability to control emotions and feelings. so American may think they are repressed.
therapist who are value verbal, emotional, and behavioral excessiveness may not know that they are transmitting their own cultural values. this is just counselor failed to understand the cultural background and upbringing of many Asian American clients.
It A pronoun used to refer to a thing; the use of "it" as a pronoun for a person is extremely offensive in its complete dehumanization of the subject; for appropriate, gender neutral pronouns, see chart of gender neutral pronoun usage at the bottom of this page.
It does little to train culturally competent individuals when... the very organizations that employ them are monocultural and discourage using culturally competent knowledge and skills
It outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude What did the 13th Amendment do?
Italicized Questions • Are we connecting in positive ways to the culture that our African American young people bring to school?
• Are we ensuring that our students know that people who look like them, both in the past and present, have produced and are producing phenomenal intellectual accomplishment?
• Are we making connections between young people's lives and the content that we attempt to teach? Do they feel welcomed into the school environment, or do they feel that they must change who they are to be accepted?
Jackie Robinson The first African American player in the major league of baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans. Broke the color barrier in 1947
James Meredith He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action (Kennedy), showing that segregation was no longer government policy.
James Meredith United States civil rights leader whose college registration caused riots in traditionally segregated Mississippi.
jargon set of words or terms that are shared by those with a common profession or experience
Jim Crow Laws legal restrictions preventing persons of color from sharing public acomodations with whites
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
John Berry- Model of Ethnic Identity focuses on how members of ethnic minorities adjust to society as minority group members
John Collier (1884-1968) a social reformer who advocated for Native Americans. Commissioner for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration from 1933-1945.
John F. Kennedy assassinated, November 22, 1963 In Dallas Texas in a motorcade, Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people questioned this event and believed that Oswald did not act alone or this was a government cover- up.
John Gray Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus which has sold more than seven million copies and according to a 1997 report by the book's publisher, HarperCollins, is the all time, best-selling hard-cover nonfiction book. The book became a "popular paradigm" for problems in relationships based on the different tendencies in each gender and led to infomercials, audiotapes and videotapes, weekend seminars, theme vacations, a one-man Broadway show, an TV sitcom plus a movie contract with 20th Century F
John Holland Personality typology theory: six personality types (RIASEC) Realistice, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. Also known for Self-Directed Search (SDS), My Vocational Situation and the Vocational Preference Inventory.
Judgement heuristics commonly used quick decision rules
Karen Horney- Parental Indifference as the Basic Evil creates a feeling of anxiety & insecurity (and sometimes even hostility) that can become the cause of long-lasting emotional instability
Kinesics refers to bodily movements
Facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement, gestures, eye contact
kinesics study of body movements or body language
Kohlberg Amoral stage -- 0-7 - personal needs need to be satisfied.
Pre-conventional stage - 7-10 - learn rules to stay out of trouble.
Conventional Stage - -By age 10, people should be moving to where morality means to follow the norms, values.
In the Post Conventional Stage, people begin to reflect on the abstract of what is right or wrong.
Most don't reach this stage
College appears to nurture this stage.
Labor contracts required a legal document for black "servants" who agreed to work for white "masters".
Terms and conditions of employment were fully documented and signed by a judge. These included strict conducts of behavior and required permission before an ex-slave could leave the premises
labor force all persons 16 and over working or looking for work
labor market discrimination the valuation in the labor market of personal characteristics of applicants and workers that are unrelated to productivity
Laissez faire style group leader leader is more of a member
Lambda The Gay Activist Alliance originally chose the lambda, the Greek letter "L", as a symbol in 1970. Organizers chose the letter "L" to signify liberation. The word has become a way of expressing the concept "lesbian and gay male" in a minimum of syllables and has been adopted by such organizations as Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Late 1950's and early 1960's National Defense Education Act provided funds to train school cousnelors
Lateral Oppression 13. When persons within an oppressed group torment each other, taking the focus off of the dominant groups' more radical and more paralyzing oppression
Latino/Hispanic American Identity Development Models (Ruiz) 1. Causal stage
2. Cognitive stage
3. Consequence stage
4. Working-through stage
5. Successful resolution stage
**Details in the notes
Latinos and CBT Overall Three studies have found it to be effective for depression
It also reduces panic symptoms
One more well-designed outcome study is needed to deem CBT well-established in treating Latinos
Latinos and Early Study on CBT for Depression Comas-Diaz 1981
CBT and group behavioral therapy were both effective for Puerto Rican mothers compared to no treatment
similar effect sizes to whites
laws passed by individual states to keep the slaves from getting citizenship that differed by stateWhat are Black Codes?
least restrictive environment the educational setting closest to a regular school or general education setting in which the child with a disability can be educated for many children this may mean a general education classroom others may require less inclusive setting to best meet their needs
Lesbian A woman attracted to a woman.
Letting Go allows us to accept what has, is, or could happen without resistance & resolve our internal conflict
Letting Go of Desires- Social, Moral & Emotional Development mature in life = overcome our insecurities by letting go of desires
development = more we see things as "us" rather than "me vs. you" or "us vs. them"
deeper unity we feel with a wide variety of people
Lev Vygotsky Social development theory. 1) social learning procedes development, 2) More knowlegeable other- higher ability learner, 3) zone of proximal development - the distance between the students ability to preform by an adult
LGBTIQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning
liberation cycle getting ready (waking up introspection education),
reaching out,
building community,
creating change,
lilly ledbetter fair pay act of 2009 Act that creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims and expands plaintiff field beyond employee who was discriminated against
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - In response to a 2007 decision by the Supreme Court, Congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. The decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc., 6 considered the plight of Lilly Ledbetter. For nineteen years of her employment at Goodyear Tire's Gadsden, Alabama, plant, Lilly Ledbetter was consistently given lower rankings in her annual performance and salary reviews and low pay raises relative to her male peers.
Lincold died and he was VP so he became president How did Andrew Johnsomn become president?
listener-responsible language speakers need to indicate only indirectly what they are discussing and what they want the listener to know when the conversation is over, used in Japan
literacy test A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote
Little Rock "9" 1st group of black students who were able to attend an all white school because President Eisenhower used the military to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Locus of Control:
Internal Control
External Control Internal Control - refers to people's beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate
External Control - refers to people's beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that they future is determined more by chance and luck.
Locus of Responsibility(Internal & External) the degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system. Self blame vs. System blame
long term vs. short term time orientation how cultures relate to the concept of time
low context emphasis on explicit verbal message
low context overt, messages explicit, details verbalized, reactions easily seen, flexible in/out groups, time is specific, ex. Caucasian, German, Swedish, English
low context US Americans, British, Australians, Germans, Canadians
Low-context communication place a greater reliance on the verbal part of the message
Been associated with being more opportunistic, more individual oriented, and emphasizes rules of law and procedure
The US is a LC culture, while minority groups in the US and also China emphasize HC cues
Low-Income Minority Women and Recent Outcome Study for Depression Revicki et al., 2005: ADM and CBT beat community referral for low-income minority women
-Interventions better but more expensive than usual treatment
Miranda et al., 2006: superiority retained at 12-month follow-up
lunch counter sit-ins protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
magico-religious or personalistic approach health and illness are closely linked to supernatural forces, mystical powers
Maki & Kitano's Model of Asian American Identity similar to Berry's model
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter who argued for separation, not integration. He changed his views, but was assassinated in by members of the Nation of Islam in 1965.
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality
Malcolm X assassinated, 1965 Rejecting integration and nonviolence, Malcolm splits off from Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslins and is killed by them later upon declaring that blacks should use "any means necessary"
Management System Agreements, Advisory Council, Use of Data, Actions Plans, Use of Time, Calendars
management system is the when( calender and actin plan) why ( use the data) and on what authority( management agreement and advisory council)
Many minorities through years of personal experience operate from 3 assumptions All whites in this society are racist
Most whites find the concept disturbing and will go to great lengths to deny that they are racist or biased (usually largely unconscious
Nonverbal behaviors are more accurate reflections of what a white person is thinking or feeling than is what they say
Many state and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on the _____ of a job applicant or employee. Among the most well-known of these laws are Title VII, the EPA of 1963, Executive Order 11246, and the federal Constitution. sex
March from Selma to Montgomery, 1965 A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Lead by MLK
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
Margaret Mahler- Interactional Synchrony caretakers must interact in an attentive & caring manner with the infant; caretaker/infant feel an intimate sense of oneness with each other
Marginal we identify with neither majority culture OR our own minority subculture
marginality loss of traditional cultural but not acceptance of the dominant culture
Marginalized Excluded, ignored, or relegated to the outer edge of a group/society/community.
Marginalized Groups groups who are not given equal opportunities, may be avoided, pushed to the background; the needs of these people are not viewed as important as other groups.
Marginalized person refers to a persons inability to form dual ethnic identification because of bicultural memberships.
Marilynn Brewer- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory we all have a tendency to identify with certain groups but also have a need to feel that our groups are unique and different form others
want to be the same as some people (matching desires) but also feel uniquely different from others
feel energized by unity with in-group members OR taking energy from out-group members
Martin Luther King 1929-1968. Pivotal leader of the American Civil Rights movement. Non-violent leader, became youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination. Led Montgomery Bus Boycott, helped found Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and led March on Washington in 1963 where he delivered "I have a Dream" speech.
Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated, 1968 Led many to believe that the nonviolent age was over.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on Thursday April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05pm that evening. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary. Ray later made many attempts to withdraw his guilty plea and be tried by a jury, but was unsuccessful; he died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.
Mary Ainsworth (Attachment Theory) the way a caretaker interacts with an infant influences the infant's emotional development
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) an 18th-century British feminist who argued for political and civil rights and equality for women and wrote that marriage was an ingenious device for enslaving women; author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
Maryland Lowest Poverty Rate
masculinity vs. femininity gender expectations and the extent to which people prefer achievement and assertiveness of nurturance and social support
Material Good as Symbols of Power artwork & jewelry
*this suggests that regardless of where we come from, we all share a common history
Melting pot a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individual come together.
Mentor programs commonly include tutoring and recreational activities provided by adults in the community.
Meritocracy Myth Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability
Merriam Report "The Problem of Indian Administration"; a report that increased the awareness of social and educational problems on tribal lands during the 1920's
Meta-Analysis of Culturally-Adapted Treatments Griner and Smith, 2006
d=.45 across 76 studies
Interventions targeted to one group were four times more effective than interventions provided to diverse groups
Interventions conducted in native language were twice as effective compared to interventions conducted in English
Metaculture caused by basic biological limitations
Methods of appraisal interviews, rating scales, behavioral observations, formal published inventoies, sociograms, test batteries
Micheal Kimmel Wrote male masculinity books
Micro Aggression "Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults towards people of color.
Micro-aggression 18. Brief everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to people of colored, women and gays.
Microaggression brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights, and insults that potentially have a harmful or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group.
microassault type of microaggression that is blatant, verbal, nonverbal or an environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
microinsult type of microaggression that are unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender, sexual orientation.
microinvalidation type of microaggression that are verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group-unintentional and usually outside of the persons awareness.
Middle Class (Class) small buisness owners, government jobs, teachers
mild mental retardation a label for individuals with limited intellectual or cognitive abilities, which often inhibit their academic functioning and socialization. those with mild mental retardation are the highest functioning of those individuals with mental retardation and can generally master some basic academic skills
Mills vs Board of Education Court mandated that school district provide all children with disabilities a public-supported education
Procedural safeguards include -
right to appeal
right of access to records
written notice of all stages of the process
Minority clients tend to terminate therapy at a rate of ___ after how much contact with the therapist? 50% with only 1 contact
Misappropriation 5. Adoption of specific elements of one culture by a different cultural group, which have wildly different meanings or lack the subtleties of their original cultural context
Miscegenation marriage between persons of different races
Mississippi Highest Poverty Rate
Mississippi Highest Senior Poverty Rate
Mississippi Plan a system of codes and laws instituted by the state of Mississippi to deprive African Americans of their civil and political rights after Reconstruction; the eventual basis for Jim Crow laws throughout the South until the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown V. Board of Education
Mississippi Summer Project, 1964 A campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, which up to that time had almost totally excluded black voters.
Misuses of questioning include: 1. Engaging client in a Q & A session (too many questions)
2. Why questions (make defensive)
3. Close-ended questions (too brief)
4. Strategic questions (telling the client what to do with them)
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Moral Debt - Disparity between what we know is right and what we actually do
- What human beings owe to each other in the giving of, or failure to give, honor to another when honor is due
- We seem to recognize the moral debt we owe to individuals, such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, yet we often fail to recognize that that moral debt is owed to entire groups of people
morphemes meaning units of language
Most black codes were based on vagrancy law; had to prove they had a job and that job was recognized by whites
Most people will engage in overt discrimination ONLY under 3 conditions 1) when some degree of anonymity can be insured
2) when they are in the presence of others who share or tolerate their biased beliefs and actions
3) when they lose control of their feelings and actions
Mouth sticking tongue out/spitting = contempt/rejection
exposing teeth/pulling down ends of mouth = sign of threat/contempt
licking of lips = sign for appetite, social or otherwise
move around the country freely What did Abolition mean former slaves could do?
Muller-Lyer Illusion (cultural differences) lines exactly the same length, line on the left looks longer than line on right because of differing angles of short lines going out at ends.
Our cultural experiences influence how much we experience this illusion
(1) cultures where there are many forms of shelter carpentered with right angles experience this illusion much more than those in cultures without shelter carpentered with right angles
culture influences our values, traditions, and behaviors but culture also influences something as fundamental as our visual perceptions!
Multicultural counseling is simply counseling patients but taking into consideration their cultural beliefs and the effect that can have on their treatment."
Multicultural Counseling and Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognition of individuality, group, and universal dimensions and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in assessments, diagnosis, and treatment.
Multicultural Education Curriculum - Cultural diversity and public education
- "Although teachers often create classroom environments that are open to such differences, discomfort may still exits."
- "Foreign-born Arab American students may have difficulties adapting to the American public school system b/c they been brought up in society w/ different values."
- Some Arab American parents are not comfortable w/ the American public schools relaxed disciplinary system
Multicultural Psychology the study of understanding the human condition through the examination of the similarities/differences among people in different cultures and learning to coexist with each other in a peaceful manner
Multiculturalism a society in which people from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic groups, age groups, geographic areas and other variables come together to create a mosaic composed of individuals that form a rich whole
Multiculturalism a term describing the coexistence of many cultures in a locality.
Multiculturalism Deals with real human experiences and as a result, understanding your emotional reactions is equally important in the journey to cultural competence.
Multiculturalism includes... gender, sexual orientation, disability, SES, and other marginalized groups
multiethnic curriculum a course of studies that reflects accurate abd positive information about the history, experiences, contributions, and perspectives of the ethnic groups that comprise the usa population
Multiple Intellegences A theory of intelligence that differentiates it into specific "modalities", rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability
Must Read Texts 4 Characteristics • They are intellectually exciting for both students and teachers
• They serve as a roadmap and provide apprenticeship
• They challenge students cognitively
• They help students apply literacy skills and strategies independently
myth of meritocracy statements which assert that race or gender does not play a role in life successes
NAACP Organization which fought for civil rights for African Americans, mainly through court cases (behind the Brown v. Board of Education case)
NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; an advocacy group formed in 1910 to fight for the legal, civil, and political rights of African Americans
Nation of Islam A group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs and advocate independence for Black Americans.
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) A black supremacist group founded in 1930 by Elijah Muhammad, who believed that Allah would create a Black Nation of people unified against the white man. This group convinced itself that there was no purpose to work with the white man, and it is important to build the black people up and become economically self-sufficient, but exemplifying the importance of not interacting with white people whenever possible and becoming a believer in black nationalism.
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956) the largest public works project in American history when it was passed, authorized $25 billion to build 41,000 miles of roads, greatly assisting the burgeoning car culture of the 1950s
National Urban League Tried to improve job opportunities and housing for African Americans, especially those moving to northern cities.
nationalism national identity based on a common language, common culture, and loyalty and devotion to a nation
nativism policy favoring assimilated ethnic groups over more recent immigrants
Naturalization The process by which an immigrant gains the rights of a natural born citizen.
Negative Paradigm includes human choice and action
Negative transference can be interpreted as Therapeutic resistance
Neglectful/Uninvolved Parenting consistently neglect important needs/desires of the child; child receives little care/attention; end up feeling neglected/unworthy of love/respect
children steal energy or give up on communication all together/becomes avoidant
Neo-colonialism 17. A critique that focuses on contemporary problems related to race, class, gender, nationalism, and ethnicity
New Hampshire Lowest Child Poverty rate
Nirvana is Samsara present existence is enlightenment itself; no need to do anything to get there
we do not have to be different than what we are
just plain "being"
Nominal scale of measurement The simplest form. There is no relationship between the categories that could lead to ranking
Researchers assign a number to different categories for analysis
Ex. gender, teaching method, school
Non-Native English Speaking Latinos in Therapy Ethnic match leads to better perceptions of therapy, reduced drop out rate, and improved outcomes
Having an interpreter is better than trying to communicate in English
Nonuseful counselor responses... Detract or distract from students' expeirence, remaining superficiaal and limiting or discouraging exploration, understanding and feelings about their experiences
i.e. "you don't really mean that" minimizing client's feelings
Nordic race Germanic people of northern Europe who are white with a tall stature, long head, light skin and hair, and blue eyes
normalization making available to all persons with disabilities or other handicaps patterns of life and conditions of everyday living which are as close as possible to or indeed the same as the regular circumstances and ways of life of society
novelty-predictability dialectic peoples desire for change and stability in their interpersonal relationship
NOW National Organization of Women, 1966, Betty Friedan first president, wanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce its legal mandate to end sex discrimination
Now Familiar Resources Education Trust
Multiplication is For White People
Numbing state of shock; refuse to accept the experience; desensitize ourselves from our loss
Observe the client in multiple contexts with multiple speakers
Ocean Analogy- Giving Energy by pushing other people up or allowing others to push us down
Ocean Analogy- Receiving Energy by others pushing us up
Ocean Analogy- Taking Energy by pushing others down
older workers benefit protection act of 1990 a federal statute that prohibits age discrimination regarding employee benefits
older workers benefits protection act in 1990 ..., a federal statute that prohibits age discrimination regarding employee benefits
One of the major barriers to effective understanding in communication is the common assumption that ... different cultural groups operate according to identical speech and communication conventions
One-Upmanship making the other person feel inadequate by stating that we are better than the other person
Ex: HAMID boasts to Diego that his dad's truck has twice as much horsepower than Diego's dad's truck
Open group v. Closed group Open group allows for new members to enroll throughout the running time of the group, closed does not
openess-closeness dialectic peoples desires to share or withhold personal information
Oppression is defined as... an unjust & systemic excessive exercise of power against an unidentified group of people, such as disable people where laws, attitudes towards & treatment (including portrayal) of this group all reinforce this discriminatory situation.
Optimism think of their internal conflicts in a way that makes them feel like their desire is winning over what has, is, or could happen
Ex: Instead of wishing to be slimmer, they think "I'm glad I'm in good health"
Ordinal scale of measurement The data is ordered/ranked in some way - but there is not equal distance between the ranks. This indicates the relative standing among subjects/variables
Ex. ranking subject scores on a depression inventory or biology test; race results
Organizational Culture ..., Shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employee
Overall Therapy for African Americans Either equivalent or worse than among whites
Tiny literature that largely lacks control groups
Paiget's Cognitive Stages of Development 1. Sensorimotor - (0-2) absence of representational thought
2. Preoperational thought - (2-6/7) thought tends to be slow, not yet logical
3. Concrete operational thought - (7-10/11) decenter, can think about more than 1 though at a time, logical relationships
4. Formal operational thought - (12-adulthood) logical thinking extends to "formal" or abstract material
Paradigm shift in assessments since 1990s to using more process dependent measures; dynamic assessment
Paralanguage- other vocal cues that individuals use to communicate
Ex. Loudness of voice, pauses, silences, hesitations, rates of speech
parallel forms (reliability coefficients) reducing practice effects and for predictions
Paranorm means that a minority person's suspicion and mistrust of white society is normal behavior.
PARC v. the commonwealth of Pennsylvania All children ages 6-21 must be provided free public education
Children with mental retardation are to be educated in programs most like those for their peers without disabilities
Participation rate the ratio of persons age 16 and over who are working or looking for work divided by the population of persons age 16 and over.
Passive Aggression do things primarily to cause an emotional reaction in someone else
Ex: TARYN always leaves dirty dishes in the kitchen sink because she knows that her roommate is bothered by it.
passive strategies quiet and surreptitious observation of a person to learn how he/she behaves
Peggy McIntosh unearned assets that i can count on cashing in each day,
but about which i was meant to remain oblivious,
like an invisible weightless knapsack
of special provisions, maps, passports, code-books, visas, clothes, tools, & blank checks
perceived ethnolinguistic vitality individuals subjective perception of the status, demographic characteristics and institutional support of the language community, high levels means members are less likely to assimilate
Perceived expertness is typically a function of: reputation
evidence of specialized training
behavioral evidence of proficiency/competency
Trustworthiness - encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain
Traits needed for effective Multicultural Counseling - 1. Openness, 2. Sincerity, 3. Confidentiality, 4. Genuineness
percentile rank represents the percentage of test takers who scored lower on the test than that person. Therefore, a score at 83rd percentile means that 83 percent of those taking the test scored lower than the student receiving that score.
performance orientation degree to which a culture encourages and rewards people for their accomplishments
performance-reward discrimination the act of giving different amounts of rewards (ex: salary increases) to members of different groups who have similar performance evaluations. EX: undervalue the work of minorities in reward situations.
Performative Argues that humans generate idenities, including gender, through performance or expression.
Permissive/Indulgent Parenting caretaker suppress their own desires/needs & allows child to do whatever they want; accepts what child does, but gives little guidance (gives energy, but doesn't take much)
children feel alienated/have poor communication skills; steal energy to avoid alienation; may give up on communication, become avoidant
Person Centered Theory (carl rogers) Focuses on the uniqueness of the individual. Used term client-centered to emphasize inherent goodness of people. Strive for congruences between the ideal self and the real self. Believed psychological disorders are result of overly demanding and critical parents. If you didn't have acceptance and love when younger, you want/expect it later in life.
Person-centered therapy -Carl Rogers
-clients will grow if right conditions were established (emphasis on good/positive)
-ppl are essentially good
-from birth, each person is aware, inner-directed, and moving toward self-actualization
-what is important is person's perception of reality rather than an event itself
-ppl need positive regard: love, warmth, care, respect, and acceptance
Personal Achievement anxiety caused by insecurities is a great motivator for achievement; it allows us to gain respect from others; allows us to assume positions of social power
personal style using the human being as the center of the action
Personality tests often reveal Black people as being ______.
This is because... suspicious, mistrustful, and paranoid
Minority groups who have consistently been victims of discrimination and oppression in a culture that is full of racism have good reason to be suspicious and mistrustful of White society.
Pessimism comparing what has, is, or could happen to something better that they desire
Ex: "I wish I had more money"
phonology rules tell speaker what sounds to use and how to use them
physical code system relatively unchanging aspects of the body, ex. weight, body shape, facial features, skin color, eye color, hair,
Physical Contact form of greeting & gesture of intimacy in all cultures
more intimate the relationship = more touch
playing it cool cover up feelings to avoid offending Whites
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 The Supreme Court case that upheld a Louisiana segregation law on the theory that as long as the accommodations between the racially segregated facilities were equal, the equal protection clause was not violated. The Court's ruling effectively established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the notion of "separate but equal."
poll tax -fee that people had to pay in order to vote
-a way that the Southerners got around the 15th amendment
Positive organizational outcomes Diversity + inclusion, An area of OB research that concerns how organizations develop human strength, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential.
Positive/Negative Arousal feeling anxious- what has, is, or could happen is winning over desires
feeling excited- desires are winning over what has, is, or could happen
Postulated that jobs can compensate for unmet childhood needs. Anne Roe
Potential risks of making judgments about a client to a third party 1) lead the client to have less trust in the counselor and perhaps be less open and honest with the counselor in the future, 2) misrepresenting himself/herself to the counselor in an attempt to influence the counselor's judgment, 3) limit the counselor's ability to be empathetic
Power the degree to which you control people
power distance concerns that cultures have regarding the issue of human inequality
powerlessness the expectancy that a person's behavior cannot determine the outcome or reinforcements that he or she seeks.
pragmatics effect of language on human perceptions and behaviors
Pre-Therapy Orientations For Ethnic Minorities Over 20 years ago, studies showed that these programs did improve attitudes towards therapy and therapists, but their effect on outcome is unclear
Predictive validity by correlating test scores with scores on a criteriation measure at a later time, aptitude test
Preferred Therapy Style for Latinos Directive therapy is better than non-directive therapy
pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.
Pregroup stage description Forming a group - designing the proposal, attracting members, screening & selecting, and orientation
Prejudice ..., A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.
prejudice an individuals *internal* perspective,
arbitrary attributes or beliefs
& unfair bias towards or against a person/group,
based on little or no experience
& projected onto entire group
Prejudice an unfair feeling or dislike for a person or group because of race, gender, religion or sexual preference.
Prejudice Preconceived judgment or opinion often based on lack of information
Prejudice Preconcieved opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
Preparatory Depression happens later in the stage; depression is focused on the fact that we will no longer be with our loved ones
Prescriptive stereotype ..., stereotypes about what women and men should be like
presentational style the way the idea is presented is what persuades people
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned against a "military-industrial complex"
prestige how much respect that the rest of society gives you
primary labor market jobs in large that have opportunities for advancement and include lucrative retirement, medical, and vacation benefits.
primary value of needs assessment is providing the counselor with an empirical basis for establishing goals and objectives
Principles of measurement ...
Principles of Multiculturalism Be aware of the fact that people differ both between and within cultures
Be aware of your own biases and limitations
Work with the client with an eye towards informed consent
Be aware of the typical variables on which cultures tend to differ, especially language and presentation of disorders
Be flexible in the manner in which the principles and strategies of EST's are applied
Being proactive in terms of learning ahead of time about the major cultures in the area in which you work
Being open with the client about the issue of culture - open the dialogue
Treating clients in non-culturally sensitive ways is potentially harmful
Private Education: Islamic Schools - Offer standard curriculum along w/ religion and Arabic-language classes
- Provide sense of common political, cultural, and religious identity for those in the Arab American Muslim community
- 1990 NYC - 23 Islamic schools
- Diverse populations of students, face overcrowding problem
- According to the Council of Islamic Schools in N. America there are at least 200 Islamic schools nationwide
- Arab American families can preserve their cultural and religious roots and build a community to help them adjust to American life
privilege exists when 1 group has something that is systematically denied to others
not bc of who they are or what theyve done
but bc of the social category they belong to,
to be effective helpers we must recognize the ways we are privileged
privilege types class,
sexual orientation,
Problem with expecting insight in therapy insight is not highly valued in most culturally diverse clients. ppl with loser socioeconomic classes are not perceive insights appropriate to their life situation and circumstance. like they need money and how are they going to survive.
Chinese society, psychology has little relevance. like just because ur not insightful doesn't mean ur incapable of insight
1st many think too much thinking causes problems. avoid morbid thoughts, don't think about it.
2nd is many racial. ethnic minority psychologists have felt that insight is a value in itself. that insight led to behavior change. but not always. in fact many behavioral therapist think change in behavior lead to insight not vice-versa.
Who is to decide if someone has reached insight or not?
proceed determine the next step (e.g., info to help design effective instruction, additional ELL support)
Process of Becoming Fully Functioning process of moving from a state of incongruence to a state of congruence; a never-ending process since we are never completely free of internal conflict
prohibited blacks from leaving job or working a good paying job that cometed with whites, voting, gun ownership, tand estifying against whites What did the Black Codes prohibit blacks from doing?
Projection 14. Attributing to someone else your own impulses and emotions
proposition 227 an initiative passed by california voters in 1998 that required all language minority students to be educated in sheltered english immersion programs not normally intended to exceed one year although it has not completely succeeded proposition 227 was designed to eliminate bilingual education from californias schools
Proxemics perception and use of personal and interpersonal space
For Latin americans, Africans, black americans, Indonesians, arabs, south American, and French, conversing with a person dictates a much closer stance than is normal for euro-americans
Psychodynamic Assumes that relationships, especially the earliest ones, are central to human development.First relationship influences how an infant comes to define her or his indentity.
Psychological Sets of Clients
1. The problem-solving set The client accepts or rejects information from the therapist on the bases of its perceived truth or falsity. Will use consistency test to see if the information coincides with previous facts, or will use corroboration test will require the client to seek out new information
Psychological Strokes (Eric Berne) physical contact for infants
growing older= strokes replaced with attention/respect (symbolic representation of physical strokes we used to receive)
*lack of psychological strokes- leads to insecurities
Public Education - School's populations became more ethnically, culturally and religiously divers
- 1974 Equal Education Law - made education available to minorities and foreign-born students in their native language. Also, English as a Second Language is required in public schools
public law 105-17 idea amendments amendments that consolidated the law from eight parts to four parts strengthened parental roles encouraged parents and educators to resolve differences through meditation, gave schools more latitude in the discipline of students with disabilities, and set funding patterns
Public Law 94-142 the education for all handicapped children act a comprehensive legislation signed into law in 1975 that guaranteed all children age 3-21 with disabilities a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment
quasilogical style use objective statistics and testimony from expert witnesses as evidence
Queer Deviating from the expected or normal; strange
Queer Theory argues that identities are not fixed, but somewhat fluid
Questioning involves... 1. Using open-ended and closed-ended questions
2. Asking for clarification and meaning
3. Asking to understand the client's experiences better
Quid pro quo - involves a workplace benefit promised in exchange for sexual activity by the harassed worker.
race a social construction-not biologically determined
race and identity -maturation process (cross) lack of awareness of race
awareness that White has the highest status
confusion about race-alienation, anger, psychological conflict
strong identity with racial group, distrust of whites
acceptance and healthy racial identity (internalization of oppressive feelings has been dealt with)
personhood that includes racial identity
Race is a concept that was invented to categorize the perceived biological, social, and cultural differences between human groups. True
(Episode One: The Difference Between Us)
Racial attitudes and beliefs are formed from... 1) school and education 2) mass media 3) peers and social groups.
Racial disproportionality in Special Education - Mislabeling - often results from inappropriate identification in the State Placement Plan (SPP)
- African-American children are identified as having mental retardation and emotional disturbance at rates greater than their white counterparts
- IDEA requires state and local agencies to take steps to address the disproportionate representation of minority children in special education
Racial identity a surface level manifestation based on what we look like yet has a deep implication in how we are treated. a sense of group or collective identity based on one's perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group.
Racial Identity identification with a particular racial group
Racial identity is defined as.. Racial identity can be defined as a process or series of stages through which a person passes as the person's attitudes toward his/her own racial/ethnic group are shaped
racism a belief that other groups are intellectually, psychologically, or physically inferior.
Racism a belief that race determines capability with one race being superior to others.
Racism is defined as .... the inherent belief in the superiority of one race over all others & thereby the right to dominance
Ratio scale of measurement All of the same in interval, except there is the addition of a true-zero point.
Ex. height, weight, time on task, income, age
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy -ppl are inherently rational and irrational, sensible and crazy
-children more vulnerable to outside influences and irrational thinking than adults
-ppl have means to control their thoughts, feelings, actions,
-dont use "to be" - individuals should speak & think of their beahviors as separete form their personhood - gives freedom to change
Reactions to Anxiety Reactions to Anxiety
Reactive Depression happens early in the stage; we lose hope & begin feeling there is nothing we can do to avoid our destiny
Reality therapy -emphasize choices taht ppl can make to change their lives
-focus on environment necessary for conducting counseling & procedures leading to change
-emphasize the fulfillment of psychological needs, the resolution of personal difficulties, and the prevention of future problems
-pysch needs: belonging, power, freedom, fun
-problems arise from failure to take responsibility for behavior
Reasonable man - A "reasonable man" standard would apply to harassment of a male worker. Not constrained by the limits of federal decisional law, some state legislatures have enacted clarifying legislation.
Reasonable victim - By adopting a "reasonable victim" standard, federal circuit courts of appeals require that both a subjective and an objective element demonstrate sexual harassment.
Reasonable woman - Thus, sexual harassment against a woman is judged on the basis of whether the "reasonable woman" would find the conduct or environment sexually harassing.
Receiving Energy when others are attending to our desires/needs
Recent Arab American Immigrants • 1965 - Congress passed new immigration act that removed previous restriction that favored immigrants from certain countries over others
• Diverse in level of education and professional background
Recent Example of Culturally Adapted CBT Miranda et. al., 2006
CBT for depression among low income minority women: provided childcare and transportation, provided psychoeducation, used culturally relevant examples (a drop of water carves a rock)
Used the manual of culturally adapted CBT (Munoz and Mendelson, 2005)
Reconstruction the period mandated by Congress after the Civil War in which the political, social, and economic structure of the South would be rebuilt without slavery; lasted from 1865 to 1877
Reconstruction What was Lincoln's plan called to rebuild the country?
Redemption the period after Reconstruction when the South would be "redeemed" from the federal interference with state autonomy and White rule
Redlining Refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk
Reflecting involves... 1. Communicating empathy
2. Neither adding to nor subtracting from the clients' messages
3. Communicating back to the clients the main meaning of their messages
4. Reflecting clients' feelings/emotions - directly expressed in words or implied thru nonverbal aspects
5. Checking with the client to see if the counselor's reflection is accurate
reflection of feeling feeling must include a feeling or affective word and must be something the client is feeling, not the counselor
refugees persons recognized by the us govt as being persecuted or legitimately bearing persecution in their home country because of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a specific social or political group
regulators nonverbal behaviors that help synchronize the back-and-forth nature of conversations, ex. head nods, eye contact, posture shifts
rehabilitation act of 1973 prohibits employers from discriminating against the handicapped
Reification When you try to make something real
Relational Level of Human Interaction defining the nature of the relationship (animals too)
part of communication that occurs "between the lines"
used to understand/figure out how much we trust one another
it's at this level that the giving/taking of energy occurs
reliability if a test is reliable it is consistent
Reliability (coefficient range) -1.0 to +1.0; An index of the consistency of measurement often based on the correlation between scores obtained on the initial test and a retest or between scores on two similar forms of the same test.
Reliability (internal consistency( ...
Reliability (parallel forms) ...
Reliability (stability) ...
religion externally defined, affiliation with a group that practices of a particular set of beliefs
religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.
Religious Diversity - Public schools are meant to be secular environments
- Teach tolerance
- Religions are points of view or perspectives that contain value systems and sets of beliefs, which sometimes contain embedded prejudice
- Our identity is shaped by our religious beliefs, values, customs and associations
- Educators must be open to students and their backgrounds
Religious Figures/Power religious figures allied themselves with individuals in power; became rulers of their own living in luxurious temples (elaborate artwork/elaborate tombs)
formed coalitions with other powerful individuals to rule over masses & conquer new territory in search of wealth
Relocation Act 10. A government endeacor in the 50's and 60's in which Native American were placed in urban areas and given jobs
Reorganization ability to move on with our lives; redefine ourselves/our social roles
repeal the Emancipation Proclamation What ws Lincoln warn that Congress and the Supreme Court might do, but ended up not doing?
Required blacks to be employed by whites, jobless blacks to be arrested as vagrants, and blacks to follow a nightly curfew What did the Black Codes require blacks to do?
Researchers whose studies support foot-in-the-door technique are _____. this technique is ask for small things first, then you'll likely get bigger ones. Freedman and Fraser
reserve discrimination Discrimination against members of a majority group
resilient to extreme scores in a distribution the median
Response services ) student referrals, 2) Remediation planning, 3) crisis counseling
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nonviolent leader of the civil rights movement and founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
review examine what you find and determine what else is needed
Review relevant documents, client background, and previous testing or therapy
Revised 7 step process 1.) Naiveté phase- neutral with respect to racial or cultural differences
2. ) Conformity phase- white person's attitudes and beliefs in this phase are very ethnocentric, minimal awareness of self as a racial being and strong belief in the universality of values and norms governing behavior
3.) Dissonance phase- movement in this phase occurs when white person is forced to deal with the inconsistencies at odds with their denial, must acknowledge whiteness at some level, to examine own cultural values and to see the conflict between upholding humanistic nonracist values and their contradictory behavior
4.) Resistance and emergence phase- white person begins to question and challenge own racism, anger and guilt at family, friends and society
Feelings of guilt and shame towards self and other whites
5.) Introspective phase- no longer denies participation in racism and benefited from white privilege, less motivated by guilt and defensiveness and accept whiteness, seek to redefine identity and that of their social group
6.) Integrative awareness phase-understand self as racial/cultural being, aware of sociopolitical influences regarding racism and appreciating racial/cultural diversity and becoming more committed toward eradicating oppression
7.) Commitment to antiracist action phase- social action
Rhetoric Think of persuasion
RIOT Review, Interview, Observe, Test
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, 1968 The murder of RFK in a Southern California hotel after giving a speech following a victory in CA's presidential primary. He had been a prominent front runner in the elections, with support and sympathy for many hated and discriminated groups who were angry at their treatment. His major belief was that the Vietnam War was unneeded and hurt, rather than bolstered, the country, and that money could be better spent helping the poor and neglected Americans in their own country. (June 1968)
Robert Moses One of SNCC's most influential leaders; Harvard graduate, soft spoken teacher from Harlem,
Recruited black and white volunteers to help rural blacks register to vote.
Roe v. Wade, 1973 A pregnant woman challenged the Texas state law that she had a constitutional right of her own body and privacy to legally get an abortion, and the Supreme Court agreed an abortion became legal in the first trimester of pregnancy
Role of school counselor To design and implement a comprehensive program of services with specific goals and objectives that complement the broader mission of the entire school.
roles of a school counselor Consultation, appraisal, counseling and guidance curriculum
Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed, the Montgomery bus boycott was organized.
Rosa Parks United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)
Rowe, Bennett and Atkinson Model of WR Consciousness types and their characteristicsUnachieved: (types or statuses as opposed to stages, not fixed entities but subject to experiential modification)
1. ) Avoidant type ignore, avoid, deny or minimize racial issues
2. ) Dependent types have minimal racial attitudes developed through personal experience or consideration
3. ) Dissonant types often feel conflicted between their belief systems and contradictory experiences
1. ) Dominative types are ethnocentric and believe in white superiority and minority and interiority
2. ) Conflictive types oppose direct and obvious discrimination but would be unwilling to change the status quo
3. ) Reactive types have good awareness that racism exists but seem unaware of their personal responsibility in perpetuating it
4. ) Integrative types have integrated their sense of whiteness with regard for racial/ethnic minorities and integrate rational analysis on the one hand, and moral principles on the other hand as they relate to a variety of racial/ethnic issues
RRebuilding the country after the Civil War What is Reconstruction?
rules of interaction not written down, nor are they typically shared verbally, instead that operate at the level of unwritten and unspoken expectations
Same-sex harassment - is unlawful under Title VII as long as the plaintiff can establish the alleged harassment occurred because of his or her sex (that is, it would not have happened to a member of the opposite sex). The Supreme Court has considered one case involving sexual harassment of a male employee by other male employees on an oil-drilling platform in Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. 28 In that decision, the Supreme Court held that Title VII's protection against workplace discrimination "because of... sex" applied to harassment in the workplace between members of the same sex. The harassing conduct need not be motivated by sexual intent.
Sarah M. Grimke (1792-1873) a radical feminist political activist and author who was prominent in the first half of the 19th century
Scales of measurement 1. Nominal
2. Ordinal
3. Interval
4. Ratio
Schmoker Essential Teaching Practices Conducting a check for understanding at certain points in the lesson.
Being clear about what is to be learned and assessed
Schofield has noted that therapists tend to prefer clients who exhibit YAVIS syndrome. What does YAVIS stand for?
As a opposed to QUIOD which stands for ... 1.young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, and successful.
2. quite, ugly, old, indigent, and dissimilar culturally.
School counselor's planning components 1) Procedures to evaluate school goals
2) to assess the needs of all constituents
3) to select program goals and objectives
School counselors role for working with students of exceptionalities - develop and implement IEP
-help sped teacher assess students' needs and develop effective strategies for differently able students
-help parents and families of students adjust to challenges of nurturing/caring for children
-counseling students to help them develop their own full potential
Scientific administration the application of social science research to social policy
scientific racism he historical use of science in the investigation of racial differences seems to be linked with White supremacist notions.
EX: Black persons' brains are smaller and less developed
Scientific racism the use of scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) used christian pricipals in order to fight segregation--nonviolent, consisted of black prechers, and had alot of influence, (aka Southern Christian Leadership Conference); churches link together to inform blacks about changes in the Civil Rights Movement, led by MLK; advocated passive resistance
SCLC Organization formed by MLK in 1957 to organize nonviolent resistance to achieve equality for African Americans
Scripts cognitive representations of socially acceptable ways to behave in specific situations
Ex: you leave a generous tip for your excellent waiter/waitress; you do not shine their shoes.
second class citizen occurs when a target group member receives differential treatment from the power group.
Second Wave of Arab American Immigrants Following World War 2, predominantly Muslim, held professional degrees, maintained strong ties to Arab identities, and many lived in affluent suburban areas
Section 504 of public law 93-112 part of rehabilitation act of 9173, designed as a counterpart law for individuals with disabilities to the civil rights act of 1964. it requires reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities, and prohibits the denial of participation in any program receiving federal funds solely on the basis of one's disability
Secure Attachment infant is emotionally stable; responsive/attentive caretaker
Secure Attachment stable trusting relationships
see observe the student in multiple settings with different partners
Seeing the client as a person who has learned a set of survival skills vs. a diseased person.personalism
Self-Blame children blame themselves when caretakers steal energy; child becomes very insecure
Self-Concept & Experience my desires and experience corresponds to what has, is, or could happen
Self-Pity/Guilt Trip making others feel sorry for the self or feel guilty for not being compassionate
Ex: TIMOTHY always manages to get his friends to do things for him by constantly reminding them that he has a serious medical condition.
Selma March A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Led by MLK. Resulted in Voting Rights Act.
semantics the study of the meaning of words, relationship between words and what they stand for
send the black slaves out of the country What was a possibility to the solution to the "Negro Problem".
Seneca Falls Convention was an early and influential women's rights convention, the first to be organized by women in the Western world, in Seneca Falls, New York. It spanned two days: 19 July 1848 and 20 July 1848. New York women, upon the occasion of a visit by Philadelphia-based Lucretia Mott, a Quaker famous for her oratorical ability, planned the event. Mott's oratorical ability was rare for this era during which women were often not allowed to speak in public. Female Quakers local to the area organized the meeting along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a skeptical non-Quaker.
Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 historically important conference on women's political and civil rights held in Seneca Falls, NY, featuring notable activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the abolitionist Frederick Douglass
Separated minority individuals identify with their own minority subculture but do not identify with majority culture
Seven basic principles of prejudice reduction · Having intimate and close contact with others
· Cooperation rather than competition no common tasks
· Sharing mutual goals
· Exchanging accurate information rather than stereotypes
· Sharing an equal status relationship
· Support for prejudice reduction by authorities and leaders
· Feeling a sense of connection and belonging with another
Severe and/ or pervasive conduct - A hostile work environment claim of sexual harassment is more difficult to prove than a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim because the plaintiff has the burden of proving that the action was severe or pervasive enough to create the hostile work environment, which altered the conditions of the victim's employment.
Sex and gender as synonymous terms - The courts use the terms "sex" and "gender" interchangeably, but, for our purposes we will refer to "sex discrimination" and "gender discrimination" when referring to federal civil rights and employment discrimination law. However, we distinguish a more narrow term when referring to sexual harassment (a form of discrimination) because this type of offense is sexual in nature.
Sex discrimination - Sex discrimination - Sex Discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of gender. Women have historically been subjected to legal discrimination based on their gender.
Sex discrimination involves treating an individual __________ because of his or her gender. Such discrimination is illegal if it has a negative impact on the employment experience of people of a certain gender and is not job related or necessary to the operation of the business. unfavorably
Sex discrimination is unlawful in all the many forms it has taken in the workplace. The _____ prohibits discrimination that involves paying lower wages to workers of one sex than to workers of the other for equal work on jobs requiring equal skill, effort, and responsibility performed under similar working conditions. EPA
sexism discrimination by members of one sex against another, also called sexist bias.
Sexual identity discrimination - Wrongful treatment of a worker due to the person's self-identification with a gender, whether it is the same as or opposite to the person's birth gender. Sexual identity discrimination is not the same as sexual orientation discrimination. Gender identity involves a person's self-identification with a gender, whether it is the same or the opposite of the one with which he or she was born.
Sexual identity--Cass model Identity confusion
Identity comparison
Identity tolerance
Identity acceptance
Identity pride
Identity synthesis
sexual objectification occurs when women are treated like objects at men's disposal.
Sexual orientation discrimination - A person's sexual orientation is not, per se, a protected class under Title VII. Employment discrimination based on sexual orientation is not prohibited, but sexual orientation harassment may be protected if it is related to a gender discrimination claim, such as failing to conform to gender stereotypes.
Sexual stereotype - A few federal courts have held that a transsexual individual had established membership in a protected class by alleging discrimination on the basis of a failure to conform to a sexual stereotype. Employers violate Title VII when they discriminate against any employee, transsexual or not, because he or she fails to act or appear sufficiently masculine or feminine to satisfy the employer's prejudices.
Sexual/ Gender Identity - A person's various individual attributes, as they are understood to be masculine and/ or feminine.
sheltered english immersion an instructional process in which english language acquisition is structured so that nearly all instruction is in english thi is the instructional method mandated by california prop 227 and is normally limited to one year
Should bilingual children with language disorders be counseled to use only one language? no
Significance of Crying allows us to let go of our desires and resolve our internal conflicts
sit-in protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
SLA and Bilingualism Second language acquisition
Code Blending in bilingualism
Language loss
Smile universal signal of joy, love & acceptance
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)-a group established in 1960 to promote and use non-violent means to protest racial discrimination; they were the ones primarily responsible for creating the sit-in movement
SNCC Organization founded in 1960 by college students to organize sit-ins and other nonviolent protests and offer young people a voice in the movement; became more radical in the late 1960s under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael
Social capital - Influence and connections
- Convertible into forms of title or nobility
- It is a network of connections that are a product of an endless effort at institution
- 3 forms - obligations and expectations, information channels, and norms and effective sanctions
-f-connection - families, firms and friends
Social class - group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of production.
- Within that system occupation is important b/c it provides financial rewards, stability, and benefits
- Culture of power - issues of power are enacted in the classroom. Codes or rules for participating in dominant group
Social Construction How society defines what is true or not. People create meaning. Assumes: theory of knowledge.
Knowledge is a social product. Language is at the core of knowledge. Is a dynamic process (changing). Individual and society are indissolvible.
Social Groups/Social Hierarchies all civilizations- stone age type primitive culture
cultivating of wild plants, formation of villages, increase population
Social Identity Theory & Various Levels of Group Identity some groups much larger & include others whereas some partially overlap with other groups
more we share energy = importance of group
Social justice counseling an active philosophy and approach aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity; reducing or eliminating disparities in education, health care, employment etc.
Social Language Theory emphasizes environment
Social learning Claims that individuals learn to be masculine and feminine primarily be imitating othersand getting responses from others to their behaviors.
social oppression exists when 1 group exploits another for its own benefits
social oppression key elements 1. dominant group defines what is normal
2. differential treatment
3. psychological colonization of target group
leads to internalized oppression
4. target groups culture is discounted
& dominant groups culture is imposed
Social Power in Relation to Energy more social power = the less other people can steal energy from us & the more we can steal energy from them
more insecure = more we crave for social power
social role valorization giving value to individuals with mental retardation
social roles sets of expected behaviors that are associated with people in a particular position
Socio-political Debt - Degree to which communities of color are excluded to civic process
- Voting Rights Act of 1965 - possibly the most successful piece of legislation adopted by the U.S. Congress. Represents a proactive attempt to eradicate the sociopolitical debt that had been accumulating since the founding of the nation
socioeconomic class factors that affect include educational level, employment stability, wages, marital status, household income, household size, citizenship, access to healthcare
Sojourner Truth the African American anti-slavery leader who championed the importance of political and social equality for all women.
Solution-Focused Therapy -concentrates on finding solutions instead of dealing with problems
-individuals want to change and only small amt needed
some of the strongest Black Codes What did Mississippi have?
someone guilty of crime, but treated as if it never happened What is amnesty?
Southern senator, but he stayed loyal to the North Was Andrew Johnson a Northerner and Southerner?
space(proxemics) study of how people differ in their use of personal space
speaker-responsible language speaker is expected to provide the structure and much of the specific meaning of statements, used in English
spirituality internally defined, beliefs and faith
Religion- is an animating of life force that is inclusive of religioun and speaks to the thoughts feelings and behaviors related to a transcendent state. Can be pursued outside a specific religion because it is transpersonal and includes one's capacity for creativity, growth and love.
narrower, involving a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs.
Stage of White Identity Development - Contact Lack of awareness of cultural and institutional racism, and of one's own White privilege (invisible knapsack)
Stage of White Identity Development - Disintegration Lack of awareness replaced by discomfort of guilt
Stage of White Identity Development - Immersion/Emersion Actively seek out opportunities to explore aspects of one's own culture w/ support of peers from their own racial background
Stage of White Identity Development - Pseudo-Independent Understands cognitively the problem of White privilege, but unsure of what to do about it.
Stage of White Identity Development - Reintegration guilt and anxiety redirected to fear and anger directed to People of Color who are now blamed as the source of discomfort
Stage of White Identity Development- Autonomy - newly defined sense of self as White
- positive feelings associated with redefinition
- alliances with People of Color can be more easily forged in this stage b/c the person's antiracist behaviors and attitudes will be more consistently expressed
Stages of a group 1. Pregroup stage - forming a group
2. Initial stage - orientation & exploration
3. Transition stage - leader helps group begin to work on concerns
4. Working stage - productiveness
5. Final stage - id learned & apply
Standardized Test A standardized test is any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that is scored in a "standard" or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students
Standpoint Focuses on how memberships in groups, such as those designated by gender, race, class, and sexual identity, shapes what individuals experience, know, feel, and do, as well as how individuals understand social life as a whole.
stanine Understandability of percentages with the properties of the normal curve of probability. Stanines divide the bell curve into nine sections with largest at the 40-60th percentile.
stanines test scores converted to an equivalent standard score in a normal distribution with values 1, 2, 3, ...9 a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 1, 96.
states would decide how their residents would be treated What was the solution for problem 1.
Statistic & Testing - Variability is defined as ... the dispersion, spread, or scatter of scores or values in a distribution, usually about the mean
Statistics & Testing - Central tendency is ... a measure of the point about which a group of values are clustered.
Statistics & Testing - Correlation coefficients mean ... a numerical value that identifies the strength of relationship between variables
Statistics & Testing - Sampling theory is ... Random sampling of a population that we'd like to study. If population is large, researchers often turn to sampling. Considerations include: - is sample representative? - what % of error is acceptable?
Statistics & Testing - Standard error of measurement is ... the estimate of the 'error' associated with the test-takers obtained score when compared to their hypothetical 'true' scores.
Statistics Testing - Testing norms ... Norm referenced tests compare a person's score against the scores of a group of people who have already taken the same exam, called the "norming group"
Steal Energy steal energy from people less powerful than us (family members, friends, schoolmates, coworkers, neighbors, complete strangers)
Stealing Energy taking more than returning
Stereotype A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
stereotype Fixed oversimplified image of members of a community
Stereotype Threat a situational predicament in which individuals are at risk of confirming negative stereotypes about their group.
Stereotype threat suggests that persons of color are oftentimes placed in a position in which they fear confirming a mistaken notion about themselves.
stereotypes exaggerated and usually biased views of a group
stereotypes mental images that are overly simplistic & exaggerated generalizations about social groups,
selective generalizations that attribute specific traits to group that arent necessarily true,
may be used to spread misinfo & stigmatize a subordinate group
stereotypes rigid preconception we hold about all people whoa re members of particular group, whether it be defined along racial, religion, sexual, or other lines.
Stereotyping And oversimplified opinion, prejudice attitude, or judgment, especially one directed at particular individual or groups.
Stokely Carmichael Coined the phrase "black power" and led SNCC away from a nonviolent approach.
Stonewall Riots, 1969 Riots in the New York City neighborhood of Greenwich Village by members of the gay community against a police raid of a gay bar
Story A primary means by which people understand.
Think of belief system and ways of living
Structured group v. unstructured group Structured groups feature a sequence of lessons or activities whereas unstructured groups have no agenda, lessons, or activities planned - unstructured groups tend to be open.
Subculture Groups of people in a complex diverse society that come from various parts of the world and retain much of their original culture tradition.
subordinate/target disadvantaged,
differential treatment,
lack power & influence
subtle sexism unequal and unfair treatment of women that is not recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative and therefore does not appear unusual.
Successful instruction is constant... Successful instruction is constant, rigorous, integrated across disciplines, connected to students' lived cultures, connected to their intellectual legacies, engaging, and designed for critical thinking and problem solving that is useful beyond the classroom.
succinct style long pauses and understatement, Japanese-American, Native American or Chinese American preferred style
Sue & Sue (1999)s 3 Main Principles of Cultural Competency Awareness
Balance recognizing your limits with pushing yourself to learn, especially in graduate programs
Be aware of additional stressors that may come along with being a minority, being new to the US, or having different values than one's culture/parents
Be culturally competent in research, too
Sufferage the right to vote in political elections.
Sundown Towns A sundown town is a town, city, or neighborhood in the US that was purposely all-white. The term came from signs that were posted stating that people of color had to leave the town by sundown
Supervisor - Liability Because of Supervisor's Actions The Ellerth and Faragher decisions describe a supervisor as a person with immediate or successively higher authority over another employee. Courts do not apply a mechanical test to define a supervisor. Instead, they consider the person's authority as exercised on the job.
Susan B Anthony played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to introduce women's suffrage into the United States.
Susan Freeman teaches about the historical construction of gender and sexual identity, with an emphasis on how feminist, LGBT, and other social justice movements have shaped popular perceptions of sexuality.
Suzuki says the potential of every child is what? The potential of every child is unlimited
Sweatt v. Painter, 1950 a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The case involved a black man, Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law on the grounds that the Texas State Constitution prohibited integrated education. At the time, no law school in Texas would admit blacks., Segregated law school in Texas was held to be an illegal violation of civil rights, leading to open enrollment.
symbolic ethnicity An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage.
Symbolic interactionism Through communication with others we learn who we are and how our culture views our identity.
symbols words, actions, or objects that stand for or represent a unit of meaning
syntactics relationship of words to one another, specific rules that govern the sequence of words in every language
systematic oppression socially sanctioned & maintains an imbalance of power,
embedded in:
institutions: media, family, religion, education, language, economics, criminal justice
cultural definitions: normal, real, correct, beautiful, valuable
systematic oppression cycle around power, control, economics:
1. systematic mistreatment of target group
2. misinfo generated (including no info),
3. society accepts (approves, legitimizes, normalizes),
4. internalized oppression (belief misinfo about own group),
5. internalized dominance (feeling/acting superior, often unconsciously),
6. institutions perpetuate & enforce,
7. justification for further mistreatment
(oppress based on effects of having oppressed)
T scores are ... a test score converted to an equivalent standard score in a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10
Taking Energy when we DEMAND other to attend to our desires/needs
target of self-disclosure the person to whom the self-disclosing information is given.
Teachers who demand critical thinking regularly do what? - Whenever students are actively involved, good teaching is going on
- Whenever students are directly involved in a real-life experience, good teaching is going on
techniques of dominance 1. stereotypes
2. prejudice
3. discrimination
Term meaning that a behavior can't be described as good or bad except w/in the context of the culture. cultural relativism
test formal and informal assessments to complete the picture
Test the client using multiple assessments
test-retest (reliability coefficients) when the test will be used to make a prediction
Tests that come in more than one language McArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories
The 13th Amendment was passed What happened in December 1865?
The advantage of pursuing a _____ _____ action is that the employee need not establish the element of equal work under similar working conditions as required under the EPA. Title VII
The Big Five (E, ES, OE, A, C) universal concepts in understanding the psychological characteristics of individuals
Evolutionary psychologists- this universally human characteristic of using these specific concepts to understand our social world is BIOLGOICAL in nature (inborn mechanism to help us adapt effectively to social world)
used to distinguish people to select friends, mates, or evaluate people who may be threatening towards us
tendencies may be genetically based
The Black Codes were a series of statutes and laws enacted in 1865 and 1866 by the legislatures of the Southern states following the end of the Civil War at the beginning of the Reconstruction Era.
Public laws that economized restricted minorities' civil rights
The Black Codes, that included Vagrancy Laws, led to a system of penalties and punishments including Convict Leasing that put freed slaves back into forced labor on the plantations.
the black slaves and whites What are the two groups that are against each other in the Union?
The Continuum of Cultural Proficiency Cultural Destructiveness
Cultural Incapacity
Cultural Blindness
Cultural Pre-Competence
Cultural Competence
Cultural Proficency
The Crisis a journal founded and edited by W.E. B. Du Bois shortly after the founding of the NAACP in 1910; dedicated to educating people about racial discrimination; reached a peak circulation of 100,000 in 1918
The Culturally Deficient Model perspective (concerning environmental factors, not biological) perpetuating the belief that minorities are culturally disadvantaged, deficient, or deprived - the blame now shifted to lifestyles or values. Culturally deprived is defined as lacking a cultural background, which is impossible since everyone inherits a culture.
The Culturally Diverse Model Minorities should no longer be viewed as culturally deficient, rather as culturally diverse. The goal of society should be to recognize the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles, the advantages of being bicultural, and the value of differences.
The development of a comprehensive guidance plan has the following stages: 1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Implementing
4. Evaluating
The Ellerth and Faragher decisions describe a ________ as a person with immediate or successively higher authority over an employee. The Supreme Court reached this conclusion because the supervisor's apparent authority as delegated by the employer aids discriminatory misconduct. supervisor
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for women. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and, in 1923, it was introduced in the Congress for the first time. In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress and went to the state legislatures for ratification. The ERA failed to receive the requisite number of ratifications (38) before the final deadline mandated by Congress of June 30, 1982, and so it was not adopted. During the ratification process, Phyllis Schlafly mobilized conservatives to oppose the ERA, which proved to be a major factor in the amendment's defeat. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
The Feminine Mystique published, 1963 written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities
The Genetically Deficient Model The portrayal of people of color in literature as stereotyped as deficient in certain desirable attributes. EX: The attempt to cultivate research oriented credibility by using "scientific" or "biological" differences as a measure of intelligence based on race / gender.
the human rights campaign ..., political action committee
The notion of ability or talent.... The notion of ability or talent set in stone at the moment of conception has actually been brought into question through both statistical research and careful scrutiny of the life paths of exceptionally talented individuals.
the people in the Southern states would be US citizens again and the states could send representatives to Congress. What would happen when problem 1 was solved?
The personality that is typical of the group in question. modal personality
The presence of other persons (coworkers, peers, etc.) improves a person's performance even when no verbal interaction. eg. when given the task of memorizing a string of #s. Social Facilitation Phenomena (F.H. Allport)
the slave owners are the majority and the whites are the former state representatives so they wont be fair to the slaves What was the problem with letting the state decide what they want to do with freed slaves?
the south would be governed by a military governer What would happen if the Southern states didnt follow the 10 percent plan?
The Supreme Court decisions in Ellerth and Faragher imposed vicarious liability for unlawful harassment by _______. These decisions impose the employer's affirmative obligation to remedy sexually hostile conduct in the workplace. This duty requires employers to prepare and disseminate a policy prohibiting sexual harassment, provide a procedure for lodging complaints, and provide a thorough and complete investigation of all complaints regardless of the claimant's gender. supervisors
The term suggesting that ethnic and racial minorities adopt cultural beliefs from the dominate culture is ____ acculturation
The theory saying that all cultures pass through stages of development in terms of evolving and maturing - like children.. Cultural epoch theory
The tripartite FRAMEWORK for understanding multiple dimensions of identity: All individuals, in many respects, are (a) like no other individuals, (b) like some individuals, and (c) like all other individuals.
The way an individual is "supposed to" behave vs. all behaviors within a culture ideal culture vs. real culture
theme four: Systemic change counselors can asses the school for systemic barriers to academic success. Counselors shoudl use data to advocate, for every student, ensuring equitu and acces to rigorous curriculum wich maximizes post-secondary options.
theme one; Leadership counselors are ingaged in systemwide change to insure students success. they promote succes by closing the existing achivement gap.
theme three: Collaboration and teaming counselors work with all stakeholders both inside and outside the school system, to develop and implement responsive educational programs that support the achievement fo the identified goals for every student
theme two; Advocacy counselors advocate for students' educational needs and work to ensure these needs are addressed at every level of the school experience.
Theory that a decrease of intellectual functioning occurs 5 years before death. terminal drop or terminal decline
Theory that says people have a need to compare themselves with others to assess their own abilities and options is _____. It also shows that we'll compare ourselves to others who are _____ to us. Theory of Social Comparison, similar
Leon Festinger
Therapist Multicultural Training Therapists become more culturally sensitive and patients have more positive views of their therapist, but the effect on outcome has not been systematically studied
There are 3 major potential barriers to effective individual and family counselor a. class-bound values
b. linguistic issues
c. cultural values
Thick Shells makes air (energy)/water(absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow less freely; makes person heavier & sink deeper
short run- protects us from losing energy
long run- makes us lose energy
when feeling anxious & alienated
Thin Shells makes air(energy)/water (absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow through more freely; makes person lighter & rise to the surface
when feeling relaxed & easygoing
Thirteenth Amendment adopted on Dec. 18, 1865; reads in part, "Neither slavery not involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the US, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"
Three components of culture What people think
What people do
What material products people produce.
Three dimensions of the Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence (MDCC) Dimension 1: Group-Specific Worldviews (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc.)
Dimension 2: Components of Cultural Competence (Awareness of attitudes/beliefs, knowledge, skills)
Dimension 3: Foci of Cultural Competence (societal, organizational, professional, individual)
Three LEVELS of Tripartite Development of Personal Identity: Individual level: uniqueness (genetic endowment, nonshared experiences)
Group level: similarities and differences (gender, SES, age, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religious preference, etc.)
Can be in different groups and one group identity may be more salient than other
Universal level: homo sapiens (ability to use symbols, common life experiences, biological and physical similarities, self-awareness)
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor. Argued the case of Brown v Board of Education
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States; an advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor.
time orientation value or importance the members of a culture place on the passage of time
time(chronemics) study of time, how people use it, structure it, interpret it and understand its passage
timing of self-disclosure refers to the revealing things about oneself and what is considered the correct time in certain cultures
title I of the americans with Disabilities act of 1990 ..., Cannot discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability.
Title II of the Education Amendments addresses teacher and principal training, and Enhancing Education through Technology
Title IX legislation passed by congress in 1972 to provide females equal access to all aspects of education
Title IX of the Education Amendments comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity (applies to all schools and colleges that are funded) also protects from sexual harrassment and employment discrimination
Title IX, 1972 "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Title VII _________ discrimination based on immutable characteristics associated with a worker's sex. Those characteristics include skin color, hair texture, or certain facial features, even if not all members of the protected group have them. prohibits
title Vii of the civil rights act Stated that an employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ..., prohibits discrimination in employment based on five criteria: race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
to appeal to the South Why did Lincoln choose Andrew Johnson as VP?
Tolerance Acceptance of beliefs and attitude differebt from ones own.
too generous and that the Confederates should be punished What did many, mostly Republicans, think of the plan for Reconstruction?
traditionalists ..., 60-70,patriotic, loyal,fiscally conservative, faith. I learned it the hard way: you can, too.
traditionality holding on to original cultural identities
trait- factor career development there is a direct relationship between interests and abilities
Transgender Transgender (sometimes shortened to trans or TG) people are those whose psychological self ("gender identity") differs from the social expectations for the physical sex they were born with. To understand this, one must understand the difference between biological sex, which is one's body (genitals, chromosomes, ect.), and social gender, which refers to levels of masculinity and femininity. Often, society conflates sex and gender, viewing them as the same thing. But, gender and sex are not the same thing.Transgender people are those whose psychological self ("gender identity") differs from the social expectations for the physical sex they were born with. For example, a female with a masculine gender identity or who identifies as a man.
An umbrella term for transsexuals, cross-dressers (transvestites), transgenderists, gender queers, and people who identify as neither female nor male and/or as neither a man or as a woman. Transgender is not a sexual orientation;transgender people may have any sexual orientation. It is important to acknowledge that while some people may fit under this definition of transgender, they may not identify as such.
Transgendered - Transgendered Individual A person who identifies with and adopts the gender identity of a member of the opposite biological sex.
Transgendered individual - A person who identifies with and adopts the gender identity of a member of the opposite biological sex.
Transition A complicated, multi-step process that can take years as transgender people align their anatomy with their sex identity and/or their gender expression with their gender identity.
Transition activities for students include... -articulation agreements with other schools
-orientation pograms across grade/building levels
-buddy systems for new students
-placement activities for incoming students
-teaching students job-seeking skills
transition plan a needs assessment and planning to transition from student into adulthood transition plans became a requirement for all children with disabilities by the age of 14 years in idea 1990
Transition stage of group description leader helps group begin to work on concerns - members decide whether to take risks and speak of things they may be holding back
translated test caution Cultural bias (e.g., a student who recently immigrated from the Caribbean may never have experienced winter, snow, or a snow)
translated test caution It is not always possible to translate certain grammatical or linguistic concepts/forms into other languages
translated test caution It is not always possible to translate certain grammatical or linguistic concepts/forms into other languages
translated test caution Tests that are clinically significant in one language may not be clinically significant for differentiating difference from disorder to another
translated test caution Translated test continue to use norms from the group it was translated from
translation use of verbal signs to understand the verbal signs of another language, usually refers to the transfer of written codes between languages
translation equivalence process of trying to translate and represent a source language as closely as possible
Transmitted Culture cultural practices having nothing (or no longer having anything) to do with survival & reproduction
Ex: fashion industry may promote large baggy clothing; even though we don't need this to survive our culture still participates because we don't want to feel left out
Transphobia Fear or hatred of transgender people; transphobia is manifested in a number of ways, including violence, harassment and discrimination.
transphobia is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people based on the expression of their internal gender identity.
Transsexual Transsexual refers to a person who experiences a mismatch of the sex they were born as and the sex they identify as. A transsexual sometimes undergoes medical treatment to change his/her physical sex to match his/her sex identity through hormone treatments and/or surgically. Not all transsexuals can have or desire surgery.
Tribal self-determination a term that developed during the 1960's to describe the desire of Indian tribes and communities for self-government
Troy Female Seminary founded by Emma Hart Willard in 1821 in Troy, NY; a school for young women that prepared hundreds of schoolteachers for eastern schools before the normal schools system was developed by Horace Mann
True All cultures share certain universal features that results from basic needs shared by all people.
True Cultural customs include the way we shake hands and greet one another.
True Culture is shared, learned
and transmitted cross generationally.
True Parents are giving their children American name so they can't integrate easily And succeed economically.
True Parents worry that their children will use their sense of identity, their culture, language, and and heritage while integrating in the US.
True The definition of Latino is a person of Latin American or a non-European Spanish speaking descent.
True The products of a culture are man-made things such as buildings or forms of government, and our written language.
True The word Hispanic refers to all people of Spanish speaking descend; it is a time given by the US government.
Truman banned racial segregation from armed forces, 1948 Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services.
trustworthiness a motivation variable..encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain.
Tuskegee experiment Carried out from 1932 to 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service; more than 600 Alabama Black men were used as guinea pigs in the study of what damage would occur to the body if syphilis were left untreated.
Tuskegee Institute founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881; an institution for the vocational training of African American youth that later became a major university and is now counted prominently among the nation's historically Black colleges and universities
Two myths about old people: Intelligence declines in old age and old people are incapable of sex.
Type A individuals identify with the larger American culture without much identification with Asian Culture
Type B Asian American identify with BOTH American culture & Asian Culture
Type C Asian Americans identify with their own culture more than American culture
Type D Asian Americans don't identify with neither their own culture OR American culture
Type of conflict when a person has two negative alternatives. Avoidance - Avoidance Conflict
Kurt Lewin
Type of conflict when an individual is presented with 2 equally attractive options simultaneously.Approach - Approach Conflict
Kurt Lewin
Types of groups Educational, task, discussion, experiential, support, self-help, counseling/therapy
Types of validity Content
Criterion (Predictive)
U.S. troops send to Little Rock, 1957 To protect the Little Nine black schoolchildren who decided to attend a previously all-white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas; because riots were expected and occurring, Eisenhower sent federal protection for these Little Nine. They remained in the school for the entirety of the school year.
uncertainty avoidance extent to which cultures feel threatened by unpredictability of the future, therefore try to establish more structure in the form of rules, regulations, rituals, and mandatory practices
uncertainty avoidance how members of a culture adapt to change or cope with uncertainties of the future
Uncle Tom syndrome used by minorities to appear docile, nonassertive, and happy go lucky to prevent oppression from the White population.
unconditional positive regard (carl rogers) involves showing complete support and acceptance of a person no matter what that person says or does.
Under Black Codes, the Civil Rights of freedmen were restricted in the Black Codes and unequal to the Civil Rights of whites
Under Class homeless, welfare, part time, disabled, government assisstance
Underlying Question of Multicultural Research Which therapy delivered by which therapist is most effective for someone?
Unintentional racism unaware of the harmful consequences of their behavior.
United Farm Workers (UFW) founded, 1962 A union formed by Cesar Chavez and others who gained rights and better treatment for migrant workers(of whom, the vast majority were Latino).
Universal Level of Identity we all share similarities. Our "universal" commonalities are biological and physical similarities: common life experiences like birth, death, love.
upon being convicted of crime What was the one exception for forcing to work?
Upper-Middle Class (Class) Doctors, lawyers, archietects, midsize buisness owners
Upward Counterfactuals help make improvements, make us feel negative
*how we become motivated to make improvements
Urban OCD Patients and Recent Outcome Study Friedman et. al., 2003
Naturalistic study of EX/RP, African Americans and Caribbean Americans equally likely to respond when compared to whites
Urban Prep Instructional Theory of Action • Provide a culturally relevant curriculum that centralizes, rather than marginalizes, the complete experience of urban young men;
• Take responsibility for teaching and engaging our young men in learning, whether they are indifferent, resistant, or achieving significantly below grade level;
• Gear our teaching styles, strategies, and techniques to the learning styles of urban young men.
USA cultural worldview beliefs Dualistic thinking, rugged individualism and mastery over nature
Useful counselor responses... Move student to deeper levels of exploration, understanding and feeling about their experiences
Utilization Patterns Across Ethnicity There are ethnic differences, but patterns are inconsistent and likely confounded
E.g., Latinos benefit from therapy, but they tend to underutilize services (Sue et. al., 1991)
Vagrancy Laws allowed police to arrest people merely on the suspicion they were about to do something illegal
Vagrancy Laws placed pressure on ex-slaves to sign labor contracts
valence of self-disclosure refers to whether the self-disclosure is positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable
Validity extent to which the measurement instrument or test accurately measures what it is supposed to measure
validity means the test measures what it is designed to measure
verbal consisting of words, either spoken or written
verbal code set of rules about the use of words in the creation of messages
Vietnam era veterans readjustment assistance act of 1974 Act that prohibits discrimination against certain veterans
View of Authority - Black students & students of color think, "the authoritative person gets to be a teacher because she is authoritative."
- White students think, "the teacher is the authority because she is the teacher."
vocabulary equivalence interpreter tries to find a word that is equivalent to the specific language that is being interpreted
vocalics qualities of the voice, in addition to the actual meaning of the words(tone, loudness, rate)
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) a scholar and political activist; author of Souls of Black Folk and numerous other books; founded and edited the Crisis, an early NAACP publication
Walter Fisher suggested that the world is rational. His theory is the 'rational world paradigm' and 'the narrative paradigm.' The rational world paradigm suggest that people are essentially rational and that people make decisions based on arguments.
Wanted it to seem reasonable for the Southerners and the Northerners. What did Lincoln want his plan to seem?
Watts Riots, 1965 a large-scale riot which lasted 6 days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, in August 1965. Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area (likely fueling these race riots)
wealth all the stuff you own that society think is valuable
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - 4th Edition (WISC - IV) comparing students' scores with those of the general population and identifying learning disabilities and giftedness. Grade retention decisions should be based on academic achievement, not intelligence test scores.
What are behavioral anchors (in rating scales)? ...
What are some cultural issues in assessment? 1. Representativeness on norm groups in terms of gender and culture.
2. Culture biases in language use
3. English as a second language
4. Gender bias
What are the 3 domains in multicultural counseling competencies? 1. Awareness of own assumptions, values, and biases.
2. Understanding the worldview of the culturally different client.
3. Developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
What are the 4 forces of human behaviors regarding counseling? 1. Psychodynamic
2. Behavioral
3. Humanistic
4. Multicultural
What are the 5 Therapeutic Taboos? 1. Therapists do not give advice and suggestion
2. Therapists do no self disclosure their thoughts and feelings.
3.Therapists do not barter with clients.
4.Therapists do not serve dual role relationships with clients.
5.Therapists do not accept gifts from clients.
What are the basic elements of comprehensive guidance programs? 1. Guidance curriculum
2. Individual planning
3. Responsive services
4. System support
what are the dangers of having an interpreter for an ELL child? Test protocol
Having the correct interpreter
What are the foundations of social justice therapy? 1) aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity;
2) reducing or eliminating disparities in education, healthcare, employment, and other areas that lower the quality of life for affected populations;
3) encouraging mental health professionals to consider micro, meso, and macro levels in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a client and client systems; and
4) broadening the role of the helping professional to include not only counselor / therapist but advocate, consultant, psychoeducator, change agent, community worker, and so on.
What are the four things that counseling coursework should include? 1) a conscious raising component
2) an affective / experiential component
3) a knowledge component
4) a skills component
What are the mandatory elements of an IEP?** Referral
What are the rights of parents to information about their children's counseling? They are legally the "client" you can ask them to respect the counseling safe space - if necessary you can provide them with a vague summary outline of what was discussed.
What are the steps in ethical decision making process? 1.What are the consequences of your decision?
2. How can the option be implemented?
3. Decide which option is the most ethical.
4. Consider your options.
5. Think through the ethical dilemma and identify all components as objectively as possible.
What are the three components of cultural competence? Becoming aware of one's own assumptions (attitudes/beliefs)
Actively trying to understand client's worldview (knowledge)
Actively developing intervention strategies appropriate for the client (skills)
**Cultural competence is active and ongoing
What are the three domains in a comperehensive counseling program academic, career, personal/social
What are three measures of central tendency? Mean, median and mode.
What can teachers do (1 and 2) • Instruction itself has the largest influence on achievement
• Most (though not all) instruction, despite our best intentions, is not effective but could improve significantly and swiftly through ordinary and accessible arrangements among teachers and administrators.
What determines likelihood of client engagement in introspection more than race? SES - those from higher social class have more time to look within themselves (introspect) since survival since they don't need to dwell on survival.
What did the Black Codes restrict? the freedom of black people (freedmen) and the right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces such as Southern towns.
What does an interpersonally oriented group focus on? The here-and-now experiences of all members and the ongoing process among them in the development of their mutual relationships
What does an intrapersonally oriented group focus on? The needs and concerns of the individual members and engages the group in interactions that focus on those needs as well, sometimes an entire session devoted to one member's needs
What does Kohl suggest we do with children who grow up in poverty? Developing the knowledge of the outside world that children from less privileged families might lack.
What does the term "least restrictive environment" mean? requires schools to educate students with disabilities with the regular ed. population to the maximum extent possible and appropriate for students with disabilities.
What has been added to the DSM that is related to our class? Culture bound syndromes
What is a school counseling program? It is comprehensvie in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature
What is a sociogram and when would you use one? A graphic representation of social links a person has. It can be drawn on the basis of many different criteria: social relations, channels of influence, lines of communication etc. Another definition: It represents the patterns of relationships between individuals in a group, usually expressed in terms of which persons they prefer to associate with.
What is a test battery? measure of a wide range of aptitudes and is used in such areas as occupational selection, rehabilitation, and vocational counseling,
What is Internal Consistency? An estimation based on the correlation among the variables comprising the set.
What is required for confidential information about a student's counseling to be released to 3rd parties? A signed release
What is the effect of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) on the work of the school counselor. FERPA protects the privacy of a students records. It means that parents many request to see students educational records. The impact on the school counselor tends to be an ethical one when non-custodial parents express an interest in the records. Also the counselor should be savvy about what is put in the permanent record.
What is the meaning of a negative correlation coefficient? A statistic that gives a measure of how closely two variables are related. A statistical measure of the extent to which variations in one variable are related to variation in another. Negative correlation means that the two values vary in opposite directions. So, as parameter x increases, parameter y decreases.
What is the meaning of the term exceptionality, as used by educators? A student has some area of functioning in which he or she is significantly different from an established norm. This definition includes both students with disabilities and those with special gifts or talents.
What is the nonverbal behavior most likely to be addressed by mental health professionals?Eyecontact.
Therapists often attribute negative traits to the avoidance of eye contact
especially common when dealing with African American clients; some African americans may make eye contact when speaking, but infrequent eye contact when listening; opposite for euro-americans
What is the relationship between standard erros and true scores? ...
What is the typical role of a counselor in creating the IEP and implementing it for a student with disabilities? -being present in the IEP meeting working with team regarding accommodations
-being present in CARE team/SST meetings -communication w/ student and parent if necessary
-advocating for the student and ensuring services are provided
What laws were passed following the civil war Black codes
What members of the family should NOT take part in translating ? Children
What teaching style or learning activity is most effective for helping students understand and appreciate differences? Why? An experiential (interactive) style tends to be an effective approach - although others are also effective.
What types of student development are the focus of a comprehensive guidance program?Academic, Career, & Personal/Social development
what was the first year a state did poll tax 1870
What was the Purpose of the Black Codes? Regain control over the freed slaves
Inhibit the freedom of freed slaves
Prevent black uprisings
Ensure the continued supply of cheap labor
Maintain segregation
Maintain white supremacy
What were some Black Codes? White Primary
Poll Tax
Literacy Tests
grandfather clause
Property Ownership required to vote
When a client resorts to psychosis to avoid dealing with life difficulties. flight from reality
When a client transfers onto counselor based on experiences related to past authority figures, it is ___ Ambivalent transference
When individuals retain their cultural heritage, yet cooperate in regard to social, political, and economic matters. cultural pluralism
When is referral the most appropriate school counselor response to a student's needs? The counselor cannot meet the student's need b/c of:
-student's issue is beyond the scope of school counseling setting
-counselor bias
When was the first of the Black Codes passed? in Mississippi on November 22, 1865, following the end of the Civil War (April 12, 1861 - May 10, 1865) during the Reconstruction Era.
Which counselors have a greater power to oppress individuals on a systematic and societal level?White counselors.
Which measure of central tendency is most resistan to extreme scores? median
white counselors may be unintentional racists when: -They are unaware of their biases, prejudices and discriminatory behaviors
-They often perceives themselves as more, good and decent beings and find it difficult to see themselves as racist
-They do not have a sense of what their whiteness means to them
-Their therapeutic approaches to multicultural populations are likely to be more harmful than helpful
White Flight The move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities.
White primary the practice of keeping blacks from voting in the southern states' primaries through arbitrary use of registration requirements and intimidation
white privilege invisible knapsack of unearned assets that can be used to cash in each day for advantages not given to those that do not fit this mold.
white racial identity development-helms statuses
contact-unconsious of white privilege
disintegration-conflict about racial status
reintegration-aware of society's hierarchy of race
pseudoindependence-acknowledgement of racism in culture
immersion-emersion-unlearning of racism. a consicous choice not to discriminate
autonomy-acceptance of white and other races, actions of equality
White Supremacy Culture (Characteristics) Perfectionism
Sense of Urgency
Quantity over Quality
Worship of the Written Word
Either/Or Thinking
Power Hoarding
Fear of Open Conflict
Progress is Bigger (more)
Right to Comfort
White Supremacy Ideology Definition As an ideology, white supremacy encourages us to value white people, white culture, and everything associated with people of color.
white, freedom of movement Southern legislatures were still all_______ and they restricted________ ___ __________.
Whitopia "Whiter than the nation, its respective region, and its state"
Who Created the Black Codes? white law makers in the South in the legislatures of the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
Why are ELL students struggling in school? Environmental mismatch
Why has greater emphasis been placed on the education of White trainees: -the majority of mental health providers are White or members of the majority group;
-the theories and practices of counseling/therapy arise from a predominantly White, Western perspective and form the educational foundations of our graduate programs; and
-White, male, and straight Euro-Americans continue to control and hold power in being able to determine normality/abnormality and to define mental health reality for marginalized groups.
Willard Walcott Beatty (1891-1961) president of the Progressive Education superintendent of a model school system in Bronxville, NY. Director of Indian Education under John Collier
Woofing an exchange of threats and challenges to fight, derived from playing the dozens or the highest form of verbal warfare and impromptu speaking (jokes, ex. Your girlfriend so ugly, she had to speak up on a glass to get a drink of water)
Allow training in self-control about managing one's anger and hostility in the constant face of racism
Allows black people to establish a hierarchy without resorting to violence.
Worcester v. Georgia a Supreme Court case that strengthened the federal status of tribes and excluded them from state control
Working Class (Lower Middle Class) (Class) factory jobs, construction labor, sales representatives
Working Poor (Class) low level service jobs
Working stage of group description Productive - mutuality and self-exploration incrase, group focused on making behavioral changes (can rever to initial stage feelings/actions)
Worldview are composed of our attitudes, values, opinions, and concepts and affect how we think, define events, make decisions, and behave
Worldview of Culturally Diverse Clients philosophy of life, how they perceive the world and their place in it; assumptions about the world.
Writing record myths, significant events (wars, new births, accomplishments, deaths)
all cultures created hereditary classes for nobles, priests, warriors, craftsmen & peasants
Yearning/Searching becoming aware of our loss, but having trouble letting go
feel as though we hear/see the person
anger- blame/lash out at others for our loss
Yes, I know but.... ask for suggestions/advice & respond by rejecting the suggestion or advice
Ex: LARA keeps asking people what she should do with her problem but always has an explanation of why the suggestion won't work if anyone comes up with a suggestion.
You must have credibility, which is made up of 2 dimensions Expertness: a function of how much knowledge, training, experience, and skills clinicians possess with respect to the population being treated
ability component
Trustworthiness: encompasses trust, honesty, and genuiness
motivational component
Z Scores are ... the # of standard deviations above or below the mean
Internation Cultural Understanding
Kiss, Bow & Shakenhands
"Che" Argentinian nickname for all Argentines
"Not serious" One of the greatest insults an Argentinian can make
"OK" and shaking fist are both vulgar, as well as standing with hands in pockets, raising your voice, or laughing loudly outdoors Belarussian vulgar gestures
78% Roman Catholic, 8.6% nonreligious, 4.6% Lutheran, 2.0% Muslim Austrians and religion
90% Roman Catholic Argentina and religion
; NOT Religion or personal life Belgians and topics of conversation
Antiglobalization sentiment increase Result of Argentinian loan default of 2001
Avoid pouring wine--too many social complexities involved. Also, do not order imported wine unless your host does so first. Argentina on serving wine
Avoid: gauchos/native dress, jeans, shorts. Argentina on what not to wear
Be modest about talents and wealth Belgians on talents and wealth in conversation
Be on-time for lunch but at least 30 minutes late for dinner Argentina on arriving to mealtimes
Brevity valued Australians on length of presentations
Bring slippers for winter, when overshoes are left at the door Belarussian hospitality and shoes
Buenos Aires Capital of Argentina
Business cards important Austrians on business cards
Carry small presents with you, such as illustrated books of your home region. Do not give gifts except at Christmas and the close of a deal, but if given a gift be sure to reciprocate immediately. Open gifts immediately. Austrians on gifts
Caviar, salmon, sturgeon, and shrimp Belarussian seafood
Comfortable doing business with individuals they may never meet Australians on doing business with strangers
Confrontation is avoided Austrian executives on confrontation
Consensus-building and "people skills" important Austrian management style
Conservative--blouses and skirts, even at dinner, black and white or darker colors. Argentina on level of modesty
Culture, cuisine, history, and beautiful landscape Austrian dinner conversation topics
Deals closed as proposed Australians on negotiation
Do not expect to compete in gift giving, even when some visitors give expensive gifts Belarus: gift-giving
Do not make unannounced visits Australians on unannounced visits
Do not talk about work at dinner Australians on talking about work at dinner
Do not wear your overcoat in a public building or sit on your coat. Leave it in the cloakroomBelarus and coats
Do not work late for fear of being perceived as using time inefficiently Austrians on working late
Don't stand closer than two feet during a conversation (leave plenty of personal space)Australians on personal space
Downplay knowledge and expertise Australian attitude toward expertise
Eating in public transportation considered impolite Argentina on eating in public transportation
Enchufados Local representatives in Argentina--your first contact, very important and connected but difficult to fire
Executives are relaxed and unhurried; do not respond positively to high-pressure tactics or limited-time opportunities Austrian executives on time limits in negotiation
Experiential/feelings/religious/relational/consequential Argentinian reasoning
Extended family and social group (Catholic, liberal, or labor) important; high uncertainty avoidance index Belgian on identity and social groups
External structures provide stability; result = low anxiety except in cases of deadlines Australians and anxiety
Eye contact and close proximity during conversations important Argentina on nonverbal conversational cues
Facts and humanitarian perspective both strong, with religion following closely Belgian form of reasoning
Firm handshake (women may kiss) at beginning and end of meetings Australians on greetings
First appointment social Belgians on first business appointment
Flexible, comfortable with multitasking Belgians' flexibility
Flowers (not chrysanthemums, which signify death; not 13; and not red roses, which are for lovers) or chocolates for the host--present before (not after) meal Belgian gifts for hosts
Flowers proper to give to a hostess Belarussian hostesses and gifts
Flowers, chocolates, folk crafts from home, electronics that can be used on trails Australians' preferred gifts
Full bottle Australian "fully informed, knowledgeable"
Garderob Belarus "cloakroom"
Gift-giving not common, but gifts are opened immediately and do not give anything with your company on it Belgian gift giving
Gradual concessions on a few points are expected from you Belarus and negotiations
Hands on the table, not in lap Argentina and Austria on hands at meals
Handshake and nod Argentinian greeting for both men and women (not close friends)
Have a written report ready at the first meeting Belarus: presentations and reports
Have business card translated into French or Dutch on one side Belgians and business cards
High pressure tactics strongly resisted; directness and confidence encouraged Australians on negotiation style
Hire a local independent lawyer Belarus: doing business and law
Hire a medium-level executive as an intermediary Belarus: doing business with a high-level CEO
Host/whoever invites pays Who pays in an Argentinian business meal
Imported liquor or iPods; Birds of Paradise flowers, imported chocolate, or whiskey; NOT leather or knives Argentinians' favorite gifts
Improper to introduce oneself to a stranger Austrians on introducing oneself to strangers
Independent and free-spirited; curious, creative, open to risk Australian attitude toward new ideas
Individual responsible for own actions Belgian on responsibility
International peace efforts and protection of refugees important culturally Belgians and important issues
Invitations into homes common; accept all invitations and all food offered Belarussian hospitality
Judged by response to current events and small talk about Austrian culture Austrian negotiation introduction
Key decisions made by a respected high-ranking individual, with interests of the entire group in mind; litigation requires assent of lower beauocracy, as well Argentina on decision-making
Laws, rules, facts, and company policy emphasized Australians on feelings vs facts
Lengthy to consider all options Belgian length of negotiations
Less open to new ideas and risk than other Latin-American countries Argentina on new ideas
Lightweight for summer, sweaters and layers for winter (heat not universal), water-repellent during Carnival Argentina on seasonal dress
Linear approach to data, with scientific facts and social consensus important Austrian negotiation style
Looking like a foreigner results in preferential treatment Belarus: looking foreign
Malvinas Islands Argentinian name for the Falkland Islands
March through November Australia (best time to visit)
Material above humanistic gain Australians on humanistic vs. material gain
May be asked to share a table with strangers at a restaraunt Belarus: restaurants
Men proud of their drinking ability Belarus on drinking
Modesty and casualness, not hype and excitement Australians on presentation style
Mostly Roman Catholic Belgian religion
Mr. before German/Dutch names, Monsieur before French names Belgian titles
Music, art, sightseeing, and sports Belarus: good topics of conversation
Na zdo ro vie Belarussian toast "to your health"
Nature, animals, hiking and camping Austrians' loves
No gifts in business; small gifts for dinner Australians on timing for gifts
Nuclear family Australian strongest socializing force
Nyekulturny Russian word "just not done" (not culturally acceptable)
Only one family surname, unlike neighboring countries; address by surname; two first names may appear, but they may not use both Argentina on names
Open to new ideas Belgians on new ideas
Opera and soccer Argentina on conversational topics
Organization for every kind of need Belgians on helping others
Pens, business card holders, rock or country and western CDs, illustrated books, fine bars of soap, American cigarettes, solar calculators, gold or silver jewelry, or electronic gadgets all acceptable Belarussians' preferred gifts
Personal relationships emphasized Belgians on personal relationships
Personal relationships key; more important than corporate ones Argentina on relationships and business
Pointing and snapping both hands' fingers are rude Belgians on rude gestures
Privacy valued; "what do you do" too intrusive Belgians on privacy
Profit over market share Australian attitude toward profit
Put-downs Basis of Argentinian humor
Raising up two fingers in the air is rude Australians on rude gestures
Rigid class system Austrian and class system
Ringer Australian "an outstanding performer"
Ripper Australian "terrific, fantastic"
Schedule several weeks in advance (or longer) Austrian executives and scheduling meetings
Sections subject to renegotiation until entire (lengthy) contract is signed Argentina on contracts
Senior executives arrive later than subordinates; don't try to "get in early" when scheduling appointments Belgians on scheduling appointment times
Shake hands and state your last name (even with someone of the opposite gender) Belarussian greeting
Shake hands with everyone at the beginning and end of a meeting Belgians on business greeting
Shoes should be shined and finest clothes worn on Sundays Belgian dress
Shorts common, sometimes even at work; but business attire for executives is suit-and-tieAustralians on dress
Slow business negotiations may take several trips Argentina on pace of business
Small talk at beginning of meetings is important Australians on beginning a meeting
Sports; NOT personal life (in business setting) Australian topics of conversation
Stability over freedom, with all members of the decision-making unit (family primary unit in this culture) having a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the whole and laws importantBelarussian freedom and decisions
Sto-lyat Belarussian toast "A hundred years"
Strict division between work and play--do not expect to be invited to see businesspeople outside the office Austrians on mixing work and play
Titles and surnames (not first names) used in address Austrians on names
Top medical care Austrians and medical care
Touch cheeks and kiss in the air Belgians on greetings among friends
Tough and unyielding Argentina on negotiating
Truth determined by feelings Belarussian truth
Tucker Australian "food"
Use china (not plastic) and supply a variety of refreshments Belarus: hosting a meal
Usually dinners, usually held in restaurants--in-home rare. Argentina and Austria on business meals
Views other countries as inferior; conflict with neighboring countries makes praising those countries a poor decision Argentina on other nations
Visual stimuli prized Belgians on presentations
Whistling indicates disapproval and must not be done inside a building Belarussian on whistling
Women usually do not shake hands Austrians on female greetings
Work long days, often until 10:00PM Argentinian executives' irregular business hours
Civil Rights wwii-1970
"black power" A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community., idea phrased by Stokely Carmichael, the belief that blacks should fight back if attacked. it urged blacks to achieve economic independence by starting and supporting their own business.
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail," 1963 A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism. Advocated nonviolence protest methods
"separate but equal" Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.
"the pill" gave women greater freedom to be sexually active without the risk of pregnancy; birth control method that weakened the link between sex and marriage
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination. Improving economic and educational opportunities for women, blacks, and other minority groups
AIM American Indian Movement. demanded greater rights for Native Americans and preservation of their traditions (i.e. restoring of burial grounds, cultures, and Indian pride in ancestry), use violence to make its point. Called for a renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education,
American Indian Movement; occupied Wounded Knee to bring attention to the government's mistreatment of Native Americans including their living conditions and their "Trail of Broken Treaties", as demonstrators in Washington D.C. put it.
Betty Friedan 1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest., Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
busing In the context of civil rights, the transportation of public school students from areas where they live to schools in other areas to eliminate school segregation based on residential patterns.
Cesar Chavez Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions, Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers.
Chicano Name given to Mexican-Americans, who in 1970, were the majority of migrant farm labor in the U.S.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 primarily a voting rights bill, was the first civil rights legislation passed by Congress in the United States since Reconstruction following the American Civil War.
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was also Congress's show of support for the Supreme Court's Brown decisions.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. The law was passed during a period of great strength for the civil rights movement, and President Lyndon Johnson persuaded many reluctant members of Congress to support the law.
Civil Rights Act of 1968 provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone ... by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."
CORE Congress of racial equality: an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality, a U.S. civil rights organization that played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement from its foundation in 1942 to the mid-1960s. Membership is stated to be open to anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world; connected with the Freedom Riders
de facto segregation Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice.
de jure segregation Racial segregation that is required by law
Elijah Muhammad Leader of the nation of Islam from 1945 to his death in 1975. He helped many people and was a strong advocate of civil rights, but was involved in some shady activities and lost the favor of Malcolm X, who went on to form his own civil rights group.
ERA Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a non-profit women's rights organization that was founded in 1974. ERA is a legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.
The organization specializes in advocating for the rights of women in minimum wage jobs, women of color, and immigrant women. ERA is based in San Francisco and led by executive director Noreen Farrell.
Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957) The president issued Executive Order 10730, sending in federal troops to maintain order and enforce the integration of the school.(Little Rock Nine's school) - later extended to other American schools
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
George Wallace 1919-1998. Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
Grape workers' strike begins, 1965 Farm workers went on strike and made a consumer boycott (supermarkets ban grapes). They began to be concerned abour poinson again; Chavez goes on 36 day hunger strike; failed to get them to work togther; he died in 1993 on a 1-2 day hunger strike.
Greensboro sit-ins, 1960 Civil Rights tactic of blacks sitting in segregated restaurants until being served or removed. Kicks off in Greensboro, NC at Woolworth's lunch counter (white restaurant). Each day they came back with more and more protesters until they were finally served.
Jackie Robinson The first African American player in the major league of baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans. Broke the color barrier in 1947
James Meredith He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action (Kennedy), showing that segregation was no longer government policy.
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
John F. Kennedy assassinated, November 22, 1963 In Dallas Texas in a motorcade, Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people questioned this event and believed that Oswald did not act alone or this was a government cover- up.
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality
Malcolm X assassinated, 1965 Rejecting integration and nonviolence, Malcolm splits off from Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslins and is killed by them later upon declaring that blacks should use "any means necessary"
March from Selma to Montgomery, 1965 A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Lead by MLK
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated, 1968 Led many to believe that the nonviolent age was over.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on Thursday April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05pm that evening. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary. Ray later made many attempts to withdraw his guilty plea and be tried by a jury, but was unsuccessful; he died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.
Mississippi Summer Project, 1964 A campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, which up to that time had almost totally excluded black voters.
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) A black supremacist group founded in 1930 by Elijah Muhammad, who believed that Allah would create a Black Nation of people unified against the white man. This group convinced itself that there was no purpose to work with the white man, and it is important to build the black people up and become economically self-sufficient, but exemplifying the importance of not interacting with white people whenever possible and becoming a believer in black nationalism.
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956) the largest public works project in American history when it was passed, authorized $25 billion to build 41,000 miles of roads, greatly assisting the burgeoning car culture of the 1950s
NOW National Organization of Women, 1966, Betty Friedan first president, wanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce its legal mandate to end sex discrimination
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 The Supreme Court case that upheld a Louisiana segregation law on the theory that as long as the accommodations between the racially segregated facilities were equal, the equal protection clause was not violated. The Court's ruling effectively established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the notion of "separate but equal."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned against a "military-industrial complex"
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nonviolent leader of the civil rights movement and founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, 1968 The murder of RFK in a Southern California hotel after giving a speech following a victory in CA's presidential primary. He had been a prominent front runner in the elections, with support and sympathy for many hated and discriminated groups who were angry at their treatment. His major belief was that the Vietnam War was unneeded and hurt, rather than bolstered, the country, and that money could be better spent helping the poor and neglected Americans in their own country. (June 1968)
Roe v. Wade, 1973 A pregnant woman challenged the Texas state law that she had a constitutional right of her own body and privacy to legally get an abortion, and the Supreme Court agreed an abortion became legal in the first trimester of pregnancy
Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed, the Montgomery bus boycott was organized.
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) used christian pricipals in order to fight segregation--nonviolent, consisted of black prechers, and had alot of influence, (aka Southern Christian Leadership Conference); churches link together to inform blacks about changes in the Civil Rights Movement, led by MLK; advocated passive resistance
sit-in protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)-a group established in 1960 to promote and use non-violent means to protest racial discrimination; they were the ones primarily responsible for creating the sit-in movement
Stonewall Riots, 1969 Riots in the New York City neighborhood of Greenwich Village by members of the gay community against a police raid of a gay bar
Sweatt v. Painter, 1950 a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The case involved a black man, Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law on the grounds that the Texas State Constitution prohibited integrated education. At the time, no law school in Texas would admit blacks., Segregated law school in Texas was held to be an illegal violation of civil rights, leading to open enrollment.
The Feminine Mystique published, 1963 written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor. Argued the case of Brown v Board of Education
Title IX, 1972 "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Truman banned racial segregation from armed forces, 1948 Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services.
U.S. troops send to Little Rock, 1957 To protect the Little Nine black schoolchildren who decided to attend a previously all-white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas; because riots were expected and occurring, Eisenhower sent federal protection for these Little Nine. They remained in the school for the entirety of the school year.
United Farm Workers (UFW) founded, 1962 A union formed by Cesar Chavez and others who gained rights and better treatment for migrant workers(of whom, the vast majority were Latino).
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
Watts Riots, 1965 a large-scale riot which lasted 6 days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, in August 1965. Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area (likely fueling these race riots)
MultiCultural Concepts 001
"Awareness" (assumptions, values, beliefs) counselor know thyself, dealing with and working through your own biases, feelings, fears, and guilt associated with others inside and outside of your own culture.
ableism is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities.
Ageism discrimination based on age.
Antiracism racism is most likely to diminish under these conditions:
having an intimate contact with people of color; experiences a cooperative rather than a competitive environment; working toward mutually shared goals; interacting on equal footing with others; viewing leadership or authority as supportive of intergroup harmony; feeling a sense of unity or interconnectedness with all humanity.
aversive racism manifested in individuals who consciously assert egalitarian values, but unconsciously hold anti-minority feelings.
Biases A tendency to believe that some people, ideas are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.
Colorblindness statements that indicate a white person does not want to acknowledge race.
credibility constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable and trustworthiness.
Cultural Competence Examination of our embedded emotions associated with race, culture, gender, and other socio-demographic differences openly, experience them and discuss them.
Cultural deprivation to lack cultural background, or indicates that many groups perform poorly on tests or exhibit deviant characteristics because they lack many of the advantages of middle class culture.
Cultural differences fundamental differences among people arise from nationality, ethnicity, and culture; as well as from family background and individual experiences.
Cultural encapsulation the substitution of model stereotypes for the real world and the disregarding of cultural variations in a dogmatic adherence to some universal notion of truth.
Cultural paranoia a healthy and adaptive response by AA to their historical and contemporary experiences of oppression.
Cultural values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just.
Culturally deficient model suggests that the lifestyles and values of people of color put them in a culturally disadvantage or made them deficient, or deprived when compared to Whites.
Culturally Diverse model recognizes the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and promotes the differences in people of colors ability to be bicultural.
Culture bound being bound by the culture conditioning one is born into and in which one grew up; includes beliefs, values, life circumstances and world views.
Cultured Relativism focus on the culture and on how the disorder is manifested and treated within it.
Discrimination stripping liberties from someone or not allowing them the same privileges/rights as you have because of race, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
EC-ER individuals feel that there is very little that one can do in the face of such server external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC-IR accept dominant cultures definition for self-responsibility but have very little real control over how thjey are defined by others.
Emic (culturally specific) cultural values and worldviews affect the expression and determination of deviant behavior. All theories of human development arise from a cultural content.
Emotional roadblocks strong emotions that relate to race, gender, sexual orientation that have been kept out of our awareness.
Ethnic Identity part of one's overarching self-concept. development of ethnic identity is described as a process of the construction of identity over time through experience and actions of the individual .
ethnocentric monoculturalism it is power or the unequal status relationship between groups.
Ethnocentricity evaluating other people's cultures with your own values.
Etic (culturally universal) all are equal; issues are the same in all cultures and societies are the same. Therefore minimal modification in diagnosis and treatment is required.
exoticization occurs when a LGBT, women of color, or a religious minority is treated as a foreign object for the pleasure/entertainment of others.
expertness demonstration of ability to help ...ability variable that depends on how well informed, capable, or intelligent others perceive the counselor..
External locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that the future is determined more by chance than luck.
Genetically Deficient model this model suggests that people of color are deficient or inferior to Whites and have certain undesirable attributes due to biological conditions.
Group Level Identity Each person is born into a cultural matrix of beliefs, values, rules and social practices.
Heritability is a function of the population-not a trait! all individuals have a full range of intelligence.
heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.
Historical Stereotypes outlines the history between people of color and whites.
homonegativity encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
IC-ER individuals believe they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance.
IC-IR individuals believe their are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect outcomes.
Individual Level of Identity first level of the Tripartite framework....individual uniqueness, genetically we are all unique and all of us will have our own individual, unique encounters and life experiences through life.
Institutional racism set of polices, priorities and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate, oppress, and force dependence of individuals and groups on a larger society by sanctioning unequal goals, unequal status, and unequal access to goods and services.
Internal locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate. Euro-American way.
internal/external locus of responsibility dimension measures degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system.
interracial/interethnic bias racial/ethnic groups experience mistrust, envy, and misunderstandings towards each other and people of color continue to hold beliefs and attitudes towards Whites that are very negative and filled with anger and mistrust.
interracial/interethnic conflict each ethnic/racial group holds different values, beliefs, and behavior unique to their culture which may conflict with other groups.
interracial/interethnic discrimination different values and beliefs between ethnic/racial groups have caused discrimination within the groups.
Invisible veil what people's values and beliefs or worldviews represent that operates outside the level of conscious awareness.
islamaphobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be muslim.
Marginalized Groups groups who are not given equal opportunities, may be avoided, pushed to the background; the needs of these people are not viewed as important as other groups.
Microaggression brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights, and insults that potentially have a harmful or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group.
microassault type of microaggression that is blatant, verbal, nonverbal or an environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
microinsult type of microaggression that are unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender, sexual orientation.
microinvalidation type of microaggression that are verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group-unintentional and usually outside of the persons awareness.
Multicultural counseling is simply counseling patients but taking into consideration their cultural beliefs and the effect that can have on their treatment."
Multicultural Counseling and Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognition of individuality, group, and universal dimensions and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in assessments, diagnosis, and treatment.
Multiculturalism Deals with real human experiences and as a result, understanding your emotional reactions is equally important in the journey to cultural competence.
Paranorm means that a minority person's suspicion and mistrust of white society is normal behavior.
playing it cool cover up feelings to avoid offending Whites
powerlessness the expectancy that a person's behavior cannot determine the outcome or reinforcements that he or she seeks.
Prejudice an unfair feeling or dislike for a person or group because of race, gender, religion or sexual preference.
Racial identity a surface level manifestation based on what we look like yet has a deep implication in how we are treated. a sense of group or collective identity based on one's perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group.
racism a belief that other groups are intellectually, psychologically, or physically inferior.
religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.
Scientific racism the use of scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.
second class citizen occurs when a target group member receives differential treatment from the power group.
sexism discrimination by members of one sex against another, also called sexist bias.
sexual objectification occurs when women are treated like objects at men's disposal.
Social justice counseling an active philosophy and approach aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity; reducing or eliminating disparities in education, health care, employment etc.
Stereotype Threat a situational predicament in which individuals are at risk of confirming negative stereotypes about their group.
subtle sexism unequal and unfair treatment of women that is not recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative and therefore does not appear unusual.
transphobia is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people based on the expression of their internal gender identity.
trustworthiness a motivation variable..encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain.
Uncle Tom syndrome used by minorities to appear docile, nonassertive, and happy go lucky to prevent oppression from the White population.
Unintentional racism unaware of the harmful consequences of their behavior.
Universal Level of Identity we all share similarities. Our "universal" commonalities are biological and physical similarities: common life experiences like birth, death, love.
white privilege invisible knapsack of unearned assets that can be used to cash in each day for advantages not given to those that do not fit this mold.
Worldview are composed of our attitudes, values, opinions, and concepts and affect how we think, define events, make decisions, and behave
Worldview of Culturally Diverse Clients philosophy of life, how they perceive the world and their place in it; assumptions about the world.
School Counselors
(Frank) Parsons Known as the "Father of Vocational Guidance"; his framework became the basis of the trait/factor theory of career development
(gestalt) other sources of unfinished business are avoidance, guilt, anger, grief, and other not resolved
(John) Holland His "Theory of Vocational Choice" is used to understand personality, identify tasks that individuals will enjoy and perform well, and is often used in career counseling
(John) Holland The Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Career Assessment Inventory (CAI), and Exploring Career Options (ECO) are assessment measures that are used in this individual's theory
(John) Holland This theorist is the big name associated with trait and factory theory
A-B-C actual event, belief system, consequences
Adlerian Therapy Birth order is considered very important.
adlerian therapy psychosocial-learn about attitude toward life-main goal is confronting basic mistakes and assumption the clt holds and attempting to redirect them
Adlerian Therapy Theory that is also called "Individual Psychology."
Adlerian Therapy Theory that uses the term "fictional finalism."
Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy-focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotions
Artistic In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type creates art forms to deal with environment; prefer careers in music, literature, drama, and art
assumption of person-centered therapy ind have internal resources to work toward wholeness and self-actualization and can move forward constructively on their own
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 18 to 30 months-can the child demonstrate some level of independence?
Basic Trust vs Basic Mistrust birth to 18 months-are the nourishment and care needs met?
behavior theory Lazarus, Bandura, Wolpe, Kazdin
Behavior Therapy Theory that addresses the importance of the ABC model.
Behavior Therapy Uses techniques such as systematic desensitization, relaxation, training, flooding and in-vivo exposure.
Behavioral Therapy Focuses on learning, monitoring, and positive and negative reinforcement.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Focuses on disputing illogical thinking.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Theory that emphasizes the importance of self-talk and inner dialog.
cognitive-behavior therapy clts explore reasons for their behavior and seek to understand the ramifications of such behavior
cogntivie-behavior therapists Ellis, Beck, Meichenbaum
contributions of Freud's theory first theory, framework for exploring a person's history, resolving resistance to therapy
Conventional In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type chooses goals and activities based on social approval; prefers careers in business that involve clerical and computational tasks
Directory Information for FERPA may not include Race, Etnicity, Nationality, Gender, SSN, SID
Dream Analysis Psychoanalytic technique requiring clients to share a dream, then free associate parts and symbols of the dream.
ego mediator
ego integrity vs despair during later life-has one led a satisfied life
Enterprising In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type is described as adventurous, dominant, enthusiastic and impulsive in dealing with environment; prefer careers that involve leadership or supervisory roles
Erikson Developed eight "stages of life" in his psychosocial theory.
existential therapist Frankl, Yalom, May
Fair Information Practices Set of principles governing the collection and use of information about individuals developed and regulated by the US Dept. of Health Education and Welfare. The precursor to FERPA.
Family Systems Therapy Focuses on family interactions, dynamics and patterns.
Famous existential therapists Frankl, Yalom, May
Feminist Therapy Emphasizes the belief that "the personal is political, the counseling relationship is egalitarian, women's voices are honored and valued.
FERPA a federal law that regulates the management of student records and disclosure of information from those records
food and protection #1
founder of gestalt theory frederick perls with the Polsters
founder of person-centered therapy carl rogers
founder of reality theory Glasser
Free Association Psychoanalytic technique in which the patients spontaneously report any thoughts, feelings, and mental images as they come to mind.
generativity vs stagnation maturity is achieved, establish and guide the next generation and come to terms with one's dream and accomplishments
gestalt theory says that the most frequent cause of unfinished business is resentment
gestalt theory stresses here and now, what and how of behavior, the part unfinished business from the past prevents the ind from functioning in the present
Gestalt Therapy Focuses on the "disowned parts of the personality, and uses terms like introjections, projection, and retroflection."
Gestalt Therapy Theory that emphasizes the "top dog and underdog technique."
Glasser The founder of Reality theory
goal of person-centered therapy create an atmosphere of safety and trust enabling the clt to use this relationshp to beocme aware of what is blocking growth, and eventually transferring this awareness to other relatioships, experience the immediate moment
id pleasure principle
identitiy vs role confusion adolescence-striving for identity, formulate own values, beliefs, and life style, experiment with different types
in loco parentis "in place of the parents." In the 1960s post-secondary schools were seen as an intentity to make decisions for students in place of parents.
industry vs inferiority elementary and middle years-child becomes curious and needs to explore and manipulate the environment, competency is through accomplishments, aware of interaction, school and neighborhood, is the child adequate?
initiative vs guilt 2 1/2 to 5 years-child begins to develop imagination and learns and enjoys to perform adult roles, begins to realize restraints are necessary
intimacy vs isolation young adulthood-willing to be open about self and commit to a close personal relationship
Investigative In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type uses intellect in dealing with environment; prefers careers in science and math
lifestyle assessment main tool of adlerian theory, questionnaire about the clt's family, memories, dreams, and self-concepts, explores birth order and interaction
limitation of person-centered therapy clr has lack of genuine empathy, clr anxious to solve problems rather than understand the problem, clr does not appropriately self-disclose, clr uses sterotypes, clr does not believe the clt can change behavior, not effective in crises
limitations Freud's theory prolonged training, lengthy period of therapy, importance of action is not realized, not measurable, does not take into account social, cultrual, and interpersonal variables, cannot be used in crisis counseling
limitations of Adler's theory inability to validate concepts, oversimplication of complex human functioning
limitations of behavior theory success depends upone the ability to control environmental factors, danger of imposing conforming behaviors, does not address philosophical problems, clr could direct towards own personal goals, past history may not be considered important
limitations of cbt reason for irrational beliefs is not explored, clt of low intelligence might not understand dialogue, clr could impose personal views, emotional issues are nto explored
limitations of Gestalt therapy little theoroetical underpinnings, ignores cognitive factors, clr can direct therapy, lack of research
limitations of reality theory consideration not give to feelings, unconscioius, and past, influence of culture and environment not taken into account, origins of behavior not considered, lack of research to establish effectiveness
love and belongingness #3
main goal of behavior theory eliminate negative learned behavior; goals should be specific, concrete, with specific problems,
Narrative Therapy Emphasizes the role of stories, authorship, and the importance of language.
Person-Centered Therapy Emphasizes genuineness, congruence, and unconditional positive regard.
Person-centered Therapy Theory that emphasizes unconditional positive regard.
Prior Written Consent Authorization for a recordkeeper to disclose personally identifiable information from a student's educational record.
Privacy Act of 1974 code of fair information practices that governs the personal info about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies
Psychoanalytic Freud, Erikson, Jung
psychoanalytic theory reconstruct the personality rather than solve immediate problems; focus on the past and analyze the aspects of the unconscious that are manifested in present behavior
Psychoanalytic theory Reconstruct the personality rather than solve immediate problems; focus on the past and analyze the aspects of the unconscious that are manifested in present behavior.
Psychoanalytic therapists Freud, Erikson, Jung
Psychoanalytic Therapy Focuses on unconscious drives and impulses.
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that emphasizes "transference and countertransference."
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that makes reference various stages (oral, anal, phallic and latency.)
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that proses three structures associated with personality: The ID, Ego and Superego.
Realistic In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type is described as objective, concrete, physically manipulative in how they deal with the environment. They prefer jobs in the agricultural, technical, engineering fields.
Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional The acronym RIASEC in Holland's model stands for these six personality types
reality theory assumes that we are in charge of our lives, we choose our forms of behavior, and that behavior is directe towards increasing self-esteem, increasing belonging and attaining power and freedom
reality theory attempts to explain why and how people behave from the point of view of the subjective internal perception of the ir world,
Reality Therapy Emphasizes five genetically encoded needs - survival, love and belonging, power, free and fun...focuses on choices.
role clt in behavior theory make the problem clear, verbalize the consequences , serves as a model for the clt formulate alternate outcomes
safety and shelter #2
self esteem #4
self-actualization #5
Social In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type uses skills to relate and interact with others to deal with environment; career preferences tend to be educational, therapeutic, and religious
stages of psychosexual development oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
super ego morals/perfection
techniques that can be used with behavior theory relaxation, reinforcement, modeling, assertive training, mutimodal therapy, self-management programs
The exception to prior written consent in viewing educational records protected by FERPA is? If a school official has a legitimate educational interest.
therapist's role in adlerian therapy a guide, responsibility is placed on the client a contract may be completed
Trait and factor This theory focuses on individuals developing things such as values, personalities, and aptitudes and then picking an environment that is congruent with them
What are "Educational REcords" under FERPA? Records directly related to the student and maintained by a party acting on behalf of the agency or institution and all representatives includign faculty, staff, and administrators who keep or maintain records.
What are "Records" protected by FERPA? Any information RECORDED in any way including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, tape, film.
What are the 6 exceptions to FERPAs Educational Records? Records of Sole Possession, Law enforcement, employment, medical, alumni, and peer-graded papers BEFORE they are recorded.
What is "Joint Guidance" ? The applicability of privacy of a student's health records maintained by educational institutions ARE considered "Educational Records" covered by FERPA Law.
What is "Personally Identifiable Information" under FERPA? Any records that contain identifiable information in which one can deduce the identity of one paticuar student (ex. name, address, SSN, etc.)
who developed 8 stages of life in his psychosocial theory Erikson
When cultures collide
Bushido "Way of the warrior." Code of behavior of Japanese samurai warriors, stressing bravery, loyalty, and honor.
Chivalry The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
Civil Service System The practice of hiring government workers on basis of open competatitve examinations and merit.
Crusades Any of the military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Muslims.
Cultural diffusion The expansion and adoption of a cultural element, from its place of origin to a wider range.
Dynasty A sequence of powerful leaders in the same family.
Feudalism A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land.
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Gupta dynasty. -number system based on ten
-decimal system
-first to use zero
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Muslim Empire. -Arabic numerals
--advanced in algebra & geometry
-invented astrolabe
-discovered blood path (Through the body??)
-concept of zero
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Tang Dynasty. -Block printing
-Movable type
-Gun powder
-Mechanical clock
Golden age A period during which a society attains prosperity and cultural achievements.
Gothic A style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries.
How did Byzantine culture influence Russian culture? -Architecture
-Eastern Orthodox Church
How did Muslim culture affect Spain? -Muslim merchants and sailors helped spread it
How did the Catholic Church unify Western Europe? Preserved learning, built schools advised kings, inspired art...
How did the Chinese influence Japanese culture? -form of writing, literature, and architecture
-civil service system
How did the Chinese influence Korean culture? -Block printing
-Civil service system
How did the Guptas influence the Arabs? Arabs used 1-9
Justinian Code A set of laws, written by the Byzantine emperor Justinian, that served the Byzantine empire for hundreds of years.
Knight A mounted warrior.
Land reform Breakup of large agricultural holdings for redistribution among peasants.
Manorialism Economic system during the Middle Ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land.
Medieval Another name for the Middle Ages.
Middle Ages Or Medieval period, lasted from the 5th-15th century.
Minaret A tower associated with a mosque from which the call to prayer is given.
Romanesque Style of church architecture using round arches, domes, thick walls, and small windows.
Samurai Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.
Serf A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.
Shogun A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name.
Vassal A lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord.
What factors led to the decline of the Byzantine Empire? Defeated by Ottoman Turks.
What factors led to the end of the Gupta empire? -emperors lost power
-regional lords gained increasing autonomy
-many were declaring their independence and refusing to pay taxes
-government was having trouble collecting enough tax money to fund its hugely complex bureaucracy
-Constant invaders (Huns)
What was the difference between Gothic and Romanesque architecture? Romanesque - thick walls, curved arches, small windows
Gothic - stained glass windows, pointed arches, many windows, flying buttresses (female butts)
What was the purpose of a castle? How can you tell the purpose of a castle from the way it was built? This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen on a review sheet.
What were the Byzantine achievements? -Preservation of Roman and Greek Culture
-Cultural Diffusion
What were the similarities between European and Japanese feudalism? What were the differences? Similarities:
-power in class structure
-rigid social structure
-power based on land
-warriors had a code of behavior
European-serfs, monarchy, church had political power
Japanese-not bound to land, shogun ruler, monks had no power
Where was Islam spread? How was Islam spread? Spain, North Africa, and Turkey. Spread through conquest and trade.
Where was the Byzantine empire located? Included North Africa, the southern Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia, Egypt and the Levant. The Empire's center was the city of Constantinople.
Which empires preserved Greek and Roman learning? Byzantines and Muslims
Who conquered the Muslims? Mongols.
Why was Constantinople's location important? Central location for trading.
Why were the Crusades important? Resulted in trade between Muslims & Western Europe
MULTICUltural Physiology
Multicultural Psychology the study of understanding the human condition through the examination of the similarities/differences among people in different cultures and learning to coexist with each other in a peaceful manner
Muller-Lyer Illusion (cultural differences) lines exactly the same length, line on the left looks longer than line on right because of differing angles of short lines going out at ends.
Our cultural experiences influence how much we experience this illusion
(1) cultures where there are many forms of shelter carpentered with right angles experience this illusion much more than those in cultures without shelter carpentered with right angles
culture influences our values, traditions, and behaviors but culture also influences something as fundamental as our visual perceptions!
Metaculture caused by basic biological limitations
Etics what all humans have in common
Evoked Culture how the physical environment limits biological capacities
Ex: we may have the biological capacity to have children, but the environment we live in limits us from having many children
Emics how & why culture makes us different
Transmitted Culture cultural practices having nothing (or no longer having anything) to do with survival & reproduction
Ex: fashion industry may promote large baggy clothing; even though we don't need this to survive our culture still participates because we don't want to feel left out
Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung) part of the mind deep in the unconscious that stores ideas and memories common to all humans throughout history
Archetypes (Carl Jung) form the basis of many ideas, thoughts, motivations, & emotional experiences that all humans have in common; recurring images/symbols that represent aspects of our collective unconscious
The Big Five (E, ES, OE, A, C) universal concepts in understanding the psychological characteristics of individuals
Evolutionary psychologists- this universally human characteristic of using these specific concepts to understand our social world is BIOLGOICAL in nature (inborn mechanism to help us adapt effectively to social world)
used to distinguish people to select friends, mates, or evaluate people who may be threatening towards us
tendencies may be genetically based
Social Groups/Social Hierarchies all civilizations- stone age type primitive culture
cultivating of wild plants, formation of villages, increase population
Art & Religion religions gave birth to priests/rulers- social powers from gods
pottery, wove plant fibers into wool into cloth, domesticating animals for food/transportation
formed metal into tools/ornaments
Writing record myths, significant events (wars, new births, accomplishments, deaths)
all cultures created hereditary classes for nobles, priests, warriors, craftsmen & peasants
Religious Figures/Power religious figures allied themselves with individuals in power; became rulers of their own living in luxurious temples (elaborate artwork/elaborate tombs)
formed coalitions with other powerful individuals to rule over masses & conquer new territory in search of wealth
Material Good as Symbols of Power artwork & jewelry
*this suggests that regardless of where we come from, we all share a common history
Elements of Non-Verbal Communication Elements of Non-Verbal Communication
Physical Contact form of greeting & gesture of intimacy in all cultures
more intimate the relationship = more touch
Eyes dilation of pupils is more commonly perceived as a positive response to others
closing our eyes- universal sign of disgust & rejection
Mouth sticking tongue out/spitting = contempt/rejection
exposing teeth/pulling down ends of mouth = sign of threat/contempt
licking of lips = sign for appetite, social or otherwise
Smile universal signal of joy, love & acceptance
Informational Level of Human Interaction exchange of information through direct meaning of the actual words spoken
Relational Level of Human Interaction defining the nature of the relationship (animals too)
part of communication that occurs "between the lines"
used to understand/figure out how much we trust one another
it's at this level that the giving/taking of energy occurs
Giving Energy attending to the desires/needs of other people
Receiving Energy when others are attending to our desires/needs
Taking Energy when we DEMAND other to attend to our desires/needs
Stealing Energy taking more than returning
Interpersonal Behavior Patterns Interpersonal Behavior Patterns
One-Upmanship making the other person feel inadequate by stating that we are better than the other person
Ex: HAMID boasts to Diego that his dad's truck has twice as much horsepower than Diego's dad's truck
High Maintenance/High Expectations being overly demanding of others
Ex: TEAGAN keeps telling her boyfriend what she wants him to do and not to do
Interrogation/Criticism making others seem inadequate by being critical
Ex: Even though she knows that her sister failed her Biology exam, KELSEY keeps asking her sister, "and how did you do on your Biology exam?"
Intimidation/Anger making others fear the self with intimidation and/or expressing anger
Ex: DAVID has a habit of losing his temper whenever others do not do what he wants them to.
Self-Pity/Guilt Trip making others feel sorry for the self or feel guilty for not being compassionate
Ex: TIMOTHY always manages to get his friends to do things for him by constantly reminding them that he has a serious medical condition.
Passive Aggression do things primarily to cause an emotional reaction in someone else
Ex: TARYN always leaves dirty dishes in the kitchen sink because she knows that her roommate is bothered by it.
Aloofness/Charisma making others interested in the self by holding out information
Ex: Although he rarely says anything, HENRIK always appears as if he has something on his mind.
Buttering Up (the Boss) make people do things that we do not want to do by telling them that they are better at it
Ex: SANDRA asks her friend Lauren to return her dress to the store for a refund because she is not good at doing things like that.
Yes, I know but.... ask for suggestions/advice & respond by rejecting the suggestion or advice
Ex: LARA keeps asking people what she should do with her problem but always has an explanation of why the suggestion won't work if anyone comes up with a suggestion.
Chainchatting speaks incessantly without listening to others
Avoidance avoid others who are likely to steal our energy; not for stealing energy, but protecting energy
Ex: MARKUS stays away from Parker because he always just talks about himself & never listens
Scripts cognitive representations of socially acceptable ways to behave in specific situations
Ex: you leave a generous tip for your excellent waiter/waitress; you do not shine their shoes.
Frames guideline connecting the range of things one should pay attention to in a specific situation
Ex: number coding exercise Toru did in class
Internal Conflict Model anxiety = result of differentiation
My desires vs. what is, has, or could happen
taking control to make desires come true OR letting go of my desires & accepting whatever happens
2 Ways to Reduce Anxiety make our desires win over what has, is, or could happen
letting go of our desires by accepting what has happened, what is happening, or what could happen
Correspondence between Internal/External Conflict Internal- our desires clash with the conflicts of others
External- others represent what has, is, or could happen
Positive/Negative Arousal feeling anxious- what has, is, or could happen is winning over desires
feeling excited- desires are winning over what has, is, or could happen
Pessimism comparing what has, is, or could happen to something better that they desire
Ex: "I wish I had more money"
Optimism think of their internal conflicts in a way that makes them feel like their desire is winning over what has, is, or could happen
Ex: Instead of wishing to be slimmer, they think "I'm glad I'm in good health"
Upward Counterfactuals help make improvements, make us feel negative
*how we become motivated to make improvements
Downward Counterfactuals help us feel excited, positive, and grateful
*Optimistic people are good at using both counterfactuals!
Ex: If they want to change for the better, then they'll think "how can things be better" U.C. and imagine how things will be after making progress D.C.
*think medalists example too
Incongruence (Carl Rogers) states that anxiety, discomfort, or unhappiness occurs when our self-concept does not match our experiences
Self-Concept & Experience my desires and experience corresponds to what has, is, or could happen
Congruence when our desires and experiences match each other
Process of Becoming Fully Functioning process of moving from a state of incongruence to a state of congruence; a never-ending process since we are never completely free of internal conflict
Forgiveness letting go of what we wanted someone to do OR not do (our desires)
letting go of our desires allows us to forgive
Five Stages of Death & Dying (Kubler-Ross) applies to any painful experience that requires letting go of our desires
Denial unable to accept situation (dying)
Anger blaming others & envy for others
Bargaining negotiating a way out of death
Depression prior to acceptance (often crying)
Reactive Depression happens early in the stage; we lose hope & begin feeling there is nothing we can do to avoid our destiny
Preparatory Depression happens later in the stage; depression is focused on the fact that we will no longer be with our loved ones
Acceptance calm, peaceful, & accepting of death
Bowlby's Theory of Mourning similar process when we lose someone important to us
Numbing state of shock; refuse to accept the experience; desensitize ourselves from our loss
Yearning/Searching becoming aware of our loss, but having trouble letting go
feel as though we hear/see the person
anger- blame/lash out at others for our loss
Disorganization/Despair reaching our limit; end up in a state of psychological chaos/disorder
experienced anguish forces us to recognize/adjust to new situation
Reorganization ability to move on with our lives; redefine ourselves/our social roles
Significance of Crying allows us to let go of our desires and resolve our internal conflicts
Psychological Strokes (Eric Berne) physical contact for infants
growing older= strokes replaced with attention/respect (symbolic representation of physical strokes we used to receive)
*lack of psychological strokes- leads to insecurities
Mary Ainsworth (Attachment Theory) the way a caretaker interacts with an infant influences the infant's emotional development
Secure Attachment infant is emotionally stable; responsive/attentive caretaker
Insecure Anxious Ambivalent/Anxious Resistant Attachment infant is very emotionally unstable & demands excessive attention (steals energy); caretaker responds mostly to negative behaviors & inconsistent in responses to infant
Insecure Anxious Avoidant Attachment infant is unresponsive/avoidant (even towards caretaker); unresponsive OR over controlling caretaker
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment infant is unresponsive/unpredictable; abusive caretaker; MOST insecure form of attachment
Hazan & Shaver- Attachment Styles & Romantic Relationships our attachment styles formed early in life influence our behavioral patterns in adulthood (especially with romantic partners)
Secure Attachment stable trusting relationships
Anxious Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment possessive & suspicious of partner; steals energy
Anxious Avoidant Attachment avoid partner & problems when anxious; avoid others to protect energy
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment extreme internal conflict paralyzes us; difficulty forming close & meaningful relationships with others because of their unpredictable behavior patterns
Margaret Mahler- Interactional Synchrony caretakers must interact in an attentive & caring manner with the infant; caretaker/infant feel an intimate sense of oneness with each other
Carl Rogers- Unconditional Positive Regard an environment where we feel that we are loved, accepted, & respected just for being ourselves regardless of who we are/how we feel
Karen Horney- Parental Indifference as the Basic Evil creates a feeling of anxiety & insecurity (and sometimes even hostility) that can become the cause of long-lasting emotional instability
Diana Baumrind- Parenting Styles/Effects on Children level of acceptance (caretaker gives - space) AND level of control/demand (caretaker takes - contact)
Authoritative Parenting respect child's thoughts/feelings, but also express their own desires/needs in respectful manner
warm/nurturant, but provides guidance
child feels secure/emotionally stable
Authoritarian Parenting overly controlling, demanding, dominating & restrictive; have little regard for child's thoughts/feelings
child becomes desperate to protect/replenish their energy; child steals energy from peers/siblings
Permissive/Indulgent Parenting caretaker suppress their own desires/needs & allows child to do whatever they want; accepts what child does, but gives little guidance (gives energy, but doesn't take much)
children feel alienated/have poor communication skills; steal energy to avoid alienation; may give up on communication, become avoidant
Neglectful/Uninvolved Parenting consistently neglect important needs/desires of the child; child receives little care/attention; end up feeling neglected/unworthy of love/respect
children steal energy or give up on communication all together/becomes avoidant
Self-Blame children blame themselves when caretakers steal energy; child becomes very insecure
Development of Low Self-Esteem when basic needs are not met & others steal lots of energy/feel depleted
develop insecurities
Alfred Adler- Inferiorities sense of powerlessness & inferiority; form basis of personality
make us do many of the same things that our insecurities make us do; both make us feel conflicted inside & both contribute to our experience of anxiety
Anna Freud- Mechanisms of Defense we all use denial, repression, rationalization, reaction formation, projection in order to reduce our anxiety levels
Carl Rogers- Process of Defense denial, distortion are ways to reduce our anxiety levels
require energy/leave us with less energy that can be used for other purposes
temporary fixes; reduce our ability to handle stress in other aspects of life (leaves us with internal conflict at subconscious level)
Reactions to Anxiety Reactions to Anxiety
Steal Energy steal energy from people less powerful than us (family members, friends, schoolmates, coworkers, neighbors, complete strangers)
Avoid Others when anxious and people are more socially powerful than us, they steal energy from us, so we tend to avoid them; we prevent them from stealing our energy
Personal Achievement anxiety caused by insecurities is a great motivator for achievement; it allows us to gain respect from others; allows us to assume positions of social power
Form/Join Groups form groups with people who have similar insecurities/desires; in return it makes us feel more secure
Letting Go allows us to accept what has, is, or could happen without resistance & resolve our internal conflict
Social Power in Relation to Energy more social power = the less other people can steal energy from us & the more we can steal energy from them
more insecure = more we crave for social power
Letting Go of Desires- Social, Moral & Emotional Development mature in life = overcome our insecurities by letting go of desires
development = more we see things as "us" rather than "me vs. you" or "us vs. them"
deeper unity we feel with a wide variety of people
Ocean Analogy- Giving Energy by pushing other people up or allowing others to push us down
Ocean Analogy- Receiving Energy by others pushing us up
Ocean Analogy- Taking Energy by pushing others down
Thick Shells makes air (energy)/water(absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow less freely; makes person heavier & sink deeper
short run- protects us from losing energy
long run- makes us lose energy
when feeling anxious & alienated
Thin Shells makes air(energy)/water (absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow through more freely; makes person lighter & rise to the surface
when feeling relaxed & easygoing
Interpersonal & Group Unity think "us" instead of "you vs. me"
do things consistent with both our desires = both feel energized (shared energy)
take or receive energy from others
Fritz Heider- Balance Theory two people like (or desire) the same thing = highly probable they will like each other OR people who like each other, but have no common desires = change their minds so they both end up liking the same things
people who initially do not like each other end up finding something in common (i.e. common enemy)
Social Identity Theory & Various Levels of Group Identity some groups much larger & include others whereas some partially overlap with other groups
more we share energy = importance of group
Henri Tajfel- Minimal Group Paradigm group identification (matching desires) is a natural human tendency; occurs even with the most insignificant factors
more important the group = in-group bias
Marilynn Brewer- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory we all have a tendency to identify with certain groups but also have a need to feel that our groups are unique and different form others
want to be the same as some people (matching desires) but also feel uniquely different from others
feel energized by unity with in-group members OR taking energy from out-group members
John Berry- Model of Ethnic Identity focuses on how members of ethnic minorities adjust to society as minority group members
Bicultural minority individuals identify with BOTH majority culture and their own minority culture
Assimilated we identify with the majority culture without much identification with own minority subculture
Separated minority individuals identify with their own minority subculture but do not identify with majority culture
Marginal we identify with neither majority culture OR our own minority subculture
Maki & Kitano's Model of Asian American Identity similar to Berry's model
Type A individuals identify with the larger American culture without much identification with Asian Culture
Type B Asian American identify with BOTH American culture & Asian Culture
Type C Asian Americans identify with their own culture more than American culture
Type D Asian Americans don't identify with neither their own culture OR American culture
Exchange Relationships giving & receiving energy equally
Communal Relationships form groups & share energy with others
Complete Transcendence & Boundaries in our Mind no internal conflict; no desires
completely focused; not worried about anything
identify with everyone & everything!
don't need energy from world around us because there is ALWAYS energy around us!
Completely Complete Transcendence realize there is no "me"
there is nothing to identify with; nothing to be in harmony with; nothing to interact with
accepting whatever is being experience & letting everything/everyone be the way they are
nothing matters! Everything just "is"
Nirvana is Samsara present existence is enlightenment itself; no need to do anything to get there
we do not have to be different than what we are
just plain "being"
sexual harassment
Anti-female animus Negative feelings about women and/or their ability to perform jobs or functions, usually manifested by negative language and actions.
Assault Intentionally putting the victim in fear or apprehension, or both, of immediate unpermitted bodily touching
Battery Intentional unpermitted bodily touching
Damages: Sexual Harassment Actions Up to $300,000 in compensatory and punitive and unlimited medical, and may request a jury trial.
EEOC's Policy Guidelines on Harassment Provides insight into how credibility determinations are to be made, including inherent plausibility, demeanor, motive to falsify, corroboration, and past record.
Ellerth/Farragher Defense An affirmative defense where the employer can show that it had a reasonable sexual harassment policy to prevent and address sexual harassment and that the harassed employee unreasonably failed to use it. This defense can only be used where there is no tangible employment action.
Ellison v. Brady A case in which the court adopted a reasonable woman standard for analyzing whether the harasser's behavior was severe and pervasive enough to create a hostile work environment.
Employer Liability: Co-Worker or 3rd Party Harassment The employer is liable if they knew or should have known of the acts of the harasser and took no immediate corrective action.
Employer Liability: No Tangible Employment Action Where there is no tangible act, such as termination but rather a supervisor causes severe and/or pervasive hostile environment result in harm to the harassed employee, the employer is not strictly liable.
Employer Liability: Tangible Employment Action An employer has strict liability for the tangible acts of its supervisor, whether authorized or forbidden, and whether the employer knew or should have known of their occurrence.
False imprisonment Intentionally preventing the harassee's exit from a confined space
Harris v. Forklift Systems The U.S. Supreme Court found that sexual harassment claims do not require findings of severe psychological harm to be actionable, as long as the environment would reasonably be perceived and is perceived as hostile or abusive.
Hostile environment sexual harassment Sexual harassment in which the harasser creates an abusive, offensive, or intimidating environment for the harassee.
Hostile Environment Tips 1) Can occur electronically
2) No sexual element required
3) Have a well-enforced workplace policy
Infliction of Emotional Distress An intentional outrageous act that goes outside the bounds of common decency, for which the law will provide a remedy
Interference with contractual relations Intentionally causing the harassee to be unable to perform their agreed upon employment contract
Love Contracts Typically for CEO's and top-level company officials, a preventative mechanism regarding sexual harassment claims, these affirm state that the relationship is voluntary, that the parties will use the company's sexual harassment policies if a problem arises, and confirm the existence of the policies.
Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson The first sexual harassment case heard by the Supreme Court
Prima Facie Case: Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment 1) Unwelcome.
2) Based on gender
3) Sufficiently severe or pervasive to create an abusive working environment
4) Affects a term, condition, or privilege of employment
5) Employer had actual or constructive knowledge of the sexually hostile working environment and took no prompt or adequate remedial action.
Prima Facie Case: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment 1) Workplace benefit promised, given to, or withheld from harasee by harasser
2) In exchange for sexual activity
Quid pro quo sexual harassment Sexual harassment in which the harasser request sexual activity from the harassee in exchange for workplace benefits.
Reasonable Person Standard Viewing the harassing activity from the perspective of a reasonable personal in society at large, generally the male point of view
Reasonable Victim Standard Viewing the harassing activity from the perspective of a reasonable pe B KIBJKrson experiencing the harassing activity, including gender-specific, sociological, cultural, and other factors.
Severe and/or Pervasive Activity Harassing activity that is more than an occasional act or is so serious that it is the basis for liability.
Sexual harassment Occurs when sexual advances or activity directed toward an employee is unwelcome and imposes terms or conditions different for one gender than another
Tort Actions: Sexual Harassment 1) Assault
2) Battery
3) False Imprisonment
4) Interference with contractual relations
5) Infliction of Emotional DistressB b
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles 1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management 1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations 1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship
influence and power
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles
1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management 1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations 1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles 1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management
1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations
1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship
Concepts of Cultural Competence
"10 Diversity dimensions" 1. Race
2. Ethnicity
3. Culture
4. Language
5. Gender
6. Age
7. Sexual Orientation
8. Religion
9. Giftedness
10. Disabilities
"Awareness" (assumptions, values, beliefs) counselor know thyself, dealing with and working through your own biases, feelings, fears, and guilt associated with others inside and outside of your own culture.
"black power" A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community., idea phrased by Stokely Carmichael, the belief that blacks should fight back if attacked. it urged blacks to achieve economic independence by starting and supporting their own business.
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail," 1963 A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism. Advocated nonviolence protest methods
"Playing it cool" concealing one's true thoughts and feeling in an otherwise racist society.
"separate but equal" Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.
"the pill" gave women greater freedom to be sexually active without the risk of pregnancy; birth control method that weakened the link between sex and marriage
#1 (in poverty) USA rank of 17 top industrial nations
$10 million Average net worth of top 1%
$10,000 Median net worth of african american
$100,000 Median household income (Prof. Degree)
$17,000 Median household income (>9th grade)
$1900 Average net worth of bottom 40%
$21,000 Median household income (9-12th grade; no diploma)
$35,000 Median household income (HS Grad)
$40,000 per year US median household income
$48-30 Thousand def. of middle class income
$6 per hour Average median wage of former welfare recipient
$64,000 Median household income (College B.A.)
$650,000 Bill Gates hourly wage
$74,000 Median household income (College M.A.)
$81,000 Median net worth of white american
% ranks the % of people in the norming sample who had scores less than or equal to the students score
**How an the counselor intervene with parents who discipline of their children is ineffective?negotiate carefully based on your judgment of parents' ability to accept information. You can offer more information on what might be effective working with a kiddo ... particularly if it is working at a school. Remember that some parents are doing all that they know / the best they can. Be careful not to exercise judgment.
**What are microaggressions?** brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, that potentially have a harmfull or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group
can be delivered environmentally through physical surrounding of target groups
feel unwelcome, isolated, unsafe, and alienated.
...children of color value... Children of color value the socail aspects of an environment to a greater extent than do "mainstream" children, and tend to put an emphasis on feelings, acceptance, and emotional closeness.
1% how much of the population belongs to the capitolist class
1. antigay harassment
2. transphobia -verbal or physical behavior that injures, interferes with, or intimidates lesbian, gay, or bisexual individuals.
-an emotional disgust toward individuals who do not conform to society's gender expectations
1. Universal-diversity orientation:
2. Positive regard:
3. Respect
4. Warmth
5. Genuineness 1. interest in diversity, contact with diverse groups, comfort with similarities and differences
2. see strength and positives in client and appreciate differences and values
3. be attentive and demonstrate that you view client as important
4. emotional feeling received by client from therapists verbals and non verbals
5. being open and "real"
1. When you are conducting therapy with Hispanic Americans remember... They may assimilate at different rates within a family
1.5 million Typical Income of the capitolist class
10 percent of the people in a Confederate state would have to take an oath of allegiance. What was the first step for problem 1.
10% Percent of former welfare recient with access to a car
10,000-down Typical Income of the under class
10. What contributes to Japanese children's view of education? Extreme pressure to exceed
11. Black family interactions tend to be... Gender role egalitarian and flexible
12% (percent) US Adults in poverty
12% how much of the population belongs to the under class
12. Children of LGBT couples tend to show healthy cognitive functioning
13% how much of the population belongs to the working poor
13. Full-time work is becoming less attainable for those in mid-life, why? outsourcing of jobs to other countries and employers hiring part-time workers
14% how much of the population belongs to the upper-middle class
14. LGBTQ therapists should? address discrimination at the beginning of therapy to open space and decrease power dynamics
15. Wilderson argues.. Blacks, because they have been stripped of their own epistemological assumptions are in such a state today that they have no choice but to burn burn burn with no plan for the future.
16. Judith Butler does not argue... ultimately represents human beings erotic desires to overcome feelings of alienation due to the repressed sexual path
17. Which of the following comments is not congruent with Freire's views of humanization?patronizing kindness propels workers toward independence
18. People who practice Islam may have a fear of counseling for all of these reasons except? It is against their beliefs
1830 Indian Removal Act The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy.
1924 national origins act Only allowed 150,000 people into the U.S per year. Specifically white, NorthWest European. (Practically ended immigration from Asia and Africa)
1990 ASCA moved to call the profession school counseling and the program a school counseling program
1997 ASCA published Sharing the vision: The national standard for school counseling Programs
2 additional hofstede dimensions indulgence vs. restraint: hedonism with self discipline
monumentalism vs. self-effacement:
stability with change
2 components of management of uncertainty behavior uncertainty and anxiety
2 Ways to Reduce Anxiety make our desires win over what has, is, or could happen
letting go of our desires by accepting what has happened, what is happening, or what could happen
2. Asian American couples - traditional what is the most effective approach? : (B) Structure and direction
2. Microinsults unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender identity, religion, ability, or sexual orientation identity.
outside the level of conscious awareness, but the subtlety is insulting.
2. The consistency set People who change an opinion, belief, or behavior in such a way as to make it consistent with other opinions, beliefs, and behaviors.
20% (percent) US children in poverty
20% Percent of men making poverty level hourly wage
20-25 Thousand Typical Income of the working poor
22 million Number of whites in poverty
3 common approaches of indigenous healing Reliance on communal, group and family networks to shelter the disturbed individual, to problem solve and to reconnect with family or significant others
Spiritual or religious beliefs and traditions of community are used for healing process
Use of shamans who are keepers of timeless wisdom
3 elements of critical hope 1) Material hope - sense of control young people have when they are given resources to succeed. Quality teaching is the most significant material hope that an educator can offer a student
2) Socratic Hope - requires both teachers and students to painfully examine our life actions within an unjust society and to share the sensibility that pain may have a path to justice
3) Audacious Hope - demands that we reconnect to the collective by struggling alongside one another, sharing in the victories and the pain
3 forms of "false hope" 1) Hokey Hope - if you work hard and pay attention you will succeed and achieve the "American dream." Ignores the laundry list of inequalities
2) Mythical Hope - false narrative of equal opportunity. It is a denial of suffering that is rooted in celebrating individual exceptions
3) Hope deferred - hides behind misinterpretations of research that connect the material conditions of poverty to the constraints placed on schools. Blaming the economy, common justification for poor teaching
* Many have used a framework of hope to generate social movement (ex. Obama campaign)
* Historically, hope has been a theme in the lives and movements of the poor and dispossessed in the US
3 instinct theorists: Freud, Lorenz, McDougall
3 major characteristic of counseling and psychotherapy is a. Culture-bound values- individual-centered, verbal/emotional/behavioral expressiveness, communication from client and counselor. openness, clear distinction between mental and physical well-being.
b. Class-bound values- strict adherence to time schedule, 50 min once of 2wice a week, ambiguous to problem, seeking long range solutions
c. Language variables- use of standard English and emphasis on verbal communication.
3 types of face needs control, approval, admiration
3 types of microaggressions
1. Microassault blatant verbal, nonberbal, or environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
3 types of sexism overt sexism-- blatant unequal and unfir treatment of women
covert sexism-- unequal and harmful treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner
gender inequality in hiring process
subtle sexism-- unequal and unfair treatment of women that is NOT recognized by many people because it is perceived by others to be normative, and therefore does not appear unusual
3. Following challenges to conducting multicultural research EXCEPT? Problems of random selection
3.Microinvalidations verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psych thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group.
3.The identity set An individual who strongly identifies with a particular group is likely to accept the group's beliefs and to conform to behaviors dictated by the group
30% how much of the population belongs to the middle class
30% how much of the population belongs to the working class
30% Percent of women making povert level hourly wage
30-35 Thousand Typical Income of the working class
37% (percent) Single mothers
4 million, 10 percent of the country's population How many freed slaves were in the country?
4. Native American person lost touch with culture and not accepted into main stream Marginal
4. the economic set The person is influenced because of the perceived rewards and punishments that the source is able to deliver. The major problem with the use of rewards and punishments to induce change is that although it may assure behavior compliance, it does not guarantee private acceptance
The authority set - some individuals are thought to have a particular position that gives them a legitimate right to prescribe attitudes or behaviors.
40-60 Thousand Typical Income of the middle class
427 (Low Income) Mean SAT verbal
43% Americans that thought lack of effort was main reason why people are poor
445 (Low Income) Mean SAT math
48% Percent of low-income 16-24 year olds in college
5 Aspects of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism Belief in Superiority
Belief in the Inferiority of Others
Power to Impose Standards
Manifestation in Institutions
The Invisible Veil
5 Aspects of The Culture of Power 1. Issuses of power are enacted in classrooms
2. There are coeds or rules for participating in power;that is, there is a "culture of power."
3. The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power.
4. If you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told explicitly the rulesof that culture makes acuiring power easier.
5. Those with power are frequently least aware of- or least willing to acknowledge- its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence.
5 components of language phonology, morphology, semantics, syntActics, pragmatics
5 Learning activities most likely to enhance change in developing a nonracist white identityPrinciple 1: learn about people of color from sources within the group
Principle 2: learn from healthy and strong people of the culture
Principle 3: learn from experiential reality
Principle 4: learn from constant vigilance of your biases and fears
Principle 5: learn from being committed to personal action against racism
5. When working with Hispanic family best to do... (A) interview father prerecognize his authority
504 of ADA federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabiites in programs and activites that recieve Federal finiancial assistance from the U.S. Department of Ed. - no exclusion from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity. Must recieve a free and appropriate education
504 with assesment any instrument used to measure appropriateness for a program or service must measure the individual's ability, not a reflection of their disability
53% Americans that thought strong effort was main reason why people are rich
560 (High Income) Mean SAT verbal
575 (High Income) Mean SAT math
6. African American parents who confront racism with kids, those kids c) lower rates of behavior problems
62% Percent of middle-income 16-24 year olds in college
7 Areas Noli article provided as solutions for culturally competent educators who are mindful of equity in education School Culture and Climate
School Policies
Equitable Incentives:Parents-of-color
Equitable Incentives: Students-of-color
7. Helm's white identity model - What follows the initial contact status/stage? Disintegration
78% Percent of high-income 16-24 year olds in college
8 million Number of blacks in poverty
8. The NTU model the therapist is A vessal
80-100 Thousand Typical Income of the upper-middle class
9. Structural echo systems therapy with Hispanic clients attempts to... look at family interactions to reduce the negative cultural and contextual
90% (percent) US stock owned by wealthiest 10%
____ are beliefs regarding right or wrong behavior of a given group and breaking them can result in punishment. ____ are correct, normal behavior and breaking them can result in embarrassment.mores, folkways
____ is when an individual has a high level of acculturation and becomes part of the dominate culture. assimilation
______ closely scrutinize asserted BFOQ and business necessity defenses in sex discrimination and harassment cases. They apply an even more heightened scrutiny standard in cases of alleged reverse gender discrimination. Courts
_______ standards and dress codes can constitute sexual discrimination only if they are applied in a sexually discriminatory manner. If sexual stereotyping does not motivate them, then they are legal. Grooming
_________ ________ can constitute a form of sex discrimination. There are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment involves a workplace benefit promised in exchange for sexual activity by the harassed worker. A hostile work environment involves unwanted activity based on the victim's gender that creates a hostile or abusive work environment and interferes with the person's ability to perform his or her work. Such harassment must also be so severe and/ or pervasive that it affects a term or condition of the victim's employment. Sexual harassment
A content group is ... Psychoeducational driven. A content group is driven by content material - didactic in nature.
A culture specific perspective viewpoint. Emphasizes differences among people. Emic (derived from the term phonemic meaning sounds in a particular language.)
A perspective perceiving that all people from a given group are identical. monolithic perspective
A process group is ... one that has a trained counselor or facilitator who can lead the group in accomplishing personal growth
A Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model (Dr. Sue) 1. Conformity Stage
2. Dissonance Stage
3. Resistance and Immersion Stage
4. Introspection Stage
5. Integrative awareness stage
**Details in Chapter 11 notes!! DEFINITELY read!
A vagrant was a person who although fit to work, was without visible means of support or a permanent home and traveled from from place to place without working.
ableism is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities.
accents distinguishable marks of pronunciation (spanish, southern draw, caribbean)
Acceptance calm, peaceful, & accepting of death
Access discrimination when people are denied employment opportunities, or access to jobs, based on their race, sex, age, or other factors not related to productivity
Accountability Results Reports, School counselors performance standards , The Program Audit
accountability answers what questions how are students diffrent as a result of the program
Acculturation 4. One cultural group merges into another, evidenced by language adoption and ethnic identification
acculturation process of socialization and adaptation to the cultural values of the larger society
Acculturation the process by which individuals assume and adopt values, beliefs and norms of a more dominant, mainstream culture
Acculturation stress 8. Anxiety linked to trying to attempting to accommodate oneself to a different culture.
Achievement Gap - Disparities in educational opportunities and standardized test scores between minority children and white children
- The "stereotype threat" contributes to the gap
Achievement test provide information about an individual had learned or acquired
acting white a label used by some people to describe persons of the same race who take on the behaviors, values, and attitudes of the dominant white culture
activation the ways people react to the world around them
active strategies efforts to obtain information about another person by asking others or structuring the envi to place the person in a situation that provides the needed info
adaptors personal body movements that occur as a reaction to an individuals physical or psychological state, ex. scratching, fidgeting
adequate yearly progress a minimum level of improvement-- measurable in terms of student performance-- that school districts and schools must achieve within specific time frames specified in the law No Child Left Behind
Adlerian theory -people have a specific concern and need for social interest
-Emphasizes the future, holism, collaboration, and choice
-Focuses on the importance of childhood, birth order, and behavioral goals
-Stresses definable stages and techniques/practice in school and institutional settings
adlerian theory (Adler) 1. The one dynamic force behind people's behavior is the striving for success or superiority.
2. People's subjective perceptions shape their behavior and personality
3. Personality is unified and self-consistent.
4. The value of all human activity must be seen from the viewpoint of social interest.
5. The self-consistent personality structure develops into a person's style of life.
6. Style of life is molded by people's creative power.
Advantages of using small groups in counseling setting students experience groups as a familiar and natural setting for interacting, groups also provide opportunities for students to hear from and learn about others with similar experiences, groups allow more students to be served at one time by the counselor, and allow less active students opportunities to benefit by watching and listening to others
affect the expression of positive and negative feelings and emotions
affect displays facial and body movements that show feeling or emotions, ex. happy, sad, anger
affective styles more emotional and require sensitivity to the underlying meanings in both verbal and nonverbal code systems, preferred by individualistic cultures
affiliation used by members of a culture to interpret the degree of friendliness, liking, social warmth, or immediacy that is being communicated
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination.
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination. Improving economic and educational opportunities for women, blacks, and other minority groups
affirmative action legislation - refers to policies that take factors including race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group in areas of employment, education, and business; justified as countering the effects of a history of discrimination
Affirmative action programs a plan designed to increase the number of minority employees at all levels within an organization
african american english A rule governed systematic linguistic system
African Americans and CBT for Depression Studied in a medical out patient setting (Organista, 1994), reduced depression, but to a lower degree than among whites, with high drop out
no control group
African Americans and Cultural Brokers Over 20 years ago, one study suggested that a cultural broker led to reduced drop out and better outcomes, but this has not been highly studied
African Americans and IPT Brown et. al., 1999
Compared IPT to anti depressants for whites and blacks
Blacks had better adherence for IPT and worse adherence for medication
8 month outcomes revealed improvement across all groups without racial differences in either treatment group
No control group
African Americans could not buy or lease farmland in cities, they had to work under contracts they could not break, and children could be forced into labor contracts if they were orphans or their parents were poor What were some of Mississippi's strongest black codes?
Afrocentric curriculum curriculum centered on or derived from African history, culture, and traditions
age discrimination in employment act 1967 ..., Act that prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Age discrimination in employment act of 2008 Act that prohibits discrimination in employment for persons age 40 and over except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification.
Ageism discrimination based on age.
Agency In the social sciences, agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. By contrast, structure is those factors of influence (such as social class, religion, gender, ethnicity, customs, etc.) that determine or limit an agent and his or her decisions.[1] The relative difference in influences from structure and agency is debated - it is unclear to what extent a person's actions are constrained by social systems. -From WIKIPEDIA:
Agender A person who is internally ungendered or does not have a felt sense of gender identity.
Aggressive (Ag) A term used to describe a female-bodied and identified person who prefers presenting as masculine. This term is most commonly used in urban communities of color.
AIM American Indian Movement. demanded greater rights for Native Americans and preservation of their traditions (i.e. restoring of burial grounds, cultures, and Indian pride in ancestry), use violence to make its point. Called for a renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education,
American Indian Movement; occupied Wounded Knee to bring attention to the government's mistreatment of Native Americans including their living conditions and their "Trail of Broken Treaties", as demonstrators in Washington D.C. put it.
Alaska Lowest Senior Poverty Rate
Alfred Adler- Inferiorities sense of powerlessness & inferiority; form basis of personality
make us do many of the same things that our insecurities make us do; both make us feel conflicted inside & both contribute to our experience of anxiety
all but one state was ready for readmission What happened by summer of 1866?
allowing slaves to become citizens In the 13th Amendment, nothing had been said about _________ _________ __ _________ ________.
ally comfortable with own identity,
initiates learning about others,
acknowledges unearned privileges,
works to change privileges into rights
that target members can also enjoy,
willing to take risks,
committed to taking action
Ally Someone who advocates for and supports members of a community other than their own. Reaching across differences to achieve mutual goals.
Aloofness/Charisma making others interested in the self by holding out information
Ex: Although he rarely says anything, HENRIK always appears as if he has something on his mind.
Ambivalence (feeling) a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite)
b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow
ambivalent sexism a form of sexism characterized by attitudes about women that reflect both negative, resentful beliefs and feelings and affectionate and chivalrous but potentially patronizing beliefs and feelings
Americans w/Disabilities Amendments act of 2008 ..., -prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals based on physical or mental disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act laws that prohibit discrimination based on physical and mental handicaps. Accomidations for individuals taking tests from employment must be made.
americans with disabilities act public law 101-336 passed on jan 26, 1990, which was designed to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities in private sector employment, public services, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications it was intended to complete what section 504 was unable to do the greater accessibility in buildings, in public transportation, sidewalk curbs, etc. can to a great extent be credited to ada
Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.
americans with disabilities act of 1990 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
americans with disabilities amendments act of 2008 Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by current social climate in the country (e.g. aftermath of 9-11)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by degree of "trust risk"
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by embarrassment about use of minority or low-status language
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by inside or outside family
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by perceived causes of an illness or disability
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by personal life experiences (poverty, war, imprisonment, violence)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by personal relationships (in some cultures, need these with service providers before trusting them)
Amount of self disclosure can be influenced by reactions and acceptance (families may conceal disability due to embarrassment and guilt)
An exception to the EPA allows differences in pay that are based on bona fide ________, merit, or incentive systems or on factors other than sex. seniority
An organized guidance curriculum matches instruction with... 1. students developmental status
2. uses varied learning strategies for different students
3. promotes interactive learning processes
analogical style establish an idea(conclusion) and persuade the listener by using an analogy, a story, or a parable which he has either an implicit or explicit lesson to be learned.
Analyzing Assessment Data Consider cultural-linguistic influences
Analyzing Assessment Data Consider language specific developmental norms
Analyzing Assessment Data Focus on language universals
Analyzing Assessment Data Focus on the production of the client's strongest language
Analyzing Assessment Data Identify language disorders versus differences
Androgynous A person appearing and/or identifying as neither man nor woman, presenting a gender either mixed or neutral.
androgynous refers to persons who are high in both feminine and masculine psychological and behavioral traits
Anger blaming others & envy for others
Anna Freud- Mechanisms of Defense we all use denial, repression, rationalization, reaction formation, projection in order to reduce our anxiety levels
Anne Fausto-Sterling advocates for intersexual people
Antiracism racism is most likely to diminish under these conditions:
having an intimate contact with people of color; experiences a cooperative rather than a competitive environment; working toward mutually shared goals; interacting on equal footing with others; viewing leadership or authority as supportive of intergroup harmony; feeling a sense of unity or interconnectedness with all humanity.
Anxious Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment possessive & suspicious of partner; steals energy
Anxious Avoidant Attachment avoid partner & problems when anxious; avoid others to protect energy
Apathy (feeling) lack of feeling or emotion
applications of Vygotsky promotes learning contexts in which students play an active role in learning. Teacher should collaborate with his or her students in order to help facilitant meaning construction in students. Learning is a reciprocal experience
Apprenticeships: Courts were authorized to apprentice the black children of vagrants, or orphans, even against their will, to an employer until the age of 21 for males and 18 for females
appropriate ethical response when there is a professional issue of dealing with one's own stresses 1) inform her colleagues and administrators about the situation, 2) seek ways to reduce her level of responsibility and tasks to a level that she can manage affectively, and 3) do all she can to alleviate the personal stresses
Appropriate types of questioning as a counselor at the beginning of an interview, asking for more information about a topic, asking for more-concrete specifics about a topic, and gathering information for assessment purposes
Aptitude tests predict future performance or ability to learn
Archetypes (Carl Jung) form the basis of many ideas, thoughts, motivations, & emotional experiences that all humans have in common; recurring images/symbols that represent aspects of our collective unconscious
argot specialized language that is used by a large group within a culture to define boundaries of their groups from others who are in a more powerful position in society, used to keep hostile outsiders at bay
Art & Religion religions gave birth to priests/rulers- social powers from gods
pottery, wove plant fibers into wool into cloth, domesticating animals for food/transportation
formed metal into tools/ornaments
artifactual code system creations that people make, use or wear, ex. clothing style, tools, buildings, jewelry
ASCA accountability responsibility for ones actions, particularly for ojectives, procedures and results for ones work and program; involves an explanation of what has been done. Responsibilites for counselor performance, program implementation and results.
ASCA ethical standards on the use of computer technology in working with students 1) ensuring the applications are appropriate to the needs of the students, 2) ensuring that students know how to use the applications, 3) ensuring that the applications are nondiscriminatory, and 4) ensuring that follow up counseling with the counselor to students are all required.
ASCA incorparates 4 themes leadership, advocacy, colaboration, and systemic change as part of the frame work of the national model
ASCA Model: Accountability -Analyze have students are diff. as a result of counseling program
-use data to show the impact of the sc program on student achievement, attendance, and behavior
-guide future action and improve future results
ASCA Model: Delivery - Direct Student Services - School Counseling core curriculum - lesson plans designed to help students reach competencies
- Individual student planning - help students establish personal goals & develop future plans
-Responsive services - meeting students immediate needs/concerns, individual/crisis/small group
ASCA Model: Foundation - Professional Competencies -ASCA sc competencies outline knowledge, attitudes, and skills
-follow ethical standards
-protect both student and counselor`
ASCA Model: Foundation - Program Focus -Counselors ID personal beliefs that address how all students benefit from program
-counselors create a vision statement defining student outcomes
-counselors create a misssion statement aligning with the school's mission
-develop program goals of how to measure vision/mission
ASCA Model: Foundation - Student Competencies -Using ASCA student standards to assess 3 domains
ASCA Model: Indirect student services -SC interacts w/ others on behalf of the student including referrals, consultation/collaboration w/ parent, teachers, other educators, and community orgs
ASCA Model: Management - Assessment & Tools - School counselor competency and school counseling program assessments
-Use of time assessment (80% on direct/indirect student services, 20% other)
-Annual agreements
-Advisory councils
-Use of data
-Curriculum, small group & closing the gap action plans
-Annual and weekly calendars
ASCA National Model 1. Accountability - Data Analysis, Program Results, Evaluation & Improvement
2. Management - Assessment & Tools
3. Delivery - Direct Student Services & Indirect Student Services
4. Foundation - Program Focus, Student Competencies, & Professional Competencies
ASCA National Model four pillars foundation, delivery, management and accountabilty
Asexual A person who is not sexually attracted to any gender.
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters After the session clinician and interpreter discuss client's responses and clarify any remaining issues
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Brief before, during the session, and after
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Translator must be proficient in both the languages of the assessment
ASHA's Tips for working with Interpreters Understand the goals and procedures, maintain honesty, neutrality, and accuracy
asian american cultural differences Different perceptions of disability
Respect for elders
Respect for silence
asian american linguistic differences Double negatives
Omission of plurals and posessives
Misordering of words
Asian-American identity development models:
Marginal person:
Asian American Traditionalist: a person who internalizes conventional Chinese customs and values, resists acculturation forces
Marginal person: Person who rejects Chinese traditional ways and attempts to assimilate into American culture, resulting in internalizing society's negativity towards minority groups- develop self-hatred
Asian American: A person in the process of forming positive identity, who is ethnically and politically aware, and who becomes increasingly bicultural
ask interview child, teachers, family, community members to help determine test results
assertiveness dimension extent to which people value and prefer tough aggressiveness to tender non aggressiveness
Asserts that change comes from altering external factors. eg. If you don't like the system, change it. Alloplastic
Asserts that change comes from within. eg. So if you don't like the system, change yourself.Autoplastic view
Assessment Models Best Practice 1. RIOT 2. GRASP IT 3. ECOLOGICALLY VALID ASSESSMENT
Assimilated we identify with the majority culture without much identification with own minority subculture
Assimilation 1. Members of one cultural group adopts the beliefs and behaviors of another group
assimilation the giving up of original cultural identities
Assimilation the process in which an individual or group is absorbed into a new social context through a process of acculturation that results in the individual or group's original culture being replaced by the new culture
Assimilation The process of fitting into a new culture or becoming like others in that culture.
Assimilation- a process by which members of an ethnic minority group lose cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant cultural group or take on the cultural characteristics of another group. True
(Episode Two: The Difference Between Us)
asylees individuals who travel to the USA from another country and ask for asylum or protection from being persecuted in their native country
Attending involves.. 1. Focused listening
2. Perceiving verbal and non-verbal messages
3. Cognitive and affective pats of the client's experience
Attitudes towards the disability and disorder can influence willingness to self-disclose
Attribution Error When the therapist holds a different perspective of a problem than that of the client. Ex: seeing a problem as internal to the client rather than environmental.
Authoritarian Parenting overly controlling, demanding, dominating & restrictive; have little regard for child's thoughts/feelings
child becomes desperate to protect/replenish their energy; child steals energy from peers/siblings
Authoritarian style group leader expert leader promotes his/her own agenda (teacher role)
Authoritarinism Erich Fromm - technique that others use to ward off anxiety
Authoritative Parenting respect child's thoughts/feelings, but also express their own desires/needs in respectful manner
warm/nurturant, but provides guidance
child feels secure/emotionally stable
Automaton conformity Erich Fromm's term for escaping the demands of freedom by accepting the personality type preferred by our culture or social group
autonomy-connection dialectic extent to which they want a sense of separation from others and attach to others
aversive racism manifested in individuals who consciously assert egalitarian values, but unconsciously hold anti-minority feelings.
Avoid Others when anxious and people are more socially powerful than us, they steal energy from us, so we tend to avoid them; we prevent them from stealing our energy
Avoidance avoid others who are likely to steal our energy; not for stealing energy, but protecting energy
Ex: MARKUS stays away from Parker because he always just talks about himself & never listens
baby boomers ..., Born 1945-1964; Individualistic outlook, workaholic, repect at work, loyal and dedicated
Bandura's social cognitive theory theory focuses on the fact that people can learn without being directly reinforced (vicarious learning). They can learn by watching someone perform an action.
Bargaining negotiating a way out of death
Basketball Boy Example - He comes back because it is fun
- He comes back so that he can be a part of a culturally rewarded community activity
- He comes back because he believes he can get better
- He comes back because he believes he might get financially rewarded for getting better
behavior checklist A checklist that provides descriptions of specific skills (usually hierarchical order) and the conditions under which each skill should be observed. Some checklists are designed to assess one particular behavior or skill area. Others address multiple behaviors or skill areas. Most use a Likert scale to rate responses.
Behavior counseling - developed from Skinner's operant learning + conditioning
- can help to make incremental changes
- behavior needs to be focused upon and understood (not Frued; no hidden problem)
- focuses on what can be observed/measured objectively
- operant conditioning to shape behavior/influence feelings and attitudes
goals/objective clearly defined
Behavior therapy interventions desensitization, aversive conditioning, behavioral chaining, and classical conditioning.
behavioral consultation approach school counselor actively obtains and evaluates student data, which is used to advise other staff members (such as teachers) how to best help the student. With a behavioral consultation approach, it is a triadic consultation (among counselor, teacher and student), and is considered depended because the counselee (teacher) relies on the school counselor to collect and interpret the behavioral data.
Behavioral therapy -focus on how to reinforce, extinguish, or modify a broad range of behaviors
-all behavior is learned
-no human personality traits
-learn thru respondent learning, operant conditioning, social modeling
Benefits of professional organizations advocacy, professional development, lobbying efforts, liability insurance, and networking, accessibility to resources and current research, and leadership development.
Benefits of small-group counseling for students 1. Natural interpesonal context for students
2. Creates safe context w/n which students can practice interpersonal skills and get feedback
3. Allow students to hear form others with similar experiences
4. Allow many more student to be served by counselor then in one-on-one activities
Betty Friedan 1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".
BF Skinner Operant Conditioning founder; can change behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after a desired response
Bias Prejudice; an inclination or preference, especially one that interferes with impartial judgment.
biased assessment assessments that favor one group over another group one example is tests that in the past were typically developed and normed on white, middle class children. children of color particularly african american and latinos have been and often still are at a disadvantage in testing because test items are more familiar to white middle class children the bias may be in the instrument the administration of the assessment or the interpretation of test results
Biases A tendency to believe that some people, ideas are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.
Bicultural minority individuals identify with BOTH majority culture and their own minority culture
biculturalism maintaining cultural background and American values simultaneously.
big and small types of power distance
Bigender A person whose gender identity is a combination of man and woman
Bigotry Prejudice; intolerance
Bilingual and bicultural education - Provide training for students' native languages along w/ English training
-Teach students about history and culture of their native country along w/ American history and culture
- Rise in # of Arab-speaking immigrants in last two decades of 20th century
- poses challenge to educators and students, both of whom are trying to overcome language barriers
bilingual education the use of 2 languages as media of instruction it accepts and develops native language and culture in the instructional process to learn english and to learn academic subject matter bilingual education may use the native language as well as english as the medium of instruction
Bill of Rights said that people had the right to have guns to protect themselves from the gov. and they didnt want that for blacks Why was gun ownership by blacks prohibited?
Binary When two realms are set up as opposites. When something is Feminine it can't be masculine. When something is masculine it can not be feminine.
Bioligical Basically says that men and women think differently because they use different parts of thier brain.
biomedical or western approach people are thought to be controlled by bio-chemical forces,
Biphobia The irrational fear and intolerance of people who are bisexual.
Bisexuality Also bi. A person who is attracted to two sexes or two genders, but not necessarily simultaneously or equally. This used to be defined as a person who is attracted to both genders or both sexes, but since there are not only two sexes (see intersex and transsexual) and there are not only two genders (see transgender), this definition is inaccurate.
Black Codes after Reconstruction, local laws passed throughout the South that restricted African Americans' civil and political rights
Black codes enforced a series of requirements that included poll taxes, property qualifications, and literacy tests,
Black cultural capital - "non-dominant" cultural capital
- Critical Race Theory (CRT) - the cultural knowledge, skills, abilities and contacts possessed by socially marginalized groups
-Epistemology - studies of sources of knowledge. Whose knowledge counts and whose is discounted?
Black Identity Development Model 5 Stages Preencounter
immersion-emersion internalization
Description in notes**
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest., Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest; "advocating self-rule for American blacks"
Blacks and Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia More cognitively base CBT for anxiety is more successful
Chambless and Williams, 1995 found that both blacks and whites improve, but blacks start and end worse, and exhibit less change in panic attack frequencies
Friedman et. al., 1994 found similar responses between whites and blacks
Blockbusting The practice of persuading owners to sell property cheaply because of the fear of people of another race or class moving into the neighborhood, and thus profiting by reselling at a higher price.
Boarding school schools designed to house and teach children away from their home communities. Especially problematic for Native American children because boarding schools were used to replace native culture and language with European culture
Bobby Seale militant founder/leader of the Black Panthers
Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) founder of the Tuskegee and a high-profile leader of African Americans at the end of the 19th century and the first 15 years of the 20th; the author of Up from Slavery
Bowlby's Theory of Mourning similar process when we lose someone important to us
breadth of self-discloser the range of topics that are revealed or disclosed to others
brief solution focused counseling focuses on helping clients create solutions in a straight-forward manner within a
limited amount of time. It is based on the assumptions that clients have the necessary
strengths and resources to change and that counseling is most effective when focusing on
constructing solutions unique to each client.t shifts the focus from problem
solving to creating present and future solutions
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
Brown Vs. the board of education Stated the the segregation of public schools is unconstitutional and ordered that all states must eventually desegregate the schools.
Bureau of Ethnology a bureau of social science active during the New Deal; used experts to create a greater awareness of tribal cultural and potential cultural obstacles to administration
Bureau of Indian Affairs an agency of the Department of the Interior charged with the administration of American Indian lands and goods
busing In the context of civil rights, the transportation of public school students from areas where they live to schools in other areas to eliminate school segregation based on residential patterns.
Buttering Up (the Boss) make people do things that we do not want to do by telling them that they are better at it
Ex: SANDRA asks her friend Lauren to return her dress to the store for a refund because she is not good at doing things like that.
By what year did every state have poll tax 1889
Capitalism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
Capitolist Class (Class) investment bankers, CEOs, executives
Carl D Perkins Career and Technical Education Act The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins) was most recently reauthorized in August 2006. The purpose of Perkins is to provide individuals with the academic and technical skills needed to succeed in a knowlegde- and skills- based economy through career and technical education.
Carl Rogers self actualization; the motivating force of achieving their full potential
Carl Rogers defined "congruence" as an ability to be authentic and genuine when working with a client. When a counselor's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are NOT at odds with each other, the counselor is better to be with the client more fully.
Carl Rogers- Process of Defense denial, distortion are ways to reduce our anxiety levels
require energy/leave us with less energy that can be used for other purposes
temporary fixes; reduce our ability to handle stress in other aspects of life (leaves us with internal conflict at subconscious level)
Carl Rogers- Unconditional Positive Regard an environment where we feel that we are loved, accepted, & respected just for being ourselves regardless of who we are/how we feel
Case History Interview Best Strategy to address differences is being prepared
Case History Interview Research in advance possible communication and other cultural issues that may affect the interview and diagnostic process
Case History Interview Work closely with interpreters, translators,, and other professionals who can serve as cultural brokers
case law published opinions of judges, which interpret statutes, regulations, and constitutional provisions
Caster Semenya Following her victory at the 2009 World Championships, it was announced that she had been subjected to gender testing.[2] She was withdrawn from international competition until 6 July 2010 when the IAAF cleared her to return to competition
Catharine Beecher (1800-1878) an advocate of women's education who remained prominent through most of the 19th century and who argued that women's education should develop their intellectual capacities for better execution of responsibilities in the woman's sphere
Cesar Chavez Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions, Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers.
Chainchatting speaks incessantly without listening to others
Chapter 9 Vocabulary:
1. Connectedness
2. Countertransference
3. Collaboration
4. Egalitarian
5. Empathy 1.having feelings of closeness with therapist, working together in an enabling atmosphere receiving support for change and providing equality of status in the relationship.
2.reaction to client based on therapist's own personal issues
3. shared process in which clients views are respected and participation is encouraged.
4. reduce power differential between therapist and client
5. place oneself in clients world, feel or think from clients perspective, be attuned, help them feel understood
ie those with color blind attitudes showed lower levels of empathy.
chemical code system interpretations made from chemically based functions, body odor, tears, sweat, gas, household smells...
Cherokee Nation V. Georgia 19th-century Supreme Court case that, with leadership from Justice John Marshall, established the doctrine of Native peoples as "domestic dependent wards" of the federal government
Chicano Name given to Mexican-Americans, who in 1970, were the majority of migrant farm labor in the U.S.
Chinese Americans and Outcome Studies for Depression Dai et. al., 1999
8 weeks of CBT led to improvement in both depressive and somatic complaints, 8 weeks of waitlist did not
Chinese exclusion act of 1882 (1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.
Cisgender A person who by nature or by choice conforms to gender/sex based expectations of society (also referred to as "Gender-straight" or "Gender Normative")
Cisgenderism Assuming every person to be cisgender therefore marginalizing those who identify as trans* in some form. It is also believing cisgender people to be superior, and holding people to traditional expectations based on gender, or punishing or excluding those who don't conform to traditional gender expectations.
civil rights the rights of personal liberty guaranteed by the 13th and 14th admendments to the us constitution and by acts of congress
Civil Rights Act 1964 This act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal
Civil Rights Act of 1957 primarily a voting rights bill, was the first civil rights legislation passed by Congress in the United States since Reconstruction following the American Civil War.
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was also Congress's show of support for the Supreme Court's Brown decisions.
civil rights act of 1964 (1964) law under Johnson that made segregation illegal in all public facilities, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. The law was passed during a period of great strength for the civil rights movement, and President Lyndon Johnson persuaded many reluctant members of Congress to support the law.
Civil Rights Act of 1968 provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone ... by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."
civil rights act of 1991 law that banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places and most workplaces.
classroom guidance guidance has its own curriculum and is not a way to substitute for the regular classroom teacher. Classroom guidance is a form of developmental preventive mental health and will help reduce the need for individual and other remedial interventions and is no less valuable then other forms of counseling intervention. Content for classroom guidance is intended for delivery by school counselors, although they may team teach with the classroom teacher. Within comprehensive models, classroom guidance is considered to be an integral part of the overall school curriculum, with identified competencies and learning outcomes for all students.
Classroom guidance: information dissemination about.. 1. educational planning
2. drugs and alcohol
3. sexuality
4. careers
5. personal safety
6. interpersonal relationships
Classroom guidance: prevention programming... 1. enhancing academic performance
2. countering cultural oppression
3. Teaching problem-solving conflict resolution
4. Coping skills
Classroom guidance: skill acquisition... 1. listening skills
2. self assessment skills
3. study skills
4. interpersonal skills
Client has improved too rapidly and real unconscious benefit hasn't been resolved. flight to health
clients of color prefer a therapeutic relationship in which the helper is more active, self-disclosing, and not adverse to giving advice and suggestions when appropriate
Cloture A procedure used in the Senate to limit debate on a bill
code switching Being able to switch linguistic styles for different situations
Present across different dialects & different languages
Cognitive Counseling Patients learn to control where their attention is directed or change the content of their thoughts.
ex. they learn to replace maladaptive thoughts w/ constructive thoughts and learn to direct their attention away from
Cognitive development assumes that children play active roles in developing their gender identities. Children pick models to teach themselves competency in masculine and feminine behavior.
Cognitive Dissonance When new truths battle established beliefs for space in our consciousness, we tend to respond with all manner of defense mechanisms.
Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with cognition and attitude formulation
Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy -focus on mental processes and their influence on mental health
-how ppl think largely determines how they feel and behave
-if individuals change their ways of thinking, feelings & behaviors will modify as a result
-CBT approach emerge later, using behavioral task to modify faulty perceptions and interpretations of important life events
Collaboration with outside providers While it is recommended that school counselors collaborate with other service providers for the benefit of the student, ethical behavior requires that consent first be obtained (need to get written informed consent from parent or student over 18)
Collaborative models are mutual, shared, and reciprocal
Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung) part of the mind deep in the unconscious that stores ideas and memories common to all humans throughout history
Collectivistic 9. Describes a way of thinking and feeling in which one defines oneself as a participant of a whole group over and above one's individual separateness
College education of women historically restricted to males, college-level education of women began to be more common in the 19th century as women's colleges were founded, of which several exist today, though some have merged with historically male colleges; most women throughout the 20th century were educated in coeducational institutions, though for most of the century women's professional options were concentrated in teaching, nursing, social work, and other female-dominated occupations
Colonial education of women generally available only to middle-class White girls and women, usually provided at home by parents and tutors, and often justified by the need for women to be able to read the Bible and teach their sons
color blindness claim that one does not see a person's race and treats everyone equally regardless of race
color blindness If color is the problem, lets pretend not to see it. To overlook one's racial group membership is to deny an intimate and important aspect of one's identity.
Colorblindness statements that indicate a white person does not want to acknowledge race.
Coming out To recognize one's sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex identity, and to be open about it with oneself and with others.
Communal Relationships form groups & share energy with others
communication accommodation theory(howard giles) explains why people in intercultural conversations may converge or diverge their communication behaviors to that of others
Communication perspective ..., Means to understand messages are exchanged and meaning negotiated between two or more people; Communications happens constantly in everyday life
Community control emphasis on community democratic decision making in contrast to state or federal government control of social and educational programs
Complete Transcendence & Boundaries in our Mind no internal conflict; no desires
completely focused; not worried about anything
identify with everyone & everything!
don't need energy from world around us because there is ALWAYS energy around us!
Completely Complete Transcendence realize there is no "me"
there is nothing to identify with; nothing to be in harmony with; nothing to interact with
accepting whatever is being experience & letting everything/everyone be the way they are
nothing matters! Everything just "is"
components for creating a comprehensive guidance program in the school Organizing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
comprehensive programs provide placement, follow-up, and follow-through activities to assist students with their next steps. Direct delivery of counseling and other guidance activities on a demand basis is included because there may be a need for direct immediate services to students while they are still in the school building
conceptual equivalence making sense of the variety of concepts each culture that defines as real and good
Conceptualizations of gender Biologically born a boy/girl
The way we think
Assignment of meaning to bodies
Concurrent validity correlating test scores with scores on a criteriation measure obtained at the same time, important for personality tests
Concurrent Validity is ... The comparison of two measures done at the same time - the degree to which two tests are in agreement
Confederate soldiers and politicians Who else could be a US citizen again?
Confirmation Strategy The search for evidence supporting one's own hypotheses and ignoring data that is inconsistent with this perspective
Conflict when an individual has a positive and a negative factor at the same time. eg. Attracted to a great looking guy who is an addict. Approach - Avoidance Conflict (most difficult)
Kurt Lewin
Confronting involves.. Verbally holding apparently discrepant or incongruent aspects of clients' messages and behaviors "in front of" clients for them to see. Helping clients clarify, resolve, or accept the discrepancy
Confronting involves... 1. Verballying holding apparently discrepant or incongruent aspects of the clients' messages and behaviors "in front of" clients for them to see
2. Helping clients clarify, resolve, or accept the discrepancy
congress of racial equality Congress of Racial Equality; Helped organize integration of the military and later the "freedom rides".
Congruence when our desires and experiences match each other
connotative meanings personal, emotionally charged, private, and specific to a particular person
Construct validity systematic study of the adequacy of the test in appraising a specified psychological construct, personality tests
Content validity looking at the tests content, mostly acheivement tests
Content Validity is .. The degree to which an achievement test contains a representative and appropriate sample of the subject matter (content) contained in the instructional objective whose attainment the test is intended to measure.
contextual style social roles that people have in relationships with others
control involves status or social dominance, have the power or prestige to influence the events around us
CORE Congress of racial equality: an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality, a U.S. civil rights organization that played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement from its foundation in 1942 to the mid-1960s. Membership is stated to be open to anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world; connected with the Freedom Riders
Correlation coefficients range from -1.00 to 0.00 to +1.00
Correspondence between Internal/External Conflict Internal- our desires clash with the conflicts of others
External- others represent what has, is, or could happen
Counseling becomes a sociopolitical act when.. abnormality and normality are judged by Euro-American standards and imposed upon our clients.
Courts Racially segregated courts were established for black only cases
Courts apply a "________ ______" standard when considering the effect of the alleged harassment or discrimination in the workplace. reasonable victim
Courts examine the plaintiff's own behavior to determine if the behavior provoked the _______ work environment. hostile
credibility constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable and trustworthiness.
and Expertness Credibility may be defined as the constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable, and trustworthy
Expertness is an ability variable, whereas trustworthiness is a motivation variable
Crimes and Punishments: Different levels and types of punishment between freedmen and whites. Punishments included chain gangs and convict leasing
Criterion (predictive) Validity is The degree to which the score on a test predicts the individuals score on a test or performance in some other area. (i.e. if correlated, a test of scholastic achievement can be used to predict job success)
Crossdresser Someone who wears clothes associated with another gender part of the time. This term has replaced "transvestite," which is now considered outdated and offensive.
Cult of domesticity emphasized in the 18th and 19th centuries; the general view that a woman's place is in the home, with the corollary view that women should be educated to execute the responsibilities of home and hearth
Cultural adaptations to therapies can include a) language used -ie saying not helpful instead of irrational
b) inclusion of values- ie religion, respect
c) inclusion of metaphors, sayings-ie "god helps those who help themselves"
d)consider environment such as SES and conflicts experienced
Cultural Blindness Refusing to acknowledge the culture of others (dismiss differences)
(ex. Lacks training to provide special services to minorities)
Cultural capital - Embodied state- external wealth converted into integral part of a person by purchase or exchange.
- Objectified state - cultural goods
- Institutionalized state - forms of objectification of academic qualifications
cultural capitol endowments such as academic competence, language competence, and wealth that provide an advantage to an individual, family, or group
cultural competence a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, & policies
that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals,
& enables that effectively working in cross cultural situations
cultural competence ability of the provider to recognize, honor and respect the beliefs, interaction style and behaviors of the individuals and families they serve
Cultural Competence Examination of our embedded emotions associated with race, culture, gender, and other socio-demographic differences openly, experience them and discuss them.
Cultural Competence Understand the difference differences make
(ex. Has balanced bilingual staff/customer ratio)
Cultural deprivation to lack cultural background, or indicates that many groups perform poorly on tests or exhibit deviant characteristics because they lack many of the advantages of middle class culture.
Cultural Destructiveness Eliminate differences
(ex. provides paperwork in English only)
Cultural differences fundamental differences among people arise from nationality, ethnicity, and culture; as well as from family background and individual experiences.
Cultural encapsulation the substitution of model stereotypes for the real world and the disregarding of cultural variations in a dogmatic adherence to some universal notion of truth.
Cultural Generalizations Broad characterizations can be useful as a general guide to anticipating and discussing cultural reactions, attitudes, and behaviors in a neutral way
Cultural identity groups therapeutic for children experiencing prejudges, strengthening their resilience and coping in response to prejudicial attitudes and behaviors, as well as promoting their positive self-identity within their culture
Cultural Incapacity Demean differences
(ex. Puts down family values)
Cultural paranoia a healthy and adaptive response by AA to their historical and contemporary experiences of oppression.
cultural patterns shared judgements about what the world is, what it should be, and the widely held expectations about how people should behave
Cultural pluralism a condition in which social and educational values encourage a variety of ethnic and cultural perspectives, languages, and values that enrich one another through their harmonious coexistence
Cultural Pre-Competence Acknowledge and start to respond to differences
(ex. Recognizes oraganization's high dropout rate of minority participants and seeks change)
Cultural Proficiency Learn from and grow because of differences
(ex. Offers phone line services in multiple languages)
Cultural profiling Cultural background as the primary reason to suspect that the individual.
Cultural relativism proponents focus on culture and how disorder is treated within it.
cultural relativism The view that actions of other cultures are both different and equally valid
Cultural Stereotype A fixed impression which may have little basis in fact, but is nevertheless perpetuates by persons unwilling to look more deeply into the matter
cultural tendencies Patterns of behavior and values commonly observed among a culture
Cultural universality proponents focus on disorders and treatments and minimize cultural factors
Cultural values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just.
Culturally Adapted CT for Chinese Clients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Zhang et. al., 2002
Created Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy
GAD clients either received therapy, benzodiazepines, or combination treatment
One and six month checks, meds faster but less effective compared to therapy, but combination was good at both points
Culturally deficient model suggests that the lifestyles and values of people of color put them in a culturally disadvantage or made them deficient, or deprived when compared to Whites.
Culturally Diverse model recognizes the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and promotes the differences in people of colors ability to be bicultural.
Culture A group of people that share the same common beliefs
Culture consists of all things that ppl have leaned to do, believe, values, and enjoy. it is ideals beliefs, skills, tolls, customs, and institution into which each members of society is born.
Culture Social pattern of human thoughts and behavior.
culture the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group,place or time
Culture The intergenerational transmission of traditions, ways of living, coping behaviors, values, norms, and beliefs (Whaley & Davis 2007)
culture ubiquitous and pervasive - belief systems, behaviors, traditions - unstated assumptions and shared values go unrecognized
Culture bound being bound by the culture conditioning one is born into and in which one grew up; includes beliefs, values, life circumstances and world views.
Culture of poverty is deficit thinking and a part of white supremacy ideology Most if not all of the historically Black segregated schools that AA children attended were intentionally organized in opposition to the ideology of Black inferiority. In other words, in addition to being sited of learning, they also instituted practices and expected behaviors and outcomes that not only promoted education - an act of insurgency in its own right - but also were designed to counter the ideology of African American's intellectual inferiority and ideologies that saw African Americans as not quite equal and as less than human. Everything about these institutions was supposed to affirm Black humanity, Black intelligence, and Black achievement.
Cultured Relativism focus on the culture and on how the disorder is manifested and treated within it.
Dawes Allotment Act a statute of 1887 that enabled American Indian tribal members to claim private ownership of tribal land
DC Highest Child Poverty Rate
de facto segregation Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice.
de facto segregation the separation of groups that occurs as people choose to live in different neighborhoods or participate in different clubs and social groups
de jure segregation Racial segregation that is required by law
de jure segregation the separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal govt policies
Deconstruction 7. A process of meaning implosion. Words, phrases and sentences are complicated by considering how what is absent in their meaning reveal themselves
Defacto segregation by unwritten customs or traditions
Define deviation the difference between an observed value and the expected value of a variable or function
Define mean. the average value in a data set it is determined by adding all the values & dividing the sum by the # of values in the set.
Define median. the measure in central tendency that occupies the middle position in a rank order of values. Generally has the same # of items above it as below it.
Define mode. the single class/value that occurs most frequently in a series of numbers
Define variance a measure o the spread of the values in a distribution. The larger the variance, the larger the distance of the individual cases from the group mean.
Definition of Cultural Competence Cultural competence is the ability to engage in actions or create conditions that maximize the optimal development of client and client systems (institutions, policies, and practices). Multicultural counseling competence is defined as the counselor's acquisition of awareness, knowledge and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society, and on an organizational/societal level, advocating effectively to develop new theories, practices, policies, and organizational structures that are more responsive to all groups.
Definition of Multicultural Counseling/Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognizes client identities to include individual, group, and universal dimensions; advocates the use of universal and culture-specific strategies and roles in the healing process; and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in the assessment, diagnoses and treatment of client and client systems
Dejure Segregation based on laws.
Delegates in the confederate states would have to go to a convention to to write a new Constitution for the state What was the second step for problem1.
Delivery System School Guidance curriculum indivual student planning responsive service system support
delivery system is how the program will be implemented
DELV Test designed for mainstream American English and non-MAE speakers; contains subtests of fast mapping tasks
Democrat but was chosen to be VP by Republican Lincoln Was Andrew Johnson a republican or democrat?
Democratic style group leader the leader collaborates w/ members
Denial unable to accept situation (dying)
Denial of whiteness is related to two underlying factors Whiteness is transparent because of its everyday occurrence—institutionalized normative features in our cultures (ideal, average, neutral) but to people of color whiteness is not invisible because it is not normative to them
Euro Americans deny they are white and seem angered by the label and become defensive, "I'm not white, I'm Irish"—statements have validity but still wouldn't be able to explain their lets say Irish heritage, only in most superficial manner
denotative meanings public, objective, and legal meanings
Depression prior to acceptance (often crying)
depth of self-disclosure refers to the degree of "personalness" about oneself that is revealed
dermal code system short-term changes in skin texture or sensitivity that result from physical or psychological reactions to the environment, ex. blushing, blanching or goose bumps
Describe the Los Angeles Riots in 1992 Black Americans looted Asian American businesses.
The riot occurred when African Americans were outraged at the acquittal of four White officers from the Los Angeles Police Department in the beating of Rodney King, a Black motorist.
Of the 4,500 stores that were looted and burned, 2,300 were Korean-owned .
This led to overt racist behaviors between the groups. For example, some Asian American store owners would blatantly refuse business from Black American patrons or follow them around and Black Americans might blatantly use racial slurs such as "Chinaman" or "chink" when speaking to Korean workers.
Descriptive Stereotype ..., describe beliefs about what the typical man and woman are like
Destructiveness Erich Fromm - technique which refers to an attempt to destry those we percieve as having power
Development of Low Self-Esteem when basic needs are not met & others steal lots of energy/feel depleted
develop insecurities
developmental disability mental or physical impairments during birth or by the adolescent years. typically, functional limitations in at least three areas of major life activities such as self care, language, learning, mobility, independent living etc.
Diagnostic Overshadowing can occur when the presence of a problem is minimized because attention is diverted to a more salient characteristic.
dialects versions of a language with distinctive vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation spoken by a particular group or within a particular region (ebonics)
Diana Baumrind- Parenting Styles/Effects on Children level of acceptance (caretaker gives - space) AND level of control/demand (caretaker takes - contact)
Diaspora That migration and desperation of people from their homeland.
Didactic in terms of group process is defined as _____ consisting of reading assignments, lectures, and group discussions.
different cultural background will yield what? different communication disorders
dimensions of identity--Arredondo a-characteristics into which people are born, b-acquired characteristics, c-historical events, a+b+c-all converge to form an individual identity
direct style explicit verbal meanings, European american speech
Discounting (feeling) to minimize the importance of
Discriminant Validity is ... A type of validity that is determined by hypothesizing and examining differential relations between a test and measures of similar or different constructs. It is the opposite of convergent validity. Evidence that a measure of a construct is indeed measuring that construct.
Discrimination A biased attitude or act of prejudice against a group.
discrimination an individuals *external* behavior,
action based on prejudice: excluding, ignoring, avoiding, threatening, ridiculing, jokes, slurs, violence, unfair treatment
Discrimination stripping liberties from someone or not allowing them the same privileges/rights as you have because of race, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
Discrimination The act of showing partiality or prejudice; a prejudicial act.
discrimination in employment act of 1967 It is unlawful for an employer, employment agency, or labor organization to discriminate against an individual because of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, or ancestry unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification
Disorganization/Despair reaching our limit; end up in a state of psychological chaos/disorder
experienced anguish forces us to recognize/adjust to new situation
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment extreme internal conflict paralyzes us; difficulty forming close & meaningful relationships with others because of their unpredictable behavior patterns
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment infant is unresponsive/unpredictable; abusive caretaker; MOST insecure form of attachment
disparate impact A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities.
disparate treatment ..., Discrimination that occurs when individuals are treated differently because of their membership in a protected class.
display rules govern when and under what circumstances various non-verbal expressions are required
Distinction between mental and physical functioning: 1. many American Indians, Asian, African and Hispanic hold diff concepts of what constitutes mental health, mental illness, and adjustment.
2. they may enter treatment the same manner that doctors or priests do. immediate conclusion and concrete tangible forms of treatment are expected.
diversity may create the illusion of participation
when in fact there is no shared power,
presence means very little w/o the power of decision making, shared resources, & development of agendas/plans/policies
Diversity real or perceived differences that affect their interactions and relationships.
Diversity Variety; differences
Diversity Climate individual-, intergroup-, and organizational-level factors that compromise the atmosphere for different groups and of support or resistance to diversity in an organization
Does your school have high expectations for all students? Are texts, lessons, and discussion topics chosen with though about how to provide a safe environment for discussion of controversial ideas?
Domestic Partner One who lives with their beloved and/or is at least emotionally and financially connected in a supportive manner with another. Another word for spouse, lover, significant other, etc.
Dominant culture that culture which is most strongly represented in a society's power structure and institutions such as government and schooling; may be a numerical minority in the culture as a whole but exerts disproportionate power
Dominant Culture The cultural values, beliefs, and practices that are assumed to be the most common and influential within a given society.
dominant/oppressor access to power,
economic control,
provide standards/norms,
dont own but forcing to work What is involuntary servitude?
Downward Counterfactuals help us feel excited, positive, and grateful
*Optimistic people are good at using both counterfactuals!
Ex: If they want to change for the better, then they'll think "how can things be better" U.C. and imagine how things will be after making progress D.C.
*think medalists example too
Dr. Sue's Asian-American identity development models: Type Models
a. Positive-positive
b. Negative-positive
c. Positive-negative
d. negative-negative a) Positive-positive: identifies with both Japanese and American cultures
b) Negative-positive: rejection of American (White) culture and acceptance of Japanese-American culture-Role conflict
c) Positive-negative: Accepts White culture and rejects Japanese culture-Role conflict
d) Negative-negative: rejection of both cultures
Drag The act of dressing in gendered clothing and adopting gendered behaviors as part of a performance, most often clothing and behaviors typically not associated with your gender identity. Drag Queens perform femininity theatrically. Drag Kings perform masculinity theatrically. Drag may be performed as a political comment on gender, as parody, or simply as entertainment. Drag performance does not indicate sexuality, gender identity, or sex identity.
dual relationship with teacher Avoid entering into a personal counseling relationship with staff. From a consulting perspective it is appropriate and recommended, that the school counselor be a resource for other staff. Offering referral to potential care providers that the teacher might see out for counseling is the best approach.
Duplicity 16. Acting one way in one's own culture but another among persons in dominant culture in order to avoid conflicts
Dynamic assessment measures performance over time using a test-teach-retest paradigm to evaluate learning potential'ers New emerging global identities based on internet ties/groups
Early Arab American Immigrants adopted English language easily, majority were Christian, came from rural areas in Syria and Lebanon, worked long and hard hours, attempted to maintain cultural identity by teaching at home, in churches and mosques and in community clubs
Ebonics term coined to refer to the language of African American dialect
ebonics was created where? oakland california in 1996
EC (external control) & ER (external responsibility) A person high in system blame and external control feels that there is very little one can do in the face of such severe external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC (external control) & IR (internal responsibility) individuals who accept the dominant culture's definition for self-responsibility but to have very little real control over how they are defined by others. The marginal man.
EC-ER individuals feel that there is very little that one can do in the face of such server external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC-IR accept dominant cultures definition for self-responsibility but have very little real control over how thjey are defined by others.
ecological family theory Argues that you cannot understand or predict behavior by looking at the individual in isolation.
-->the social up-brining of the child is very important but you can't just focus on the immediate environment you must focus on the whole environment -->The relationship between family members is what is important.
There is a basic family structure and when this is disrupted then behavior problems occur.
Ecologically Valid Assessment Dynamic assessments
Ecologically Valid Assessment Formal assessment in L1 and L2 using standardized tests as appropriate
Ecologically Valid Assessment Informal assessments in L1 and L2 using checklists, criterion referenced tests, language sampling, authentic performance based assessments
Ecologically Valid Assessment Observation in naturalistic environments (e.g., classroom, recess, lunch, library, home)
Ecologically Valid Assessment Proficiency testing in L1 and L2 to determine language ability in both (e.g., BICS and CALP)
Ecologically Valid Assessment Thorough case history interview
Economic Debt - Funding disparities between schools serving White children and those serving children of color (urban and suburban)
- Amount of school funding often rises with increase in White students
- Disparities in earning ratios related to years of schooling. People of Color earning less
Eddie Izzard started to freely talk about his transvestism in venues like Edinburgh Festival as early as 1992
Edic 12. Viewing a culture through a perspective that is external to it. Without
Educational Debt - Has accumulated over time
- comprises historical, economic, sociopolitical and moral components
- Argument that we do not have an achievement gap, but that the problem is educational debt. Debt is placed on children in low-income areas and leads to a variety of social problems
Educational group (description) prescribed course for lessons and process as a goal
Edward hall who created high and low context cultural taxonomy
eeoc guidelines on sexual harassment in 1980 (a) Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
elaborate style frequent metaphors, proverbs, and other figurative languages, Arab and Latino preferred style
Elements of Non-Verbal Communication Elements of Non-Verbal Communication
elements of therapeutic alliance needed: A)emotional bond
B)Mutual agreement of goals
C)Interventions that both client and therapist believe to be important
Elijah Muhammad Leader of the nation of Islam from 1945 to his death in 1975. He helped many people and was a strong advocate of civil rights, but was involved in some shady activities and lost the favor of Malcolm X, who went on to form his own civil rights group.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first women's rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women's rights and women's suffrage movements in the United States
ELL English language learning
Emancipation Proclamation (1862) an order issued by President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in areas rebelling against the Union; took effect January 1, 1863
emblems nonverbal behaviors that have a direct verbal counterpart, ex. peace sign or waving hi or bye
Emic 11. Viewing a culture through a perspective this is indigenous to it. Within
emic lifestyles, cultural values, and world views affect expression of behavior.
Emic (culturally specific) cultural values and worldviews affect the expression and determination of deviant behavior. All theories of human development arise from a cultural content.
emic perspective respectful of native culture
Emics how & why culture makes us different
emigrated to leave one's country to relocate in another country
Emigration The act of leaving the country to settle elsewhere.
Emma Hart Willard (1787-1870) the founder of the Troy Female Seminary in Troy, NY, and a prominent advocate of women's education
Emotional roadblocks strong emotions that relate to race, gender, sexual orientation that have been kept out of our awareness.
Empathic (feeling) v. Sympathetic empathetic - id affective part of client's message not stated, shows awareness of the client from part of counselor/listening
Empathy Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
Empathy means... Using active listening to sense what a client feels without saying so, or reading clients' emotions even when they are unspoken (not interpreting - which is putting what the counselor feels/thinks onto the client)
Empathy responses always reflect something the client is experiencing and would recognize
Emphasizes the sameness among people. eg. "People are people" regardless of background and culture. etic (derived from term phonetic referring to sounds that stay the same in a language.)
empirically supported relationships APA division 29 task force concluded:
therapeutic relationship contributes to outcome
acts in concert with interventions, clients, and "clinical qualities"
adapting relationship increases effectiveness of treatment
treatment should describe what behaviors are helping the relationship
empirically supported treatment Validated by APA
Therapy must:
a) be better than a placebo
b) be equal to well established treatments
c) effective in single case studies
enculturalation immersion into our own culture to the point where we assume that our own way of life is the norm
endogamy marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group
english as a second language educational strategy that relies exclusively on english for teaching and learning the english language esl programs are used extensively in this country as a primary medium to assimilate english language learners into the linguistic mainstream as quickly as possible
English Language Policies ELL - English Language Learners
Epistemology 2. The nature of knowing
equal pay act of 1963 An amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act, this act requires equal pay for men and women doing equal work.
Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) - requires that male and female employees performing the same work for the same employer receive the same pay. The law, an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act, regulates wage and hour laws for employees in response to Congress's finding that pay disparity depressed wages and living standards, promoted labor disputes, disrupted commerce, and constituted an unfair method of competition.
ERA Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a non-profit women's rights organization that was founded in 1974. ERA is a legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.
The organization specializes in advocating for the rights of women in minimum wage jobs, women of color, and immigrant women. ERA is based in San Francisco and led by executive director Noreen Farrell.
Erik Erikson Erikson believed that social factors also played a vital role.His model of psychosocial development consists of eight developmental stages, occuring in a fixed order: 1. Trust vs. Mistrust (between birth and 1 yr); 2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (ages 2 to 3); 3. Initiative vs Guilt (ages 4 to 5); 4. Industry vs. Inferiority (ages 6 to puberty); 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (adolescence); 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (young adulthood) 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood) 8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (late adulthood) When the outcome of a crisis is favorable, the person achieves a certain virtue or strength; when it is unsuccessful, the person develops a maladaptive character and continues to struggle with this conflict later in life.
Erikson's 8 Personality Stages of Man *Individual faces different "crisis" or development task
1. Trust v. Mistrust
2. Autonomy v. Shame/Doub
3. Initiative v. Guilt
4. Industry v. Inferiority
5. Identity v. Role Confusion
6. Intimacy v. Isolation
7. Generativity v. Stagnation
8. Ego Integrity v. Despair
Essentializing When we presume that all members of a sex are alike.
Ex All women are bad drivers. All men like to go hunting.
Estelle Freedman co-founder of the Program in Feminist Studies
ethnic group membership based on one's national origin or the national origin of one's ancestors when they immigrated to the United States
Ethnic Identity ..., Developing a feeling of belonging, and learning the customs and culture of one's ethnic group
Ethnic Identity part of one's overarching self-concept. development of ethnic identity is described as a process of the construction of identity over time through experience and actions of the individual .
Ethnic Make-up of the US US Census Bureau, 2008
15.4% Hispanic or Latino
12.4% African American
4.4% Asian
Ethnic Matching Inconsistent results regarding outcome, but it may lead to a greater number of attended sessions and lower dropout rates
May be more important for some minorities, such as those that are less acculturated and those with limited language proficiency (Sue et. al., 1991)
Regardless, effect sizes are always small
Erdur et al., 2003: no difference between ethnically matched and unmatched client/therapist dyads for outcome symptoms; unmatched had higher pre-treatment distress
Ethnicity Common group characteristics based on race, nationality, religion, language, costumes, and or shared history.
ethnicity refers to connectedness based on commonality-common country of origin and history
acceptance of the group mores and practices of one's culture of origin and having a sense of belonging
Ethnocentric ..., Believing in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups
Ethnocentric Evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.
ethnocentric monoculturalism it is power or the unequal status relationship between groups.
Ethnocentric Monoculturalism The theories of counseling and psychotherapy, the standards used to judge normality-abnormality, and the actual process of mental health practice are culture bound and reflect a monocultural perspective of the helping professions.
Ethnocentricity evaluating other people's cultures with your own values.
ethnocentrism belief that one's own culture and belief systems are superior to all others
ethnocentrism The perspective that members of one's own culture do things the "right way
Ethnocentrism is defined as ... the tendency of most people to use their own way of life as a standard for judging; now also indicates the belief, on the part of most individuals that their race, culture, society, etc. are superior to all others.
etic good counseling is good counseling. Western concepts of normality can be considered applicable across cultures.
Etic (culturally universal) all are equal; issues are the same in all cultures and societies are the same. Therefore minimal modification in diagnosis and treatment is required.
etic perspective dominant cultural view is the standard
Etics what all humans have in common
Evaluation in a school counseling program serves the purposes of generating valid measures of how a program meets goals and objectives, helping others understand the role of the counselor, and gathering data for research purposes. It is not used to plan and develop procedures when the program is unable to change
evidence based practice research support and clinical expertise
the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of the patients characteristics , culture, and preferences.
Evoked Culture how the physical environment limits biological capacities
Ex: we may have the biological capacity to have children, but the environment we live in limits us from having many children
Excellence Level Goals • To teach understanding rather than merely to teach mathematical operations
• To teach mathematical language for the purpose of communicating with mathematics and not merely as a way to solve textbook problems
• To teach his students that math is not at all a fixed body of knowledge but that it is an experimental enterprise in the truest sense of that word and that their approach is the solution of mathematical problems then and in the future should be to try a variety of strategies
• To have students believe, as he does, that mathematics "is a nothing more than a reflection of life and that life itself is mathematical" and he wants them to know that the symbols used in mathematics approximate the reality of human experience and cosmic operations
• To give his students a sense of hope that they can become superior performances
Exchange Relationships giving & receiving energy equally
Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957) The president issued Executive Order 10730, sending in federal troops to maintain order and enforce the integration of the school.(Little Rock Nine's school) - later extended to other American schools
executive order 11478 ..., prohibits discrimination in employment based on all the previous factors, plus political affiliation, marital status, or physical disability
Executive Order 13087 - Protection in Federal Employment While no federal law prohibits this type of discrimination, Executive Order 13087, issued in 1998, specifically prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation in federal government employment. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, which prohibits sexual orientation discrimination, also protects federal government employees from such discrimination.
executive order 8802 Also known as the Fair Labor Standards Act, this banned discrimination in the war industries.
executive order 9066 2/19/42; 112,000 Japanese-Americans forced into camps causing loss of homes & businesses, 600K more renounced citizenship; demonstrated fear of Japanese invasion
Existential Therapy -focus on the pursuit of becoming an indivdual
-the importance of anxiety, values, freedom, and responsibility in human life
-an emphasis on finding meaning in one's actions
-ppl form their lives by the choices they make
exoticization occurs when a LGBT, women of color, or a religious minority is treated as a foreign object for the pleasure/entertainment of others.
experiential equivalence words represented must have some meaning within the experiential framework of the person whom the message is directed at, if they have never seen a tv before they would not understand what you were speaking about
Experiential group (description) centered perhaps on a topic, such as grief, does not have an objective or lesson, but is solely process orientated.
Experiential in terms of group process is ... related to personal experience and an individual's reality within the group process.
expertness demonstration of ability to help ...ability variable that depends on how well informed, capable, or intelligent others perceive the counselor..
External locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that the future is determined more by chance than luck.
externalized oppression exercise of power
Eyes dilation of pupils is more commonly perceived as a positive response to others
closing our eyes- universal sign of disgust & rejection
Facilitator's role in groups encourage group development of expression, exploration, and self-disclosure, to discourage dynamics that hinder expression and openness and to model healthy, appropriate interpersonal communication
Failures in present / traditional counseling and psychotherapy practices regarding culturally appropriate services can be seen in three primary areas: 1) The education and training of mental health professionals
2) Biased and inaccurate therapeutic and mental health literature
3) The need to treat social problems (social justice training)
False Cultural customs does not include the way we bury our dead.
False Culture does not change it remains the same from the beginning of his birth.
False Culture is biologically inherited.
familialism or familismo high valuation is placed on family loyalty and unity
Family (in terms of LGBTIQ ) Colloquial term used to identify other LGBTIQ community members. For example, an LGBTIQ person saying, "that person is family" often means that the person they are referring to is LGBTIQ as well.
family medical leave act 1993 1993; Requires employers with 50 or more workers to grant up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave a year to allow workers to take time off to help care for a new baby or an ill family member without fear of losing their jobs.
Family of Choice Persons or group of people an individual sees as significant in their life. It may include none, all, or some members of their family of origin. In addition, it may include individuals such as significant others, domestic partners, friends, and coworkers.
Family Systems Theory encourages people to think of issues, like marital conflict, addiction, acting out teenagers, difficult relationships, loneliness in terms of a multigenerational family or a system. The approach enchoranges people to move away from blaming others and towards individual responsibility
Faragher/ Ellerth defense - The Ellerth and Faragher decisions state that the plaintiff's own behavior is relevant in determining whether unlawful harassment has occurred. Some courts have held that they must consider the plaintiff's provocative speech or attire in a sexual harassment case.
Fast mapping quick incidental learning tasks; refers to language learn ability tasks
Feminism Belief that women and men are...Inherently equal in worth, Social movements are necessary to achieve equality between men and women, with the understanding that gender always intersects with other social hierarchies
FERPA law stipulates that parents and students over 18 have the right to view all of the official records at any time. It also stipulates that access by others be limited to those in an official capacity requiring access to this information for the benefit of the student.
Fifteenth Amendment adopted on March 30, 1870; reads in part, " The right of citizens of the US to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
Filibuster A lengthy speech designed to delay or kill the vote on a bill; used only in the Senate
Final stage of group description Further identify what was learned and decide how this new learning can become part of daily life - summarizing, pulling togheter, integrating, and terminating
Five Stages of Death & Dying (Kubler-Ross) applies to any painful experience that requires letting go of our desires
for effective therapy the therapist and client must be able to... send and receive both verbal and nonverbal messages appropriately and accurately.
Forgiveness letting go of what we wanted someone to do OR not do (our desires)
letting go of our desires allows us to forgive
Form/Join Groups form groups with people who have similar insecurities/desires; in return it makes us feel more secure
Forms of capital 1. Intellectual - "knowledge" asset
2. Experiential/Human - personal experiences
3. Spiritual
4. Social
5. Material
6. Financial
7. Living
8. Cultural
Foundation Beliefs and Philosophy, Mission Statement: ASCA content standards for student academic, career and personal/ social develpoment
foundation is the what of the program
Four levels within the Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence (MDCC) Individual: counselor must understand own biases (figure 2.4)
Professional: psychology and counseling is culture bound, need to reflect multicultural worldview
Organizational: institutional practices may be oppressive to certain groups. If policies deny equal access these policies should be targets for change
Societal: social policies (racial profiling, inequalities in healthcare) that are detrimental to groups, we should advocate for change.
Fourteenth Amendment adopted on July 28, 1868; reads in part, " All persons born or naturalized in the US, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of such laws"
Frames guideline connecting the range of things one should pay attention to in a specific situation
Ex: number coding exercise Toru did in class
Frederick Douglass On Women's Rights was one of the few men present at the pioneer woman's rights convention held at Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848.
Freedmen's Bureau formed by Congress in 1867 under the first Reconstruction act; a U.S. government agency designed to help ex-slaves exercise new economic, civil, and political rights and freedoms in the post-Civil War United States
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
Freedom Summer In 1964, when blacks and whites together challenged segregation and led a massive drive to register blacks to vote.
Fritz Heider- Balance Theory two people like (or desire) the same thing = highly probable they will like each other OR people who like each other, but have no common desires = change their minds so they both end up liking the same things
people who initially do not like each other end up finding something in common (i.e. common enemy)
FTM/F2M Abbreviation for a female-to-male transgender or transsexual person.
full inclusion all children with disabilities receive all instruction in regular education classes with their non disabled peers; all support services take place in the regular classroom.
future orientation extent to which a culture plans for forthcoming event
Gardner's Multiple Intellegences Visual-Spatial
gather necessary information
Gay Men attracted to men. Colloquially used as an umbrella term to include all LGBTIQ people.
Gender A socially constructed system of classification that ascribes qualities of masculinity and femininity to people. Gender characteristics can change over time and are different between cultures. See "Gender Identity" and "Gender Expression" for more on gender.
Gender ambiguity It applies to a person that looks both male and female, in other words u cant tell which they are.
Gender Conformity When your gender identity, gender expression and sex "match" according to social norms. See "Gender Identity," "Sex" and "Gender Expression" for more on gender.
Gender Diverse A person who either by nature or by choice does not conform to gender-based expectations of society (e.g. transgender, transsexual, intersex, genderqueer, cross-dresser, etc) preferable to "gender variant" because it does not imply a standard normativity.
Gender dysphoria In the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), released on May 22, the now-defunct diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) receives a new name, gender dysphoria, which reflects a new emphasis.
Both GID and gender dysphoria describe a condition in which someone is intensely uncomfortable with their biological gender and strongly identifies with, and wants to be, the opposite gender. Some of these people may live as their desired gender, and may even seek gender reassignment surgery
gender egalitarianism extent to which a culture minimizes differences in gender expectation for men vs women
Gender Expression The way in which a person expresses their gender identity through clothing, behavior, posture, mannerisms, speech patterns, activities and more.
Gender Fluid A person whose gender identification and presentation shifts, whether within or outside of societal, gender-based expectations.
Gender Identity an individual's internal sense of gender, which may or may not be the same as one's gender assigned at birth. Some gender identities are "woman," "transman" and "agender" but there are many more. Since gender identity is internal it isn't necessarily visible to others. Additionally, gender identity is often conflated with sex, but they are separate concepts - please see GenEq's Gender/Sex Infosheet for more on the difference between the two.
gender identity disorder (GID) -
OUTDATED as of 2013 The medical diagnosis in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostics and Statistics Manual IV (DSM4) used to describe a person who experiences significant gender dysphoria (lack of identification with one's sex and/or gender assigned at birth). Released in 2013, the DSM5 replaces this diagnosis with "gender dysphoria."
Gender Identity models Womanist Model (see book)
White male identity model (see book)
Gender identity/ expression discrimination - Protection under State Laws and Local Ordinances In addition, 20 states and the District of Columbia have laws that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination and/ or gender identity/ expression discrimination in employment. These states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Gender Neutral
Hirself Gender Neutral Pronunciation
Gender Non-Conforming A person who don't conform to society's expectations of gender expression based on the gender binary, expectations of masculinity and femininity, or how they should identify their gender.
Gender Role How "masculine" or "feminine" an individual acts. Societies commonly have norms regarding how males and females should behave, expecting people to have personality characteristics and/or act a certain way based on their biological sex.
Gender Schema An internal framework that organizes perseptions and directs behavior related to gender. By age 2 children organize thier understandings using gender as the overarching scheme.
Gender schema theory claims that cognitive processes are central to our learning what gender means in our culture and to learning learning how to perform our gender competently.An internal mental framework that organizes perceptions and directs behavior related to gender.
Gender stereotyping - Requiring or expecting a person to act, behave, or dress a certain way based on his or her gender.
Gender Variant A synonym for "gender diverse" and "gender non-conforming"; "gender diverse" and "gender non-conforming" are preferred to "gender variant" because variance implies a standard normativity of gender
Gender-Neutral/Gender-Inclusive Inclusive language to describe relationships ("spouse" and "partner" instead of "husband/boyfriend" and "wife/girlfriend"), spaces (gender-neutral/inclusive restrooms are for use by all genders), pronouns ("they" and "ze" are gender neutral/inclusive pronouns) among other things.
Genderism The system of belief that there are only two genders (men and women) and that gender is inherently tied to one's sex assigned at birth. It holds cisgender people as superior to transgender people, and punishes or excludes those who don't conform to society's expectations of gender.
genderqueer A person whose gender identity is neither man nor woman, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders. This identity is usually related to or in reaction to the social construction of gender, gender stereotypes and the gender binary system. Some genderqueer people identify under the transgender umbrella while others do not.
General Research on Cultural Variables Lacking for minor variables (e.g., sexual orientation) and not entirely satisfactory for major cultural variables either
General Review of Psychosocial Interventions for Ethnic/Racial Minority Groups Miranda et. al., 2005
-ESTs are effective for minorities, but a lot of methodological issues and Asians and Native Americans are especially understudied
-No one compares standard to culturally adapted ESTs
-One can argue that all treatments are culturally adapted in the clinician is minimally culturally competent
Horrell, 2008: review of 12 studies; generally suggest CBT effective for minorities
-Culturally adapted CBT effective, but effect sizes are no better than non-adapted versions
generation x 32-47 years, 40+ million, unhappiest generation, skeptics, attention deprived, self-reliant, seek sense of family, casual approach to authority, work to live
generation y/ millennials ..., born 1977-2000; exceed # of baby boomers, good with digital technology
genetic information non discrimination act Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health care.
Genetically Deficient model this model suggests that people of color are deficient or inferior to Whites and have certain undesirable attributes due to biological conditions.
George Wallace 1919-1998. Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
Geralizations A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases
Gerrt hofstede created this cultural taxonomy:
approach is based on assertation that people carry mental programs or soft ware of the mind
power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculine vs. feminine, long term vs. short term orientation to time
Gestalt therapy -stresses the perception of completeness and wholeness
-self actualization - being who one is (not becoming)
-antideterministic: ppl able to change and become responsible thru action
-need to take care of whole self and feel emotions (if don't create problems)
gifted and talented students with very high intelligence or such unusual gifts and talents in the arts that they require special educational programming to reach their full potential
Giving Energy attending to the desires/needs of other people
Glass ceiling and Glass Ceiling Commission - A perceived barrier preventing certain classes of individuals from climbing the highest rungs of corporate leadership.
globe power distance degree to which cultures believe that social and political power should be distributed disproportionately, shared unequally and concentrated among a few top decision makers
GLOBE(kluckhohn and strodbeck) global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness
Good teachers... 1. Good teachers care whether students learn. They challenge all students.
2. Good teachers are not time-bound to a curriculum and do not move on to new subject matter until all students grasp the current concept.
3. Good teachers are not bound to books and instructional materials, but connect all learning to "real life"
4. Good teachers push students to think, to make their own decisions.
5. Good teachers communicate with, observe, and get to know their students and the students' cultural background.
grammatical-syntactical equivalence some languages make grammatical distinctions that others do not
Grandfather clause A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867.
Grape workers' strike begins, 1965 Farm workers went on strike and made a consumer boycott (supermarkets ban grapes). They began to be concerned abour poinson again; Chavez goes on 36 day hunger strike; failed to get them to work togther; he died in 1993 on a 1-2 day hunger strike.
GRASP IT Gather, Review, Ask, See, Proceed, Integrate, Test
Greensboro sit-ins, 1960 Civil Rights tactic of blacks sitting in segregated restaurants until being served or removed. Kicks off in Greensboro, NC at Woolworth's lunch counter (white restaurant). Each day they came back with more and more protesters until they were finally served.
Group characteristics that promote success Cohesiveness, caring, level of trust among members, freedom to experiment, commitment to change, Yalom's curative factors of group (1995)
Group Level Identity Each person is born into a cultural matrix of beliefs, values, rules and social practices.
Guidance Advisory Committee (GAC) is commonly charged with the task of reviewing program data and making recommendations based on their evaluations. GACs typically do not evaluate counselors' professional activities, report directly to administrators, or disclose counseling work to the media.
Hardiman White Racial Identity Development Model 5 developmental stages Naiveté stage
**Notes in Chapter 12 Notes
Hate Crime Hate crime legislation often defines a hate crime as a crime motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.
Hazan & Shaver- Attachment Styles & Romantic Relationships our attachment styles formed early in life influence our behavioral patterns in adulthood (especially with romantic partners)
He followed Lincoln's 10 percent plan What did Johnson do in office?
He gave amnesty to all but the highest ranking Confederates What did Johnson give as part of the 10 percent plan?
he made it easier to mistreat freed slaves What did Andrew Johnson make it easy to do?
he strongly believed thatshates should determine how to treat their own residents and he didnt want African Americans to be citizens or to vote What did Andrew Johnson believe?
Helms White Racial Identity Development Model 6 statuses Contact (obliviousness or denial)
Disintegration (suppression and ambivalence)
Reintegration (selective perception and negative out group distortion)
Pseudoindependence (reshaping reality and selective perception)
Immersion/emersion (hypervigilance and reshaping
Autonomy (flexibility and complexity)
**Extended notes in chapter 12
Henri Tajfel- Minimal Group Paradigm group identification (matching desires) is a natural human tendency; occurs even with the most insignificant factors
more important the group = in-group bias
Heritability is a function of the population-not a trait! all individuals have a full range of intelligence.
Heterosexism Assuming every person to be heterosexual therefore marginalizing persons who do not identify as heterosexual. It is also believing heterosexuality to be superior to homosexuality and all other sexual orientations.
heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.
Heterosexual Privilege Benefits derived automatically by being (or being perceived as) heterosexual that are denied to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, queers and all other non-heterosexual sexual orientations.
Heterosexuality Sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to a sex other than your own. Commonly thought of as "attraction to the opposite sex" but since there are not only two sexes (see "Intersex" and "Transsexual"), this definition is inaccurate.
Hidden Curriculum - unwritten, unofficial and often un-intended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school
- Outside the formal curriculum
- Ex. How to interact with peers, teachers and other adults
- How one should perceive different races, groups or classes of people; or what ideas and behaviors are considered acceptable or unacceptable. Often in connection with dominant group
high context messages are covert, nonverbal codes, messages internalized, reactions reserved, time is flexible, distinct in/out groups, strong interpersonal bonds, ex. African American, Latino, Japanese
high context communication is one that is internalized in the person or anchored in the physical situation
Relies heavily on nonverbal and the group identification and understanding shared by those communicating
high context cultures Asian, Latino, AA
high context cultures emphasis put on non-verbal communication
High Maintenance/High Expectations being overly demanding of others
Ex: TEAGAN keeps telling her boyfriend what she wants him to do and not to do
hispanic cultural diferences enhanced value of children
high regard for education
hispanic language differences double negative
misused "no"
misplaced adjectives
Historic trauma 3. The collective emotional and psychological injury both over the life span and across generations, resulting from a cataclysmic history of genocide
Historical Debt - The inequalities initially formed around race, gender and class
- In the case of African Americans education was initially forbidden during the period of enslavement
- For American Indians education began w/ mission school to convert and use Indian labor to further the cause of the church
- The historical debt was not merely imposed by the ignorant masses, but major leaders of the nation endorsed ideas that People of Color were inferior
Historical Stereotypes outlines the history between people of color and whites.
Historically Black colleges colleges (some of which have become universities) that were founded for the higher education of African Americans after the Civil War
History of Arab American Education - Education highly valued
- Earliest world writings and scripts were found in Mesopotamia and Egypt
- 20th century - after independence from European powers, Arab countries promoted mandatory primary and secondary education for all children and free public universities
- Immigrated to US in turn of 20th century
holistic or naturalistic approach human desire to maintain a sense of harmony with the forces of nature, when the body is out of line with nature
Holland's theory of career development: maintains that in choosing a career, people prefer jobs where they can be around others who are like them. They search for environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and express their attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable problems and roles. Behaviour is determined by an interaction between personality and environment. There are six basic types of work environments: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. People search for environments where they can use their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. For example, Investigative types search for Investigative environments; Artistic types look for Artistic environments, and so forth. People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied.
homonegativity encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Homophobia The irrational fear and intolerance of people who are homosexual or of homosexual feelings within one's self. This assumes that heterosexuality is superior.
Homosexual - A homosexual is attracted sexually to persons of the same sex.
Homosexuality Sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to the same sex.
Horace Mann's views on education of women (1796-1859) He was a prominent Massachusetts legislator and advocate of humanitarian reforms who became executive secretary of the Mass. Board of Education and took a leadership role in establishing a system of public common schools and normal schools that would become models for the nation
Hostile working environment - A hostile work environment is one in which unwanted sexual activity takes place, thus creating a hostile or abusive work environment that interferes with the victim's ability to perform the work.
How are standard scores expressed? They are expressed in units of standard deviations from the mean set at 0.
how can ELL children qualify for services? demonstrate communication difficulty in their first language as well
How did Congress Respond to the Black Codes? 1. Congress refused to seat the Southern representatives
2. Congress overrode President Johnson and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866
3. A Joint Committee on Reconstruction was established to investigate the situation in the South and reported that the Southern states were in a state of civil disorder, and had therefore not held valid elections.
4. The Fourteenth Amendment was passed by Congress
5. A follow-up Freedmen's Bureau Bill was passed by Congress giving additional rights to ex-slaves
6. Reconstruction Acts were passed over President Johnson's veto " provide for the more efficient government of the Rebel States"
How did the Black Codes deny rights? Labor Contracts
Vagrancy Laws
Crimes and Punishments
Civil Rights
How do we as counselors practice social justice counseling? 1) takes a social change perspective that focuses on ending discrimination on our society 2) believes that inequities are also due to monopolies of power 3) assumes that conflict is inevitable and not necessarily unhealthy - thus social justice counseling includes social and political action.
How does NCLB legislation address the needs of students with disabilities? -ensured educational accountability
-emphasized maximized learning for all children
How has the concept of race been given social meaning? When white families and businesses fled: the tax base eroded, schools and services declined.
How long should a counselor keep records of counseling with students? There are 3 classes of data. Records of counseling falls under "class C" data - this type of data should be removed or destroyed as soon as usefulness has expired - maximum of 5 years is standard.
how to assess ELL children find a non biased test
How to deal with freed slaves. What was probblem 2 for Reconstruction?
how to develop cultural competency Learn about the cultural backgrounds of our clients and their families
Be aware of and work to eliminate your own biases and preconceptions
Build on the unique strengths, values, and experiences of our clients, their families, and their culture.
How to get the Confederates back into the country. What was problem 1 for Reconstruction?
How to Study Cultural Adaptations of ESTs One idea is just including more minority groups in efficacy studies (Chambless et. al., 2005)
Another idea is making adaptions to the delivery, therapeutic process, inclusion of cultural knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (Miranda et. al., 2003)
Understanding of culture helps to focus treatment on client goals, as with any other client
-e.g., framing self-care as being a service to the family for Latina women who value family focus over self focus
humane orientation extent to which cultures encourage and reward their members for being benevolent and compassionate toward others or focused on self interest and self gratification
I have found... I have found that if I want to learn how best to teach children who may be different from me, then I must seek the advice of adults - teachers and parents- who are from the same culture as my students
IC (internal control) & ER (external responsibility) Believe that they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance, but are realistic about barriers and discrimination
IC-ER individuals believe they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance.
IC-IR individuals believe their are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect outcomes.
IDEA academic institutions are financially responsible only for testing that they request. Parent requests are evaluated on case-by-case basis, and typically the financing is the parents' responsibility
IDEA Federal legislation related to the education of students with disabilities This law includes the requirement of school counselors to participate in IEP planning process and meetings.
Identification of an individual, not physical characteristics race
Identity Group the collectivities people use to caegorize themselves and others
ideology 6. Ideas associated with false consciousness. Narrow, contrived and rigid views that do not take into account that the assumptions are linked to specific classes and cultures.
idiomatic equivalence(idioms) expressions that has a meaning contrary to the usual meaning, ex. break a leg, I could have died, eat your heart out
IL (internal locus) + IR (internal responsibility) they are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect the outcomes.
illustrators nonverbal behaviors that are directly tied to the verbal message, they are used to emphasize, explain or support a word, ex. huge mountain and you wave your hands in a half circle to give a visual
Immediacy responses focused on the present, right at the time and place and context of the counseling session. They may be statements or questions, but must be about the present moment, not the past or future.
Immutable characteristics - An immutable characteristic includes skin color, hair texture, or certain facial features, even if not all members of the same race, color, sex, or national origin share the characteristic.
in group collectivism degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and solidarity with their family or similar group
In group favoritism more positive evaluations of members of one's own gender becomes another factor that sustains the separate social worlds of boys and girls
In Oncale, the _______ _____ gave three examples of ways a victim can prove same-sex gender discrimination: (1) by establishing that the harasser was motivated by sexual desire, which generally requires "credible evidence" that the harasser was a homosexual; (2) by establishing that the harassment demonstrates that "the harasser [was] motivated by general hostility to the presence of [men] in the workplace"; or (3) by establishing that the harasser treated men differently in a mixed-sex workplace. Supreme Court
In the Closet Keeping one's sexual orientation and/or gender or sex identity a secret.
inactive strategies actually conversing with the other person in an attempt to gather the needed info.
Incidental word learning how quickly, easily, and well children are able to figure out the meaning of a novel, nonsense, or unfamiliar word simply through exposures without any formal teaching
Inclusion the degree to which the different voices of a diverse workforce are respected and heard
inclusion the placement of special education students in general education settings
Incongruence (Carl Rogers) states that anxiety, discomfort, or unhappiness occurs when our self-concept does not match our experiences
Inconsistent thoughts dissonance
Incremental validity extent to which a test increases information above existing forms of assessment
indigenous population that is native to a country or region. In the United States, American Indians, Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives are the indigenous populations.
Indigenous Healing
Universal Shamanic Tradition spiritual plane of existence in seeking a cure
Shamans are referred to as witches, witch doctors, wizards, medicine men or women, sorcerers and magic men or women
Believed to possess power to enter altered state of consciousness and journey to other planes of existence during healing rituals
Indignation (feeling) anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
indirect style ambiguous statements, Koreans preferred style
Individual Level of Identity first level of the Tripartite framework....individual uniqueness, genetically we are all unique and all of us will have our own individual, unique encounters and life experiences through life.
Individual planning best described as the broad collection of counseling and guidance activities that are designed to help all learners develop their own educational plans and career objectives.
Individualism is important to which cultural background?
Collectivism is important to which cultural backgrounds? 1. Whites
2. Asian, Native American, Black, and Latino/a Americans - collectivism (needs of the group/family/community are paramount)
individualism vs. collectivism involves people's relationships to the larger social groups of which they are a part of
Individualized education program a written program required for all children with disabilities under idea it includes statements of the student's present performance, annual goals, short term objectives, special educational services needed, relevant dates, participation in regular education, and evaluation procedures parents should participate in the development of the iep and sign the doc
individuals with disabilities education act public law 101-476 that emphasized the individual first and the disability second and forever changed how individuals with disabilities are referred to in the literature
Informational Level of Human Interaction exchange of information through direct meaning of the actual words spoken
Initial stage of group description Orientation & exploration - group members present socially acceptable selves, characterized with anxiety/insecurity, determine if the group is a safe place
Insecure Anxious Ambivalent/Anxious Resistant Attachment infant is very emotionally unstable & demands excessive attention (steals energy); caretaker responds mostly to negative behaviors & inconsistent in responses to infant
Insecure Anxious Avoidant Attachment infant is unresponsive/avoidant (even towards caretaker); unresponsive OR over controlling caretaker
institutional collectivism represents the degree to which cultures support, value and prefer to distribute rewards based on groups vs. individual interests
Institutional Oppression Arrangement of a society used to benefit one group at the expense of another through the use of language, media education, religion, economics, etc.
Institutional racism set of polices, priorities and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate, oppress, and force dependence of individuals and groups on a larger society by sanctioning unequal goals, unequal status, and unequal access to goods and services.
instrumental styles communication is goal-oriented and depends on explicit verbal meanings
integration (bicultural) maintaining original culture while adding ways of dominant culture
interaction contexts the settings or situations within social episodes occur
interaction scenes made up of recurring, repetitive topics that people talk about in social conversations
Interactive style group leader uses experiential learning
Intercultural competence ..., the ability to communicate appropriately, effectively, and ethically with people from diverse backgrounds
Internal Conflict Model anxiety = result of differentiation
My desires vs. what is, has, or could happen
taking control to make desires come true OR letting go of my desires & accepting whatever happens
internal consistency (reliability coefficients) is important for concurrent measurements
Internal locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate. Euro-American way.
internal/external locus of responsibility dimension measures degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system.
internalized oppression felt oppression due to society's dominant discourses
Internalized Oppression The process by which an oppressed person comes to believe, accept, or live out the inaccurate stereotypes and misinformation about their group.
Internalized Racism ..., The taking in of the negative messages of overt and covert racism, superiority and inferiority, and white privilege into oneself; you begin to believe the stereotypes of your race/start to feel inferior
Interpersonal & Group Unity think "us" instead of "you vs. me"
do things consistent with both our desires = both feel energized (shared energy)
take or receive energy from others
Interpersonal Behavior Patterns Interpersonal Behavior Patterns
interpretation oral process of moving one code to another
Interpretations generated within the counselor so they are new to the client
interracial/interethnic bias racial/ethnic groups experience mistrust, envy, and misunderstandings towards each other and people of color continue to hold beliefs and attitudes towards Whites that are very negative and filled with anger and mistrust.
interracial/interethnic conflict each ethnic/racial group holds different values, beliefs, and behavior unique to their culture which may conflict with other groups.
interracial/interethnic discrimination different values and beliefs between ethnic/racial groups have caused discrimination within the groups.
Interrogation/Criticism making others seem inadequate by being critical
Ex: Even though she knows that her sister failed her Biology exam, KELSEY keeps asking her sister, "and how did you do on your Biology exam?"
interscore reliability (reliability coefficients) crucial when there may be some variability between different scores
Intersectionality ..., Challenges the notions that race, class, gender, and sexuality should be studied as separate and distinct from each other
Intersectionality An intersection of issues in your life.
(race gender, etc...)
Intersex Intersex is a set of medical conditions that feature congenital anomaly of the reproductive and sexual system. That is, intersex people are born with "sex chromosomes," external genitalia, or internal reproductive systems that are not considered "standard" for either male or female. The existence of intersexuals shows that there are not just two sexes and that our ways of thinking about sex (trying to force everyone to fit into either the male box or the female box) is socially constructed.
Intersexed People who have biological qualities of each sex
intervention for ELL children Be in both english and home language
Build in the goal of increasing vocabulary skills
Be treating an actual communication disorder
Interview the client, caregiver, or teachers about the client's communication skills
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Development of all languages spoken
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Identify areas of difficulty in all languages spoken
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Language Exposure
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Languages Spoken at Home
Interviewing Bilingual and Multicultural Clients Ratings of Language Proficiency
Inteval scale of measurement Possess all the characteristics of the ordinal scale, with one additional feature: The distances between the points on the scale are equal
Ex. the distance between 80 and 90 is the same as the distance between 90 and 100 on an depression evaluation or aptitude test; temperature; in reality there are not very many interval scales
Intimidation/Anger making others fear the self with intimidation and/or expressing anger
Ex: DAVID has a habit of losing his temper whenever others do not do what he wants them to.
Intrepreting involves... 1. Offering clients new and facilitative ways to understand their experiences
2. Basing interpretation on counselor's perceptions of the client's experiences
Introjection 15. Defense mechanism in which one swallows or internalize the values of dominant person or group to avoid abuse
invisible characteristics ..., socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, spirituality, etc.
Invisible Minority A group whose minority status is not always immediately visible, such as some disabled people and LGBTIQ people. This lack of visibility may make organizing for rights difficult.
Invisible veil what people's values and beliefs or worldviews represent that operates outside the level of conscious awareness.
islamaphobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be muslim.
Issues with Ambiguity in Counseling: 1. Ambiguous and unstructured aspect of therapy situation may create discomfort in clients of color.
2. culturally diverse clients may not be familiar with therapy and may perceive it as unknown.
3. so anxiety and confusion may be the outcome in an unstructured counseling setting.
Patterns of Communication
1. Counseling think that major responsibility or initiating conversation in the session like communication mover from client to counselor. client is major responsibility in initiating conversation while counselor play less active role.
2. this may be diff for diff culture group.
Issues with focusing on the individual in counseling In many non-western cultures, identity is not seen apart from the group orientation (collectivism).
counselors who fall to recognize the importance of defining this diff between individualism and collectivism with create difficulties in therapy.
Issues with Scientific Empiricism counseling in western are known as highly linear, analytic, and verbal in their attempt to mimic the physical sciences. so its objective, rational, linear thinking like neutral, rational, and logical
This does not sit well with all multicultural clients, and takes the focus away from the individual.
Issues with Self-Disclosure in therapy For other cultures, self-disclosure takes time and only happen after they get to know the other person for many years.
Many non-western individuals feel that if they disclose personal information they may bring shame to the family.
Issues with the Time Dimension in counseling: The language of clock time in counseling can conflict with minority perception of time.
For many Hispanics may mark time by events rather than by clock.
Issues with verbal "talk" therapy many other culture may not care bout value verbalization like American do. like Chinese don't speak unless spoken to. if u don't know that the counselor might this u as unintelligent.
emotional expressiveness- like Latino and Asian cultural will that the maturity and wisdom are associated with ones ability to control emotions and feelings. so American may think they are repressed.
therapist who are value verbal, emotional, and behavioral excessiveness may not know that they are transmitting their own cultural values. this is just counselor failed to understand the cultural background and upbringing of many Asian American clients.
It A pronoun used to refer to a thing; the use of "it" as a pronoun for a person is extremely offensive in its complete dehumanization of the subject; for appropriate, gender neutral pronouns, see chart of gender neutral pronoun usage at the bottom of this page.
It does little to train culturally competent individuals when... the very organizations that employ them are monocultural and discourage using culturally competent knowledge and skills
It outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude What did the 13th Amendment do?
Italicized Questions • Are we connecting in positive ways to the culture that our African American young people bring to school?
• Are we ensuring that our students know that people who look like them, both in the past and present, have produced and are producing phenomenal intellectual accomplishment?
• Are we making connections between young people's lives and the content that we attempt to teach? Do they feel welcomed into the school environment, or do they feel that they must change who they are to be accepted?
Jackie Robinson The first African American player in the major league of baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans. Broke the color barrier in 1947
James Meredith He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action (Kennedy), showing that segregation was no longer government policy.
James Meredith United States civil rights leader whose college registration caused riots in traditionally segregated Mississippi.
jargon set of words or terms that are shared by those with a common profession or experience
Jim Crow Laws legal restrictions preventing persons of color from sharing public acomodations with whites
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
John Berry- Model of Ethnic Identity focuses on how members of ethnic minorities adjust to society as minority group members
John Collier (1884-1968) a social reformer who advocated for Native Americans. Commissioner for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration from 1933-1945.
John F. Kennedy assassinated, November 22, 1963 In Dallas Texas in a motorcade, Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people questioned this event and believed that Oswald did not act alone or this was a government cover- up.
John Gray Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus which has sold more than seven million copies and according to a 1997 report by the book's publisher, HarperCollins, is the all time, best-selling hard-cover nonfiction book. The book became a "popular paradigm" for problems in relationships based on the different tendencies in each gender and led to infomercials, audiotapes and videotapes, weekend seminars, theme vacations, a one-man Broadway show, an TV sitcom plus a movie contract with 20th Century F
John Holland Personality typology theory: six personality types (RIASEC) Realistice, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. Also known for Self-Directed Search (SDS), My Vocational Situation and the Vocational Preference Inventory.
Judgement heuristics commonly used quick decision rules
Karen Horney- Parental Indifference as the Basic Evil creates a feeling of anxiety & insecurity (and sometimes even hostility) that can become the cause of long-lasting emotional instability
Kinesics refers to bodily movements
Facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement, gestures, eye contact
kinesics study of body movements or body language
Kohlberg Amoral stage -- 0-7 - personal needs need to be satisfied.
Pre-conventional stage - 7-10 - learn rules to stay out of trouble.
Conventional Stage - -By age 10, people should be moving to where morality means to follow the norms, values.
In the Post Conventional Stage, people begin to reflect on the abstract of what is right or wrong.
Most don't reach this stage
College appears to nurture this stage.
Labor contracts required a legal document for black "servants" who agreed to work for white "masters".
Terms and conditions of employment were fully documented and signed by a judge. These included strict conducts of behavior and required permission before an ex-slave could leave the premises
labor force all persons 16 and over working or looking for work
labor market discrimination the valuation in the labor market of personal characteristics of applicants and workers that are unrelated to productivity
Laissez faire style group leader leader is more of a member
Lambda The Gay Activist Alliance originally chose the lambda, the Greek letter "L", as a symbol in 1970. Organizers chose the letter "L" to signify liberation. The word has become a way of expressing the concept "lesbian and gay male" in a minimum of syllables and has been adopted by such organizations as Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Late 1950's and early 1960's National Defense Education Act provided funds to train school cousnelors
Lateral Oppression 13. When persons within an oppressed group torment each other, taking the focus off of the dominant groups' more radical and more paralyzing oppression
Latino/Hispanic American Identity Development Models (Ruiz) 1. Causal stage
2. Cognitive stage
3. Consequence stage
4. Working-through stage
5. Successful resolution stage
**Details in the notes
Latinos and CBT Overall Three studies have found it to be effective for depression
It also reduces panic symptoms
One more well-designed outcome study is needed to deem CBT well-established in treating Latinos
Latinos and Early Study on CBT for Depression Comas-Diaz 1981
CBT and group behavioral therapy were both effective for Puerto Rican mothers compared to no treatment
similar effect sizes to whites
laws passed by individual states to keep the slaves from getting citizenship that differed by stateWhat are Black Codes?
least restrictive environment the educational setting closest to a regular school or general education setting in which the child with a disability can be educated for many children this may mean a general education classroom others may require less inclusive setting to best meet their needs
Lesbian A woman attracted to a woman.
Letting Go allows us to accept what has, is, or could happen without resistance & resolve our internal conflict
Letting Go of Desires- Social, Moral & Emotional Development mature in life = overcome our insecurities by letting go of desires
development = more we see things as "us" rather than "me vs. you" or "us vs. them"
deeper unity we feel with a wide variety of people
Lev Vygotsky Social development theory. 1) social learning procedes development, 2) More knowlegeable other- higher ability learner, 3) zone of proximal development - the distance between the students ability to preform by an adult
LGBTIQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning
liberation cycle getting ready (waking up introspection education),
reaching out,
building community,
creating change,
lilly ledbetter fair pay act of 2009 Act that creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims and expands plaintiff field beyond employee who was discriminated against
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - In response to a 2007 decision by the Supreme Court, Congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. The decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc., 6 considered the plight of Lilly Ledbetter. For nineteen years of her employment at Goodyear Tire's Gadsden, Alabama, plant, Lilly Ledbetter was consistently given lower rankings in her annual performance and salary reviews and low pay raises relative to her male peers.
Lincold died and he was VP so he became president How did Andrew Johnsomn become president?
listener-responsible language speakers need to indicate only indirectly what they are discussing and what they want the listener to know when the conversation is over, used in Japan
literacy test A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote
Little Rock "9" 1st group of black students who were able to attend an all white school because President Eisenhower used the military to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Locus of Control:
Internal Control
External Control Internal Control - refers to people's beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate
External Control - refers to people's beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that they future is determined more by chance and luck.
Locus of Responsibility(Internal & External) the degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system. Self blame vs. System blame
long term vs. short term time orientation how cultures relate to the concept of time
low context emphasis on explicit verbal message
low context overt, messages explicit, details verbalized, reactions easily seen, flexible in/out groups, time is specific, ex. Caucasian, German, Swedish, English
low context US Americans, British, Australians, Germans, Canadians
Low-context communication place a greater reliance on the verbal part of the message
Been associated with being more opportunistic, more individual oriented, and emphasizes rules of law and procedure
The US is a LC culture, while minority groups in the US and also China emphasize HC cues
Low-Income Minority Women and Recent Outcome Study for Depression Revicki et al., 2005: ADM and CBT beat community referral for low-income minority women
-Interventions better but more expensive than usual treatment
Miranda et al., 2006: superiority retained at 12-month follow-up
lunch counter sit-ins protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
magico-religious or personalistic approach health and illness are closely linked to supernatural forces, mystical powers
Maki & Kitano's Model of Asian American Identity similar to Berry's model
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter who argued for separation, not integration. He changed his views, but was assassinated in by members of the Nation of Islam in 1965.
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality
Malcolm X assassinated, 1965 Rejecting integration and nonviolence, Malcolm splits off from Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslins and is killed by them later upon declaring that blacks should use "any means necessary"
Management System Agreements, Advisory Council, Use of Data, Actions Plans, Use of Time, Calendars
management system is the when( calender and actin plan) why ( use the data) and on what authority( management agreement and advisory council)
Many minorities through years of personal experience operate from 3 assumptions All whites in this society are racist
Most whites find the concept disturbing and will go to great lengths to deny that they are racist or biased (usually largely unconscious
Nonverbal behaviors are more accurate reflections of what a white person is thinking or feeling than is what they say
Many state and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on the _____ of a job applicant or employee. Among the most well-known of these laws are Title VII, the EPA of 1963, Executive Order 11246, and the federal Constitution. sex
March from Selma to Montgomery, 1965 A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Lead by MLK
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
Margaret Mahler- Interactional Synchrony caretakers must interact in an attentive & caring manner with the infant; caretaker/infant feel an intimate sense of oneness with each other
Marginal we identify with neither majority culture OR our own minority subculture
marginality loss of traditional cultural but not acceptance of the dominant culture
Marginalized Excluded, ignored, or relegated to the outer edge of a group/society/community.
Marginalized Groups groups who are not given equal opportunities, may be avoided, pushed to the background; the needs of these people are not viewed as important as other groups.
Marginalized person refers to a persons inability to form dual ethnic identification because of bicultural memberships.
Marilynn Brewer- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory we all have a tendency to identify with certain groups but also have a need to feel that our groups are unique and different form others
want to be the same as some people (matching desires) but also feel uniquely different from others
feel energized by unity with in-group members OR taking energy from out-group members
Martin Luther King 1929-1968. Pivotal leader of the American Civil Rights movement. Non-violent leader, became youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination. Led Montgomery Bus Boycott, helped found Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and led March on Washington in 1963 where he delivered "I have a Dream" speech.
Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated, 1968 Led many to believe that the nonviolent age was over.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on Thursday April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05pm that evening. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary. Ray later made many attempts to withdraw his guilty plea and be tried by a jury, but was unsuccessful; he died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.
Mary Ainsworth (Attachment Theory) the way a caretaker interacts with an infant influences the infant's emotional development
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) an 18th-century British feminist who argued for political and civil rights and equality for women and wrote that marriage was an ingenious device for enslaving women; author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
Maryland Lowest Poverty Rate
masculinity vs. femininity gender expectations and the extent to which people prefer achievement and assertiveness of nurturance and social support
Material Good as Symbols of Power artwork & jewelry
*this suggests that regardless of where we come from, we all share a common history
Melting pot a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individual come together.
Mentor programs commonly include tutoring and recreational activities provided by adults in the community.
Meritocracy Myth Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability
Merriam Report "The Problem of Indian Administration"; a report that increased the awareness of social and educational problems on tribal lands during the 1920's
Meta-Analysis of Culturally-Adapted Treatments Griner and Smith, 2006
d=.45 across 76 studies
Interventions targeted to one group were four times more effective than interventions provided to diverse groups
Interventions conducted in native language were twice as effective compared to interventions conducted in English
Metaculture caused by basic biological limitations
Methods of appraisal interviews, rating scales, behavioral observations, formal published inventoies, sociograms, test batteries
Micheal Kimmel Wrote male masculinity books
Micro Aggression "Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults towards people of color.
Micro-aggression 18. Brief everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to people of colored, women and gays.
Microaggression brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights, and insults that potentially have a harmful or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group.
microassault type of microaggression that is blatant, verbal, nonverbal or an environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
microinsult type of microaggression that are unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender, sexual orientation.
microinvalidation type of microaggression that are verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group-unintentional and usually outside of the persons awareness.
Middle Class (Class) small buisness owners, government jobs, teachers
mild mental retardation a label for individuals with limited intellectual or cognitive abilities, which often inhibit their academic functioning and socialization. those with mild mental retardation are the highest functioning of those individuals with mental retardation and can generally master some basic academic skills
Mills vs Board of Education Court mandated that school district provide all children with disabilities a public-supported education
Procedural safeguards include -
right to appeal
right of access to records
written notice of all stages of the process
Minority clients tend to terminate therapy at a rate of ___ after how much contact with the therapist? 50% with only 1 contact
Misappropriation 5. Adoption of specific elements of one culture by a different cultural group, which have wildly different meanings or lack the subtleties of their original cultural context
Miscegenation marriage between persons of different races
Mississippi Highest Poverty Rate
Mississippi Highest Senior Poverty Rate
Mississippi Plan a system of codes and laws instituted by the state of Mississippi to deprive African Americans of their civil and political rights after Reconstruction; the eventual basis for Jim Crow laws throughout the South until the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown V. Board of Education
Mississippi Summer Project, 1964 A campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, which up to that time had almost totally excluded black voters.
Misuses of questioning include: 1. Engaging client in a Q & A session (too many questions)
2. Why questions (make defensive)
3. Close-ended questions (too brief)
4. Strategic questions (telling the client what to do with them)
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Moral Debt - Disparity between what we know is right and what we actually do
- What human beings owe to each other in the giving of, or failure to give, honor to another when honor is due
- We seem to recognize the moral debt we owe to individuals, such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, yet we often fail to recognize that that moral debt is owed to entire groups of people
morphemes meaning units of language
Most black codes were based on vagrancy law; had to prove they had a job and that job was recognized by whites
Most people will engage in overt discrimination ONLY under 3 conditions 1) when some degree of anonymity can be insured
2) when they are in the presence of others who share or tolerate their biased beliefs and actions
3) when they lose control of their feelings and actions
Mouth sticking tongue out/spitting = contempt/rejection
exposing teeth/pulling down ends of mouth = sign of threat/contempt
licking of lips = sign for appetite, social or otherwise
move around the country freely What did Abolition mean former slaves could do?
Muller-Lyer Illusion (cultural differences) lines exactly the same length, line on the left looks longer than line on right because of differing angles of short lines going out at ends.
Our cultural experiences influence how much we experience this illusion
(1) cultures where there are many forms of shelter carpentered with right angles experience this illusion much more than those in cultures without shelter carpentered with right angles
culture influences our values, traditions, and behaviors but culture also influences something as fundamental as our visual perceptions!
Multicultural counseling is simply counseling patients but taking into consideration their cultural beliefs and the effect that can have on their treatment."
Multicultural Counseling and Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognition of individuality, group, and universal dimensions and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in assessments, diagnosis, and treatment.
Multicultural Education Curriculum - Cultural diversity and public education
- "Although teachers often create classroom environments that are open to such differences, discomfort may still exits."
- "Foreign-born Arab American students may have difficulties adapting to the American public school system b/c they been brought up in society w/ different values."
- Some Arab American parents are not comfortable w/ the American public schools relaxed disciplinary system
Multicultural Psychology the study of understanding the human condition through the examination of the similarities/differences among people in different cultures and learning to coexist with each other in a peaceful manner
Multiculturalism a society in which people from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic groups, age groups, geographic areas and other variables come together to create a mosaic composed of individuals that form a rich whole
Multiculturalism a term describing the coexistence of many cultures in a locality.
Multiculturalism Deals with real human experiences and as a result, understanding your emotional reactions is equally important in the journey to cultural competence.
Multiculturalism includes... gender, sexual orientation, disability, SES, and other marginalized groups
multiethnic curriculum a course of studies that reflects accurate abd positive information about the history, experiences, contributions, and perspectives of the ethnic groups that comprise the usa population
Multiple Intellegences A theory of intelligence that differentiates it into specific "modalities", rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability
Must Read Texts 4 Characteristics • They are intellectually exciting for both students and teachers
• They serve as a roadmap and provide apprenticeship
• They challenge students cognitively
• They help students apply literacy skills and strategies independently
myth of meritocracy statements which assert that race or gender does not play a role in life successes
NAACP Organization which fought for civil rights for African Americans, mainly through court cases (behind the Brown v. Board of Education case)
NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; an advocacy group formed in 1910 to fight for the legal, civil, and political rights of African Americans
Nation of Islam A group of militant Black Americans who profess Islamic religious beliefs and advocate independence for Black Americans.
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) A black supremacist group founded in 1930 by Elijah Muhammad, who believed that Allah would create a Black Nation of people unified against the white man. This group convinced itself that there was no purpose to work with the white man, and it is important to build the black people up and become economically self-sufficient, but exemplifying the importance of not interacting with white people whenever possible and becoming a believer in black nationalism.
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956) the largest public works project in American history when it was passed, authorized $25 billion to build 41,000 miles of roads, greatly assisting the burgeoning car culture of the 1950s
National Urban League Tried to improve job opportunities and housing for African Americans, especially those moving to northern cities.
nationalism national identity based on a common language, common culture, and loyalty and devotion to a nation
nativism policy favoring assimilated ethnic groups over more recent immigrants
Naturalization The process by which an immigrant gains the rights of a natural born citizen.
Negative Paradigm includes human choice and action
Negative transference can be interpreted as Therapeutic resistance
Neglectful/Uninvolved Parenting consistently neglect important needs/desires of the child; child receives little care/attention; end up feeling neglected/unworthy of love/respect
children steal energy or give up on communication all together/becomes avoidant
Neo-colonialism 17. A critique that focuses on contemporary problems related to race, class, gender, nationalism, and ethnicity
New Hampshire Lowest Child Poverty rate
Nirvana is Samsara present existence is enlightenment itself; no need to do anything to get there
we do not have to be different than what we are
just plain "being"
Nominal scale of measurement The simplest form. There is no relationship between the categories that could lead to ranking
Researchers assign a number to different categories for analysis
Ex. gender, teaching method, school
Non-Native English Speaking Latinos in Therapy Ethnic match leads to better perceptions of therapy, reduced drop out rate, and improved outcomes
Having an interpreter is better than trying to communicate in English
Nonuseful counselor responses... Detract or distract from students' expeirence, remaining superficiaal and limiting or discouraging exploration, understanding and feelings about their experiences
i.e. "you don't really mean that" minimizing client's feelings
Nordic race Germanic people of northern Europe who are white with a tall stature, long head, light skin and hair, and blue eyes
normalization making available to all persons with disabilities or other handicaps patterns of life and conditions of everyday living which are as close as possible to or indeed the same as the regular circumstances and ways of life of society
novelty-predictability dialectic peoples desire for change and stability in their interpersonal relationship
NOW National Organization of Women, 1966, Betty Friedan first president, wanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce its legal mandate to end sex discrimination
Now Familiar Resources Education Trust
Multiplication is For White People
Numbing state of shock; refuse to accept the experience; desensitize ourselves from our loss
Observe the client in multiple contexts with multiple speakers
Ocean Analogy- Giving Energy by pushing other people up or allowing others to push us down
Ocean Analogy- Receiving Energy by others pushing us up
Ocean Analogy- Taking Energy by pushing others down
older workers benefit protection act of 1990 a federal statute that prohibits age discrimination regarding employee benefits
older workers benefits protection act in 1990 ..., a federal statute that prohibits age discrimination regarding employee benefits
One of the major barriers to effective understanding in communication is the common assumption that ... different cultural groups operate according to identical speech and communication conventions
One-Upmanship making the other person feel inadequate by stating that we are better than the other person
Ex: HAMID boasts to Diego that his dad's truck has twice as much horsepower than Diego's dad's truck
Open group v. Closed group Open group allows for new members to enroll throughout the running time of the group, closed does not
openess-closeness dialectic peoples desires to share or withhold personal information
Oppression is defined as... an unjust & systemic excessive exercise of power against an unidentified group of people, such as disable people where laws, attitudes towards & treatment (including portrayal) of this group all reinforce this discriminatory situation.
Optimism think of their internal conflicts in a way that makes them feel like their desire is winning over what has, is, or could happen
Ex: Instead of wishing to be slimmer, they think "I'm glad I'm in good health"
Ordinal scale of measurement The data is ordered/ranked in some way - but there is not equal distance between the ranks. This indicates the relative standing among subjects/variables
Ex. ranking subject scores on a depression inventory or biology test; race results
Organizational Culture ..., Shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employee
Overall Therapy for African Americans Either equivalent or worse than among whites
Tiny literature that largely lacks control groups
Paiget's Cognitive Stages of Development 1. Sensorimotor - (0-2) absence of representational thought
2. Preoperational thought - (2-6/7) thought tends to be slow, not yet logical
3. Concrete operational thought - (7-10/11) decenter, can think about more than 1 though at a time, logical relationships
4. Formal operational thought - (12-adulthood) logical thinking extends to "formal" or abstract material
Paradigm shift in assessments since 1990s to using more process dependent measures; dynamic assessment
Paralanguage- other vocal cues that individuals use to communicate
Ex. Loudness of voice, pauses, silences, hesitations, rates of speech
parallel forms (reliability coefficients) reducing practice effects and for predictions
Paranorm means that a minority person's suspicion and mistrust of white society is normal behavior.
PARC v. the commonwealth of Pennsylvania All children ages 6-21 must be provided free public education
Children with mental retardation are to be educated in programs most like those for their peers without disabilities
Participation rate the ratio of persons age 16 and over who are working or looking for work divided by the population of persons age 16 and over.
Passive Aggression do things primarily to cause an emotional reaction in someone else
Ex: TARYN always leaves dirty dishes in the kitchen sink because she knows that her roommate is bothered by it.
passive strategies quiet and surreptitious observation of a person to learn how he/she behaves
Peggy McIntosh unearned assets that i can count on cashing in each day,
but about which i was meant to remain oblivious,
like an invisible weightless knapsack
of special provisions, maps, passports, code-books, visas, clothes, tools, & blank checks
perceived ethnolinguistic vitality individuals subjective perception of the status, demographic characteristics and institutional support of the language community, high levels means members are less likely to assimilate
Perceived expertness is typically a function of: reputation
evidence of specialized training
behavioral evidence of proficiency/competency
Trustworthiness - encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain
Traits needed for effective Multicultural Counseling - 1. Openness, 2. Sincerity, 3. Confidentiality, 4. Genuineness
percentile rank represents the percentage of test takers who scored lower on the test than that person. Therefore, a score at 83rd percentile means that 83 percent of those taking the test scored lower than the student receiving that score.
performance orientation degree to which a culture encourages and rewards people for their accomplishments
performance-reward discrimination the act of giving different amounts of rewards (ex: salary increases) to members of different groups who have similar performance evaluations. EX: undervalue the work of minorities in reward situations.
Performative Argues that humans generate idenities, including gender, through performance or expression.
Permissive/Indulgent Parenting caretaker suppress their own desires/needs & allows child to do whatever they want; accepts what child does, but gives little guidance (gives energy, but doesn't take much)
children feel alienated/have poor communication skills; steal energy to avoid alienation; may give up on communication, become avoidant
Person Centered Theory (carl rogers) Focuses on the uniqueness of the individual. Used term client-centered to emphasize inherent goodness of people. Strive for congruences between the ideal self and the real self. Believed psychological disorders are result of overly demanding and critical parents. If you didn't have acceptance and love when younger, you want/expect it later in life.
Person-centered therapy -Carl Rogers
-clients will grow if right conditions were established (emphasis on good/positive)
-ppl are essentially good
-from birth, each person is aware, inner-directed, and moving toward self-actualization
-what is important is person's perception of reality rather than an event itself
-ppl need positive regard: love, warmth, care, respect, and acceptance
Personal Achievement anxiety caused by insecurities is a great motivator for achievement; it allows us to gain respect from others; allows us to assume positions of social power
personal style using the human being as the center of the action
Personality tests often reveal Black people as being ______.
This is because... suspicious, mistrustful, and paranoid
Minority groups who have consistently been victims of discrimination and oppression in a culture that is full of racism have good reason to be suspicious and mistrustful of White society.
Pessimism comparing what has, is, or could happen to something better that they desire
Ex: "I wish I had more money"
phonology rules tell speaker what sounds to use and how to use them
physical code system relatively unchanging aspects of the body, ex. weight, body shape, facial features, skin color, eye color, hair,
Physical Contact form of greeting & gesture of intimacy in all cultures
more intimate the relationship = more touch
playing it cool cover up feelings to avoid offending Whites
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 The Supreme Court case that upheld a Louisiana segregation law on the theory that as long as the accommodations between the racially segregated facilities were equal, the equal protection clause was not violated. The Court's ruling effectively established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the notion of "separate but equal."
poll tax -fee that people had to pay in order to vote
-a way that the Southerners got around the 15th amendment
Positive organizational outcomes Diversity + inclusion, An area of OB research that concerns how organizations develop human strength, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential.
Positive/Negative Arousal feeling anxious- what has, is, or could happen is winning over desires
feeling excited- desires are winning over what has, is, or could happen
Postulated that jobs can compensate for unmet childhood needs. Anne Roe
Potential risks of making judgments about a client to a third party 1) lead the client to have less trust in the counselor and perhaps be less open and honest with the counselor in the future, 2) misrepresenting himself/herself to the counselor in an attempt to influence the counselor's judgment, 3) limit the counselor's ability to be empathetic
Power the degree to which you control people
power distance concerns that cultures have regarding the issue of human inequality
powerlessness the expectancy that a person's behavior cannot determine the outcome or reinforcements that he or she seeks.
pragmatics effect of language on human perceptions and behaviors
Pre-Therapy Orientations For Ethnic Minorities Over 20 years ago, studies showed that these programs did improve attitudes towards therapy and therapists, but their effect on outcome is unclear
Predictive validity by correlating test scores with scores on a criteriation measure at a later time, aptitude test
Preferred Therapy Style for Latinos Directive therapy is better than non-directive therapy
pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.
Pregroup stage description Forming a group - designing the proposal, attracting members, screening & selecting, and orientation
Prejudice ..., A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.
prejudice an individuals *internal* perspective,
arbitrary attributes or beliefs
& unfair bias towards or against a person/group,
based on little or no experience
& projected onto entire group
Prejudice an unfair feeling or dislike for a person or group because of race, gender, religion or sexual preference.
Prejudice Preconceived judgment or opinion often based on lack of information
Prejudice Preconcieved opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
Preparatory Depression happens later in the stage; depression is focused on the fact that we will no longer be with our loved ones
Prescriptive stereotype ..., stereotypes about what women and men should be like
presentational style the way the idea is presented is what persuades people
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned against a "military-industrial complex"
prestige how much respect that the rest of society gives you
primary labor market jobs in large that have opportunities for advancement and include lucrative retirement, medical, and vacation benefits.
primary value of needs assessment is providing the counselor with an empirical basis for establishing goals and objectives
Principles of measurement ...
Principles of Multiculturalism Be aware of the fact that people differ both between and within cultures
Be aware of your own biases and limitations
Work with the client with an eye towards informed consent
Be aware of the typical variables on which cultures tend to differ, especially language and presentation of disorders
Be flexible in the manner in which the principles and strategies of EST's are applied
Being proactive in terms of learning ahead of time about the major cultures in the area in which you work
Being open with the client about the issue of culture - open the dialogue
Treating clients in non-culturally sensitive ways is potentially harmful
Private Education: Islamic Schools - Offer standard curriculum along w/ religion and Arabic-language classes
- Provide sense of common political, cultural, and religious identity for those in the Arab American Muslim community
- 1990 NYC - 23 Islamic schools
- Diverse populations of students, face overcrowding problem
- According to the Council of Islamic Schools in N. America there are at least 200 Islamic schools nationwide
- Arab American families can preserve their cultural and religious roots and build a community to help them adjust to American life
privilege exists when 1 group has something that is systematically denied to others
not bc of who they are or what theyve done
but bc of the social category they belong to,
to be effective helpers we must recognize the ways we are privileged
privilege types class,
sexual orientation,
Problem with expecting insight in therapy insight is not highly valued in most culturally diverse clients. ppl with loser socioeconomic classes are not perceive insights appropriate to their life situation and circumstance. like they need money and how are they going to survive.
Chinese society, psychology has little relevance. like just because ur not insightful doesn't mean ur incapable of insight
1st many think too much thinking causes problems. avoid morbid thoughts, don't think about it.
2nd is many racial. ethnic minority psychologists have felt that insight is a value in itself. that insight led to behavior change. but not always. in fact many behavioral therapist think change in behavior lead to insight not vice-versa.
Who is to decide if someone has reached insight or not?
proceed determine the next step (e.g., info to help design effective instruction, additional ELL support)
Process of Becoming Fully Functioning process of moving from a state of incongruence to a state of congruence; a never-ending process since we are never completely free of internal conflict
prohibited blacks from leaving job or working a good paying job that cometed with whites, voting, gun ownership, tand estifying against whites What did the Black Codes prohibit blacks from doing?
Projection 14. Attributing to someone else your own impulses and emotions
proposition 227 an initiative passed by california voters in 1998 that required all language minority students to be educated in sheltered english immersion programs not normally intended to exceed one year although it has not completely succeeded proposition 227 was designed to eliminate bilingual education from californias schools
Proxemics perception and use of personal and interpersonal space
For Latin americans, Africans, black americans, Indonesians, arabs, south American, and French, conversing with a person dictates a much closer stance than is normal for euro-americans
Psychodynamic Assumes that relationships, especially the earliest ones, are central to human development.First relationship influences how an infant comes to define her or his indentity.
Psychological Sets of Clients
1. The problem-solving set The client accepts or rejects information from the therapist on the bases of its perceived truth or falsity. Will use consistency test to see if the information coincides with previous facts, or will use corroboration test will require the client to seek out new information
Psychological Strokes (Eric Berne) physical contact for infants
growing older= strokes replaced with attention/respect (symbolic representation of physical strokes we used to receive)
*lack of psychological strokes- leads to insecurities
Public Education - School's populations became more ethnically, culturally and religiously divers
- 1974 Equal Education Law - made education available to minorities and foreign-born students in their native language. Also, English as a Second Language is required in public schools
public law 105-17 idea amendments amendments that consolidated the law from eight parts to four parts strengthened parental roles encouraged parents and educators to resolve differences through meditation, gave schools more latitude in the discipline of students with disabilities, and set funding patterns
Public Law 94-142 the education for all handicapped children act a comprehensive legislation signed into law in 1975 that guaranteed all children age 3-21 with disabilities a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment
quasilogical style use objective statistics and testimony from expert witnesses as evidence
Queer Deviating from the expected or normal; strange
Queer Theory argues that identities are not fixed, but somewhat fluid
Questioning involves... 1. Using open-ended and closed-ended questions
2. Asking for clarification and meaning
3. Asking to understand the client's experiences better
Quid pro quo - involves a workplace benefit promised in exchange for sexual activity by the harassed worker.
race a social construction-not biologically determined
race and identity -maturation process (cross) lack of awareness of race
awareness that White has the highest status
confusion about race-alienation, anger, psychological conflict
strong identity with racial group, distrust of whites
acceptance and healthy racial identity (internalization of oppressive feelings has been dealt with)
personhood that includes racial identity
Race is a concept that was invented to categorize the perceived biological, social, and cultural differences between human groups. True
(Episode One: The Difference Between Us)
Racial attitudes and beliefs are formed from... 1) school and education 2) mass media 3) peers and social groups.
Racial disproportionality in Special Education - Mislabeling - often results from inappropriate identification in the State Placement Plan (SPP)
- African-American children are identified as having mental retardation and emotional disturbance at rates greater than their white counterparts
- IDEA requires state and local agencies to take steps to address the disproportionate representation of minority children in special education
Racial identity a surface level manifestation based on what we look like yet has a deep implication in how we are treated. a sense of group or collective identity based on one's perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group.
Racial Identity identification with a particular racial group
Racial identity is defined as.. Racial identity can be defined as a process or series of stages through which a person passes as the person's attitudes toward his/her own racial/ethnic group are shaped
racism a belief that other groups are intellectually, psychologically, or physically inferior.
Racism a belief that race determines capability with one race being superior to others.
Racism is defined as .... the inherent belief in the superiority of one race over all others & thereby the right to dominance
Ratio scale of measurement All of the same in interval, except there is the addition of a true-zero point.
Ex. height, weight, time on task, income, age
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy -ppl are inherently rational and irrational, sensible and crazy
-children more vulnerable to outside influences and irrational thinking than adults
-ppl have means to control their thoughts, feelings, actions,
-dont use "to be" - individuals should speak & think of their beahviors as separete form their personhood - gives freedom to change
Reactions to Anxiety Reactions to Anxiety
Reactive Depression happens early in the stage; we lose hope & begin feeling there is nothing we can do to avoid our destiny
Reality therapy -emphasize choices taht ppl can make to change their lives
-focus on environment necessary for conducting counseling & procedures leading to change
-emphasize the fulfillment of psychological needs, the resolution of personal difficulties, and the prevention of future problems
-pysch needs: belonging, power, freedom, fun
-problems arise from failure to take responsibility for behavior
Reasonable man - A "reasonable man" standard would apply to harassment of a male worker. Not constrained by the limits of federal decisional law, some state legislatures have enacted clarifying legislation.
Reasonable victim - By adopting a "reasonable victim" standard, federal circuit courts of appeals require that both a subjective and an objective element demonstrate sexual harassment.
Reasonable woman - Thus, sexual harassment against a woman is judged on the basis of whether the "reasonable woman" would find the conduct or environment sexually harassing.
Receiving Energy when others are attending to our desires/needs
Recent Arab American Immigrants • 1965 - Congress passed new immigration act that removed previous restriction that favored immigrants from certain countries over others
• Diverse in level of education and professional background
Recent Example of Culturally Adapted CBT Miranda et. al., 2006
CBT for depression among low income minority women: provided childcare and transportation, provided psychoeducation, used culturally relevant examples (a drop of water carves a rock)
Used the manual of culturally adapted CBT (Munoz and Mendelson, 2005)
Reconstruction the period mandated by Congress after the Civil War in which the political, social, and economic structure of the South would be rebuilt without slavery; lasted from 1865 to 1877
Reconstruction What was Lincoln's plan called to rebuild the country?
Redemption the period after Reconstruction when the South would be "redeemed" from the federal interference with state autonomy and White rule
Redlining Refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk
Reflecting involves... 1. Communicating empathy
2. Neither adding to nor subtracting from the clients' messages
3. Communicating back to the clients the main meaning of their messages
4. Reflecting clients' feelings/emotions - directly expressed in words or implied thru nonverbal aspects
5. Checking with the client to see if the counselor's reflection is accurate
reflection of feeling feeling must include a feeling or affective word and must be something the client is feeling, not the counselor
refugees persons recognized by the us govt as being persecuted or legitimately bearing persecution in their home country because of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a specific social or political group
regulators nonverbal behaviors that help synchronize the back-and-forth nature of conversations, ex. head nods, eye contact, posture shifts
rehabilitation act of 1973 prohibits employers from discriminating against the handicapped
Reification When you try to make something real
Relational Level of Human Interaction defining the nature of the relationship (animals too)
part of communication that occurs "between the lines"
used to understand/figure out how much we trust one another
it's at this level that the giving/taking of energy occurs
reliability if a test is reliable it is consistent
Reliability (coefficient range) -1.0 to +1.0; An index of the consistency of measurement often based on the correlation between scores obtained on the initial test and a retest or between scores on two similar forms of the same test.
Reliability (internal consistency( ...
Reliability (parallel forms) ...
Reliability (stability) ...
religion externally defined, affiliation with a group that practices of a particular set of beliefs
religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.
Religious Diversity - Public schools are meant to be secular environments
- Teach tolerance
- Religions are points of view or perspectives that contain value systems and sets of beliefs, which sometimes contain embedded prejudice
- Our identity is shaped by our religious beliefs, values, customs and associations
- Educators must be open to students and their backgrounds
Religious Figures/Power religious figures allied themselves with individuals in power; became rulers of their own living in luxurious temples (elaborate artwork/elaborate tombs)
formed coalitions with other powerful individuals to rule over masses & conquer new territory in search of wealth
Relocation Act 10. A government endeacor in the 50's and 60's in which Native American were placed in urban areas and given jobs
Reorganization ability to move on with our lives; redefine ourselves/our social roles
repeal the Emancipation Proclamation What ws Lincoln warn that Congress and the Supreme Court might do, but ended up not doing?
Required blacks to be employed by whites, jobless blacks to be arrested as vagrants, and blacks to follow a nightly curfew What did the Black Codes require blacks to do?
Researchers whose studies support foot-in-the-door technique are _____. this technique is ask for small things first, then you'll likely get bigger ones. Freedman and Fraser
reserve discrimination Discrimination against members of a majority group
resilient to extreme scores in a distribution the median
Response services ) student referrals, 2) Remediation planning, 3) crisis counseling
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nonviolent leader of the civil rights movement and founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
review examine what you find and determine what else is needed
Review relevant documents, client background, and previous testing or therapy
Revised 7 step process 1.) Naiveté phase- neutral with respect to racial or cultural differences
2. ) Conformity phase- white person's attitudes and beliefs in this phase are very ethnocentric, minimal awareness of self as a racial being and strong belief in the universality of values and norms governing behavior
3.) Dissonance phase- movement in this phase occurs when white person is forced to deal with the inconsistencies at odds with their denial, must acknowledge whiteness at some level, to examine own cultural values and to see the conflict between upholding humanistic nonracist values and their contradictory behavior
4.) Resistance and emergence phase- white person begins to question and challenge own racism, anger and guilt at family, friends and society
Feelings of guilt and shame towards self and other whites
5.) Introspective phase- no longer denies participation in racism and benefited from white privilege, less motivated by guilt and defensiveness and accept whiteness, seek to redefine identity and that of their social group
6.) Integrative awareness phase-understand self as racial/cultural being, aware of sociopolitical influences regarding racism and appreciating racial/cultural diversity and becoming more committed toward eradicating oppression
7.) Commitment to antiracist action phase- social action
Rhetoric Think of persuasion
RIOT Review, Interview, Observe, Test
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, 1968 The murder of RFK in a Southern California hotel after giving a speech following a victory in CA's presidential primary. He had been a prominent front runner in the elections, with support and sympathy for many hated and discriminated groups who were angry at their treatment. His major belief was that the Vietnam War was unneeded and hurt, rather than bolstered, the country, and that money could be better spent helping the poor and neglected Americans in their own country. (June 1968)
Robert Moses One of SNCC's most influential leaders; Harvard graduate, soft spoken teacher from Harlem,
Recruited black and white volunteers to help rural blacks register to vote.
Roe v. Wade, 1973 A pregnant woman challenged the Texas state law that she had a constitutional right of her own body and privacy to legally get an abortion, and the Supreme Court agreed an abortion became legal in the first trimester of pregnancy
Role of school counselor To design and implement a comprehensive program of services with specific goals and objectives that complement the broader mission of the entire school.
roles of a school counselor Consultation, appraisal, counseling and guidance curriculum
Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed, the Montgomery bus boycott was organized.
Rosa Parks United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)
Rowe, Bennett and Atkinson Model of WR Consciousness types and their characteristicsUnachieved: (types or statuses as opposed to stages, not fixed entities but subject to experiential modification)
1. ) Avoidant type ignore, avoid, deny or minimize racial issues
2. ) Dependent types have minimal racial attitudes developed through personal experience or consideration
3. ) Dissonant types often feel conflicted between their belief systems and contradictory experiences
1. ) Dominative types are ethnocentric and believe in white superiority and minority and interiority
2. ) Conflictive types oppose direct and obvious discrimination but would be unwilling to change the status quo
3. ) Reactive types have good awareness that racism exists but seem unaware of their personal responsibility in perpetuating it
4. ) Integrative types have integrated their sense of whiteness with regard for racial/ethnic minorities and integrate rational analysis on the one hand, and moral principles on the other hand as they relate to a variety of racial/ethnic issues
RRebuilding the country after the Civil War What is Reconstruction?
rules of interaction not written down, nor are they typically shared verbally, instead that operate at the level of unwritten and unspoken expectations
Same-sex harassment - is unlawful under Title VII as long as the plaintiff can establish the alleged harassment occurred because of his or her sex (that is, it would not have happened to a member of the opposite sex). The Supreme Court has considered one case involving sexual harassment of a male employee by other male employees on an oil-drilling platform in Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. 28 In that decision, the Supreme Court held that Title VII's protection against workplace discrimination "because of... sex" applied to harassment in the workplace between members of the same sex. The harassing conduct need not be motivated by sexual intent.
Sarah M. Grimke (1792-1873) a radical feminist political activist and author who was prominent in the first half of the 19th century
Scales of measurement 1. Nominal
2. Ordinal
3. Interval
4. Ratio
Schmoker Essential Teaching Practices Conducting a check for understanding at certain points in the lesson.
Being clear about what is to be learned and assessed
Schofield has noted that therapists tend to prefer clients who exhibit YAVIS syndrome. What does YAVIS stand for?
As a opposed to QUIOD which stands for ... 1.young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, and successful.
2. quite, ugly, old, indigent, and dissimilar culturally.
School counselor's planning components 1) Procedures to evaluate school goals
2) to assess the needs of all constituents
3) to select program goals and objectives
School counselors role for working with students of exceptionalities - develop and implement IEP
-help sped teacher assess students' needs and develop effective strategies for differently able students
-help parents and families of students adjust to challenges of nurturing/caring for children
-counseling students to help them develop their own full potential
Scientific administration the application of social science research to social policy
scientific racism he historical use of science in the investigation of racial differences seems to be linked with White supremacist notions.
EX: Black persons' brains are smaller and less developed
Scientific racism the use of scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) used christian pricipals in order to fight segregation--nonviolent, consisted of black prechers, and had alot of influence, (aka Southern Christian Leadership Conference); churches link together to inform blacks about changes in the Civil Rights Movement, led by MLK; advocated passive resistance
SCLC Organization formed by MLK in 1957 to organize nonviolent resistance to achieve equality for African Americans
Scripts cognitive representations of socially acceptable ways to behave in specific situations
Ex: you leave a generous tip for your excellent waiter/waitress; you do not shine their shoes.
second class citizen occurs when a target group member receives differential treatment from the power group.
Second Wave of Arab American Immigrants Following World War 2, predominantly Muslim, held professional degrees, maintained strong ties to Arab identities, and many lived in affluent suburban areas
Section 504 of public law 93-112 part of rehabilitation act of 9173, designed as a counterpart law for individuals with disabilities to the civil rights act of 1964. it requires reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities, and prohibits the denial of participation in any program receiving federal funds solely on the basis of one's disability
Secure Attachment infant is emotionally stable; responsive/attentive caretaker
Secure Attachment stable trusting relationships
see observe the student in multiple settings with different partners
Seeing the client as a person who has learned a set of survival skills vs. a diseased person.personalism
Self-Blame children blame themselves when caretakers steal energy; child becomes very insecure
Self-Concept & Experience my desires and experience corresponds to what has, is, or could happen
Self-Pity/Guilt Trip making others feel sorry for the self or feel guilty for not being compassionate
Ex: TIMOTHY always manages to get his friends to do things for him by constantly reminding them that he has a serious medical condition.
Selma March A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Led by MLK. Resulted in Voting Rights Act.
semantics the study of the meaning of words, relationship between words and what they stand for
send the black slaves out of the country What was a possibility to the solution to the "Negro Problem".
Seneca Falls Convention was an early and influential women's rights convention, the first to be organized by women in the Western world, in Seneca Falls, New York. It spanned two days: 19 July 1848 and 20 July 1848. New York women, upon the occasion of a visit by Philadelphia-based Lucretia Mott, a Quaker famous for her oratorical ability, planned the event. Mott's oratorical ability was rare for this era during which women were often not allowed to speak in public. Female Quakers local to the area organized the meeting along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a skeptical non-Quaker.
Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 historically important conference on women's political and civil rights held in Seneca Falls, NY, featuring notable activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the abolitionist Frederick Douglass
Separated minority individuals identify with their own minority subculture but do not identify with majority culture
Seven basic principles of prejudice reduction · Having intimate and close contact with others
· Cooperation rather than competition no common tasks
· Sharing mutual goals
· Exchanging accurate information rather than stereotypes
· Sharing an equal status relationship
· Support for prejudice reduction by authorities and leaders
· Feeling a sense of connection and belonging with another
Severe and/ or pervasive conduct - A hostile work environment claim of sexual harassment is more difficult to prove than a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim because the plaintiff has the burden of proving that the action was severe or pervasive enough to create the hostile work environment, which altered the conditions of the victim's employment.
Sex and gender as synonymous terms - The courts use the terms "sex" and "gender" interchangeably, but, for our purposes we will refer to "sex discrimination" and "gender discrimination" when referring to federal civil rights and employment discrimination law. However, we distinguish a more narrow term when referring to sexual harassment (a form of discrimination) because this type of offense is sexual in nature.
Sex discrimination - Sex discrimination - Sex Discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of gender. Women have historically been subjected to legal discrimination based on their gender.
Sex discrimination involves treating an individual __________ because of his or her gender. Such discrimination is illegal if it has a negative impact on the employment experience of people of a certain gender and is not job related or necessary to the operation of the business. unfavorably
Sex discrimination is unlawful in all the many forms it has taken in the workplace. The _____ prohibits discrimination that involves paying lower wages to workers of one sex than to workers of the other for equal work on jobs requiring equal skill, effort, and responsibility performed under similar working conditions. EPA
sexism discrimination by members of one sex against another, also called sexist bias.
Sexual identity discrimination - Wrongful treatment of a worker due to the person's self-identification with a gender, whether it is the same as or opposite to the person's birth gender. Sexual identity discrimination is not the same as sexual orientation discrimination. Gender identity involves a person's self-identification with a gender, whether it is the same or the opposite of the one with which he or she was born.
Sexual identity--Cass model Identity confusion
Identity comparison
Identity tolerance
Identity acceptance
Identity pride
Identity synthesis
sexual objectification occurs when women are treated like objects at men's disposal.
Sexual orientation discrimination - A person's sexual orientation is not, per se, a protected class under Title VII. Employment discrimination based on sexual orientation is not prohibited, but sexual orientation harassment may be protected if it is related to a gender discrimination claim, such as failing to conform to gender stereotypes.
Sexual stereotype - A few federal courts have held that a transsexual individual had established membership in a protected class by alleging discrimination on the basis of a failure to conform to a sexual stereotype. Employers violate Title VII when they discriminate against any employee, transsexual or not, because he or she fails to act or appear sufficiently masculine or feminine to satisfy the employer's prejudices.
Sexual/ Gender Identity - A person's various individual attributes, as they are understood to be masculine and/ or feminine.
sheltered english immersion an instructional process in which english language acquisition is structured so that nearly all instruction is in english thi is the instructional method mandated by california prop 227 and is normally limited to one year
Should bilingual children with language disorders be counseled to use only one language? no
Significance of Crying allows us to let go of our desires and resolve our internal conflicts
sit-in protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
SLA and Bilingualism Second language acquisition
Code Blending in bilingualism
Language loss
Smile universal signal of joy, love & acceptance
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)-a group established in 1960 to promote and use non-violent means to protest racial discrimination; they were the ones primarily responsible for creating the sit-in movement
SNCC Organization founded in 1960 by college students to organize sit-ins and other nonviolent protests and offer young people a voice in the movement; became more radical in the late 1960s under the leadership of Stokely Carmichael
Social capital - Influence and connections
- Convertible into forms of title or nobility
- It is a network of connections that are a product of an endless effort at institution
- 3 forms - obligations and expectations, information channels, and norms and effective sanctions
-f-connection - families, firms and friends
Social class - group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of production.
- Within that system occupation is important b/c it provides financial rewards, stability, and benefits
- Culture of power - issues of power are enacted in the classroom. Codes or rules for participating in dominant group
Social Construction How society defines what is true or not. People create meaning. Assumes: theory of knowledge.
Knowledge is a social product. Language is at the core of knowledge. Is a dynamic process (changing). Individual and society are indissolvible.
Social Groups/Social Hierarchies all civilizations- stone age type primitive culture
cultivating of wild plants, formation of villages, increase population
Social Identity Theory & Various Levels of Group Identity some groups much larger & include others whereas some partially overlap with other groups
more we share energy = importance of group
Social justice counseling an active philosophy and approach aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity; reducing or eliminating disparities in education, health care, employment etc.
Social Language Theory emphasizes environment
Social learning Claims that individuals learn to be masculine and feminine primarily be imitating othersand getting responses from others to their behaviors.
social oppression exists when 1 group exploits another for its own benefits
social oppression key elements 1. dominant group defines what is normal
2. differential treatment
3. psychological colonization of target group
leads to internalized oppression
4. target groups culture is discounted
& dominant groups culture is imposed
Social Power in Relation to Energy more social power = the less other people can steal energy from us & the more we can steal energy from them
more insecure = more we crave for social power
social role valorization giving value to individuals with mental retardation
social roles sets of expected behaviors that are associated with people in a particular position
Socio-political Debt - Degree to which communities of color are excluded to civic process
- Voting Rights Act of 1965 - possibly the most successful piece of legislation adopted by the U.S. Congress. Represents a proactive attempt to eradicate the sociopolitical debt that had been accumulating since the founding of the nation
socioeconomic class factors that affect include educational level, employment stability, wages, marital status, household income, household size, citizenship, access to healthcare
Sojourner Truth the African American anti-slavery leader who championed the importance of political and social equality for all women.
Solution-Focused Therapy -concentrates on finding solutions instead of dealing with problems
-individuals want to change and only small amt needed
some of the strongest Black Codes What did Mississippi have?
someone guilty of crime, but treated as if it never happened What is amnesty?
Southern senator, but he stayed loyal to the North Was Andrew Johnson a Northerner and Southerner?
space(proxemics) study of how people differ in their use of personal space
speaker-responsible language speaker is expected to provide the structure and much of the specific meaning of statements, used in English
spirituality internally defined, beliefs and faith
Religion- is an animating of life force that is inclusive of religioun and speaks to the thoughts feelings and behaviors related to a transcendent state. Can be pursued outside a specific religion because it is transpersonal and includes one's capacity for creativity, growth and love.
narrower, involving a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs.
Stage of White Identity Development - Contact Lack of awareness of cultural and institutional racism, and of one's own White privilege (invisible knapsack)
Stage of White Identity Development - Disintegration Lack of awareness replaced by discomfort of guilt
Stage of White Identity Development - Immersion/Emersion Actively seek out opportunities to explore aspects of one's own culture w/ support of peers from their own racial background
Stage of White Identity Development - Pseudo-Independent Understands cognitively the problem of White privilege, but unsure of what to do about it.
Stage of White Identity Development - Reintegration guilt and anxiety redirected to fear and anger directed to People of Color who are now blamed as the source of discomfort
Stage of White Identity Development- Autonomy - newly defined sense of self as White
- positive feelings associated with redefinition
- alliances with People of Color can be more easily forged in this stage b/c the person's antiracist behaviors and attitudes will be more consistently expressed
Stages of a group 1. Pregroup stage - forming a group
2. Initial stage - orientation & exploration
3. Transition stage - leader helps group begin to work on concerns
4. Working stage - productiveness
5. Final stage - id learned & apply
Standardized Test A standardized test is any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that is scored in a "standard" or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students
Standpoint Focuses on how memberships in groups, such as those designated by gender, race, class, and sexual identity, shapes what individuals experience, know, feel, and do, as well as how individuals understand social life as a whole.
stanine Understandability of percentages with the properties of the normal curve of probability. Stanines divide the bell curve into nine sections with largest at the 40-60th percentile.
stanines test scores converted to an equivalent standard score in a normal distribution with values 1, 2, 3, ...9 a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 1, 96.
states would decide how their residents would be treated What was the solution for problem 1.
Statistic & Testing - Variability is defined as ... the dispersion, spread, or scatter of scores or values in a distribution, usually about the mean
Statistics & Testing - Central tendency is ... a measure of the point about which a group of values are clustered.
Statistics & Testing - Correlation coefficients mean ... a numerical value that identifies the strength of relationship between variables
Statistics & Testing - Sampling theory is ... Random sampling of a population that we'd like to study. If population is large, researchers often turn to sampling. Considerations include: - is sample representative? - what % of error is acceptable?
Statistics & Testing - Standard error of measurement is ... the estimate of the 'error' associated with the test-takers obtained score when compared to their hypothetical 'true' scores.
Statistics Testing - Testing norms ... Norm referenced tests compare a person's score against the scores of a group of people who have already taken the same exam, called the "norming group"
Steal Energy steal energy from people less powerful than us (family members, friends, schoolmates, coworkers, neighbors, complete strangers)
Stealing Energy taking more than returning
Stereotype A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
stereotype Fixed oversimplified image of members of a community
Stereotype Threat a situational predicament in which individuals are at risk of confirming negative stereotypes about their group.
Stereotype threat suggests that persons of color are oftentimes placed in a position in which they fear confirming a mistaken notion about themselves.
stereotypes exaggerated and usually biased views of a group
stereotypes mental images that are overly simplistic & exaggerated generalizations about social groups,
selective generalizations that attribute specific traits to group that arent necessarily true,
may be used to spread misinfo & stigmatize a subordinate group
stereotypes rigid preconception we hold about all people whoa re members of particular group, whether it be defined along racial, religion, sexual, or other lines.
Stereotyping And oversimplified opinion, prejudice attitude, or judgment, especially one directed at particular individual or groups.
Stokely Carmichael Coined the phrase "black power" and led SNCC away from a nonviolent approach.
Stonewall Riots, 1969 Riots in the New York City neighborhood of Greenwich Village by members of the gay community against a police raid of a gay bar
Story A primary means by which people understand.
Think of belief system and ways of living
Structured group v. unstructured group Structured groups feature a sequence of lessons or activities whereas unstructured groups have no agenda, lessons, or activities planned - unstructured groups tend to be open.
Subculture Groups of people in a complex diverse society that come from various parts of the world and retain much of their original culture tradition.
subordinate/target disadvantaged,
differential treatment,
lack power & influence
subtle sexism unequal and unfair treatment of women that is not recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative and therefore does not appear unusual.
Successful instruction is constant... Successful instruction is constant, rigorous, integrated across disciplines, connected to students' lived cultures, connected to their intellectual legacies, engaging, and designed for critical thinking and problem solving that is useful beyond the classroom.
succinct style long pauses and understatement, Japanese-American, Native American or Chinese American preferred style
Sue & Sue (1999)s 3 Main Principles of Cultural Competency Awareness
Balance recognizing your limits with pushing yourself to learn, especially in graduate programs
Be aware of additional stressors that may come along with being a minority, being new to the US, or having different values than one's culture/parents
Be culturally competent in research, too
Sufferage the right to vote in political elections.
Sundown Towns A sundown town is a town, city, or neighborhood in the US that was purposely all-white. The term came from signs that were posted stating that people of color had to leave the town by sundown
Supervisor - Liability Because of Supervisor's Actions The Ellerth and Faragher decisions describe a supervisor as a person with immediate or successively higher authority over another employee. Courts do not apply a mechanical test to define a supervisor. Instead, they consider the person's authority as exercised on the job.
Susan B Anthony played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to introduce women's suffrage into the United States.
Susan Freeman teaches about the historical construction of gender and sexual identity, with an emphasis on how feminist, LGBT, and other social justice movements have shaped popular perceptions of sexuality.
Suzuki says the potential of every child is what? The potential of every child is unlimited
Sweatt v. Painter, 1950 a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The case involved a black man, Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law on the grounds that the Texas State Constitution prohibited integrated education. At the time, no law school in Texas would admit blacks., Segregated law school in Texas was held to be an illegal violation of civil rights, leading to open enrollment.
symbolic ethnicity An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage.
Symbolic interactionism Through communication with others we learn who we are and how our culture views our identity.
symbols words, actions, or objects that stand for or represent a unit of meaning
syntactics relationship of words to one another, specific rules that govern the sequence of words in every language
systematic oppression socially sanctioned & maintains an imbalance of power,
embedded in:
institutions: media, family, religion, education, language, economics, criminal justice
cultural definitions: normal, real, correct, beautiful, valuable
systematic oppression cycle around power, control, economics:
1. systematic mistreatment of target group
2. misinfo generated (including no info),
3. society accepts (approves, legitimizes, normalizes),
4. internalized oppression (belief misinfo about own group),
5. internalized dominance (feeling/acting superior, often unconsciously),
6. institutions perpetuate & enforce,
7. justification for further mistreatment
(oppress based on effects of having oppressed)
T scores are ... a test score converted to an equivalent standard score in a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10
Taking Energy when we DEMAND other to attend to our desires/needs
target of self-disclosure the person to whom the self-disclosing information is given.
Teachers who demand critical thinking regularly do what? - Whenever students are actively involved, good teaching is going on
- Whenever students are directly involved in a real-life experience, good teaching is going on
techniques of dominance 1. stereotypes
2. prejudice
3. discrimination
Term meaning that a behavior can't be described as good or bad except w/in the context of the culture. cultural relativism
test formal and informal assessments to complete the picture
Test the client using multiple assessments
test-retest (reliability coefficients) when the test will be used to make a prediction
Tests that come in more than one language McArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories
The 13th Amendment was passed What happened in December 1865?
The advantage of pursuing a _____ _____ action is that the employee need not establish the element of equal work under similar working conditions as required under the EPA. Title VII
The Big Five (E, ES, OE, A, C) universal concepts in understanding the psychological characteristics of individuals
Evolutionary psychologists- this universally human characteristic of using these specific concepts to understand our social world is BIOLGOICAL in nature (inborn mechanism to help us adapt effectively to social world)
used to distinguish people to select friends, mates, or evaluate people who may be threatening towards us
tendencies may be genetically based
The Black Codes were a series of statutes and laws enacted in 1865 and 1866 by the legislatures of the Southern states following the end of the Civil War at the beginning of the Reconstruction Era.
Public laws that economized restricted minorities' civil rights
The Black Codes, that included Vagrancy Laws, led to a system of penalties and punishments including Convict Leasing that put freed slaves back into forced labor on the plantations.
the black slaves and whites What are the two groups that are against each other in the Union?
The Continuum of Cultural Proficiency Cultural Destructiveness
Cultural Incapacity
Cultural Blindness
Cultural Pre-Competence
Cultural Competence
Cultural Proficency
The Crisis a journal founded and edited by W.E. B. Du Bois shortly after the founding of the NAACP in 1910; dedicated to educating people about racial discrimination; reached a peak circulation of 100,000 in 1918
The Culturally Deficient Model perspective (concerning environmental factors, not biological) perpetuating the belief that minorities are culturally disadvantaged, deficient, or deprived - the blame now shifted to lifestyles or values. Culturally deprived is defined as lacking a cultural background, which is impossible since everyone inherits a culture.
The Culturally Diverse Model Minorities should no longer be viewed as culturally deficient, rather as culturally diverse. The goal of society should be to recognize the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles, the advantages of being bicultural, and the value of differences.
The development of a comprehensive guidance plan has the following stages: 1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Implementing
4. Evaluating
The Ellerth and Faragher decisions describe a ________ as a person with immediate or successively higher authority over an employee. The Supreme Court reached this conclusion because the supervisor's apparent authority as delegated by the employer aids discriminatory misconduct. supervisor
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for women. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and, in 1923, it was introduced in the Congress for the first time. In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress and went to the state legislatures for ratification. The ERA failed to receive the requisite number of ratifications (38) before the final deadline mandated by Congress of June 30, 1982, and so it was not adopted. During the ratification process, Phyllis Schlafly mobilized conservatives to oppose the ERA, which proved to be a major factor in the amendment's defeat. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
The Feminine Mystique published, 1963 written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities
The Genetically Deficient Model The portrayal of people of color in literature as stereotyped as deficient in certain desirable attributes. EX: The attempt to cultivate research oriented credibility by using "scientific" or "biological" differences as a measure of intelligence based on race / gender.
the human rights campaign ..., political action committee
The notion of ability or talent.... The notion of ability or talent set in stone at the moment of conception has actually been brought into question through both statistical research and careful scrutiny of the life paths of exceptionally talented individuals.
the people in the Southern states would be US citizens again and the states could send representatives to Congress. What would happen when problem 1 was solved?
The personality that is typical of the group in question. modal personality
The presence of other persons (coworkers, peers, etc.) improves a person's performance even when no verbal interaction. eg. when given the task of memorizing a string of #s. Social Facilitation Phenomena (F.H. Allport)
the slave owners are the majority and the whites are the former state representatives so they wont be fair to the slaves What was the problem with letting the state decide what they want to do with freed slaves?
the south would be governed by a military governer What would happen if the Southern states didnt follow the 10 percent plan?
The Supreme Court decisions in Ellerth and Faragher imposed vicarious liability for unlawful harassment by _______. These decisions impose the employer's affirmative obligation to remedy sexually hostile conduct in the workplace. This duty requires employers to prepare and disseminate a policy prohibiting sexual harassment, provide a procedure for lodging complaints, and provide a thorough and complete investigation of all complaints regardless of the claimant's gender. supervisors
The term suggesting that ethnic and racial minorities adopt cultural beliefs from the dominate culture is ____ acculturation
The theory saying that all cultures pass through stages of development in terms of evolving and maturing - like children.. Cultural epoch theory
The tripartite FRAMEWORK for understanding multiple dimensions of identity: All individuals, in many respects, are (a) like no other individuals, (b) like some individuals, and (c) like all other individuals.
The way an individual is "supposed to" behave vs. all behaviors within a culture ideal culture vs. real culture
theme four: Systemic change counselors can asses the school for systemic barriers to academic success. Counselors shoudl use data to advocate, for every student, ensuring equitu and acces to rigorous curriculum wich maximizes post-secondary options.
theme one; Leadership counselors are ingaged in systemwide change to insure students success. they promote succes by closing the existing achivement gap.
theme three: Collaboration and teaming counselors work with all stakeholders both inside and outside the school system, to develop and implement responsive educational programs that support the achievement fo the identified goals for every student
theme two; Advocacy counselors advocate for students' educational needs and work to ensure these needs are addressed at every level of the school experience.
Theory that a decrease of intellectual functioning occurs 5 years before death. terminal drop or terminal decline
Theory that says people have a need to compare themselves with others to assess their own abilities and options is _____. It also shows that we'll compare ourselves to others who are _____ to us. Theory of Social Comparison, similar
Leon Festinger
Therapist Multicultural Training Therapists become more culturally sensitive and patients have more positive views of their therapist, but the effect on outcome has not been systematically studied
There are 3 major potential barriers to effective individual and family counselor a. class-bound values
b. linguistic issues
c. cultural values
Thick Shells makes air (energy)/water(absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow less freely; makes person heavier & sink deeper
short run- protects us from losing energy
long run- makes us lose energy
when feeling anxious & alienated
Thin Shells makes air(energy)/water (absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow through more freely; makes person lighter & rise to the surface
when feeling relaxed & easygoing
Thirteenth Amendment adopted on Dec. 18, 1865; reads in part, "Neither slavery not involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the US, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"
Three components of culture What people think
What people do
What material products people produce.
Three dimensions of the Multidimensional Model of Cultural Competence (MDCC) Dimension 1: Group-Specific Worldviews (race, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc.)
Dimension 2: Components of Cultural Competence (Awareness of attitudes/beliefs, knowledge, skills)
Dimension 3: Foci of Cultural Competence (societal, organizational, professional, individual)
Three LEVELS of Tripartite Development of Personal Identity: Individual level: uniqueness (genetic endowment, nonshared experiences)
Group level: similarities and differences (gender, SES, age, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religious preference, etc.)
Can be in different groups and one group identity may be more salient than other
Universal level: homo sapiens (ability to use symbols, common life experiences, biological and physical similarities, self-awareness)
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor. Argued the case of Brown v Board of Education
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States; an advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor.
time orientation value or importance the members of a culture place on the passage of time
time(chronemics) study of time, how people use it, structure it, interpret it and understand its passage
timing of self-disclosure refers to the revealing things about oneself and what is considered the correct time in certain cultures
title I of the americans with Disabilities act of 1990 ..., Cannot discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability.
Title II of the Education Amendments addresses teacher and principal training, and Enhancing Education through Technology
Title IX legislation passed by congress in 1972 to provide females equal access to all aspects of education
Title IX of the Education Amendments comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity (applies to all schools and colleges that are funded) also protects from sexual harrassment and employment discrimination
Title IX, 1972 "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Title VII _________ discrimination based on immutable characteristics associated with a worker's sex. Those characteristics include skin color, hair texture, or certain facial features, even if not all members of the protected group have them. prohibits
title Vii of the civil rights act Stated that an employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ..., prohibits discrimination in employment based on five criteria: race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
to appeal to the South Why did Lincoln choose Andrew Johnson as VP?
Tolerance Acceptance of beliefs and attitude differebt from ones own.
too generous and that the Confederates should be punished What did many, mostly Republicans, think of the plan for Reconstruction?
traditionalists ..., 60-70,patriotic, loyal,fiscally conservative, faith. I learned it the hard way: you can, too.
traditionality holding on to original cultural identities
trait- factor career development there is a direct relationship between interests and abilities
Transgender Transgender (sometimes shortened to trans or TG) people are those whose psychological self ("gender identity") differs from the social expectations for the physical sex they were born with. To understand this, one must understand the difference between biological sex, which is one's body (genitals, chromosomes, ect.), and social gender, which refers to levels of masculinity and femininity. Often, society conflates sex and gender, viewing them as the same thing. But, gender and sex are not the same thing.Transgender people are those whose psychological self ("gender identity") differs from the social expectations for the physical sex they were born with. For example, a female with a masculine gender identity or who identifies as a man.
An umbrella term for transsexuals, cross-dressers (transvestites), transgenderists, gender queers, and people who identify as neither female nor male and/or as neither a man or as a woman. Transgender is not a sexual orientation;transgender people may have any sexual orientation. It is important to acknowledge that while some people may fit under this definition of transgender, they may not identify as such.
Transgendered - Transgendered Individual A person who identifies with and adopts the gender identity of a member of the opposite biological sex.
Transgendered individual - A person who identifies with and adopts the gender identity of a member of the opposite biological sex.
Transition A complicated, multi-step process that can take years as transgender people align their anatomy with their sex identity and/or their gender expression with their gender identity.
Transition activities for students include... -articulation agreements with other schools
-orientation pograms across grade/building levels
-buddy systems for new students
-placement activities for incoming students
-teaching students job-seeking skills
transition plan a needs assessment and planning to transition from student into adulthood transition plans became a requirement for all children with disabilities by the age of 14 years in idea 1990
Transition stage of group description leader helps group begin to work on concerns - members decide whether to take risks and speak of things they may be holding back
translated test caution Cultural bias (e.g., a student who recently immigrated from the Caribbean may never have experienced winter, snow, or a snow)
translated test caution It is not always possible to translate certain grammatical or linguistic concepts/forms into other languages
translated test caution It is not always possible to translate certain grammatical or linguistic concepts/forms into other languages
translated test caution Tests that are clinically significant in one language may not be clinically significant for differentiating difference from disorder to another
translated test caution Translated test continue to use norms from the group it was translated from
translation use of verbal signs to understand the verbal signs of another language, usually refers to the transfer of written codes between languages
translation equivalence process of trying to translate and represent a source language as closely as possible
Transmitted Culture cultural practices having nothing (or no longer having anything) to do with survival & reproduction
Ex: fashion industry may promote large baggy clothing; even though we don't need this to survive our culture still participates because we don't want to feel left out
Transphobia Fear or hatred of transgender people; transphobia is manifested in a number of ways, including violence, harassment and discrimination.
transphobia is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people based on the expression of their internal gender identity.
Transsexual Transsexual refers to a person who experiences a mismatch of the sex they were born as and the sex they identify as. A transsexual sometimes undergoes medical treatment to change his/her physical sex to match his/her sex identity through hormone treatments and/or surgically. Not all transsexuals can have or desire surgery.
Tribal self-determination a term that developed during the 1960's to describe the desire of Indian tribes and communities for self-government
Troy Female Seminary founded by Emma Hart Willard in 1821 in Troy, NY; a school for young women that prepared hundreds of schoolteachers for eastern schools before the normal schools system was developed by Horace Mann
True All cultures share certain universal features that results from basic needs shared by all people.
True Cultural customs include the way we shake hands and greet one another.
True Culture is shared, learned
and transmitted cross generationally.
True Parents are giving their children American name so they can't integrate easily And succeed economically.
True Parents worry that their children will use their sense of identity, their culture, language, and and heritage while integrating in the US.
True The definition of Latino is a person of Latin American or a non-European Spanish speaking descent.
True The products of a culture are man-made things such as buildings or forms of government, and our written language.
True The word Hispanic refers to all people of Spanish speaking descend; it is a time given by the US government.
Truman banned racial segregation from armed forces, 1948 Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services.
trustworthiness a motivation variable..encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain.
Tuskegee experiment Carried out from 1932 to 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service; more than 600 Alabama Black men were used as guinea pigs in the study of what damage would occur to the body if syphilis were left untreated.
Tuskegee Institute founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881; an institution for the vocational training of African American youth that later became a major university and is now counted prominently among the nation's historically Black colleges and universities
Two myths about old people: Intelligence declines in old age and old people are incapable of sex.
Type A individuals identify with the larger American culture without much identification with Asian Culture
Type B Asian American identify with BOTH American culture & Asian Culture
Type C Asian Americans identify with their own culture more than American culture
Type D Asian Americans don't identify with neither their own culture OR American culture
Type of conflict when a person has two negative alternatives. Avoidance - Avoidance Conflict
Kurt Lewin
Type of conflict when an individual is presented with 2 equally attractive options simultaneously.Approach - Approach Conflict
Kurt Lewin
Types of groups Educational, task, discussion, experiential, support, self-help, counseling/therapy
Types of validity Content
Criterion (Predictive)
U.S. troops send to Little Rock, 1957 To protect the Little Nine black schoolchildren who decided to attend a previously all-white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas; because riots were expected and occurring, Eisenhower sent federal protection for these Little Nine. They remained in the school for the entirety of the school year.
uncertainty avoidance extent to which cultures feel threatened by unpredictability of the future, therefore try to establish more structure in the form of rules, regulations, rituals, and mandatory practices
uncertainty avoidance how members of a culture adapt to change or cope with uncertainties of the future
Uncle Tom syndrome used by minorities to appear docile, nonassertive, and happy go lucky to prevent oppression from the White population.
unconditional positive regard (carl rogers) involves showing complete support and acceptance of a person no matter what that person says or does.
Under Black Codes, the Civil Rights of freedmen were restricted in the Black Codes and unequal to the Civil Rights of whites
Under Class homeless, welfare, part time, disabled, government assisstance
Underlying Question of Multicultural Research Which therapy delivered by which therapist is most effective for someone?
Unintentional racism unaware of the harmful consequences of their behavior.
United Farm Workers (UFW) founded, 1962 A union formed by Cesar Chavez and others who gained rights and better treatment for migrant workers(of whom, the vast majority were Latino).
Universal Level of Identity we all share similarities. Our "universal" commonalities are biological and physical similarities: common life experiences like birth, death, love.
upon being convicted of crime What was the one exception for forcing to work?
Upper-Middle Class (Class) Doctors, lawyers, archietects, midsize buisness owners
Upward Counterfactuals help make improvements, make us feel negative
*how we become motivated to make improvements
Urban OCD Patients and Recent Outcome Study Friedman et. al., 2003
Naturalistic study of EX/RP, African Americans and Caribbean Americans equally likely to respond when compared to whites
Urban Prep Instructional Theory of Action • Provide a culturally relevant curriculum that centralizes, rather than marginalizes, the complete experience of urban young men;
• Take responsibility for teaching and engaging our young men in learning, whether they are indifferent, resistant, or achieving significantly below grade level;
• Gear our teaching styles, strategies, and techniques to the learning styles of urban young men.
USA cultural worldview beliefs Dualistic thinking, rugged individualism and mastery over nature
Useful counselor responses... Move student to deeper levels of exploration, understanding and feeling about their experiences
Utilization Patterns Across Ethnicity There are ethnic differences, but patterns are inconsistent and likely confounded
E.g., Latinos benefit from therapy, but they tend to underutilize services (Sue et. al., 1991)
Vagrancy Laws allowed police to arrest people merely on the suspicion they were about to do something illegal
Vagrancy Laws placed pressure on ex-slaves to sign labor contracts
valence of self-disclosure refers to whether the self-disclosure is positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable
Validity extent to which the measurement instrument or test accurately measures what it is supposed to measure
validity means the test measures what it is designed to measure
verbal consisting of words, either spoken or written
verbal code set of rules about the use of words in the creation of messages
Vietnam era veterans readjustment assistance act of 1974 Act that prohibits discrimination against certain veterans
View of Authority - Black students & students of color think, "the authoritative person gets to be a teacher because she is authoritative."
- White students think, "the teacher is the authority because she is the teacher."
vocabulary equivalence interpreter tries to find a word that is equivalent to the specific language that is being interpreted
vocalics qualities of the voice, in addition to the actual meaning of the words(tone, loudness, rate)
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) a scholar and political activist; author of Souls of Black Folk and numerous other books; founded and edited the Crisis, an early NAACP publication
Walter Fisher suggested that the world is rational. His theory is the 'rational world paradigm' and 'the narrative paradigm.' The rational world paradigm suggest that people are essentially rational and that people make decisions based on arguments.
Wanted it to seem reasonable for the Southerners and the Northerners. What did Lincoln want his plan to seem?
Watts Riots, 1965 a large-scale riot which lasted 6 days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, in August 1965. Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area (likely fueling these race riots)
wealth all the stuff you own that society think is valuable
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - 4th Edition (WISC - IV) comparing students' scores with those of the general population and identifying learning disabilities and giftedness. Grade retention decisions should be based on academic achievement, not intelligence test scores.
What are behavioral anchors (in rating scales)? ...
What are some cultural issues in assessment? 1. Representativeness on norm groups in terms of gender and culture.
2. Culture biases in language use
3. English as a second language
4. Gender bias
What are the 3 domains in multicultural counseling competencies? 1. Awareness of own assumptions, values, and biases.
2. Understanding the worldview of the culturally different client.
3. Developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
What are the 4 forces of human behaviors regarding counseling? 1. Psychodynamic
2. Behavioral
3. Humanistic
4. Multicultural
What are the 5 Therapeutic Taboos? 1. Therapists do not give advice and suggestion
2. Therapists do no self disclosure their thoughts and feelings.
3.Therapists do not barter with clients.
4.Therapists do not serve dual role relationships with clients.
5.Therapists do not accept gifts from clients.
What are the basic elements of comprehensive guidance programs? 1. Guidance curriculum
2. Individual planning
3. Responsive services
4. System support
what are the dangers of having an interpreter for an ELL child? Test protocol
Having the correct interpreter
What are the foundations of social justice therapy? 1) aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity;
2) reducing or eliminating disparities in education, healthcare, employment, and other areas that lower the quality of life for affected populations;
3) encouraging mental health professionals to consider micro, meso, and macro levels in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a client and client systems; and
4) broadening the role of the helping professional to include not only counselor / therapist but advocate, consultant, psychoeducator, change agent, community worker, and so on.
What are the four things that counseling coursework should include? 1) a conscious raising component
2) an affective / experiential component
3) a knowledge component
4) a skills component
What are the mandatory elements of an IEP?** Referral
What are the rights of parents to information about their children's counseling? They are legally the "client" you can ask them to respect the counseling safe space - if necessary you can provide them with a vague summary outline of what was discussed.
What are the steps in ethical decision making process? 1.What are the consequences of your decision?
2. How can the option be implemented?
3. Decide which option is the most ethical.
4. Consider your options.
5. Think through the ethical dilemma and identify all components as objectively as possible.
What are the three components of cultural competence? Becoming aware of one's own assumptions (attitudes/beliefs)
Actively trying to understand client's worldview (knowledge)
Actively developing intervention strategies appropriate for the client (skills)
**Cultural competence is active and ongoing
What are the three domains in a comperehensive counseling program academic, career, personal/social
What are three measures of central tendency? Mean, median and mode.
What can teachers do (1 and 2) • Instruction itself has the largest influence on achievement
• Most (though not all) instruction, despite our best intentions, is not effective but could improve significantly and swiftly through ordinary and accessible arrangements among teachers and administrators.
What determines likelihood of client engagement in introspection more than race? SES - those from higher social class have more time to look within themselves (introspect) since survival since they don't need to dwell on survival.
What did the Black Codes restrict? the freedom of black people (freedmen) and the right to own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces such as Southern towns.
What does an interpersonally oriented group focus on? The here-and-now experiences of all members and the ongoing process among them in the development of their mutual relationships
What does an intrapersonally oriented group focus on? The needs and concerns of the individual members and engages the group in interactions that focus on those needs as well, sometimes an entire session devoted to one member's needs
What does Kohl suggest we do with children who grow up in poverty? Developing the knowledge of the outside world that children from less privileged families might lack.
What does the term "least restrictive environment" mean? requires schools to educate students with disabilities with the regular ed. population to the maximum extent possible and appropriate for students with disabilities.
What has been added to the DSM that is related to our class? Culture bound syndromes
What is a school counseling program? It is comprehensvie in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature
What is a sociogram and when would you use one? A graphic representation of social links a person has. It can be drawn on the basis of many different criteria: social relations, channels of influence, lines of communication etc. Another definition: It represents the patterns of relationships between individuals in a group, usually expressed in terms of which persons they prefer to associate with.
What is a test battery? measure of a wide range of aptitudes and is used in such areas as occupational selection, rehabilitation, and vocational counseling,
What is Internal Consistency? An estimation based on the correlation among the variables comprising the set.
What is required for confidential information about a student's counseling to be released to 3rd parties? A signed release
What is the effect of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) on the work of the school counselor. FERPA protects the privacy of a students records. It means that parents many request to see students educational records. The impact on the school counselor tends to be an ethical one when non-custodial parents express an interest in the records. Also the counselor should be savvy about what is put in the permanent record.
What is the meaning of a negative correlation coefficient? A statistic that gives a measure of how closely two variables are related. A statistical measure of the extent to which variations in one variable are related to variation in another. Negative correlation means that the two values vary in opposite directions. So, as parameter x increases, parameter y decreases.
What is the meaning of the term exceptionality, as used by educators? A student has some area of functioning in which he or she is significantly different from an established norm. This definition includes both students with disabilities and those with special gifts or talents.
What is the nonverbal behavior most likely to be addressed by mental health professionals?Eyecontact.
Therapists often attribute negative traits to the avoidance of eye contact
especially common when dealing with African American clients; some African americans may make eye contact when speaking, but infrequent eye contact when listening; opposite for euro-americans
What is the relationship between standard erros and true scores? ...
What is the typical role of a counselor in creating the IEP and implementing it for a student with disabilities? -being present in the IEP meeting working with team regarding accommodations
-being present in CARE team/SST meetings -communication w/ student and parent if necessary
-advocating for the student and ensuring services are provided
What laws were passed following the civil war Black codes
What members of the family should NOT take part in translating ? Children
What teaching style or learning activity is most effective for helping students understand and appreciate differences? Why? An experiential (interactive) style tends to be an effective approach - although others are also effective.
What types of student development are the focus of a comprehensive guidance program?Academic, Career, & Personal/Social development
what was the first year a state did poll tax 1870
What was the Purpose of the Black Codes? Regain control over the freed slaves
Inhibit the freedom of freed slaves
Prevent black uprisings
Ensure the continued supply of cheap labor
Maintain segregation
Maintain white supremacy
What were some Black Codes? White Primary
Poll Tax
Literacy Tests
grandfather clause
Property Ownership required to vote
When a client resorts to psychosis to avoid dealing with life difficulties. flight from reality
When a client transfers onto counselor based on experiences related to past authority figures, it is ___ Ambivalent transference
When individuals retain their cultural heritage, yet cooperate in regard to social, political, and economic matters. cultural pluralism
When is referral the most appropriate school counselor response to a student's needs? The counselor cannot meet the student's need b/c of:
-student's issue is beyond the scope of school counseling setting
-counselor bias
When was the first of the Black Codes passed? in Mississippi on November 22, 1865, following the end of the Civil War (April 12, 1861 - May 10, 1865) during the Reconstruction Era.
Which counselors have a greater power to oppress individuals on a systematic and societal level?White counselors.
Which measure of central tendency is most resistan to extreme scores? median
white counselors may be unintentional racists when: -They are unaware of their biases, prejudices and discriminatory behaviors
-They often perceives themselves as more, good and decent beings and find it difficult to see themselves as racist
-They do not have a sense of what their whiteness means to them
-Their therapeutic approaches to multicultural populations are likely to be more harmful than helpful
White Flight The move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities.
White primary the practice of keeping blacks from voting in the southern states' primaries through arbitrary use of registration requirements and intimidation
white privilege invisible knapsack of unearned assets that can be used to cash in each day for advantages not given to those that do not fit this mold.
white racial identity development-helms statuses
contact-unconsious of white privilege
disintegration-conflict about racial status
reintegration-aware of society's hierarchy of race
pseudoindependence-acknowledgement of racism in culture
immersion-emersion-unlearning of racism. a consicous choice not to discriminate
autonomy-acceptance of white and other races, actions of equality
White Supremacy Culture (Characteristics) Perfectionism
Sense of Urgency
Quantity over Quality
Worship of the Written Word
Either/Or Thinking
Power Hoarding
Fear of Open Conflict
Progress is Bigger (more)
Right to Comfort
White Supremacy Ideology Definition As an ideology, white supremacy encourages us to value white people, white culture, and everything associated with people of color.
white, freedom of movement Southern legislatures were still all_______ and they restricted________ ___ __________.
Whitopia "Whiter than the nation, its respective region, and its state"
Who Created the Black Codes? white law makers in the South in the legislatures of the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
Why are ELL students struggling in school? Environmental mismatch
Why has greater emphasis been placed on the education of White trainees: -the majority of mental health providers are White or members of the majority group;
-the theories and practices of counseling/therapy arise from a predominantly White, Western perspective and form the educational foundations of our graduate programs; and
-White, male, and straight Euro-Americans continue to control and hold power in being able to determine normality/abnormality and to define mental health reality for marginalized groups.
Willard Walcott Beatty (1891-1961) president of the Progressive Education superintendent of a model school system in Bronxville, NY. Director of Indian Education under John Collier
Woofing an exchange of threats and challenges to fight, derived from playing the dozens or the highest form of verbal warfare and impromptu speaking (jokes, ex. Your girlfriend so ugly, she had to speak up on a glass to get a drink of water)
Allow training in self-control about managing one's anger and hostility in the constant face of racism
Allows black people to establish a hierarchy without resorting to violence.
Worcester v. Georgia a Supreme Court case that strengthened the federal status of tribes and excluded them from state control
Working Class (Lower Middle Class) (Class) factory jobs, construction labor, sales representatives
Working Poor (Class) low level service jobs
Working stage of group description Productive - mutuality and self-exploration incrase, group focused on making behavioral changes (can rever to initial stage feelings/actions)
Worldview are composed of our attitudes, values, opinions, and concepts and affect how we think, define events, make decisions, and behave
Worldview of Culturally Diverse Clients philosophy of life, how they perceive the world and their place in it; assumptions about the world.
Writing record myths, significant events (wars, new births, accomplishments, deaths)
all cultures created hereditary classes for nobles, priests, warriors, craftsmen & peasants
Yearning/Searching becoming aware of our loss, but having trouble letting go
feel as though we hear/see the person
anger- blame/lash out at others for our loss
Yes, I know but.... ask for suggestions/advice & respond by rejecting the suggestion or advice
Ex: LARA keeps asking people what she should do with her problem but always has an explanation of why the suggestion won't work if anyone comes up with a suggestion.
You must have credibility, which is made up of 2 dimensions Expertness: a function of how much knowledge, training, experience, and skills clinicians possess with respect to the population being treated
ability component
Trustworthiness: encompasses trust, honesty, and genuiness
motivational component
Z Scores are ... the # of standard deviations above or below the mean
Internation Cultural Understanding
Kiss, Bow & Shakenhands
"Che" Argentinian nickname for all Argentines
"Not serious" One of the greatest insults an Argentinian can make
"OK" and shaking fist are both vulgar, as well as standing with hands in pockets, raising your voice, or laughing loudly outdoors Belarussian vulgar gestures
78% Roman Catholic, 8.6% nonreligious, 4.6% Lutheran, 2.0% Muslim Austrians and religion
90% Roman Catholic Argentina and religion
; NOT Religion or personal life Belgians and topics of conversation
Antiglobalization sentiment increase Result of Argentinian loan default of 2001
Avoid pouring wine--too many social complexities involved. Also, do not order imported wine unless your host does so first. Argentina on serving wine
Avoid: gauchos/native dress, jeans, shorts. Argentina on what not to wear
Be modest about talents and wealth Belgians on talents and wealth in conversation
Be on-time for lunch but at least 30 minutes late for dinner Argentina on arriving to mealtimes
Brevity valued Australians on length of presentations
Bring slippers for winter, when overshoes are left at the door Belarussian hospitality and shoes
Buenos Aires Capital of Argentina
Business cards important Austrians on business cards
Carry small presents with you, such as illustrated books of your home region. Do not give gifts except at Christmas and the close of a deal, but if given a gift be sure to reciprocate immediately. Open gifts immediately. Austrians on gifts
Caviar, salmon, sturgeon, and shrimp Belarussian seafood
Comfortable doing business with individuals they may never meet Australians on doing business with strangers
Confrontation is avoided Austrian executives on confrontation
Consensus-building and "people skills" important Austrian management style
Conservative--blouses and skirts, even at dinner, black and white or darker colors. Argentina on level of modesty
Culture, cuisine, history, and beautiful landscape Austrian dinner conversation topics
Deals closed as proposed Australians on negotiation
Do not expect to compete in gift giving, even when some visitors give expensive gifts Belarus: gift-giving
Do not make unannounced visits Australians on unannounced visits
Do not talk about work at dinner Australians on talking about work at dinner
Do not wear your overcoat in a public building or sit on your coat. Leave it in the cloakroomBelarus and coats
Do not work late for fear of being perceived as using time inefficiently Austrians on working late
Don't stand closer than two feet during a conversation (leave plenty of personal space)Australians on personal space
Downplay knowledge and expertise Australian attitude toward expertise
Eating in public transportation considered impolite Argentina on eating in public transportation
Enchufados Local representatives in Argentina--your first contact, very important and connected but difficult to fire
Executives are relaxed and unhurried; do not respond positively to high-pressure tactics or limited-time opportunities Austrian executives on time limits in negotiation
Experiential/feelings/religious/relational/consequential Argentinian reasoning
Extended family and social group (Catholic, liberal, or labor) important; high uncertainty avoidance index Belgian on identity and social groups
External structures provide stability; result = low anxiety except in cases of deadlines Australians and anxiety
Eye contact and close proximity during conversations important Argentina on nonverbal conversational cues
Facts and humanitarian perspective both strong, with religion following closely Belgian form of reasoning
Firm handshake (women may kiss) at beginning and end of meetings Australians on greetings
First appointment social Belgians on first business appointment
Flexible, comfortable with multitasking Belgians' flexibility
Flowers (not chrysanthemums, which signify death; not 13; and not red roses, which are for lovers) or chocolates for the host--present before (not after) meal Belgian gifts for hosts
Flowers proper to give to a hostess Belarussian hostesses and gifts
Flowers, chocolates, folk crafts from home, electronics that can be used on trails Australians' preferred gifts
Full bottle Australian "fully informed, knowledgeable"
Garderob Belarus "cloakroom"
Gift-giving not common, but gifts are opened immediately and do not give anything with your company on it Belgian gift giving
Gradual concessions on a few points are expected from you Belarus and negotiations
Hands on the table, not in lap Argentina and Austria on hands at meals
Handshake and nod Argentinian greeting for both men and women (not close friends)
Have a written report ready at the first meeting Belarus: presentations and reports
Have business card translated into French or Dutch on one side Belgians and business cards
High pressure tactics strongly resisted; directness and confidence encouraged Australians on negotiation style
Hire a local independent lawyer Belarus: doing business and law
Hire a medium-level executive as an intermediary Belarus: doing business with a high-level CEO
Host/whoever invites pays Who pays in an Argentinian business meal
Imported liquor or iPods; Birds of Paradise flowers, imported chocolate, or whiskey; NOT leather or knives Argentinians' favorite gifts
Improper to introduce oneself to a stranger Austrians on introducing oneself to strangers
Independent and free-spirited; curious, creative, open to risk Australian attitude toward new ideas
Individual responsible for own actions Belgian on responsibility
International peace efforts and protection of refugees important culturally Belgians and important issues
Invitations into homes common; accept all invitations and all food offered Belarussian hospitality
Judged by response to current events and small talk about Austrian culture Austrian negotiation introduction
Key decisions made by a respected high-ranking individual, with interests of the entire group in mind; litigation requires assent of lower beauocracy, as well Argentina on decision-making
Laws, rules, facts, and company policy emphasized Australians on feelings vs facts
Lengthy to consider all options Belgian length of negotiations
Less open to new ideas and risk than other Latin-American countries Argentina on new ideas
Lightweight for summer, sweaters and layers for winter (heat not universal), water-repellent during Carnival Argentina on seasonal dress
Linear approach to data, with scientific facts and social consensus important Austrian negotiation style
Looking like a foreigner results in preferential treatment Belarus: looking foreign
Malvinas Islands Argentinian name for the Falkland Islands
March through November Australia (best time to visit)
Material above humanistic gain Australians on humanistic vs. material gain
May be asked to share a table with strangers at a restaraunt Belarus: restaurants
Men proud of their drinking ability Belarus on drinking
Modesty and casualness, not hype and excitement Australians on presentation style
Mostly Roman Catholic Belgian religion
Mr. before German/Dutch names, Monsieur before French names Belgian titles
Music, art, sightseeing, and sports Belarus: good topics of conversation
Na zdo ro vie Belarussian toast "to your health"
Nature, animals, hiking and camping Austrians' loves
No gifts in business; small gifts for dinner Australians on timing for gifts
Nuclear family Australian strongest socializing force
Nyekulturny Russian word "just not done" (not culturally acceptable)
Only one family surname, unlike neighboring countries; address by surname; two first names may appear, but they may not use both Argentina on names
Open to new ideas Belgians on new ideas
Opera and soccer Argentina on conversational topics
Organization for every kind of need Belgians on helping others
Pens, business card holders, rock or country and western CDs, illustrated books, fine bars of soap, American cigarettes, solar calculators, gold or silver jewelry, or electronic gadgets all acceptable Belarussians' preferred gifts
Personal relationships emphasized Belgians on personal relationships
Personal relationships key; more important than corporate ones Argentina on relationships and business
Pointing and snapping both hands' fingers are rude Belgians on rude gestures
Privacy valued; "what do you do" too intrusive Belgians on privacy
Profit over market share Australian attitude toward profit
Put-downs Basis of Argentinian humor
Raising up two fingers in the air is rude Australians on rude gestures
Rigid class system Austrian and class system
Ringer Australian "an outstanding performer"
Ripper Australian "terrific, fantastic"
Schedule several weeks in advance (or longer) Austrian executives and scheduling meetings
Sections subject to renegotiation until entire (lengthy) contract is signed Argentina on contracts
Senior executives arrive later than subordinates; don't try to "get in early" when scheduling appointments Belgians on scheduling appointment times
Shake hands and state your last name (even with someone of the opposite gender) Belarussian greeting
Shake hands with everyone at the beginning and end of a meeting Belgians on business greeting
Shoes should be shined and finest clothes worn on Sundays Belgian dress
Shorts common, sometimes even at work; but business attire for executives is suit-and-tieAustralians on dress
Slow business negotiations may take several trips Argentina on pace of business
Small talk at beginning of meetings is important Australians on beginning a meeting
Sports; NOT personal life (in business setting) Australian topics of conversation
Stability over freedom, with all members of the decision-making unit (family primary unit in this culture) having a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the whole and laws importantBelarussian freedom and decisions
Sto-lyat Belarussian toast "A hundred years"
Strict division between work and play--do not expect to be invited to see businesspeople outside the office Austrians on mixing work and play
Titles and surnames (not first names) used in address Austrians on names
Top medical care Austrians and medical care
Touch cheeks and kiss in the air Belgians on greetings among friends
Tough and unyielding Argentina on negotiating
Truth determined by feelings Belarussian truth
Tucker Australian "food"
Use china (not plastic) and supply a variety of refreshments Belarus: hosting a meal
Usually dinners, usually held in restaurants--in-home rare. Argentina and Austria on business meals
Views other countries as inferior; conflict with neighboring countries makes praising those countries a poor decision Argentina on other nations
Visual stimuli prized Belgians on presentations
Whistling indicates disapproval and must not be done inside a building Belarussian on whistling
Women usually do not shake hands Austrians on female greetings
Work long days, often until 10:00PM Argentinian executives' irregular business hours
Civil Rights wwii-1970
"black power" A slogan used to reflect solidarity and racial consciousness, used by Malcolm X. It meant that equality could not be given, but had to be seized by a powerful, organized Black community., idea phrased by Stokely Carmichael, the belief that blacks should fight back if attacked. it urged blacks to achieve economic independence by starting and supporting their own business.
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail," 1963 A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism. Advocated nonviolence protest methods
"separate but equal" Principle upheld in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in which the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public facilities was legal.
"the pill" gave women greater freedom to be sexually active without the risk of pregnancy; birth control method that weakened the link between sex and marriage
affirmative action A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination. Improving economic and educational opportunities for women, blacks, and other minority groups
AIM American Indian Movement. demanded greater rights for Native Americans and preservation of their traditions (i.e. restoring of burial grounds, cultures, and Indian pride in ancestry), use violence to make its point. Called for a renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education,
American Indian Movement; occupied Wounded Knee to bring attention to the government's mistreatment of Native Americans including their living conditions and their "Trail of Broken Treaties", as demonstrators in Washington D.C. put it.
Betty Friedan 1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".
Black Panthers A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest., Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, they believed that racism was an inherent part of the U.S. capitalist society and were militant, self-styled revolutionaries for Black Power.
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS, 1954 Supreme Court ruling reversing the policy of segregation from Plessy v Ferguson, declaring that seperate can never be equal and a year later ordered the integration of all public schools with all deliberate speed
busing In the context of civil rights, the transportation of public school students from areas where they live to schools in other areas to eliminate school segregation based on residential patterns.
Cesar Chavez Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); help migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions, Non-violent leader of the United Farm Workers from 1963-1970. Organized laborers in California and in the Southwest to strike against fruit and vegetable growers. Unionized Mexican-American farm workers.
Chicano Name given to Mexican-Americans, who in 1970, were the majority of migrant farm labor in the U.S.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 primarily a voting rights bill, was the first civil rights legislation passed by Congress in the United States since Reconstruction following the American Civil War.
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was also Congress's show of support for the Supreme Court's Brown decisions.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. The law was passed during a period of great strength for the civil rights movement, and President Lyndon Johnson persuaded many reluctant members of Congress to support the law.
Civil Rights Act of 1968 provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone ... by reason of their race, color, religion, or national origin."
CORE Congress of racial equality: an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality, a U.S. civil rights organization that played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement from its foundation in 1942 to the mid-1960s. Membership is stated to be open to anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world; connected with the Freedom Riders
de facto segregation Segregation resulting from economic or social conditions or personal choice.
de jure segregation Racial segregation that is required by law
Elijah Muhammad Leader of the nation of Islam from 1945 to his death in 1975. He helped many people and was a strong advocate of civil rights, but was involved in some shady activities and lost the favor of Malcolm X, who went on to form his own civil rights group.
ERA Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) is a non-profit women's rights organization that was founded in 1974. ERA is a legal organization dedicated to protecting and expanding economic and educational access and opportunities for women and girls.
The organization specializes in advocating for the rights of women in minimum wage jobs, women of color, and immigrant women. ERA is based in San Francisco and led by executive director Noreen Farrell.
Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957) The president issued Executive Order 10730, sending in federal troops to maintain order and enforce the integration of the school.(Little Rock Nine's school) - later extended to other American schools
Freedom Riders, 1961 Group of civil rights workers who took bus trips through southern states in 1961 to protest illegal bus segregation; leaders Jim Farmer and Jim Peck
George Wallace 1919-1998. Four time governor of Alabama. Most famous for his pro-segregation attitude and as a symbol for states' rights.
Grape workers' strike begins, 1965 Farm workers went on strike and made a consumer boycott (supermarkets ban grapes). They began to be concerned abour poinson again; Chavez goes on 36 day hunger strike; failed to get them to work togther; he died in 1993 on a 1-2 day hunger strike.
Greensboro sit-ins, 1960 Civil Rights tactic of blacks sitting in segregated restaurants until being served or removed. Kicks off in Greensboro, NC at Woolworth's lunch counter (white restaurant). Each day they came back with more and more protesters until they were finally served.
Jackie Robinson The first African American player in the major league of baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans. Broke the color barrier in 1947
James Meredith He was a civil rights advocate who spurred a riot at the University of Mississippi. The riot was caused by angry whites who did not want Meredith to register at the university. The result was forced government action (Kennedy), showing that segregation was no longer government policy.
Jim Crow Laws southern state laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites (grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy tests, separate but equal, etc)
John F. Kennedy assassinated, November 22, 1963 In Dallas Texas in a motorcade, Kennedy was fatally shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. Many people questioned this event and believed that Oswald did not act alone or this was a government cover- up.
Malcolm X 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality
Malcolm X assassinated, 1965 Rejecting integration and nonviolence, Malcolm splits off from Elijah Muhammad's Black Muslins and is killed by them later upon declaring that blacks should use "any means necessary"
March from Selma to Montgomery, 1965 A march that was attempted three times to protest voting rights, with many peaceful demonstrators injured and killed. Lead by MLK
March on Washington, 1963 August - 200,000 demonstrators converged on the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. King's speech and to celebrate Kennedy's support for the civil rights movement. (putting pressure on the federal government to pass civil rights legislation)
Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated, 1968 Led many to believe that the nonviolent age was over.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader of the African-American civil rights movement and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who became known for his advancement of civil rights by using civil disobedience. He was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on Thursday April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:05pm that evening. James Earl Ray, a fugitive from the Missouri State Penitentiary, was arrested on June 8, 1968 in London at Heathrow Airport, extradited to the United States, and charged with the crime. On March 10, 1969, Ray entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in the Tennessee State Penitentiary. Ray later made many attempts to withdraw his guilty plea and be tried by a jury, but was unsuccessful; he died in prison on April 23, 1998, at the age of 70.
Mississippi Summer Project, 1964 A campaign in the United States launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, which up to that time had almost totally excluded black voters.
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955 In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.
Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) A black supremacist group founded in 1930 by Elijah Muhammad, who believed that Allah would create a Black Nation of people unified against the white man. This group convinced itself that there was no purpose to work with the white man, and it is important to build the black people up and become economically self-sufficient, but exemplifying the importance of not interacting with white people whenever possible and becoming a believer in black nationalism.
National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956) the largest public works project in American history when it was passed, authorized $25 billion to build 41,000 miles of roads, greatly assisting the burgeoning car culture of the 1950s
NOW National Organization of Women, 1966, Betty Friedan first president, wanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce its legal mandate to end sex discrimination
Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 The Supreme Court case that upheld a Louisiana segregation law on the theory that as long as the accommodations between the racially segregated facilities were equal, the equal protection clause was not violated. The Court's ruling effectively established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the notion of "separate but equal."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961) warned against a "military-industrial complex"
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nonviolent leader of the civil rights movement and founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated, 1968 The murder of RFK in a Southern California hotel after giving a speech following a victory in CA's presidential primary. He had been a prominent front runner in the elections, with support and sympathy for many hated and discriminated groups who were angry at their treatment. His major belief was that the Vietnam War was unneeded and hurt, rather than bolstered, the country, and that money could be better spent helping the poor and neglected Americans in their own country. (June 1968)
Roe v. Wade, 1973 A pregnant woman challenged the Texas state law that she had a constitutional right of her own body and privacy to legally get an abortion, and the Supreme Court agreed an abortion became legal in the first trimester of pregnancy
Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed, the Montgomery bus boycott was organized.
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) used christian pricipals in order to fight segregation--nonviolent, consisted of black prechers, and had alot of influence, (aka Southern Christian Leadership Conference); churches link together to inform blacks about changes in the Civil Rights Movement, led by MLK; advocated passive resistance
sit-in protests by black college students, 1960-1961, who took seats at "whites only" lunch counters and refused to leave until served; in 1960 over 50,000 participated in sit-ins across the South. Their success prompted the formation of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)-a group established in 1960 to promote and use non-violent means to protest racial discrimination; they were the ones primarily responsible for creating the sit-in movement
Stonewall Riots, 1969 Riots in the New York City neighborhood of Greenwich Village by members of the gay community against a police raid of a gay bar
Sweatt v. Painter, 1950 a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The case involved a black man, Heman Marion Sweatt, who was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law on the grounds that the Texas State Constitution prohibited integrated education. At the time, no law school in Texas would admit blacks., Segregated law school in Texas was held to be an illegal violation of civil rights, leading to open enrollment.
The Feminine Mystique published, 1963 written by Betty Friedan, journalist and mother of three children; described the problems of middle-class American women and the fact that women were being denied equality with men; said that women were kept from reaching their full human capacities
Thurgood Marshall American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor. Argued the case of Brown v Board of Education
Title IX, 1972 "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Truman banned racial segregation from armed forces, 1948 Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services.
U.S. troops send to Little Rock, 1957 To protect the Little Nine black schoolchildren who decided to attend a previously all-white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas; because riots were expected and occurring, Eisenhower sent federal protection for these Little Nine. They remained in the school for the entirety of the school year.
United Farm Workers (UFW) founded, 1962 A union formed by Cesar Chavez and others who gained rights and better treatment for migrant workers(of whom, the vast majority were Latino).
Voting Rights Act of 1965 A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically. Encouraged greater social equality and decreased the wealth and education gap
Watts Riots, 1965 a large-scale riot which lasted 6 days in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, in August 1965. Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area (likely fueling these race riots)
MultiCultural Concepts 001
"Awareness" (assumptions, values, beliefs) counselor know thyself, dealing with and working through your own biases, feelings, fears, and guilt associated with others inside and outside of your own culture.
ableism is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities.
Ageism discrimination based on age.
Antiracism racism is most likely to diminish under these conditions:
having an intimate contact with people of color; experiences a cooperative rather than a competitive environment; working toward mutually shared goals; interacting on equal footing with others; viewing leadership or authority as supportive of intergroup harmony; feeling a sense of unity or interconnectedness with all humanity.
aversive racism manifested in individuals who consciously assert egalitarian values, but unconsciously hold anti-minority feelings.
Biases A tendency to believe that some people, ideas are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly.
Colorblindness statements that indicate a white person does not want to acknowledge race.
credibility constellation of characteristics that makes certain individuals appear worthy of belief, capable, entitled to confidence, reliable and trustworthiness.
Cultural Competence Examination of our embedded emotions associated with race, culture, gender, and other socio-demographic differences openly, experience them and discuss them.
Cultural deprivation to lack cultural background, or indicates that many groups perform poorly on tests or exhibit deviant characteristics because they lack many of the advantages of middle class culture.
Cultural differences fundamental differences among people arise from nationality, ethnicity, and culture; as well as from family background and individual experiences.
Cultural encapsulation the substitution of model stereotypes for the real world and the disregarding of cultural variations in a dogmatic adherence to some universal notion of truth.
Cultural paranoia a healthy and adaptive response by AA to their historical and contemporary experiences of oppression.
Cultural values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just.
Culturally deficient model suggests that the lifestyles and values of people of color put them in a culturally disadvantage or made them deficient, or deprived when compared to Whites.
Culturally Diverse model recognizes the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and promotes the differences in people of colors ability to be bicultural.
Culture bound being bound by the culture conditioning one is born into and in which one grew up; includes beliefs, values, life circumstances and world views.
Cultured Relativism focus on the culture and on how the disorder is manifested and treated within it.
Discrimination stripping liberties from someone or not allowing them the same privileges/rights as you have because of race, gender, religion, or sexual preference.
EC-ER individuals feel that there is very little that one can do in the face of such server external obstacles as prejudice and discrimination.
EC-IR accept dominant cultures definition for self-responsibility but have very little real control over how thjey are defined by others.
Emic (culturally specific) cultural values and worldviews affect the expression and determination of deviant behavior. All theories of human development arise from a cultural content.
Emotional roadblocks strong emotions that relate to race, gender, sexual orientation that have been kept out of our awareness.
Ethnic Identity part of one's overarching self-concept. development of ethnic identity is described as a process of the construction of identity over time through experience and actions of the individual .
ethnocentric monoculturalism it is power or the unequal status relationship between groups.
Ethnocentricity evaluating other people's cultures with your own values.
Etic (culturally universal) all are equal; issues are the same in all cultures and societies are the same. Therefore minimal modification in diagnosis and treatment is required.
exoticization occurs when a LGBT, women of color, or a religious minority is treated as a foreign object for the pleasure/entertainment of others.
expertness demonstration of ability to help ...ability variable that depends on how well informed, capable, or intelligent others perceive the counselor..
External locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcing events occur independently of their actions and that the future is determined more by chance than luck.
Genetically Deficient model this model suggests that people of color are deficient or inferior to Whites and have certain undesirable attributes due to biological conditions.
Group Level Identity Each person is born into a cultural matrix of beliefs, values, rules and social practices.
Heritability is a function of the population-not a trait! all individuals have a full range of intelligence.
heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.
Historical Stereotypes outlines the history between people of color and whites.
homonegativity encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
IC-ER individuals believe they are able to shape events in their own life if given a chance.
IC-IR individuals believe their are masters of their fate and that their actions do affect outcomes.
Individual Level of Identity first level of the Tripartite framework....individual uniqueness, genetically we are all unique and all of us will have our own individual, unique encounters and life experiences through life.
Institutional racism set of polices, priorities and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate, oppress, and force dependence of individuals and groups on a larger society by sanctioning unequal goals, unequal status, and unequal access to goods and services.
Internal locus of control refers to peoples beliefs that reinforcements are contingent on their own actions and that they can shape their own fate. Euro-American way.
internal/external locus of responsibility dimension measures degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system.
interracial/interethnic bias racial/ethnic groups experience mistrust, envy, and misunderstandings towards each other and people of color continue to hold beliefs and attitudes towards Whites that are very negative and filled with anger and mistrust.
interracial/interethnic conflict each ethnic/racial group holds different values, beliefs, and behavior unique to their culture which may conflict with other groups.
interracial/interethnic discrimination different values and beliefs between ethnic/racial groups have caused discrimination within the groups.
Invisible veil what people's values and beliefs or worldviews represent that operates outside the level of conscious awareness.
islamaphobia is prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be muslim.
Marginalized Groups groups who are not given equal opportunities, may be avoided, pushed to the background; the needs of these people are not viewed as important as other groups.
Microaggression brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights, and insults that potentially have a harmful or unpleasant psychological impact on the target person or group.
microassault type of microaggression that is blatant, verbal, nonverbal or an environmental attack intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments.
microinsult type of microaggression that are unintentional behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person's racial heritage identity, gender, sexual orientation.
microinvalidation type of microaggression that are verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group-unintentional and usually outside of the persons awareness.
Multicultural counseling is simply counseling patients but taking into consideration their cultural beliefs and the effect that can have on their treatment."
Multicultural Counseling and Therapy a helping role and a process that uses modalities and defines goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of clients; recognition of individuality, group, and universal dimensions and balances the importance of individualism and collectivism in assessments, diagnosis, and treatment.
Multiculturalism Deals with real human experiences and as a result, understanding your emotional reactions is equally important in the journey to cultural competence.
Paranorm means that a minority person's suspicion and mistrust of white society is normal behavior.
playing it cool cover up feelings to avoid offending Whites
powerlessness the expectancy that a person's behavior cannot determine the outcome or reinforcements that he or she seeks.
Prejudice an unfair feeling or dislike for a person or group because of race, gender, religion or sexual preference.
Racial identity a surface level manifestation based on what we look like yet has a deep implication in how we are treated. a sense of group or collective identity based on one's perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a particular racial group.
racism a belief that other groups are intellectually, psychologically, or physically inferior.
religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.
Scientific racism the use of scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.
second class citizen occurs when a target group member receives differential treatment from the power group.
sexism discrimination by members of one sex against another, also called sexist bias.
sexual objectification occurs when women are treated like objects at men's disposal.
Social justice counseling an active philosophy and approach aimed at producing conditions that allow for equal access and opportunity; reducing or eliminating disparities in education, health care, employment etc.
Stereotype Threat a situational predicament in which individuals are at risk of confirming negative stereotypes about their group.
subtle sexism unequal and unfair treatment of women that is not recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative and therefore does not appear unusual.
transphobia is a range of antagonistic attitudes and feelings against transsexuality and transsexual or transgender people based on the expression of their internal gender identity.
trustworthiness a motivation variable..encompasses such factors as sincerity, openness, honesty, and perceived lack of motivation for personal gain.
Uncle Tom syndrome used by minorities to appear docile, nonassertive, and happy go lucky to prevent oppression from the White population.
Unintentional racism unaware of the harmful consequences of their behavior.
Universal Level of Identity we all share similarities. Our "universal" commonalities are biological and physical similarities: common life experiences like birth, death, love.
white privilege invisible knapsack of unearned assets that can be used to cash in each day for advantages not given to those that do not fit this mold.
Worldview are composed of our attitudes, values, opinions, and concepts and affect how we think, define events, make decisions, and behave
Worldview of Culturally Diverse Clients philosophy of life, how they perceive the world and their place in it; assumptions about the world.
School Counselors
(Frank) Parsons Known as the "Father of Vocational Guidance"; his framework became the basis of the trait/factor theory of career development
(gestalt) other sources of unfinished business are avoidance, guilt, anger, grief, and other not resolved
(John) Holland His "Theory of Vocational Choice" is used to understand personality, identify tasks that individuals will enjoy and perform well, and is often used in career counseling
(John) Holland The Strong Interest Inventory (SII), Career Assessment Inventory (CAI), and Exploring Career Options (ECO) are assessment measures that are used in this individual's theory
(John) Holland This theorist is the big name associated with trait and factory theory
A-B-C actual event, belief system, consequences
Adlerian Therapy Birth order is considered very important.
adlerian therapy psychosocial-learn about attitude toward life-main goal is confronting basic mistakes and assumption the clt holds and attempting to redirect them
Adlerian Therapy Theory that is also called "Individual Psychology."
Adlerian Therapy Theory that uses the term "fictional finalism."
Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy-focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotions
Artistic In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type creates art forms to deal with environment; prefer careers in music, literature, drama, and art
assumption of person-centered therapy ind have internal resources to work toward wholeness and self-actualization and can move forward constructively on their own
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 18 to 30 months-can the child demonstrate some level of independence?
Basic Trust vs Basic Mistrust birth to 18 months-are the nourishment and care needs met?
behavior theory Lazarus, Bandura, Wolpe, Kazdin
Behavior Therapy Theory that addresses the importance of the ABC model.
Behavior Therapy Uses techniques such as systematic desensitization, relaxation, training, flooding and in-vivo exposure.
Behavioral Therapy Focuses on learning, monitoring, and positive and negative reinforcement.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Focuses on disputing illogical thinking.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Theory that emphasizes the importance of self-talk and inner dialog.
cognitive-behavior therapy clts explore reasons for their behavior and seek to understand the ramifications of such behavior
cogntivie-behavior therapists Ellis, Beck, Meichenbaum
contributions of Freud's theory first theory, framework for exploring a person's history, resolving resistance to therapy
Conventional In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type chooses goals and activities based on social approval; prefers careers in business that involve clerical and computational tasks
Directory Information for FERPA may not include Race, Etnicity, Nationality, Gender, SSN, SID
Dream Analysis Psychoanalytic technique requiring clients to share a dream, then free associate parts and symbols of the dream.
ego mediator
ego integrity vs despair during later life-has one led a satisfied life
Enterprising In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type is described as adventurous, dominant, enthusiastic and impulsive in dealing with environment; prefer careers that involve leadership or supervisory roles
Erikson Developed eight "stages of life" in his psychosocial theory.
existential therapist Frankl, Yalom, May
Fair Information Practices Set of principles governing the collection and use of information about individuals developed and regulated by the US Dept. of Health Education and Welfare. The precursor to FERPA.
Family Systems Therapy Focuses on family interactions, dynamics and patterns.
Famous existential therapists Frankl, Yalom, May
Feminist Therapy Emphasizes the belief that "the personal is political, the counseling relationship is egalitarian, women's voices are honored and valued.
FERPA a federal law that regulates the management of student records and disclosure of information from those records
food and protection #1
founder of gestalt theory frederick perls with the Polsters
founder of person-centered therapy carl rogers
founder of reality theory Glasser
Free Association Psychoanalytic technique in which the patients spontaneously report any thoughts, feelings, and mental images as they come to mind.
generativity vs stagnation maturity is achieved, establish and guide the next generation and come to terms with one's dream and accomplishments
gestalt theory says that the most frequent cause of unfinished business is resentment
gestalt theory stresses here and now, what and how of behavior, the part unfinished business from the past prevents the ind from functioning in the present
Gestalt Therapy Focuses on the "disowned parts of the personality, and uses terms like introjections, projection, and retroflection."
Gestalt Therapy Theory that emphasizes the "top dog and underdog technique."
Glasser The founder of Reality theory
goal of person-centered therapy create an atmosphere of safety and trust enabling the clt to use this relationshp to beocme aware of what is blocking growth, and eventually transferring this awareness to other relatioships, experience the immediate moment
id pleasure principle
identitiy vs role confusion adolescence-striving for identity, formulate own values, beliefs, and life style, experiment with different types
in loco parentis "in place of the parents." In the 1960s post-secondary schools were seen as an intentity to make decisions for students in place of parents.
industry vs inferiority elementary and middle years-child becomes curious and needs to explore and manipulate the environment, competency is through accomplishments, aware of interaction, school and neighborhood, is the child adequate?
initiative vs guilt 2 1/2 to 5 years-child begins to develop imagination and learns and enjoys to perform adult roles, begins to realize restraints are necessary
intimacy vs isolation young adulthood-willing to be open about self and commit to a close personal relationship
Investigative In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type uses intellect in dealing with environment; prefers careers in science and math
lifestyle assessment main tool of adlerian theory, questionnaire about the clt's family, memories, dreams, and self-concepts, explores birth order and interaction
limitation of person-centered therapy clr has lack of genuine empathy, clr anxious to solve problems rather than understand the problem, clr does not appropriately self-disclose, clr uses sterotypes, clr does not believe the clt can change behavior, not effective in crises
limitations Freud's theory prolonged training, lengthy period of therapy, importance of action is not realized, not measurable, does not take into account social, cultrual, and interpersonal variables, cannot be used in crisis counseling
limitations of Adler's theory inability to validate concepts, oversimplication of complex human functioning
limitations of behavior theory success depends upone the ability to control environmental factors, danger of imposing conforming behaviors, does not address philosophical problems, clr could direct towards own personal goals, past history may not be considered important
limitations of cbt reason for irrational beliefs is not explored, clt of low intelligence might not understand dialogue, clr could impose personal views, emotional issues are nto explored
limitations of Gestalt therapy little theoroetical underpinnings, ignores cognitive factors, clr can direct therapy, lack of research
limitations of reality theory consideration not give to feelings, unconscioius, and past, influence of culture and environment not taken into account, origins of behavior not considered, lack of research to establish effectiveness
love and belongingness #3
main goal of behavior theory eliminate negative learned behavior; goals should be specific, concrete, with specific problems,
Narrative Therapy Emphasizes the role of stories, authorship, and the importance of language.
Person-Centered Therapy Emphasizes genuineness, congruence, and unconditional positive regard.
Person-centered Therapy Theory that emphasizes unconditional positive regard.
Prior Written Consent Authorization for a recordkeeper to disclose personally identifiable information from a student's educational record.
Privacy Act of 1974 code of fair information practices that governs the personal info about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies
Psychoanalytic Freud, Erikson, Jung
psychoanalytic theory reconstruct the personality rather than solve immediate problems; focus on the past and analyze the aspects of the unconscious that are manifested in present behavior
Psychoanalytic theory Reconstruct the personality rather than solve immediate problems; focus on the past and analyze the aspects of the unconscious that are manifested in present behavior.
Psychoanalytic therapists Freud, Erikson, Jung
Psychoanalytic Therapy Focuses on unconscious drives and impulses.
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that emphasizes "transference and countertransference."
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that makes reference various stages (oral, anal, phallic and latency.)
Psychoanalytic Therapy Theory that proses three structures associated with personality: The ID, Ego and Superego.
Realistic In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type is described as objective, concrete, physically manipulative in how they deal with the environment. They prefer jobs in the agricultural, technical, engineering fields.
Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional The acronym RIASEC in Holland's model stands for these six personality types
reality theory assumes that we are in charge of our lives, we choose our forms of behavior, and that behavior is directe towards increasing self-esteem, increasing belonging and attaining power and freedom
reality theory attempts to explain why and how people behave from the point of view of the subjective internal perception of the ir world,
Reality Therapy Emphasizes five genetically encoded needs - survival, love and belonging, power, free and fun...focuses on choices.
role clt in behavior theory make the problem clear, verbalize the consequences , serves as a model for the clt formulate alternate outcomes
safety and shelter #2
self esteem #4
self-actualization #5
Social In Holland's theory, someone with this personality type uses skills to relate and interact with others to deal with environment; career preferences tend to be educational, therapeutic, and religious
stages of psychosexual development oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
super ego morals/perfection
techniques that can be used with behavior theory relaxation, reinforcement, modeling, assertive training, mutimodal therapy, self-management programs
The exception to prior written consent in viewing educational records protected by FERPA is? If a school official has a legitimate educational interest.
therapist's role in adlerian therapy a guide, responsibility is placed on the client a contract may be completed
Trait and factor This theory focuses on individuals developing things such as values, personalities, and aptitudes and then picking an environment that is congruent with them
What are "Educational REcords" under FERPA? Records directly related to the student and maintained by a party acting on behalf of the agency or institution and all representatives includign faculty, staff, and administrators who keep or maintain records.
What are "Records" protected by FERPA? Any information RECORDED in any way including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, tape, film.
What are the 6 exceptions to FERPAs Educational Records? Records of Sole Possession, Law enforcement, employment, medical, alumni, and peer-graded papers BEFORE they are recorded.
What is "Joint Guidance" ? The applicability of privacy of a student's health records maintained by educational institutions ARE considered "Educational Records" covered by FERPA Law.
What is "Personally Identifiable Information" under FERPA? Any records that contain identifiable information in which one can deduce the identity of one paticuar student (ex. name, address, SSN, etc.)
who developed 8 stages of life in his psychosocial theory Erikson
When cultures collide
Bushido "Way of the warrior." Code of behavior of Japanese samurai warriors, stressing bravery, loyalty, and honor.
Chivalry The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
Civil Service System The practice of hiring government workers on basis of open competatitve examinations and merit.
Crusades Any of the military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Muslims.
Cultural diffusion The expansion and adoption of a cultural element, from its place of origin to a wider range.
Dynasty A sequence of powerful leaders in the same family.
Feudalism A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land.
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Gupta dynasty. -number system based on ten
-decimal system
-first to use zero
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Muslim Empire. -Arabic numerals
--advanced in algebra & geometry
-invented astrolabe
-discovered blood path (Through the body??)
-concept of zero
Give examples to show that there was a Golden Age during the Tang Dynasty. -Block printing
-Movable type
-Gun powder
-Mechanical clock
Golden age A period during which a society attains prosperity and cultural achievements.
Gothic A style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries.
How did Byzantine culture influence Russian culture? -Architecture
-Eastern Orthodox Church
How did Muslim culture affect Spain? -Muslim merchants and sailors helped spread it
How did the Catholic Church unify Western Europe? Preserved learning, built schools advised kings, inspired art...
How did the Chinese influence Japanese culture? -form of writing, literature, and architecture
-civil service system
How did the Chinese influence Korean culture? -Block printing
-Civil service system
How did the Guptas influence the Arabs? Arabs used 1-9
Justinian Code A set of laws, written by the Byzantine emperor Justinian, that served the Byzantine empire for hundreds of years.
Knight A mounted warrior.
Land reform Breakup of large agricultural holdings for redistribution among peasants.
Manorialism Economic system during the Middle Ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land.
Medieval Another name for the Middle Ages.
Middle Ages Or Medieval period, lasted from the 5th-15th century.
Minaret A tower associated with a mosque from which the call to prayer is given.
Romanesque Style of church architecture using round arches, domes, thick walls, and small windows.
Samurai Class of warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a noble in return for land.
Serf A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.
Shogun A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name.
Vassal A lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord.
What factors led to the decline of the Byzantine Empire? Defeated by Ottoman Turks.
What factors led to the end of the Gupta empire? -emperors lost power
-regional lords gained increasing autonomy
-many were declaring their independence and refusing to pay taxes
-government was having trouble collecting enough tax money to fund its hugely complex bureaucracy
-Constant invaders (Huns)
What was the difference between Gothic and Romanesque architecture? Romanesque - thick walls, curved arches, small windows
Gothic - stained glass windows, pointed arches, many windows, flying buttresses (female butts)
What was the purpose of a castle? How can you tell the purpose of a castle from the way it was built? This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen on a review sheet.
What were the Byzantine achievements? -Preservation of Roman and Greek Culture
-Cultural Diffusion
What were the similarities between European and Japanese feudalism? What were the differences? Similarities:
-power in class structure
-rigid social structure
-power based on land
-warriors had a code of behavior
European-serfs, monarchy, church had political power
Japanese-not bound to land, shogun ruler, monks had no power
Where was Islam spread? How was Islam spread? Spain, North Africa, and Turkey. Spread through conquest and trade.
Where was the Byzantine empire located? Included North Africa, the southern Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia, Egypt and the Levant. The Empire's center was the city of Constantinople.
Which empires preserved Greek and Roman learning? Byzantines and Muslims
Who conquered the Muslims? Mongols.
Why was Constantinople's location important? Central location for trading.
Why were the Crusades important? Resulted in trade between Muslims & Western Europe
MULTICUltural Physiology
Multicultural Psychology the study of understanding the human condition through the examination of the similarities/differences among people in different cultures and learning to coexist with each other in a peaceful manner
Muller-Lyer Illusion (cultural differences) lines exactly the same length, line on the left looks longer than line on right because of differing angles of short lines going out at ends.
Our cultural experiences influence how much we experience this illusion
(1) cultures where there are many forms of shelter carpentered with right angles experience this illusion much more than those in cultures without shelter carpentered with right angles
culture influences our values, traditions, and behaviors but culture also influences something as fundamental as our visual perceptions!
Metaculture caused by basic biological limitations
Etics what all humans have in common
Evoked Culture how the physical environment limits biological capacities
Ex: we may have the biological capacity to have children, but the environment we live in limits us from having many children
Emics how & why culture makes us different
Transmitted Culture cultural practices having nothing (or no longer having anything) to do with survival & reproduction
Ex: fashion industry may promote large baggy clothing; even though we don't need this to survive our culture still participates because we don't want to feel left out
Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung) part of the mind deep in the unconscious that stores ideas and memories common to all humans throughout history
Archetypes (Carl Jung) form the basis of many ideas, thoughts, motivations, & emotional experiences that all humans have in common; recurring images/symbols that represent aspects of our collective unconscious
The Big Five (E, ES, OE, A, C) universal concepts in understanding the psychological characteristics of individuals
Evolutionary psychologists- this universally human characteristic of using these specific concepts to understand our social world is BIOLGOICAL in nature (inborn mechanism to help us adapt effectively to social world)
used to distinguish people to select friends, mates, or evaluate people who may be threatening towards us
tendencies may be genetically based
Social Groups/Social Hierarchies all civilizations- stone age type primitive culture
cultivating of wild plants, formation of villages, increase population
Art & Religion religions gave birth to priests/rulers- social powers from gods
pottery, wove plant fibers into wool into cloth, domesticating animals for food/transportation
formed metal into tools/ornaments
Writing record myths, significant events (wars, new births, accomplishments, deaths)
all cultures created hereditary classes for nobles, priests, warriors, craftsmen & peasants
Religious Figures/Power religious figures allied themselves with individuals in power; became rulers of their own living in luxurious temples (elaborate artwork/elaborate tombs)
formed coalitions with other powerful individuals to rule over masses & conquer new territory in search of wealth
Material Good as Symbols of Power artwork & jewelry
*this suggests that regardless of where we come from, we all share a common history
Elements of Non-Verbal Communication Elements of Non-Verbal Communication
Physical Contact form of greeting & gesture of intimacy in all cultures
more intimate the relationship = more touch
Eyes dilation of pupils is more commonly perceived as a positive response to others
closing our eyes- universal sign of disgust & rejection
Mouth sticking tongue out/spitting = contempt/rejection
exposing teeth/pulling down ends of mouth = sign of threat/contempt
licking of lips = sign for appetite, social or otherwise
Smile universal signal of joy, love & acceptance
Informational Level of Human Interaction exchange of information through direct meaning of the actual words spoken
Relational Level of Human Interaction defining the nature of the relationship (animals too)
part of communication that occurs "between the lines"
used to understand/figure out how much we trust one another
it's at this level that the giving/taking of energy occurs
Giving Energy attending to the desires/needs of other people
Receiving Energy when others are attending to our desires/needs
Taking Energy when we DEMAND other to attend to our desires/needs
Stealing Energy taking more than returning
Interpersonal Behavior Patterns Interpersonal Behavior Patterns
One-Upmanship making the other person feel inadequate by stating that we are better than the other person
Ex: HAMID boasts to Diego that his dad's truck has twice as much horsepower than Diego's dad's truck
High Maintenance/High Expectations being overly demanding of others
Ex: TEAGAN keeps telling her boyfriend what she wants him to do and not to do
Interrogation/Criticism making others seem inadequate by being critical
Ex: Even though she knows that her sister failed her Biology exam, KELSEY keeps asking her sister, "and how did you do on your Biology exam?"
Intimidation/Anger making others fear the self with intimidation and/or expressing anger
Ex: DAVID has a habit of losing his temper whenever others do not do what he wants them to.
Self-Pity/Guilt Trip making others feel sorry for the self or feel guilty for not being compassionate
Ex: TIMOTHY always manages to get his friends to do things for him by constantly reminding them that he has a serious medical condition.
Passive Aggression do things primarily to cause an emotional reaction in someone else
Ex: TARYN always leaves dirty dishes in the kitchen sink because she knows that her roommate is bothered by it.
Aloofness/Charisma making others interested in the self by holding out information
Ex: Although he rarely says anything, HENRIK always appears as if he has something on his mind.
Buttering Up (the Boss) make people do things that we do not want to do by telling them that they are better at it
Ex: SANDRA asks her friend Lauren to return her dress to the store for a refund because she is not good at doing things like that.
Yes, I know but.... ask for suggestions/advice & respond by rejecting the suggestion or advice
Ex: LARA keeps asking people what she should do with her problem but always has an explanation of why the suggestion won't work if anyone comes up with a suggestion.
Chainchatting speaks incessantly without listening to others
Avoidance avoid others who are likely to steal our energy; not for stealing energy, but protecting energy
Ex: MARKUS stays away from Parker because he always just talks about himself & never listens
Scripts cognitive representations of socially acceptable ways to behave in specific situations
Ex: you leave a generous tip for your excellent waiter/waitress; you do not shine their shoes.
Frames guideline connecting the range of things one should pay attention to in a specific situation
Ex: number coding exercise Toru did in class
Internal Conflict Model anxiety = result of differentiation
My desires vs. what is, has, or could happen
taking control to make desires come true OR letting go of my desires & accepting whatever happens
2 Ways to Reduce Anxiety make our desires win over what has, is, or could happen
letting go of our desires by accepting what has happened, what is happening, or what could happen
Correspondence between Internal/External Conflict Internal- our desires clash with the conflicts of others
External- others represent what has, is, or could happen
Positive/Negative Arousal feeling anxious- what has, is, or could happen is winning over desires
feeling excited- desires are winning over what has, is, or could happen
Pessimism comparing what has, is, or could happen to something better that they desire
Ex: "I wish I had more money"
Optimism think of their internal conflicts in a way that makes them feel like their desire is winning over what has, is, or could happen
Ex: Instead of wishing to be slimmer, they think "I'm glad I'm in good health"
Upward Counterfactuals help make improvements, make us feel negative
*how we become motivated to make improvements
Downward Counterfactuals help us feel excited, positive, and grateful
*Optimistic people are good at using both counterfactuals!
Ex: If they want to change for the better, then they'll think "how can things be better" U.C. and imagine how things will be after making progress D.C.
*think medalists example too
Incongruence (Carl Rogers) states that anxiety, discomfort, or unhappiness occurs when our self-concept does not match our experiences
Self-Concept & Experience my desires and experience corresponds to what has, is, or could happen
Congruence when our desires and experiences match each other
Process of Becoming Fully Functioning process of moving from a state of incongruence to a state of congruence; a never-ending process since we are never completely free of internal conflict
Forgiveness letting go of what we wanted someone to do OR not do (our desires)
letting go of our desires allows us to forgive
Five Stages of Death & Dying (Kubler-Ross) applies to any painful experience that requires letting go of our desires
Denial unable to accept situation (dying)
Anger blaming others & envy for others
Bargaining negotiating a way out of death
Depression prior to acceptance (often crying)
Reactive Depression happens early in the stage; we lose hope & begin feeling there is nothing we can do to avoid our destiny
Preparatory Depression happens later in the stage; depression is focused on the fact that we will no longer be with our loved ones
Acceptance calm, peaceful, & accepting of death
Bowlby's Theory of Mourning similar process when we lose someone important to us
Numbing state of shock; refuse to accept the experience; desensitize ourselves from our loss
Yearning/Searching becoming aware of our loss, but having trouble letting go
feel as though we hear/see the person
anger- blame/lash out at others for our loss
Disorganization/Despair reaching our limit; end up in a state of psychological chaos/disorder
experienced anguish forces us to recognize/adjust to new situation
Reorganization ability to move on with our lives; redefine ourselves/our social roles
Significance of Crying allows us to let go of our desires and resolve our internal conflicts
Psychological Strokes (Eric Berne) physical contact for infants
growing older= strokes replaced with attention/respect (symbolic representation of physical strokes we used to receive)
*lack of psychological strokes- leads to insecurities
Mary Ainsworth (Attachment Theory) the way a caretaker interacts with an infant influences the infant's emotional development
Secure Attachment infant is emotionally stable; responsive/attentive caretaker
Insecure Anxious Ambivalent/Anxious Resistant Attachment infant is very emotionally unstable & demands excessive attention (steals energy); caretaker responds mostly to negative behaviors & inconsistent in responses to infant
Insecure Anxious Avoidant Attachment infant is unresponsive/avoidant (even towards caretaker); unresponsive OR over controlling caretaker
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment infant is unresponsive/unpredictable; abusive caretaker; MOST insecure form of attachment
Hazan & Shaver- Attachment Styles & Romantic Relationships our attachment styles formed early in life influence our behavioral patterns in adulthood (especially with romantic partners)
Secure Attachment stable trusting relationships
Anxious Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment possessive & suspicious of partner; steals energy
Anxious Avoidant Attachment avoid partner & problems when anxious; avoid others to protect energy
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment extreme internal conflict paralyzes us; difficulty forming close & meaningful relationships with others because of their unpredictable behavior patterns
Margaret Mahler- Interactional Synchrony caretakers must interact in an attentive & caring manner with the infant; caretaker/infant feel an intimate sense of oneness with each other
Carl Rogers- Unconditional Positive Regard an environment where we feel that we are loved, accepted, & respected just for being ourselves regardless of who we are/how we feel
Karen Horney- Parental Indifference as the Basic Evil creates a feeling of anxiety & insecurity (and sometimes even hostility) that can become the cause of long-lasting emotional instability
Diana Baumrind- Parenting Styles/Effects on Children level of acceptance (caretaker gives - space) AND level of control/demand (caretaker takes - contact)
Authoritative Parenting respect child's thoughts/feelings, but also express their own desires/needs in respectful manner
warm/nurturant, but provides guidance
child feels secure/emotionally stable
Authoritarian Parenting overly controlling, demanding, dominating & restrictive; have little regard for child's thoughts/feelings
child becomes desperate to protect/replenish their energy; child steals energy from peers/siblings
Permissive/Indulgent Parenting caretaker suppress their own desires/needs & allows child to do whatever they want; accepts what child does, but gives little guidance (gives energy, but doesn't take much)
children feel alienated/have poor communication skills; steal energy to avoid alienation; may give up on communication, become avoidant
Neglectful/Uninvolved Parenting consistently neglect important needs/desires of the child; child receives little care/attention; end up feeling neglected/unworthy of love/respect
children steal energy or give up on communication all together/becomes avoidant
Self-Blame children blame themselves when caretakers steal energy; child becomes very insecure
Development of Low Self-Esteem when basic needs are not met & others steal lots of energy/feel depleted
develop insecurities
Alfred Adler- Inferiorities sense of powerlessness & inferiority; form basis of personality
make us do many of the same things that our insecurities make us do; both make us feel conflicted inside & both contribute to our experience of anxiety
Anna Freud- Mechanisms of Defense we all use denial, repression, rationalization, reaction formation, projection in order to reduce our anxiety levels
Carl Rogers- Process of Defense denial, distortion are ways to reduce our anxiety levels
require energy/leave us with less energy that can be used for other purposes
temporary fixes; reduce our ability to handle stress in other aspects of life (leaves us with internal conflict at subconscious level)
Reactions to Anxiety Reactions to Anxiety
Steal Energy steal energy from people less powerful than us (family members, friends, schoolmates, coworkers, neighbors, complete strangers)
Avoid Others when anxious and people are more socially powerful than us, they steal energy from us, so we tend to avoid them; we prevent them from stealing our energy
Personal Achievement anxiety caused by insecurities is a great motivator for achievement; it allows us to gain respect from others; allows us to assume positions of social power
Form/Join Groups form groups with people who have similar insecurities/desires; in return it makes us feel more secure
Letting Go allows us to accept what has, is, or could happen without resistance & resolve our internal conflict
Social Power in Relation to Energy more social power = the less other people can steal energy from us & the more we can steal energy from them
more insecure = more we crave for social power
Letting Go of Desires- Social, Moral & Emotional Development mature in life = overcome our insecurities by letting go of desires
development = more we see things as "us" rather than "me vs. you" or "us vs. them"
deeper unity we feel with a wide variety of people
Ocean Analogy- Giving Energy by pushing other people up or allowing others to push us down
Ocean Analogy- Receiving Energy by others pushing us up
Ocean Analogy- Taking Energy by pushing others down
Thick Shells makes air (energy)/water(absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow less freely; makes person heavier & sink deeper
short run- protects us from losing energy
long run- makes us lose energy
when feeling anxious & alienated
Thin Shells makes air(energy)/water (absence of energy) inside/outside the person flow through more freely; makes person lighter & rise to the surface
when feeling relaxed & easygoing
Interpersonal & Group Unity think "us" instead of "you vs. me"
do things consistent with both our desires = both feel energized (shared energy)
take or receive energy from others
Fritz Heider- Balance Theory two people like (or desire) the same thing = highly probable they will like each other OR people who like each other, but have no common desires = change their minds so they both end up liking the same things
people who initially do not like each other end up finding something in common (i.e. common enemy)
Social Identity Theory & Various Levels of Group Identity some groups much larger & include others whereas some partially overlap with other groups
more we share energy = importance of group
Henri Tajfel- Minimal Group Paradigm group identification (matching desires) is a natural human tendency; occurs even with the most insignificant factors
more important the group = in-group bias
Marilynn Brewer- Optimal Distinctiveness Theory we all have a tendency to identify with certain groups but also have a need to feel that our groups are unique and different form others
want to be the same as some people (matching desires) but also feel uniquely different from others
feel energized by unity with in-group members OR taking energy from out-group members
John Berry- Model of Ethnic Identity focuses on how members of ethnic minorities adjust to society as minority group members
Bicultural minority individuals identify with BOTH majority culture and their own minority culture
Assimilated we identify with the majority culture without much identification with own minority subculture
Separated minority individuals identify with their own minority subculture but do not identify with majority culture
Marginal we identify with neither majority culture OR our own minority subculture
Maki & Kitano's Model of Asian American Identity similar to Berry's model
Type A individuals identify with the larger American culture without much identification with Asian Culture
Type B Asian American identify with BOTH American culture & Asian Culture
Type C Asian Americans identify with their own culture more than American culture
Type D Asian Americans don't identify with neither their own culture OR American culture
Exchange Relationships giving & receiving energy equally
Communal Relationships form groups & share energy with others
Complete Transcendence & Boundaries in our Mind no internal conflict; no desires
completely focused; not worried about anything
identify with everyone & everything!
don't need energy from world around us because there is ALWAYS energy around us!
Completely Complete Transcendence realize there is no "me"
there is nothing to identify with; nothing to be in harmony with; nothing to interact with
accepting whatever is being experience & letting everything/everyone be the way they are
nothing matters! Everything just "is"
Nirvana is Samsara present existence is enlightenment itself; no need to do anything to get there
we do not have to be different than what we are
just plain "being"
sexual harassment
Anti-female animus Negative feelings about women and/or their ability to perform jobs or functions, usually manifested by negative language and actions.
Assault Intentionally putting the victim in fear or apprehension, or both, of immediate unpermitted bodily touching
Battery Intentional unpermitted bodily touching
Damages: Sexual Harassment Actions Up to $300,000 in compensatory and punitive and unlimited medical, and may request a jury trial.
EEOC's Policy Guidelines on Harassment Provides insight into how credibility determinations are to be made, including inherent plausibility, demeanor, motive to falsify, corroboration, and past record.
Ellerth/Farragher Defense An affirmative defense where the employer can show that it had a reasonable sexual harassment policy to prevent and address sexual harassment and that the harassed employee unreasonably failed to use it. This defense can only be used where there is no tangible employment action.
Ellison v. Brady A case in which the court adopted a reasonable woman standard for analyzing whether the harasser's behavior was severe and pervasive enough to create a hostile work environment.
Employer Liability: Co-Worker or 3rd Party Harassment The employer is liable if they knew or should have known of the acts of the harasser and took no immediate corrective action.
Employer Liability: No Tangible Employment Action Where there is no tangible act, such as termination but rather a supervisor causes severe and/or pervasive hostile environment result in harm to the harassed employee, the employer is not strictly liable.
Employer Liability: Tangible Employment Action An employer has strict liability for the tangible acts of its supervisor, whether authorized or forbidden, and whether the employer knew or should have known of their occurrence.
False imprisonment Intentionally preventing the harassee's exit from a confined space
Harris v. Forklift Systems The U.S. Supreme Court found that sexual harassment claims do not require findings of severe psychological harm to be actionable, as long as the environment would reasonably be perceived and is perceived as hostile or abusive.
Hostile environment sexual harassment Sexual harassment in which the harasser creates an abusive, offensive, or intimidating environment for the harassee.
Hostile Environment Tips 1) Can occur electronically
2) No sexual element required
3) Have a well-enforced workplace policy
Infliction of Emotional Distress An intentional outrageous act that goes outside the bounds of common decency, for which the law will provide a remedy
Interference with contractual relations Intentionally causing the harassee to be unable to perform their agreed upon employment contract
Love Contracts Typically for CEO's and top-level company officials, a preventative mechanism regarding sexual harassment claims, these affirm state that the relationship is voluntary, that the parties will use the company's sexual harassment policies if a problem arises, and confirm the existence of the policies.
Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v. Vinson The first sexual harassment case heard by the Supreme Court
Prima Facie Case: Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment 1) Unwelcome.
2) Based on gender
3) Sufficiently severe or pervasive to create an abusive working environment
4) Affects a term, condition, or privilege of employment
5) Employer had actual or constructive knowledge of the sexually hostile working environment and took no prompt or adequate remedial action.
Prima Facie Case: Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment 1) Workplace benefit promised, given to, or withheld from harasee by harasser
2) In exchange for sexual activity
Quid pro quo sexual harassment Sexual harassment in which the harasser request sexual activity from the harassee in exchange for workplace benefits.
Reasonable Person Standard Viewing the harassing activity from the perspective of a reasonable personal in society at large, generally the male point of view
Reasonable Victim Standard Viewing the harassing activity from the perspective of a reasonable pe B KIBJKrson experiencing the harassing activity, including gender-specific, sociological, cultural, and other factors.
Severe and/or Pervasive Activity Harassing activity that is more than an occasional act or is so serious that it is the basis for liability.
Sexual harassment Occurs when sexual advances or activity directed toward an employee is unwelcome and imposes terms or conditions different for one gender than another
Tort Actions: Sexual Harassment 1) Assault
2) Battery
3) False Imprisonment
4) Interference with contractual relations
5) Infliction of Emotional DistressB b
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles 1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management 1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations 1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship
influence and power
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles
1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management 1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations 1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship
Conflict a process in which one party perceives that its interest are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.
3 ways conflict can undermine job performance 1) stressful, consumes personal energy
2) discourages people from sharing resources and coordinating
3) reduces job satisfaction, higher turnover rate and lower customer service
Positive Aspects of conflict 1) better decision making - test logic or arguments and questions assumptions
2) more responsible to changing environment
3) stronger team cohesion (conflict between the team and outside opponents)
Current conflict perspective here are two types of conflict with opposing consequences:
1) task conflict - constructive conflict
2) relationship conflict - personality clashes
Task Conflict occurs when people focus heir discussion around the issue while showing respect for people with other points of view
Relationship Conflict focuses on interpersonal differences between or among adversaries.
3 strategies for minimizing the level of relationship conflict during task conflict 1) emotional intelligence and emotional stability
2) Cohesive team
3) supportive team norms
Structural sources of conflict 1) differentiation
2) interdependence
3) scarce resources
4) ambiguous rules
5) communication problems
6) incompatible goals
Incompatible goals the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another persons or departments goals
Differentiation differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences.
Interdependence 1) task interdependence - the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise, to perform their jobs (high conflict)
2) pooled interdependence - individuals operate independently except for their reliance on a common resource or authority (low risk of conflict)
3) reciprocal interdependence - high mutual dependence on each other, high probability of interfering with each others work and personal goals.
Scarce resources each person or unit requiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals.
Ambiguous rules uncertainty increases the risk that one party intends to interfere with the other party's goals - politics and "free for all" battles
Communication problems lack of opportunity, ability, or motivation to communicate effectively.
Conflict Handling Styles 1) Problem solving
2) forcing
3) compromising
4) yielding
5) avoiding
Problem Solving tries to find solution that beneficial for both parties
1) win-win: people using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties work together to find a creative solution
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the others expense
1) win-lose: believe that parties are drawing from a fixed pie, so the more on party receives, the less the other party will receive.
Avoiding tries to smooth over or evade conflict situations all together
1) minimize interactions with coworkers
2) steer clear of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict
Compromising involves looking for a position in which your losses are offset by equal valued gaines
Problem solving is appropriate when.. 1) interest are not perfectly opposing
2) parties have trues, openness, and time to share info
3) issues are complex
forcing is appropriate when... 1) you have deep conviction about your position
2) dispute requires a quick solution
3) other party would take advantage of a more cooperative strategy
avoiding in appropriate when.... 1) conflict has become too emotionally charged
2) cost of trying to resolve th conflict outweights the benefits
Yielding is appropriate when... 1) other party has more power
2) issue is much less important to you
3) value ad logic of your position isn't clear
Compromising is appropriate when... 1) parties have equal power
2) time pressure to resolve the conflict
3) parties lack trust/openness for problem solving
structural approaches to conflict management
1) emphasizing superordinate goals
2) reducing differentiation
3) improving communication and mutual understanding
4) reducing interdependence
5) increasing resources
6) clarifying rules and procedures
Emphasizing superordinate goals goals that the conflicting employees or departments value and whose attainment requires the joint resources and effort of those parties
Improving communication and mutual understanding give the conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate and understand each other
1) johari window model
2) meaningful interaction
Reducing interdependence 1) create buffers - any mechanism that loosens the coupling between two or more people or work unites
2) use integrators - employees who coordinate the activities of work units toward the completion of a common task
3) combine jobs - person assembling entire toaster instead of part
3rd party conflict resolution any attempt by a relatively neutral person to help the parties resolve their differences
1) arbitration - high control over final decisions but low control over the process
2) inquisition - control all discussion about the conflict, high process and decision control
3) mediation - high process control, manage the process. No decision control
Negotiation occurs whenever two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve their divergent goals by redefining the terms of their interdependence.
Bargaining zone model of negotiations
1) bargaining zone - a continuum in opposite directions that each party moves along with an area of potential overlap
2) Three main negotiating points - the initial offer (pie is the sky), the target point (realistic expectations), the resistance point (no further concessions)
4 skills of effectively claiming value in negotiations 1) prepare and set goals
2) know your BATNA
3) manage time
4) manage first offers and concessions
BATNA best alternative to a negotiation agreement
Strategies for creating value 1) gather information
2) discover priorities through offers and concessions
3) build the relationship